Kids Say the Darndest Things 50 | Special Best Of Episode Part 1

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carter what happens when you tell momma to wake up [Applause] that's what mama sounds like [Music] dakota i am right here go clean your room no it does not yes you do no i don't yeah go clean your room sleep over like a mug turn up all we need is some women what sorry i thought it'd be funny you almost killed me my white ride yeah can you say france can you say italy can you say africa can you say europe [Laughter] show me [Music] what did you do when you really had to be yourself [Music] hey [Music] i need new my pants you love pizza i know what pizza okay well then what do you want to eat pizza what's a titty sound that out drink quantity [Music] [Laughter] mad at you guys for what for you and emma why because i'm mad at you guys why because maybe it's time to say goodbye to the bankies you're gonna be four years old you're getting to be such a big girl and like these binkies are really small for you but i am small look see what am i looking at me i'm small you're not very small my arms are small my legs are small my feet are small my head's small my eyes are small my eyebrows fall my nose small my mouth fall and my belly's small behind me big legs big hello i do not want to hear this again don't be nice to me always [Music] [Music] and cocoon making a cocoon i'm trying to [ __ ] i'm making a cocoon i can i don't know i can push a cartoon how did you put boobies on your understood like god did that god put boobies on my sweatshirt oh yeah made that way can i see tonight is christmas eve and i'm about to go to the church and then we're gonna lay out presents my gosh um if it's all earthquake in alaska everything wipes away even if you're outside you will get wiped away what wipes what wipes you away a salami never if you see us mommy you should follow the police and if you stay outside when the salami's coming i want you to follow the police and no don't stay there you stay there you get wiped away wiped away by what listen okay thank you freya bye [Music] corbin what's the name of this book lol dalmatians what is it lol dalmatians okay okay this is my candy speech as you can see every kid wants candy this is candy i'm saying this adults because they don't know the difference between fruit and candy this is fruit this is candy we want candy we don't want fruit get that out of here you get out of here we want [Music] candy baby [Music] what's your favorite kind of food um fruit fruit yep what kind of fruit fruit oops what is it called varfa second day a birth certificate yeah sand burfa cake [Laughter] [Music] oh hi hello i didn't see you there i have a joke have you ever heard of the movie constipation you probably didn't because it never came out [Music] who is there electric i like raku and let's check head okay all right whose toy is it mine who played with it last i did who lost it i did it whose fault is it yes doctor i need a new book please why is the crack in it [Music] beet pudding mix we need we need to be painting we need to be painting we need to be painting is that the rule you need to be patient how about you be patient are you ready to go to school no why not okay i am now busy you're worthy no i'm not you're worthy you're gonna have an awesome time for day [Music] i had a what they had a tomato drill at your class and what happened because we was going outside there's so many tomatoes there [Music] i don't remember anything not a single thing no would you stare at a wall all day you think but i do remember one thing i had an accident you did i pooped in my pants when i went i was like oh maybe that's a giant fart and it was like nope that's poop i've got canada in my pocket a little bit of history a quarter nickel in the corner and it died a lot to you and me so mom someone passed through the driveway you could just go over the space like you could just order workers and mom you could only stay on the sidewalk so come out sure i'll show you mom by the way uh he's talking nonsense okay put them back please well you said we were going to put them in the microwave that's what you said um no fish are not filled your friends the only friends what what watch out stephanie stop take your foot off the gas i can't help it you're ugly what planet you're from [Music] it smells like poo what did you say before it's too hot to go down my sarcophagus ooh jackson what are you eating uh a carrot a container it's a fajita fajita take a bite um i'm just playing with my hooker and everything and everything in everything what are you playing with my hooker what is that ben try it again then feels me and my butt [Applause] stinks you happy birthday happy birthday to you alexa is santa watching santa is watching so you better be nice children [Music] [Music] mickey mouse what is this book about this book is about boobs what this book is about boobs oh why do you think that look she's touching a boob see and then it brings it right into your muscles and then the muscles turn the air into energy so you can go like run very fast and like guess what you know your blood actually goes everywhere so fast what you got there is that your pumpkin for halloween yeah what are you gonna do to him get the friends out of here you're gonna take the pumpkins brains out yeah ew that's yucky what about what if a pumpkin took your brains out i don't have brains you have no brains i know i have skeleton bones you just have bones cannot do that thing well somebody didn't well i didn't i didn't i didn't see it happen i was looking to you i was listening to you and gonna get ready to say something that i love you but then i started looking and it just spilled my arm just moved like some somebody pulled my arm over there there's a bell that jumped they didn't even see it happened then i started to look i saw it happen and then that's just what i saw it's just i can't explain that i can't i don't know how that happened did you see it james plus just be careful that you don't need to stick james dad you don't eat the stick james be careful yeah but don't eat stitching you don't need to stick no you don't need to stick i no no don't eat them that pumpkin in our breast that's where it goes it takes it pushes it to our bladder food goes a little pipe and it goes to our bottom and it lined up in a poopy and then we will poop out and then it will join the toilet then we flush it and then and then our tummy will be little when we do that when poop i'll come here we'll be little [Music] [Music] [Applause] or pretty ugly [Music] g a r b i t c h garbage [Music] [Music] friendship [Music] and supervise [Music] please hold on to hats glasses there are any new signs that can fall from each other if narcos should fall please stay seated until the next stop and inform the nearest cast member thank you sit back driver we are clear to you hot dog who's having another baby mom you said you were done what is wrong with you people these are mama's boobs wait what are you doing with this contraption i am wearing mama's boobs and putting my baby inside and wagging it so it won't cry okay wagging it yes that's very very very nice okay well um goodbye excuse me um i'm with the fire department are you running a safe business here do you have a fire extinguisher has it been safety checked yeah it has are you the boss here yeah what's your name what's your name austin please badge oh austin police badge is that sir austin police badge yeah sir austin i'm gonna check up on you again next month you better have your stuff in line you better i'm gonna come back if you don't if you don't you're gonna pay me a lot of money you know what i already have a lot of money and if i give you all my dollars my other service give me more money you just so you just have money on top of money yeah have a nice day okay what happened to your hashbrown trinity [Music] will you get up here and eat it [Music] oh and hot cocoa i'm thankful for my stuffies cause they're so comfy i'm thankful for myself because i love myself what is that [Music] emma is that a deer call what do you do with it what do you do with you when you want to call the deer a ranger poop what do you do when you want to call the deer what do you do when you want to call the deer hello hello mama i o i i o i
Channel: Kyoot
Views: 11,895,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kids Say the Darndest Things 50, Special Best Of Episode Part 1, darnest things kids say, kids say the darndest things, kids say the darnest things, kid say the darndest things, kyoot kids say the darndest things, kids say the funniest things, kyoot, kids say funny things, kids say, kids saying funny things, funny things kids say, funny, best, hilarious, laugh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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