Killer Whales Ambush A Pod of 1,000 Dolphins

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okay this is going to be pretty crazy here there are about six to eight killer whales there right under here waiting to ambush these common dolphins coming our way so in a second you're going to see all of these common dolphins just take off like you've never seen before they're coming our way and they're getting right to about where the orcas were yeah they don't even know the workers are here yet oh there we go well they got one now they know her look at them all they just got oh man stampede that was insane all that was crazy silly are they are running right now from orcas there's about eight to ten workers out here oh man this is it see what an incredible encounter I just had too bad nobody else was out here they're chase color look at those orcas they're getting air over there Man Alive this is pretty epic encounter I just had oh oh there it is so there so these orcas right now are are basically attacking oh here it goes again so they're attacking some common dolphins right now here they are they probably got a common dolphin right over there unless they're still chasing it's possible Wow amazing pathless look at these things they're chasing it they're still chasing it I don't think they got it yet there's more over here so there Wow unbelievable encounter let's Richmond it me they are they're still chasing it you can see it all yeah they're they're totally chasing that little common dolphin jump ow Wow they're all over here yeah these in the killer wealth there's a big killer that's a male they've got a common dolphin here you saw in the earlier wow cool look at these killer whales here just kind of came out big male there well that's the carcass so yeah there we go I got the carcass right there I got Hanson yeah oh yeah that's a little common dolphin carcass look at that well that's incredible so yeah there's the carcass there's the whales know if they're gonna leave it but that's yeah that's what's left are the that's what's left in the dolphin these guys are right here you can see yeah we're still working it they're just eating that carcass right there carrying it along he's taking it down right in the water he's got the carcass in his mouth ha Wow that was crazy very cool oh it's quite an encounter this is the result of a Orca attack on a common dolphin that's it right there Derek take it a lot Oh a little too much
Channel: Sanctuary Cruises
Views: 2,066,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zjjm5Xb_9u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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