Kids Time (329) - The Boy of Shunem

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[Music] kiss hi boys and girls have you ever noticed how happy you are when someone is kind to you even in the smallest way maybe someone held the door open for you and smiled when you entered a store or perhaps you're feeling sad and someone notices and they ask what's wrong and you can tell they really do care and want to know or perhaps a teacher lets you make up a few extra points on an assignment so you can get a better grade in your class it's really not that hard to make someone happy showing a little kindness here and there usually comes back to you eventually sometimes in small ways and other times in big ways that's what happened in our Bible story today a woman showed a prophet of God a bit of kindness and God poured out the most wonderful blessing on her I'll tell you more about it in just a few minutes but first it's time for nature time oh hey everyone it's me rich Aguilera I'm so glad to see you as usual I'm here taking pictures of some of the amazing places that God has made it's everywhere I'm extra excited that you're with me here today because I am in an amazing place you know how I like nature well this place is a place that's been specially made so that you can appreciate the nature that God has made this is summer camp where is it summer camp do you know about summer camps they're places that are all over North America where you can come and learn about God enjoy nature make lots of friends and have fun today I am at a camp in Michigan called camp possible it's great here hey you know what I've got an idea why don't we go around and I can take some pictures of the campers so you can see how great it is here come on one of the first places I want you to see is one of my favorite activities it's high adventure come on check it out you can challenge yourself at the rock wall or you can swing from a tree you can even go ziplining through the treetops hey we're here at the waterfront let's go there's lots to do at the waterfront you can play in the water or you can try riding one of these you can try snorkeling or the blob want to learn how to wakeboard and don't worry they'll teach you hey there's even a go-kart track here hey let's challenge one of the campers to a race come on [Music] hey that camper past me I've gotta catch up [Music] I can't believe I got beat by a camper good race but guy I was racing pastor Ken thanks pastor ken hey we had a lot of fun didn't we rich that was awesome all right mud guy hey kids this is pastor Ken he's the Michigan conference youth director and he's miss Brenda's brother hey let's take a selfie for the kids let's do it hey kids there's a whole bunch of other stuff to do here at camp right pastor Ken yes there is come on guys god is good [Music] there is so much to do at camp he'll never be bored and you will make some awesome friends and meet lots of new people you'll do some silly stuff build some pretty cool things and the counselors and leaders they're the greatest they're there to make sure your time at camp is awesome and that you get to know God better while you are there Campo Saba is just one of many different camps for you to enjoy and each one is a little bit different with a lot of cool things to do most importantly each one of these camps has the goal of helping their visitors build a better relationship with the one who created them God if you would like to see a list of camps here in North America visit the website adventist camps dot org well I've had a ton of fun visiting campus Tsavo with you here today remember all of these camps are here for you to enjoy oh yeah if you want to see some of the pictures that we've been taking here today you can go to our website at kids time for Jesus dot org and click on nature time remember God is the Creator [Applause] [Music] welcome to learning time I'm glad you're here today because we are in a very special place and I've got a bunch of campers with me and where are we we're at a skoshe Wisconsin we're at the Pathfinder international camporee are you having fun yeah I thought so and today we're gonna do a science experiment you can do at home and this is really cool but before we get into it I'm going to find out who our helpers are so let's find out their names and where are you from let's start with you my name is Xavier and I'm from Fort Wayne Indiana Wow thanks for coming today and what is your name and where are you from my name is Kailyn and I'm from San Jose California and thanks for being here and what is your name and where are you from my name is Alina and I'm from California Wow so we're all over for from everywhere are we from all over the world well this is an interesting experiment and it takes some safety glasses let's put your safety glasses on now what you might want to do is you might want to get a little roll like this this is a paper roll that we have a lot and we don't want to throw it away we want to do it with it so what we're gonna do we're gonna take the little paper tube and today we're going to be using some tissue paper this is very very very fine tissue paper I'm gonna put it on the end of the tube you can do this now and then we're going to take a rubber band can you help me do that we're gonna put a rubber band around twice and make it kind of tight and then we're going to find out if tissue paper is strong or weak is tissue paper strong it's pretty what weight okay hang on to that for me right like this and take this little rod right here okay and see if you can hold it up so we can see it and see if you can force the rod it's just a wooden dowel rod all the way through that tissue paper can you did she do it all the way through so tissue paper is so weak right okay let's see what we can do let's bear in has to do with some particles so what we're going to do we have these little tubes here and I'm going to pour some of this in yours now what we're using is salt today now if you don't have salt you can use some sugar and that always makes it a lot sweeter right yeah some salt in there and we have some dowel rods and so we're gonna be using some dowel rods here today so we're gonna blow well pour that in here like that here's your dowel rod right here and here's yours as well and I've got one for you now what I'd like oh yes you can pour that in there I almost forgot to do that how cool is that that's right we're gonna add a little more salt in there now we have the safety glasses on because we don't want to get salt in our eyes do we good idea okay so what I want you to do I'm going to show you we're gonna pick your a little tube up and take your little dowel stick and push down inside right into that salt okay and we're gonna find out if the tissue paper is really strong or if it's weaker what happens when you try to force that stick down there so let's try yours first pick yours up with your other hand and push it down and she's going to push really really hard whoa and I went all the way through now that's since why don't you try yours here we go take it up here and push it on down push it on down push it on down and he's struggling leave sinking and he's a very strong young man okay I'll stop right there fourth that's interesting now why did hers go through and here's not what do you think yourself right not enough salt in there because he had a bunch of salt that's interesting okay let's try yours let's see how strong you are and she's pushing down pushing down and pushing down and don't strain too much whoa look at that and didn't work she's got a lot of salt as well now you and I might think that if you push straight down all that salt has a lot of weight right and all the salt is pushing down but it doesn't when you push pressure on that stick and the stick is going down it puts pressure on every every grain of salt and that pushes all the pressure to the side to the side that's where the pressure is going not straight down is that cool or wet and that's interesting you know that reminds me sometimes sometimes you and I feel a lot of pressure don't we on ourselves sometimes we get all uptight because things are just kind of going this way and whatever we're not too happy but you know what that pressure could hurt us couldn't it just like tissue paper could break right through but you know what God takes that pressure and he puts it and he spreads that out so you and I can handle the pressure don't you want to handle your pressures of life yeah God can do that for us I think that is so cool I want you to try this at home because you can do this and it's a neat experiment now and every time we learn more about science we're learning more about our God that's right [Music] I've been waiting for you for worship what what happened when he been we were just looking at the horses yeah well we went around the place and we saw them right there in front of us yeah mr. mr. Fong horses yeah wonderful what happened but but then he started yelling at us for no reason what did mr. Fong he loves kids he's the kindest man I know what what happened well we weren't trying to do anything wrong we promised we were just looking at the horses just a second boys I've been waiting for coaches hello this is Miss Brenda mr. Fong oh yes the boys are here was there any problem is mr. Fong oh really oh they're gonna be so excited oh I'm sure they'd love it oh that's very sweet of you yes yes I'll tell them I'm just getting ready to have worship with them though so could we they come over at about 10 minutes that sounds good by the way did you get those brownies I left for you yesterday yes my homemade recipe oh you're welcome I just wanted to thank you so much for all your support of our kids Network yes thank you so much god bless you too uh-huh send him over when we're done yes uh-huh bye-bye now boys that was mr. Fong and guess what he wasn't yelling at you at all you boys didn't do anything right he wasn't yelling it you know what he was doing was trying to call you over because his horse just had a cold last night a baby cold can you imagine have you guys seen that paper Cole no he thought you would like to see it and so that's why he was calling you isn't that awesome yeah I told him right after worshiping you guys can come over all right okay well our story today it kind of ties in with this actually boys isn't God good how he does that I love how he does that because our story today is about Leisha I love you I sure with one which story well it's the story of the shunammite woman remember yeah long ago there was a man named Elijah now Elijah was a good man he loved the Lord and spent most of his days sharing that love with others during his many journeys he would often pass through noms and in Juna there lived a woman who had a great deal of respect for Elijah and his work whenever he was there she would insist that he stayed with her and her husband to get some well needed rest and a meal seeing that Elijah was a man of God they decided to build an extra room for him so that whenever he found himself and shoot him he would have a bed to sleep in a table and a stool to sit at and food to eat over the years Elijah often found himself a guest in their home to repay their kindness Elijah had asked what he could do for them although they asked for nothing Elijah told them they would be blessed with something they did not have a son proving God to be faithful the very next year the woman and her husband had a baby boy years passed and the child grew strong when he was old enough he helped his father in the field until one day the boy grew weary from the heat of the Sun buzzer I don't feel well beside my son servant come quickly take him to his mother [Music] when brought before it's leather she had the servant bring him into the house where she held him as he stepped on her knees not long after the little boy died in his mother's arms [Music] in her distress she placed her son on Elijah's bed and went out to search for the Prophet she knew she needed his help when Elijah saw her in the distance he sent his servant to meet her look there's my good friend from Sunnah they are such gracious hosts aJE's I go to her and bring her to me at once thank you thank you [Music] Heys I leave the woman alone can't you see that she's deeply troubled the Lord hasn't spoke to me about a yet but please tell me what's wrong is it your family gaze I go quickly and put my staff on the boys face where we problems thank you come all the way here to go back without you [Music] and so dehaze I anxious to carry out his master's instructions reach the house first he did exactly as Elijah instructed but his efforts had no effect on the boy great prophet the boy he did not awaken it's okay I won't pray over him let's go [Music] Heavenly Father here your humble servant breathe life back into this boy [Music] so what happened was this young well the Bible says that Elijah put his face to the boy's face his eye to the boy's eye and his hands upon the boys hands until he became warm heal I should do this one more time and Ben [Music] [Music] to haze I bring in the boys mother woman take your son for a second time the faith of a woman had been rewarded through Elijah God the giver of all life had restored her son you see points Elijah was known as a healer and a teacher and he's been his whole life spreading God's Word and he inspired others to do the same God wants us to spread the word - right that's right geo well who knows maybe someday I grow up to be a preacher Connor you would be a wonderful preacher but God doesn't expect us all to be preachers to witness for him does he we can witness to him right now God wants all of us to be a witness for him in fact why don't we have prayer and ask Jesus to come into our hearts and lives and give us many opportunities to share him and then after prayer you boys can come on over to mr. Foggs and see the new baby call yeah who would like to pray I will okay do you have our prayer dear Jesus thank you for the wonderful day and thank you for everything you give us and thank you that mr. Fogg didn't get mad at us and that we gotta go see the baby horse and help us be good witnesses for you we love you dear Jesus amen [Music] Oh Lord my girl some wonder currency [Music] I see the [Music] things under you display then sings my song I forgot to oh great oh great [Music] since my son I forgot to [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] hi boys and girls it's time for Miss Brenda's and today's book boys and girls is our none other than our Pathfinder pin book I want to share with you today because today's program is all about our Pathfinder camporee in Oshkosh Wisconsin and I have with us I Pathfinder that was at Oshkosh Sheila well welcome to the program hi miss Brenda well Shayla I'm so glad you're here let's show the boys and girls what's in our book of the day because I treated lots of pens with a lot of pathfinders because pen trading is huge at pathfinders isn't it so why don't you help me hold this book right here and I want you to see some of the pins that miss Brenda traded at camp read okay let's see I've got the whole set of Michigan there and thanks to my brother pastor Ken Mitchell who is the youth director there in Michigan and like we have more conference pins whole sets and then look at these you remember these spinners and so many spinners that they go they because they spin around those are cool mm-hm and then look at this one can you see this now that looks like a flat one but it's not look how it opens up that's really cool isn't it I love that one and oh I had so much fun trading pins with all the kids here's some from the all the different states look at all California had so quite a few really cool pins and then we have Nevada and this is the one I gave you yes you traded me that one didn't you and we had so much fun with that then that's like oh here's Texas Texas had a lot of really cool pins they have ones every every camporee I love the ones from Texas and and then we have some good ones from Tennessee and look at Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan and Ohio and look at this one right down here that's not wonderful I like that one yeah in more states over here so just flip through these real carefully we got some from Canada up there and also some look at all these international ones and we just have more and more more there's just not enough time to show them all we sure had a lot of fun at Camp retreating pins didn't we in fact I should explain - boys and girls have never been to pathfinders or Pathfinder camporee every cut by Pathfinder Club wherever you are has their own pen designed and when they come to camp rear which is only once every five years they get to trade that pen with someone else and they all try to trade their different pens and they have sets that they try to get and and there's always the most popular pens that everyone really wants and so everybody's got pens on them in their trading so miss Brenda didn't hear fair share of trading right here and I want to thank all those pathfinders that traded with me I also want to thank our three avian graphic designer Christine I bough her for creating this book so that we can display them so I want to thank you for that and Shayla I want to ask you what was someone of your highlight set at Pathfinder can't breathe every night they showed Daniel in the lion's den and it made it come alive yes and in evening there was a program that they had every night that they did a play and today and this year's theme was forever faithful and the story was about Daniel in the lion's den and his faith that he had that God would protect him and that lion said I mean what an example of the faith God wants us to have so I loved that theme forever faithful and I know that the kids to you like you say it makes that story come to come to life and Betty Whitehead is in charge of that play of a year and she did an incredible job so I and I know it's a time and tremendous amount of work tell me what else you did something special with some of your pathfinders when you were walking around and in fact you called it our ap what does that stand for it stands for random acts of prayer and tell me what that what you did for random acts of Prayer we went around and prayed with some people and took pictures and sent them to them so they could see it okay so but you but the idea was to pray with people and did you ever ask them what they needed prayer for which what they would like you to pray about yes sometimes mm-hmm because it's important that we find out what is it that we want to pray about and whenever someone says will you pray for me I say boys knows what would you like me to pray for because I want to pray specifically to prayer is a powerful powerful tool that God gives us to communicate directly with him and there's a lot of power in prayer in fact the privilege of prayer is always ours the power of prayer is always God's well I'd really want to encourage boys and girls everywhere to come to Pathfinder camporee join your Pathfinder Club and get a part of it it's an amazing organization and it's so fun and you get to meet lots of really cool kids and do a lot of cool stuff I think it's I look at your seventh-day Adventist church and and join your Pathfinder Club today won't you thank you Shailja for joining us today I really appreciate you coming all the way here to kids time to tell us about camporee and boys and girls remember wherever you go it's kids time to share Jesus [Music]
Channel: Miss Brenda
Views: 11,882
Rating: 4.7692308 out of 5
Keywords: Brenda Walsh, Miss Brenda, Kids Time, Kids Time Praise, Learning Time, Nature Time, Worship music, bible stories, Jesus, Ben Roy
Id: 7Xs6DkPj_7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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