Kids MAKE FUN OF Boy With STUTTER, They Live To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
so that's why you should vote for me princess paula to be class president of lincoln middle school because i'm popular and i'm pretty okay thank you paula next we're gonna hear from sorry guys i do have to take this uh stephen you can go ahead uh um hello my my name is steven can you hurry it up are you really that dumb hey that's not nice you shouldn't call other people four eyes i wasn't talking to you okay sorry guys uh stephen go ahead and tell us why everybody should vote for you you should vote for me because because i want to end it's bullying for crying out loud how are you going to end bullying when you can't even pronounce it okay that's enough paul you had your turn thank you steven i think that's a a wonderful idea okay that's the bell everybody but if you want to hear the rest of steven's speech and you want to cast your vote we're doing that in the cafeteria vote for me please hey no i'd help you pick them up but i wouldn't want my crown to fall off and besides it's not like you're going to win anyway stop it paula it's not nice to be beat oh gosh here we go again how are you going to beat me when you can't even say a simple word stuttering stephen that's for sure his new nickname it's going to be fun watching you s struggle during your s speech later come on let's go [Applause] okay okay no maybe i should have run for president don't say that let me ask you something is becoming class president important to you yes maybe one day i can be become the president of the united states just like joe biden that that's my dream well i think you'd make a fantastic president i'd vote for you thanks hey i'm surprised you don't stutter when you say hey leave me alone paula hey everyone who do i remind you of hi everyone my name's stuttering steven and i'm not very s smart don't do that it's not nice to make fun of people paula you see hey why would you do that because you deserved it now be quiet before i start making fun of your ugly jacket exactly anyways you all should come to the cafeteria to vote for me unless well you'd rather have stuttering steven be president of the school stuttering stephen stuttering stephen stuttering stephen stuttering stephen stuttering stephen stephen hey what's wrong why are you crying i can't do this they're all calling me stuttering steven and saying i'm not smart who is look listen to those guys okay just because you have a stutter doesn't mean you're not smart what if they're right what if i am done i'm never going to be president you want to know something when i was younger i had a stutter too you did yeah i remember getting called all the names and everybody laughing always being embarrassed but there's something my mom always said that made me feel better what what what's that that whenever someone has a stutter it's because whatever they're saying is so good it needs repeating i re really like that but i still don't know if i can be become president with this stutter what did you tell me earlier that your goal is to become president of the united states right yeah well it was yeah well joe biden has a stutter he does yes and if stuttering joe biden can become president of the united states and what's stopping stuttering stephen from becoming president of lincoln middle school and your campaign is to end bullying right yes okay so then don't let the bully win go give that speech so that's why i think you should vote for me i'm popular i'm pretty plus i'll make sure we have less homework and more movies thank you paula it's princess paula right sorry about that okay uh next is stephen stephen come on up here and tell everyone why they should vote for you uh hello i think thank you it's vote genius paula that wasn't very nice i'm just saying how is he gonna beat me when he can't even pronounce the word that's enough settle down go ahead stephen finish what you were saying how many times are we going to let a bully make us feel bad about ourselves or making comments about gordon's glasses or laughing as sally's jacket or calling me dumb and saying i have a stutter enough is enough not any anymore not if you vote for me for [Music] president [Music] why are you clapping he can't even say things correctly he says things just fine for me yeah i actually like the way steven talks all right so if you vote for steven raise your hand what you can't be serious so it's official stephen is the next class president of lincoln middle school you wouldn't scared giving that speech i could never be because of my stutter yeah you can just re remember when someone stutters it just mean what they're trying to say it's so good it's worth re repeating i love that what are you so scared i already told you i get really bad anxiety around people what could you possibly be anxious about you just don't understand roger i don't think you understand how anxiety works really julia you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,253,013
Rating: 4.9065628 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, school, school life, high school life
Id: E62cqmXI2_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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