- This is so satisfying. - [Forrest] Right? Just like a real poop. - I'm not so sure about that. - You should eat more fiber, kid. (producer laughing) (upbeat music) - Hello. - [Producer] Do you ever
eat pancakes for breakfast? - Pancakes? - [Producer] Pancakes. - Yes. - [Producer] Today, we
brought a very well renowned pancake chef. - Pancake chef? - [Producer] Yeah. - Sounds yummy! - Do not touch this, this is wildly hot. - Well hello, my name is Jules. - My name is Forrest, - Hello Forrest. - World-renowned pancake chef. - It kinda looks a tiny bit different on the one my dad makes. He makes blueberry pancakes. and they're always round, but this one is actually a
pretty cool shape for a pancake. - I think they look pretty basic. - Are you ready to flip it? - I guess. Three, two, one, go. - [Forrest] Boo. Boom. - What? - It's Pusheen the cat. - Aw! I think that's a unicorn-whale. (producer laughs) A narwhal? - Ba-ding! We are doing pancake art today. - Yay - Wanna eat some Pusheen? - Time to die, Pusheen. (producer laughing) - [Producer] Here's some syrup. - Syrup on venom, delicious. - Back into an ocean of syrup. Just finish her off. Pretty good? - It's like, fluffy. - What do you wanna draw today? - Whatever I want? - Whatever you want, anything. Anything that's in this mind of yours can come to this non-stick canvas. - Oh, let's make that. - You wanna make that rainbow heart? - The poop emoji. - I think the unicorn's
actually pretty cute. - Alright, we're doing a unicorn. - What colors do you have? - What colors can you imagine? - Red, white, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, brown, black. - Bada-boom, we got 'em. Do you want any of these colors? - [Producer] A what? - Oh, no not those colors! - Yeah, these are a little too Seattle. Where should we start with this unicorn? - Maybe like outlines? - Perfect! - Let's start with the top. - Okay, you haven't done this before? You are a natural. - Thank you. - How do you like the circle I made? - Gorg. That is the helmet, the
unicorn's helmet, right? - No, it's its head. - Okay, ready? Go, go, go, go, go. It's kind of a lot to squeeze. - Mm hmm, yeah, just like the real thing. (producer laughs) - Maybe instead of like this big line, another, like, exact same, maybe purple? - [Forrest] Purple, coming up. Can you pass the blue please? - Yup, can you pass me the pink? - So, here's the thing. We have a pinkish red. We can try to like, mix up some of the white and the red, or we could, do you want
some like, straight up pink? - I don't want red, I
just want pink, okay? - Oh, this is pink to you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay? - Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, it's cool. Can you pass some blue please? Thank you Mackenzie. - I can help. - Thank you. Are you gonna be an
artist when you grow up? - Actually, I can't decide
'cause I love engineering. And, if I do, I will have
trouble deciding which one. - One thing that you might
not know about pancake art, is you might've noticed
that with that Pusheen, was surrounded in a
layer of pancake batter, because you think that's gonna hold? You think that's gonna hold? - Nope. - Might fall apart, so we can just put a little
batter around this stuff. Goodnight, little unicorn,
what's this unicorn's, maybe, we're gonna start with warm and we're gonna crank it 300 degrees. Look for some little bubbles. - Why do we need to look for bubbles? - 'Cause the bubbles mean
that it's starting to cook. Should be easy. - That poop does not look good. (producer laughs) - It's starting to bubble a bit. Yup, it's ready to flip, I think. - [Forrest] It's ready to flip? Three, two, one, flip! (producer gasps) - [Jules] Oh, no! - [Forrest] Go. Oh, snap. (producer laughs) - [Producer] It's beautiful. - [Forrest] Flip! (producer gasps) Nailed it! Up top, Mackenzie. - Time to drown, sorry. That's actually pretty cool. - Did you know that
unicorns cry in maple syrup? - 'Kay, ready, set, go. - Mm. - It's amazing, for a poop. - Would you like to try some of mine? - I think I'm all set. - It's really crispy. - I still have some more anyhow - You should try it
- Mine is very crispy. - Try it.
- I'll take it home. (producer laughs) I'm gonna take it to go. - Thank you, Forrest. - Thank you, Crystal,
it has been an honor. Thank you for watching.
Thank you for watching. - Bye. - [Producer] Bye. - Bye bye. (upbeat music)