Back to School Lunch Haul

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you're all ready to meet your teacher your dream is starting to come true you are starting to get ready for back to school Julie is a lot you know what she was gonna do with violet the Frankie kids we're gonna go shopping for school lunches I'm going to let all of the kids pick what they want in their school lunches and then we're gonna go home and we'll show you guys what everyone [Music] Eve's hair is pretty and she's dressed you're all ready to meet your teacher okay Russell Russell's hair is fixed and he's dressed ditches shoes on Russell's ready to meet his teacher Julie you fixed your hair this morning you're already a B you bring in your backpack tech oh yeah you have to get your textbooks today huh sherry your dream is starting to come true you are starting to get ready for back to school yeah you fail school hasn't started in this arty kicking my button because I washed my hair but I did not get a chance to fix my hair or put my makeup on so this is how I'm going to meet the teachers this is Eve's classroom and the really cool thing is that Russell's classroom is right here so they're right across the hall from each other that's so fun that's your name I like it can you can recess up enough time for Spalding fifth three recess hey max and they get recesses you get to have snack time and lunch you're gonna have so much fun she gets snacks twice a day and lunch that's so cool you'll have clean up when it's time for cleanup ever you're gonna help and not talk and just go do your job and clean the same thing she did not do that doing wrong ice luxury these cars right do you believe me she's - here - no I believe you I think you're teasing her please drop ganging up on me I feel attacked don't you don't diss I do you don't yes mam Julie is lying Sharon Oster Tanya she's done it three times so you why I didn't do it just really did not do it mom but you did it earlier no yes you're lying no no Julie is a liar know what she was gonna do with five of the Frankie kids in this school I don't know did not do I was looking at her she didn't do it Cherie yes you did Julie you know shape she always looks how much does this you crazy need to be like we're gonna go shopping first school lunches I'm going to let all of the kids pick what they want in their school lunches it cannot be straight cookies and then we're gonna go home and we'll show you guys what everyone don't you guys think that Abby's hair looks like Captain Marvel this is so pretty favorite novelist [Music] I think those are gonna be really messy I would encourage you to find something that's individually wrapped Eve no put those back we're not getting candy [Music] all right you guys this is probably one of the my weaknesses is this aisle right here but it does have the prepackaged deserts Julie's first thing was she went for the white bread she hates it okay so I noticed Eve that you picked cupcakes and brownies and I also noticed you didn't pick anything in the fruit and vegetable section so you need to be thinking creatively something healthy anything that I can buy that lasts on the shelf I like to get that's close to a full school year supply as my food room will handle peanut butter Nutella Jam those are all staples it tells me you know what even if the apocalypse happens at least my kids can have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so I am stocking up that is about how many jars of peanut butter we will go through until Christmas yep that's right [Music] most of our food is put away and now we're going to show you what we did so I will be showing you the indoor and outdoor fridge over here this is our lunch meat that has sprouts in it that's not lunch meat but the kids got ham and turkey so you got some more spice cheese and you know I bet half of that is moldy no it's not so this is also old before it's not much not that old it's good okay we'll go through that cheese very fast and then we have condiments so Jim Mayo this is my protein section that's my foot packs and then here is this butter syrup we put this salad and hummus cream I know that it is more expensive to do salads like this on days on weeks where it is just a a mess at home and I don't have time to cook noodles and cook chicken and stuff I don't mind paying a little extra and sending two kids at this rustle pick this and I guarantee you will eat every last bite Brussels is a big big big eater Russell also wanted to take bagels with cream cheese entrees he eats so much this is all yogurt there's a lot you eat lots of yogurts the kids like to take those in their lunches oh he loved these fresh mozzarella balls this literally at the kids had to pick the Frankie's favorite favorite two chocolates to show everybody everybody likes his Eve's the only one who doesn't like them but she's gonna have to just have to learn this is doesn't look good on camera but I promise it's and it's really good so this is brisket that Kevin kicked up yesterday for some reason it's coming across green on the camera sorry Kevin but this is really fun to put on a sandwich and take to school that's really good stuff and here we have strawberries are these long plums yeah Julie wanted to take plums blueberries right we have bell peppers the kids love to cut those up and take them some lettuce for sandwiches that's spinach for his smoothies we got so much fresh fruit we don't have room to put them anymore come outside okay okay so that's a giant casserole I made for dinner this is more it that we haven't cut up yet this is grilled chicken to my grill last week I'm very proud of myself so sherry and Kevin like to get chicken and turkey steaks and brisket all that stuff and cook it once a week and then then they for lunch and dinner yeah divvy it up for sandwich shoes or put it on rice the kids got CDs and then I got the word for these steaks and I'm going to smoke tomorrow because there's only two left and three Oh perfect I would love for you to take those out of the packaging please really yeah they would make more sense if we could yep line them up in here gosh darn it and then I've got more places to put leftovers thank you [Music] this is the one that he thought she thought but this is kept there you just need chocolate I didn't roll out remember what they are and then we also oh yeah and then these that telev pretzel dip and then eat I don't know much about cheese but she's got cupcakes cupcakes like me even my favorite there and they cosmic right those are my favorite okay so one of these with your lunches that should last a long time so now we've got there's lots of different kinds in here Z bars sherry likes the pure protein I've actually started liking those a lot but the little kids can have a little chewy chocolate chip bar and then we've got some kind bars in there and these are crackers so Julie Russell won't achieve it [Music] and now any proper princess Lopez you see she tried to open it now she's already trying to eat it and this is for everybody and now we have the fruit cup so I hope are you guys actually gonna eat these I have a check to show you instead of bringing plastic spoons or metal food you just take it lid off of it and you just shape it into a spoon and then you just you know like that I hope the lid is clean what can you drink it you could do that too how do you eat your applesauce oh it looks like we have a full fruit bowl over there most of the time in the mornings they get little baggies and then they put fresh fruit in it thank you for watching us get our lunches a mere teachers it was one I said Abby do you wanna try any new video for me she's like yeah you did a good job Abby you're practicing because find it shame in my house all right goodbye we love you Abby [Music]
Channel: 8 Passengers
Views: 1,799,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8passengers, 8 passengers, mothers are powerful, Back to School Lunch Haul, back to school, back to school 8 passengers, back to school supplies, family vlog, vloggers, 8 passengers vlog 8 passengers everyday life, August 2019, 8 passengers August 2019, 8 passengers lunch haul, lunches 8 passengers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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