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in the next 24 hours my friends and i are about to face all of our biggest fears starting with jeremy's fear of bugs why did i sign up for this all right jeremy you ready why are you doing this we're facing our fears you guys ready whoa why am i here right now i didn't sign up for this how does it feel i feel terrible bring in the spider oh my god terrified loser gets the spider on their face three yeah here we go oh oh oh my god oh [Applause] what do you mean level easy it might seem impossible but it's gonna get crazier and crazier as we go it's gonna be a long day no a very common fear is the fear of hype that just happens to be my friend cam's biggest fear what are you trying to say see those roller coasters behind us no no no no no no no i'm not doing that yes you are not doing that it's definitely gonna cut the cam on the roller coaster facing his fears [Music] down since you passed out that doesn't even count should we do it again no no no no no no no i'm leaving bye level easy complete it's gonna get a lot harder than that though each one of my friends will be going to level easy hard and extreme with their fear that's right we skip double medium to get crazier faster pearson's biggest fear is clown so we're starting off level easy with clowns and vr i do not want to do that oh my god get through the game it's only five minutes it must be really realistic i've never heard pearson stream like this i don't know what i just did okay i don't want to do this i don't want to do this i don't want to do how do people do this in their free time just know that it's br it's not real the clowns aren't real okay it just went dark oh tv good job pearson level easy to complain my biggest fear is fish i know it sounds stupid but it's all because of the biggest fish out there sharks sharks may be terrified of every type of fish so cambodian followed me to do something that he knew i would hate take your blindfold off in three two one no no no no no no no what is this it's a fish pedicure you put your feet in it and the fish eat the dead skin off your feet i'm about to pass out i know it might look like i'm overreacting right now my biggest fear is fish and especially when there's like hundreds of them looking at me right now i got this weight for you and we're gonna handcuff your foot to this so you don't get out here we go this is so bad how many fish are in here about 500 500 that's only the first level yo this should be the last level oh it's about to get a lot worse and the fish are going to get a lot bigger what does that mean you'll see you'll it's like i'm smiling but it's just because it's really ticklish on my feet and they keep nibbling at my feet look at all the fish around my feet five four three two three no way my foot is still handcuffed all right all right i'm done oh my god that was the longest five minutes of my life so as we know cam's biggest fear is heights why am i blindfolded you blindfolded me for my fear so it's only fair this is not fair i'm scared take your blindfold off in three two scared one surprise welcome to level heart no no no no how did we go from a roller coaster to this i know it might not seem like it but it's going to get even crazier than this how can this get crazier oh it will trust me cam's going to be tired up in between these two giant cliffs i think i just pooped my pants right now so as you're walking across i'm going to be asking you simple questions about myself that's not good the thing is if you answer any of them wrong you have to fall off fall off if somehow you make it to the end or answer all the questions i'll give you a thousand dollars you may begin oh gosh oh my god you got this this is insane i'm so scared right now i'll try not to speaking of following let me tell you about today's video sponsor fall guys shut up i'm talking all guys can now be downloaded and play for free across xbox playstation nintendo switch and the epic game store are you doing this because i'm a guy and i'm about to fall maybe anyway so this launcher is a new season of fall guys new rounds costumes gameplay my favorite part cross platform plays there's optional in-game items to purchase that can be kept in your inventory with your account across all platforms and fall guys free for all i'm still up here jeez hold on i'm almost done the players that previously purchased and played fall guys before june 21st they'll be ordered a new legacy pack with a host of goodies including a veggie dog costume feisty dwarf costume in a season pass for season one down with fall guys free for all using the link below how many subscribers do i have on youtube oh that's easy 10 million let's go yeah and if you're not yet subscribed subscribe oh god why am i doing this right now what languages do i speak it's french english correct there's not more than two you're good really oh let's go whatever you do don't look down ah you look down i'm literally hundreds of feet off the ground right now as you know i have a merch company called stay wild i have it tattooed on my body somewhere where is it it's on your lip correct the am i doing right now i love seeing cam up here is so funny final question what is my birthday your birthday oh god is it bad that i don't know are you being serious december 11th no you have to fall now when's my birthday no bro three two one oh my god he's alive yeah well good job you completed level heart i'm gonna go now peace i hate you okay what's going on here built you a human-sized aquarium no why what's the problem well i mean there is no problem as long as i'm the only thing going in there uh yeah i'm not so sure about that you're gonna hop in the human size aquarium and as it's filling up with water i'm gonna throw some fish in there wait what do i really have to do this yes you made me tire up off a cliff you're gonna do this i'll be back i'm gonna grab some fish that are a lot bigger than last time no those you do here comes your favorite animal we're just getting started as well as this filling up with fish it's also filling up with water if it gets high enough i won't be able to breathe here comes another fish i'll do it what kind of fish are these well they're only flesh eating piranhas what yeah no kidding i'm just kidding started like this now they're like this and they're gonna get a lot bigger in level extreme i don't wanna know what that means at all here goes another fish there are three massive fish in here i don't know if you can tell but i'm actually shaking oh here comes one [Music] if you catch one of the fish with your hands i'll let you out with my hand i am literally i'm about to go i dirt and i won't be able to breathe [Music] i got the fish i caught the fish oh my god i dropped it does that kill that couch oh my god i still have a fear of fish honestly it might have gotten worse did i mention the next fish could possibly eat you what do you mean by that i'm not going to give any secrets away oh no it is time for level hard wait what about level medium oh we skipped that let's do it i have a lovely bug helmet oh my here we go oh i already hate this so much i'm terrified uh yes some lovely mealworms approximately 200 of them here we go jeremy if you can stay in here for 60 more seconds i'll give you a thousand dollars i don't know you got this oh look at all the bugs in there i went out 10 more seconds bro 109. jeremy i hate to break it to you but you literally had two more seconds and you took it off bro get out of here two seconds just give me the money all right i'll think about it here's the sphere of clowns just reached level hard so i've set up some surprises for her in the warehouse that she has no idea about but this one's really good trust me okay i trust you blindfold off there's a museum oh no the mona wazinski literally you i know pearson i'm sorry i scared you me my friends absolutely not i'm done with these games they're mannequins here's some look that's not a clown trying to get you over your fear they're not actual clowns look you're not pulling a prank on me right now they're literally mannequins this one's a mannequin too what is wrong with you i have a good surprise for you i have a good surprise for you this one's actually good your very own snack bar nothing's going to happen what are you freaking out about pearson obviously i brought you here to help you face your fear of clowns but a challenge was actually going on the entire time if you were to scream more than three times you would have lost well you didn't so you get 100 bucks wait really you know what i'm gonna do with that hundred bucks i'm gonna go to therapy no that doesn't count the challenge is over that was for screams level heart is done happy running but uh we still got level extreme we're gonna have to come back all right cam we've been through a lot today you passed out on a roller coaster we fell off a tie rope 200 feet over a cliff now it's time for level xtreme you know where we are uh i think so we're skydiving huh yep ah no i brought up to the airport all the way in hawaii you can guess that we're skydiving oh god i'm gonna throw up right now cam you're only going up in a plane twenty thousand feet in the air then jumping out twenty thousand feet in the air oh god i mean if you wanna face your fear of heights and we're going level extreme you have to skydive i'm gonna miss you guys this is gonna be terrifying see you on the ground hopefully hopefully oh wait so what's that supposed to be i do not want to be him right now he is literally about to jump out of a freaking plane this guy was scared to go on a roller coaster earlier today yo cam is probably crapping his pants right now [Music] he's right there he's about to make it [Music] let's go oh my gosh the ground oh my god craziest thing i've ever done in my entire life now the time we've all been waiting for level extreme of my fear of fish as you might have heard cam say earlier the next fish could possibly eat you i was pretty certain what was about to happen next so we hopped on a boat and started our journey too shark infested waters as you can tell i wasn't being my normal self i was truly terrified i've never seen ben this scared in my life my heart was pounding because i started seeing tons of sharks swimming up to the boat why did i pick this video idea i made a promise if you guys want to hit 10 million subscribers i would swim with sharks we did it so here i am suiting up to jump in thank you to everyone who is subscribed this one's for you guys wish me luck let's go i'm all extreme complete i've finally faced my biggest fear islam with sharks yes how do you feel about being on the last level honestly i've gone through a lot today so i don't think anything can scare me anymore how about getting trapped inside this coffin with all your favorite bugs crawling all over you hey what you didn't tell me that hey now he's taking it back okay how about that when you go in the coffin every single bug we put on you you win a hundred dollars if we put a hundred bucks in there you could win ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars hey all right he's down goes the win all right jeremy is officially trapped in the coffin bro get me out of here let's bring in the bugs hey whoa you're not putting a scorpion in here with me hey here we go oh my god don't go my leg don't blow my leg oh my god bug number two another scorpion there is way too many bugs in here right now number three wow i am so uncomfortable right now there's a spider on my neck there's two scorpions on me how are you not freaking out right now i'm trying to say cops i don't freaking bite me for hundred dollars wanna keep going i don't know how much longer i can stay in here but bring it on all right we'll step it up again one more level now there's freaking tarantula oh my god how about a pass out why'd you have to put on my face level extreme what are we talking about here guys the spider is on my flippin face right now i'm trapped in a coffin with the scariest bugs in the world i'm never being in one of ben's videos ever again four more hundred bucks what are those cockroaches giant ones heck no 400 it's not worth it cockroaches are so gross jeremy like i promise 400 for the four insane bugs he put on you i'm so glad that's overwhelming all right pearson it's currently 3 a.m and it's time for you to face level extreme of your fear of clowns why do we have to do this at three in the morning it's level extreme for a reason you're gonna have to escape by a killer clown chasing you all the way to the door to the safe room but the thing is the clown can only walk but you can run i can run but there's a twist every 100 feet you have to complete a mystery challenge before you can keep running if at any point the clown catches you you die okay no i'm kidding you don't die but if the clown does catch you you will face a terrible punch what but don't let them catch you this is the ultimate fear getting chased by a clown at three in the morning where there's nobody here to help me have fun oh thanks so much ben i'm terrified this freaking clown is right behind me i'm not gonna let you catch me okay it says make a basketball shot i can do that oh he's getting closer hurry up okay actually terrifying i cannot do this i cannot do this he's coming really fast okay land a bottle flip oh my god stop okay oh my god he's really gaining on us we gotta really run yeah this clown's really cool this is actually truly terrifying they subscribed to ben 10 times subscribe to my subscribe to my subscribers subscribe subscribe subscribe to that subscribe subscribe to go he's subscribe on us why is his clown so fast hold brent and tell him brent you smell bran oh my god that was the closest i think we could have ever gotten dude am i dying use this key to unlock the door to safety where's the key where's the stupid case where's the stupid key okay i got it i dropped it i dropped it i dropped it now i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine go go go i cannot do this right now i have a long life to live i want to have kids i want to get married oh my gosh [Music] how does it feel to have completed level extreme i almost died wait someone's knocking let's let him in no don't let him don't let him in downward fall guys free for all using the link down below [Music]
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 35,832,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, Airrack, mrbeast, preston, unspeakable, Mathew beem, Ryan trahan, facing 100 fears in 24 hours, facing fears, 100, fears, fear factor, airrack fears, fear, 24 hours
Id: -EXfywa8ng4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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