Killer Ant Swarm Butchers Lone Scorpion | Superswarm | BBC Earth

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the rains have arrived in the mountains of east africa one of the most organized swarms on earth has appeared above ground they are driver ants an insect with a fearsome reputation [Music] in the rainy season they form these extraordinary hunting trails large soldier ants line the trail protecting the smaller workers inside their massive jaws create an impregnable barricade the soldiers create these protective tunnels whenever they cross open ground [Music] the trails radiate from the nest in every direction some stretch 100 meters a worker running at full pelt takes 45 minutes to run its length the soldiers protect the trail at any cost although blind they are highly sensitive to vibrations and air currents and become instantly defensive when under attack stress pheromones put the whole task force on alert they are ready to take on anything including people they are programmed to keep the trail moving or die trying driver ants are the stuff of legend it is said that they kill everything that crosses their path it is said that no animal is safe when they're on the warpath it is even said that they will enter huts to attack people or kill babies left unattended in their courts the truth is somewhat different although the bites are painful against people they are purely defensive the jaws may slice through human flesh like butter but it's simply a warning despite the myths driver ants are still ruthless killers but in a way that often benefits the villagers dangerous pests like scorpions are quickly set upon by the ants even the scorpion's deadly sting is powerless against this invincible army both workers and soldiers join the attack dividing up their rules according to their size as some look for a in its leg armor others prise open its body plates like a tin opener with its sting immobilized and faced by such overwhelming odds the scorpion eventually gives up the fight the dismembered body is hauled back down the trail to feed the nest the farmers fields provide even more opportunities for the attack force pests disturbed by digging are soon dispatched by hundreds of razor sharp jaws the ants make a clean sweep capturing up to one hundred thousand insects in a single raid despite the ant's formidable reputation most farmers value their role as pest controllers their feelings [Music] you
Channel: BBC Earth
Views: 1,976,106
Rating: 4.8798938 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, bbc, bbcearth, bbc earth, killer ants eat animals, killer ants attack, killer ants vs scorpion, scorpion, scorpion attacking prey, ant swarm, driver ants, driver ant colony, animal swarms, insect swarms, animal fights, animal hunts, ant documentary, soldier ants, army ants
Id: OnooyOZRzkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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