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[Music] today we're in arizona and we're looking for penguins and sloths and sharks yeah guys there are no penguin sloths or sharks we are in arizona actually yes there are here at odyssey aquarium we have over 2 million gallons of water over 30 000 animals from 500 different species including sharks okay see you in a minute [Music] hello everyone it's me river we're here in scottsdale arizona to visit the odyssey aquarium our visit starts with a photo all right first one big smile um that's not the shark you swim with right okay what are we going to see first i would love for you to see our bathroom um did she say bathroom all right go in you definitely gotta use it this is really weird oh look at that it's a massive aquarium with what giant man eating sharks [Music] sharks and big fish cinnamon rivers what i had to go that was a pretty cool start to our visit hey me what's next okay let's go meet some sloths and penguins and stuff now we're headed up to the rivers of the world exhibit what a great name there are so many cool animals here these big guys are sturgeon we even got to touch them that's a piranha i won't be touching that cool a zingo river an aeropine muff giant catfish and archer fish they've also got a giant alligator named mighty mike he's 14 feet and 800 pounds um he also eats kids for breakfast whoa be careful archer oh yeah he's behind glass we won't be touching mighty mike but we did get to meet this guy his name is bug he's just little and safer to hold he is about two years old he's not too wet ah he's nice and dry touch right here on the side of bug that bumpy part is called an osteoderm they're bony plates on his back we can't stay with bug forever there's so much stuff to do i think we're going in there later this is where the sea trek adventure happens but i think i need to work up to it first [Music] hey guys it's me wilder we're heading into the revolving theater it's a series of four massive aquariums whoa i think he likes you river the theater rotates taking you through different underwater landscapes it's pretty cool come look at the river otters no not everything is named after river these adorable guys are hey bud yeah have you subscribed to the river and wilder show yep okay great i love their videos yeah okay it's time to get our hands wrapped enemies [Music] this touch pool is full of stingrays oh that's actually a guitar fish look at this it felt a little bit like bumpy archer oh a natural cow no stingray okay i think it's time to feed river to the sharks these are sea track helmets they let you breathe underwater sorry dad you have to go remember i'm not doing it no yep you're going so you're going into this giant aquarium wearing these helmets getting their ears through these hoses uh i'm pretty sure that's the shirt we're gonna set you guys up with some gear over here i have wet suit and crops out for you okay let's do this [Music] let's get closer to the helmet okay maybe turn down the music so i can listen i don't want to get eaten by a truck first off my name is kaylee i'm going to be your guy i'll make sure you have a super awesome time underwater uh we're also going to have harry in the water she's on scuba gear uh she's going to make sure we are nice and safe underwater there's actually sharks in there i didn't know that international symbol for sharks that's what it is so when i see the shark you go in front no okay time to get in kaylee goes first [Music] then dad and me okay dad's breathing that's a good sign and it's my turn [Music] this is amazing i'm literally inside a giant aquarium there's so many fish down here this is crazy even my dad can't believe it wow that's a huge maori raspy [Music] everything was beautiful and majestic and then we got mobbed by stingrays they get up close and personal that's because you get to feed them right from your hands yep it was crazy all right [Music] it doesn't hurt it just feels weird whoa check out that thing over there oh cool it's a honeycomb more i eel there's so many different creatures down here there's even wait is that mom [Music] let's say hello hi mom this is amazing dad may be losing his mind see you soon and back to the adventure wow the fish down here really like dad [Music] okay so we haven't seen any sharks yet i think they were just joking about that anyways and that's when i saw it hey dad it's over there oh my gosh it's an actual shark it must be like six feet long whoa stand back give it some space hey wait a second it's actually a harmless zebra shark and it's amazing dad likes it i think super sharks eat mullis crustaceans and small bony fish and are considered harmless to humans this has been hey what's that penguin doing here hey what happened to the penguins and the sloth um i couldn't fit it all in people are going to want their money back but it's free to watch our show enough excuses when is the penguin episode going to come out okay i'm working as fast as i can just uh tell people to subscribe and they won't miss it you heard the man subscribe now so you don't miss a chance to hang out with us on and i can't believe it either a chance to meet real life penguins that is my dream come true that was the best thing ever i'm blown away how about you yeah oh my gosh what was your favorite part beating the stingrays oh when they suck on your fingers oh oh my gosh you need a hot shower you're welcome hands down that was one of the best things i've ever done
Channel: The River and Wilder Show
Views: 13,251,585
Rating: 4.3830857 out of 5
Keywords: Kids swim with sharks, kids scuba dive, beach fun, water play, sea creatures, sea life, odysea aquarium, sea monsters, Zebra Shark, Stingrays, moray eel, aquarium visit, kids fun, kids adventure, Family fun, River and Wilder Show, River and Wilder, River and Wilder YouTube, YouTube River and Wilder, raws, kid adventures, tv for kids, tv show for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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