The War in October: The Crossing (Part 1) | Featured Documentary
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Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 893,842
Rating: 4.4312849 out of 5
Keywords: israelis, jordan, Henry Kissinger, Anwar Sadat, arabs, sinai, suez canal, Valley of Tears, syria, Yom Kippur War, Israel, Ramadan War, Golda Meir, israel war, west bank, palestine, palestine conflict, al jazeera documentary, al jazeera israel documenatry, October, jazeera, The War in October, aljazeera, aljazeera english, al jazeera english, al jazeera, Featured Documentary, War in October, Arab-Israeli wars, Documentary, egypt, The Crossing, Crossing, valley of tears, yom kippur war
Id: U5Iu1QM2oeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I don't have the heart to watch it. I can't go through the rage again. There's a special place in hell for Sadat and Assad.
Before Sadat took over. Things would have gone dramatically different had Gen. Shazelli kept the command.
At 23:40,
الله يرحم كل العرب الذين حاربوا فى هذه الحرب, هم شهداء باذن الله , لقد حاربوا من اجل اوطانهم, و فعلوا كل ما فى وسعهم, و حققوا المستحيل, و استطاعوا ان يوجهوا ضربة قاصمة للعدو الصهيونى و ان لم تكن مميتة, ذكراهم لن يمحوها الزمن ابدا و تضحيتهم لن تذهب سدى, سنتبع خطاهم, و نستمر بالمقاومة حتى نقضى على العدو الاسرائيلى نهائيا و نمحوه من الارض الى الابد و سيرفرف العلم العربى من النهر حتى البحر و على المسجد الاقصى
C'mon don't leave me with all this adrenalin! PART 2 PLEASE!
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
Not available in the US. Screw the day Aljazeera America was released.
They said that Zvika Greengold got the Israeli Medal of Valor, but they didn't expand why
If anybody is interested