KIDS DRINK THE STARBUCKS SECRET MENU! (Butterbeer, Skittles, Pink Drink) | Kids Vs. Food

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♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) Today, you'll be drinking this. - Oh, Starbucks. I love Starbucks. - I don't like coffee because it tastes really bad. - (gasping) Coffee! I love coffee! Coffee is delicious. Coffee!!! - It's coffee! We're trying coffee! Maybe I had coffee before. I drank some of my dad's. (whispering) Don't tell my dad. - It is Starbucks and I bet it's going to be some weird coffees. - (FBE) We're going to have you try drinks from the Starbucks secret menu. - They have a se-- oh yeah, I've heard of the secret menu. - (FBE) But don't worry. None of them are actually coffee. - Aww. (in disappointment) Okay. - I don't really go to Starbucks that much. - My main thing that I get at Starbucks is a vanilla milk. I'm a little bit scared. - (FBE) Here is your first drink. - Oh, yummy. It looks good. - It looks like a type of root beer float. - It tastes like milk. It tastes like a shake, like a vanilla shake. - Mmm! It has a cinnamon taste. Apple! Apple cinnamon. Oh my god. I'm going to drink this whole thing. - Not that bad. Kind of tastes cinnamonny. - It tastes like it has a lot of milk. Sugar... a hint of banana. - It's like sour, sort of, but it's sour/sweet, and it's really smooth. Maybe like caramel? - (FBE) That was an apple pie à la mode frappuccino. It's a cream-based frappe with apple juice, cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream blended in, and caramel drizzle. - Hmmm. Very complicated. - It kind of tastes like apple pie. It tastes sweet. - Write all these down because next time I go to Starbucks, I'm going to be like, "Can I have the secret menu? Can I have this?" - (FBE) Here is your next one. - I definitely know there's whipped cream on it. - I feel like it's going to be a little bit of a strawberry taste because, like, it has some reddish type down there. - Mmm, this tastes good! It tastes like strawberry, my favorite fruit. - That is definitely strawberry. I really like strawberries. And it's also really smooth. Goodness, that is good! - It tastes like shampoo. Don't ask me how I know what shampoo tastes like. - That aftertaste tastes like those weird flavored cookies. - It tastes like grapejuice... and I don't like grapejuice. - It just tastes like cereal. Kind of tastes like Captain Crunch. - (FBE) So that was a Captain Crunch frappuccino. - What?! - (FBE) It's made to taste like the cereal. It's a strawberries and cream frappuccino with caramel, toffee nut, and hazelnut syrup. - What? Captain Crunch? I did not get Captain Crunch or hazelnut at all. - It's fruity, but... this doesn't really taste like it. - I think it's good. They should make this for free. - (FBE) Here is another one. - Another one! Ooh, it's in a cup. I don't know what it looks like. (whimpering) It smells like cinnamon. - I feel like I have a little bit of a Cheerio taste. - This does not taste that good. It tastes like hot almond milk. - It tastes like those caramel ones? - It tastes like milk with cinnamon mixed in it. - I taste vanilla, like, a lot of cream, vanilla cream. - It tastes like something I would have next to a fireplace on a cold winter's night. I'm thinking eggnog, pumpkin spice... something like that. - (FBE) So that was hot butterbeer, and it's supposed to taste like the drink they enjoy in Harry Potter. - This... is supposed to taste like butterbeer? - I love butterbeer. This is butterbeer? This does not taste like anything from the butterbeer at Universal Studios. - (FBE) So it is a whole milk steamer, and it has caramel, toffee nut, and cinnamon dolce syrup. - Whoa! (giggling) That's not what I expected it was going to be. - In these drinks, it's all says syrup, syrup, syrup! - (FBE) Okay, here is the next one. - Okay, this is definitely something strawberry because I can see strawberries floating on the top of it. - It's pretty. If it has strawberries, I'm going to definitely probably going to like this. - It's like pink. I feel like it'd be a bubble gummy taste. - It's strawberry. And it's sweet. - Ugh. It's kind of like strawberry lemonade, but waterier. - (gasping) Oh my gosh! It's so good! It tastes like strawberry milk. - It's sour a little bit. It's like a strawberry tart. - (FBE) So that one was the Pink Drink. It blew up on Instagram last year for its color. It is made with their strawberry acai refresher, coconut milk, and strawberry. - I think I've heard of this before. - See, that's how I remember because on Instagram I got a blowup of every single person, their own account, had at least one or two pictures of the Pink Drink. - I really like the color. And I really like how they put strawberries into it so you can really see what it's going to taste like before you even drink it. - (FBE) Here is your last secret drink. - Okay, this looks like actual coffee, but I know it's not. - It looks like it has chocolate. (smacking lips) It tastes like pumpkins and apples and then some strawberry and bananas. It tastes a little bit like Jolly Rancher to me. - Mmm! (uncertainly) Mmm. This is weird. I'm getting a tiny bit of apple, and also some strawberry in there. It tastes like the Pink Drink, and the Captain Crunch combined. - It's a little mixed strawberries and I don't like strawberries. - It kind of tastes like taffy. - It's like a real bit, like, strong fruitish taste. - (FBE) That one was Skittles. It is a strawberries and cream frappuccino with vanilla and raspberry syrup. - You're kidding, right? What? That's Skittles? I have to try again. It doesn't really taste a lot like Skittles. - I love Skittles! (gasping) That's my favorite candy in the world. Oh my goodness. - It kind of tastes like Skittles. I mean, I have to say, they did get it pretty good, pretty spot on. - (FBE) So which one of these drinks would you recommend people try? - I recommend the apple pie one. - Butterbeer. - The Captain Crunch. - The Pink Drink. - Skittles. - The Skittles one. - Probably the butterbeer. It tastes the best out of all of these. - I liked the Harry Potter butterbeer the best. I would have to say that these were actually pretty good. - Thank you for watching this episode of Kids vs. Food on the React channel. - What should we try next? Let us know in the comments. - Don't forget to subscribe. We have new shows for you every week. - Bye, everyone! - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, one of the React channel producers. Thank you so much for watching this episode. Now, I'm off to Starbucks for, like, the third time today. Bye, guys!
Channel: Kids REACT
Views: 6,910,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starbucks secret menu, starbucks taste test, kids try starbucks, kids vs food starbucks, Butterbeer, Pink Drink, kids vs coffee, KIDS DRINK THE STARBUCKS SECRET MENU! (Butterbeer, Skittles, Pink Drink) | Kids Vs. Food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, versus food, vs food
Id: IAVtEniCF7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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