Can Gen Z Read And Write In Cursive? | Kids Vs. Cursive | Kids REACT

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- I wanna burn this book. I want to. But the cover is laminated, so it probably wouldn't even burn. ♪ (playful intro) ♪ - (React) Can you read me this sentence? - Lighting never sparks the same place twice? - Skies the same place twice? - Lightning never strikes the same place twice. - (React) Do you know cursive, Robert? - Yes! And it is very hard for me to read it. - I know how to spell my name in cursive. - I know what cursive is, but I don't know how to write it. - I was homeschooled for fourth grade, And I was supposed to learn cursive then, but I didn't. But my handwriting is very similar to cursive. - (React) Here is a piece of paper. - Yes? - (React) Do me a favor and write your name on it. - (giggles) - (React) Write it real big. You can really fill up that sheet there. - Oh. (snickers) - I have horrible handwriting. - (React) Looks good to me, Robert. - It's why I love typing things instead of writing it. - (React) Now, use the other side of the paper and write your name in cursive. - I have no idea how to do that. - (React) That is really good, Hadley! - It's terrible. - (React) So, cursive is a style of writing that was required in all 50 states as part of the early academic curriculum back in the 2000s. - Oh. - (React) Nowadays, less than half of the states in our country require it. Did you know that? - Nope. - (React) Why do you think cursive writing isn't taught as much in schools? - Because I feel like you won't really-- people won't really need it. - It's hard to write it and stuff. - Not as many of us are sophisticated as kids back then, I guess? - I mean, look at this. This is cursive. And then this is regular handwriting. Which do you think is better? Hmm? - (React snickering) Here you go. - I feel like I'm learning what I should have learned in fourth grade. - (React) This is a cursive practice book. Go ahead and open it up to the pink tab. There, you should find the uppercase and lowercase alphabet. - I see it. - (React) Using the pen that I gave you at the start, I want you to trace through the alphabet and let me know what you think as you're doing it. - I'm switching bracelets here. We're getting serious. - This is how I write my A's in school. - There's a lot of details in cursive. - There are so many squiggles and just, you have to do boom. Okay. That's the first step to 24. - They have many swirlies, and you don't-- usually, I learned the rule, "Don't lift up your pen when you're writing cursive." I still do it, though. I i don't follow the rules. - ♪ ("The Next Episode," Dr. Dre) ♪ - Oh, here comes H in my name. - (React) Are there any letters that look really different from how they normally look? - B. - Q. This kind of looks like a two z. - That is a two! That is a two! - Especially J, the uppercase. It's like an eight. - G. Uppercase G is slightly different. And F. Definitely F. - If three had a cousin that has been removed five bajillion times, this would be that. - That's how my mom writes her name? With that chunky thing? My mom's name is Sarah. - I've never tried actually trying to write in cursive. It's like it's more weird. And there's more loops and lines and stuff. - (React) So, you started school in Texas, where you were learning cursive. - Yes. - (React) And then, you are now at a school in Los Angeles, where you are not learning cursive anymore. - No, I am not. And I'm very happy about it. I feel like I'm seeing this and having flashbacks. It's kind of like the Vetnam War, but with writing. And the thing that's basically beating me is cursive. - Well, actually, I'm now back to public school, which thank god. I sucked at homeschooling. It wasn't extremely strict. You didn't even learn it. I didn't know it existed until I got to sixth grade. But they don't require it, so I'm happy about that. - I don't even know why it's required in all 50 states. - I wanna burn this book. I want to. But the cover is laminated, so it probably wouldn't even burn. - (React) Is this a way that you would write ever, do you think? - I guess so? Not very much, but sometimes. Maybe at school. - I would say I could see myself writing in cursive. I would most likely forget about Fs and stuff because horrible memory here. - Okay, being honest, Ys are my favorite. You just gotta go... It's so nice. - (React) Turn to the purple tab. There, you should find a bunch of three-letter words. - Hot, ink, its, joy...jug? - (React) So, back when I was in school, they would always tell us, "When you're writing words in cursive, don't pick up your pen." - Yup, that's what I get told. - That is what my Texas teachers said. - (React) What makes cursive hard to remember sometimes? - There is weird shapes, like the E looks like the other way of Z. - If I don't know what the word is, it could be a little difficult, and I won't know what to do 'cause I have to know what the word is to do it, and I need to know the letters and stuff. - It's difficult how you have to get it in a certain angle. Like the O, you have to get it like-- it's like this. And it's difficult. - There are so many unnecessary squiggles. It is so hard to know which letter it is. - Remembering which direction to write in 'cause sometimes you'll just automatically go autopilot. And then you'd be like, "No. Wait, no. I need a swirly here." And then, you'll just go back and do the swirl. Or sometimes, actually, the letters might be too close to each other. Ironic, isn't it? It's cursive. - (React) Why do you think it's important to learn cursive? - Just in case you need to sign something and you want something to be cursive. - Cursive is a bit less common now. And no one's actually-- because usually, what they-- I remember they used cursive to write letters to each other, like pen pals and stuff, 'cause you don't got a phone. - If people aren't teaching kids to write cursive in school, they should be able to learn cursive at home. - (React) Now, this is the real challenge. - I have to write in cursive. - (React) I'm gonna give you two minutes to write as much of that phrase as you can in cursive. You are allowed to refer to your alphabet. - Okay, thank you. Okay. - (React) So, go back to the alphabet. You are gonna start in three, two, one. - I'm looking for G. - (React) Tell me what's-- what you might be finding a little difficult. Or what-- - How you have to never pick up the pen 'cause then you have to go back the same place over and over and over again. - I'm looking for E? - (React) All right. Got about 30 more seconds. - Oh my god! Why does time go so fast? Why does time go so fast? - (React) All right, you've got a minute left. Never. S, S. Where is S?! S! There you are! - (React) All right, we've got 30 seconds on the board. - (gasps) Bruh! It's been... - (groans) R is my biggest enemy. Usually, I see Rs like this. I'm more frustrated with this one. - (React, sing-song) 10 seconds. - Oh my god! Stop! - Okay, that surprised me. - Got it! - (React) Just in the nick of time! And stop. Time's up, Robert. - (groans) - (React) And go ahead and hold up what you have. - That is very hard. - (React) Show the camera. Lightning never. - Lightning is the only word that's readable other than twice and place. - I learned the alphabet a few years ago, so I could have remembered a bit. But honestly, I think I would have been fine with these letters. - (React) Robert, do you want to continue to learn cursive? - No. No, I do not. - Cursive, it's so difficult because you're writing and you'll be like-- and then, you'll accidentally pick it up, and you're like, "Oh, I have to write it again." Scribble out. - Yes, because it's a very advanced skill that you could learn. - It was easy, just the tracing. But when you freehand it, it starts to get a little harder. - I mean, an extracurricular like maybe for a little bit of fun, sure. But if it's like, "Yeah, it's a requirement," I'm dropping out. I'm going back to homeschooling. I cannot do cursive. - Thanks for watching this episode. - Write your comments in cursive below. - Subscribe for more content like this. - Bye! - Bye! - I'm cutting you off because I have the answer immediately: No! - (React) Tell me why you don't want to learn cursive. - I'm pretty sure my work explains itself.
Channel: Kids REACT
Views: 36,685
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Keywords: kids react, react, react channel, cursive, cursive writing, kids try cursive writing, kids vs cursive, fbe, fine bros, handwriting, calligraphy, fine brothers, learning cursive, fine brothers entertainment, funniest kid test answers
Id: jzwzTnJXHtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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