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[Music] what if i told you there was a place where you were the only one on huge beach filled with crazy critters [Music] and the harder they were to find the better they tasted so come along you won't believe what we'll be eating it's the river and wilder show one two with me river and my brothers wilder and archer hey everyone it's me river there's no mysterious sea creatures in the city so we're flying to prince edward island i'm ready are you yep [Music] [Applause] um yeah we have a lot of gear [Music] and before we knew it we were in the air it's a pretty amazing view from up here unless you're in the aisle in which case you should organize your pokemon cards [Music] now we're pretty excited in case you can't tell [Music] and here we are in beautiful p.e.i and this red cottage will be our home for the week and this will be our buffet close your eyes why don't you close my eyes okay i'm closing my eyes in case you were wondering nut butts were invented by archer get out of there nut butt okay let's find some seafood [Music] to be honest we don't really know what we're looking for dead squid um no thanks baby razor clams um it's a start empty snail shell full snail shell [Music] that's what i call a big smile um i don't think i want to eat that i'm having a great time and my dad well he's a little obsessed uh oh dad wants to go further it's getting old oh there's a crab that thinks he can hide from me he obviously hasn't seen her other episodes but we'll let this guy go okay i think we found something [Applause] too bad it's just a little oyster i'd say cool mom found a lobster but she's full of eggs so she needs to go back [Music] hey everyone it's me waldo i think i may have found what we're looking for a baby version at least in the little river and i found this guy as big as my hand did you know these are called ball clan or atlantic sulphines they live under the sand and into tidal zones when it's a full moon and the tide is at its lowest that's when you could catch them the locals will drive the trucks right out onto the beach and catch up to a hundred of these monsters each they could go up to eight inches long they have this thing that looks like a tongue but it's actually a foot and they use it for getting loud they have siphons for pulling food out of the water so if you're on the beach at just the right time you might see little holes made when the ball claims spit out the water we had just figured out the secret of the ball clam when the sun started to set and the tide took our beach away [Music] hi everyone it's me oucho it will take a while for the tide to go back out it's time to play bean boozled dead fish wait a second why are we playing this again mommy's dead fish [Music] actually it's a nice day let's go fly okay river's doing a magic trick for me but it doesn't take a genius to know he's hiding it in his shoe tide's almost out but there's still time for one last go hey everyone it's me river it's a full moon and we know what we're doing and the tide is super low we're ready to catch a bucket full of bar clams um right after we fix wilder's socks [Music] come on [Music] that makes seven for the day foreign [Music] big one [Music] what a great night we've got enough for a feast we're going to put the clams in clean salt water over the next two days they'll spit out all their sand this bucket is today's catch this one is probably our biggest one which art is caught and then we need to measure all of those [Applause] they have to be four inches at least at least four at least three five five and a half it's been two days and it's time for our feast but we've got some work to do first okay perfect so you're going to take it see there's kind of black gunk we just want to get rid of that we don't want that in our food oh you're doing a great job archer look at you buddy [Music] do not try this without adult supervision [Music] so let me rip off this [Music] ah this is so yummy that i'm gonna have a sugar [Music] wow that's yummy you're doing a good job hey it's the moment of truth i like that [Music] very good very good thanks for watching everybody bye-bye wait don't forget to subscribe it's peeing on me i'm gonna do it even
Channel: The River and Wilder Show
Views: 25,220,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery food challenge, kids cooking, family beach vacation, bar clam, beach, a little crabby, digging for clams, gross, disgusting food, yucky, kids react, cooking, kid chef, food dares, whats in my mouth, the river and wilder show, river, wilder, archer, catching lobsters by hand, catching crabs, clam tongue, wild kratts, national geographic kids, should he eat it?, PEI, PRince Edward Island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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