What Would My Kid Do With $1,000,000? | Kids REACT

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- (React) What is that? - A $1 million bill! - (React) Your kids will be given one million virtual dollars to spend on six rounds, picking various items. And you'll earn points by correctly predicting what they'll pick. - (React) You're gonna have to keep track of how much each item costs because you are not allowed to spend more than $1 million. - Oh. - Okay. - I don't know my money. - (React) So, if you go over budget, you're gonna lose a point. ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪ (bell rings) So, we have here one kilogram of white pearl albino caviar. And then we have 1,000 cheese pizzas, 100,000 Snickers bars, or 100,000 Chicken McNuggets. - I think he's going pizza. It's a tough call between that and Snickers, but I think he's going pizza all the way. - (whispers) The Snickers bars. (buzzer) - (React) Why do you like Snickers bars so much? - 'Cause they're made out of chocolate, and I love chocolate. - Now I know that when Mom's not around, chocolate is the priority. - I'm gonna go chicken nuggets. - Are you confident she's never had a Snickers bar or just that you're aware of? - Oh, I'm confident. - I think I'll try the one kilogram white pearl... - What?! You don't even... - ...because that looks nice and chewy. I had it before, and I want to taste it. I like the chewiness. - You've never had caviar! - Classy kid. She's a classy kid. - (React) You've had it before? Where did you have it? - I had it in boba. - Ohhh, pearl milk tea! - (React) This is a little bit different than boba. This is fish eggs basically. It's not quite boba. Do you still wanna stick with that answer? - No. - Mm, maybe $1,000 Snicker bars. (buzzer) - Ugh! She's thrown off. She's thrown off, obviously. - Because it's chocolate-flavored, and I like it. - I'm shocked that they like chocolate is what I heard! - Who am I raising? - (React) Now, I'm gonna have you choose a toy. You've got the Millennium Falcon LEGO build for $800, 3,000 pounds of slime for $10,000, 100 Lamborghini Hot Wheels for $26,999, or 10 Barbie Dream Houses for $3,900. - I mean, he loves LEGOs. He is a LEGO man. And a car equals independence. - I think he's gonna go with the car. - The Hot Wheels. (ding) - (React) Why are you leaning towards that? - Just 'cause I'm looking at how you could drive in it. And I think that's pretty cool. - The LEGO was a close call because he is a LEGO guy. If we win, this kid will get a car. - It's the car, hands down. Final answer. (smacks desk) Boom. - (React) All right, so what do you want, Callie? - I want the 100 Lamborghini Hot Wheels, so I could drive everywhere I want. - I mean, makes sense, right? It's a really cool-looking car. It's the closest thing to adult-ing that a kid can get. Not surprised there, and I'm glad she stuck with it. - (React) So, your options are 50 horses for $500,000, two adult Akita show dogs for $150,000, one platinum arowana fish for $400,000, or a chimpanzee for $60,000. - I can't decide because he loves the aquarium. If there's anything aquatic, he's a big fan of marine life. But a horse, you can ride, so there's that. But a chimpanzee is like a... - Younger sibling. - Yes! Like a playmate. I think chimpanzee. - I'm getting... how many chimpanzees do you get? - (React) You only get one chimpanzee. - The chimpanzee, please. (ding) - (React) You want the chimpanzee? Why do you want the chimpanzee? - Gosh. Good job. - Thank you. That was a hard one. - 'Cause I like to get him in the forest and see him climb. - (React) Hmm! - I thought that he would want to play with it. I thought that he'd view it as a playmate and think, "That's my pick." - It's gonna be the dogs. - (React) Final answer? - Final answer. She doesn't have any dogs. Her and her brother have spent many nights when they're supposed to be sleeping, talking about how they wanna have a farm together and just fill it with dogs. So, I'm pretty sure she's gonna go for dogs. - I think I choose the two dogs... - Thank you. - ...because I could play fetch and I could sleep with them and play with them. - Yes. - And run with them. - I predicted she would pick the dogs, and she did not disappoint. (bell rings) - (React) So, we have a helicopter, a used yacht, a Lamborghini, or a Toyota Corolla. - I feel like he's a helicopter man. Just doing a helicopter dance over there. I think he's going helicopter. - That would be a cool way to-- - I mean, the Lambo, but he just got a Lambo. The boat-- no, helicopter. - (React) Which ones do you think you would like? - The helicopter. - (laughs) - That's my boy. - Just to fly around town. - He's gonna fly around the city. - (claps) - (React) All right. You can put your-- - Will you get these for real life? - (React) I don't know. Ask your mom. - (laughs) I felt pretty confident in the decision. I mean, all of those are tempting modes of transportation, but what kid doesn't wanna fly? - We've gone to the marina a few times, and we always look at the yachts, and we think, "One day, it'd be nice." So, I would think she might wanna have her own yacht, and maybe she can hang out with the other marina yacht people, I guess. I am feeling hopeful, but you know, I mean, she might throw me off and want a helicopter. But I feel like the yacht is something that she can envision herself, like, "Okay, yeah, I'll just be on the yacht, and we can go to the marina." - I think I'd use... I'd use a used yacht. - (screams excitedly) - (React) Why is that? - Because I'd like to ride on a boat. - Yes! - (React) You do? - And then, we could stop by hotels. - (laughs) I take her on those walks to the marina, so I'm glad she chose a yacht. - I feel like I'll take you for a helicopter ride if you take me for a yacht ride. - Yeah, yeah, that works out. - Yeah. - And we'll have Snickers. We can bring our pets together. - Galore. Yes! - Dogs-- yup. (bell rings) - (React) We have a robot dog. We have a roll-up TV. We have an electronic jet board, or a Martin jetpack. - I think he wants the jetpack. I really think the jetpack is the winner because that has to do with everything cool, right? I think jetpack all the way. - The jetpack. - (claps) - (React) Why the jetpack? - 'Cause I just never fly before, and I like-- and I would really like to try it. I'm doing the robot dog too. - (React) You like the robot dog too? You only get to choose one. - Oh. - (React) So, if you only get one, which one would you choose? - I would choose... - At least it's one robot dog and not, like, 100,000. - ...robot dog. - (both) What?! - (React) You're changing your answer to the robot dog? - Yeah. (buzzer) - I am feeling like he was right the first time, and then he decided the robot dog for whatever reason. Jetpack was clearly the right answer. It's the more fun option. I'm disappointed. - I have no idea what she's gonna pick. I just PRAY she does not pick that headless dog. Okay, let's just say-- let's just do jetpack. Sure, why not? - I think I'd choose the robot dog. (buzzer) - Oh my god! That is not my daughter! - (React) The robot dog? - Yeah. - (React) Why would you choose that? - It has no head! - So, that way, it could clean up my room. - Wait, what did she say? - (React) 'Cause it could clean up your room! - To clean her room. - Kind of on the same wavelength. - And maybe I'd like to ride it. - The one thing I paid no attention to is the one she thought was the most fun. And she already has two dogs. - (React) We have this nice blue house up here. We have the brick house. We have an apartment building if you've spent too much money. And we have a modest house. - I think that he's gonna go with the blue/gray 'cause it's blue. I don't think that-- I'm not looking at the inside. There's not so much to discern a huge difference to his five-year-old brain. I think he's gonna pick that one 'cause it's blue. - I'm doing the apartment house. (buzzer) - (React) Which one? - The apartment. - (React) The apartment house? - A crappy apartment? - (React) Why are you choosing that one? - 'Cause I like how there are so many homes. My room number's gonna be one million. - (React) Do you like living close to other people? - Just to make new friends with them. - I think that he's just a sweet community-oriented kid, who wants the opportunity to live near other people and hang out. - I feel like she's gonna pick one of the top two. And based purely on these photos, because the blue/gray house is up closer, she might assume that's bigger, that's taller, that's the one I want. - I choose the apartments, so we have different options. - (React) Oh, smart, so that they have different people to steal from? - Yeah. - (React) Oh, okay. That's a good thought process. Yeah. Okay. - And it's the cheapest! - Heeey, I'll take that! Hey! I will take that! - (React) So, you're keeping that in the back of your head? - Mm-hmm. - (React) Why else would you wanna live in an apartment? Would you wanna live there? - Yeah. - (React) Why? - Because it's smaller, and you get to do less work than a big house. - Nice to maintain. - All right, okay, okay. - (React) We're not gonna give your kids any of their items this round, but we want you to guess if they went over their $1 million budget or not. We'll allow you to wager up to three points each if you want to try to double those points. If you wanna wager just one point, but if you get it wrong, we're gonna take that point away from you. - I will wager all three points that my son is under budget. - She went over by a little. - (React) Okay. - Final answer! I just have to mix it up. If I lose, it's okay. - (React) Two points that she went over by a little. - Yes. - (React) So, Mason, you spent a total of $620,565. - (claps) - Whoa, I spent that much money. - (React) That much money. But-- - Do I get that for real? - (laughs) That's my boy. - (React) Unfortunately, this is just pretend. Callie, your total was $1,090,040. - YEAH! Oh, I wagered two points. - (React) You spent JUST over $1 million. - That's my guy. - Clapping for yourself. - Is there going to be a Wonder Woman shield? I love the Wonder Woman shield a lot! - I respect Callie's logic and practicality. Mason needs a little bit of work there. And the budgeting was nowhere in his mind. That was sheer luck. - Oh yeah. They weren't even thinking numbers. - The budget was nowhere. - (React) That's it, you guys. - Okay. Can I watch a video now?
Channel: Teens REACT
Views: 40,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what would my kid do, what would your kid do, parents react, kids toys, fine bros, react channel, kids react, try guessing, guess that, parents guess, parents try guessing what their kid will do with $100, what would my kid do with $100, can parents guess, parents kids, can people guess, what would your kid do?, mom reacts, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment
Id: l137kWHSPYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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