Kid Basketball Pro Vs. Adults

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(slow hip hop music) - I'm Kai Davis, I'm 12 years old and I've been playing basketball since I was six. My best qualities are probably my play-making, my defense, and my ball handling. The most points I think I scored in a game was 40. - I am actually pretty nervous. I have not been athletic for the past five years. - I played in high school. I used to play once a week. It's obviously been a couple months. - An average person shooting around. If it was my lucky day or something but I'll try my best. - I don't know if they stand a chance or not but we'll see. (dramatic hip hop music) - I know a lot of dribble moves, a simple crossover, between the legs, behind the back. You do it all in one motion now, so... Like that. - Okay, I'll see if I can get any of those. - Oh my god. - Ah, I can't. - Being quicker, right? - That's gonna be a little hard. (buzzer beeps) (buzzer beeps) - Oh. (buzzer beeps) I'm out! - [Man] Freestyle it. (funky techno music) - Uh, I don't know. I did so many, I can't even count. (upbeat guitar music) I think I could get eight to 10. - Maybe we should distract him a little bit more. - Here we go. - Yeah. - That's better than half the pro players in the league at 80%. I'm gonna try to see if I can go shot for shot and hopefully not get schooled too badly. You know, the first two that weren't on camera I made. - [Kai] Nice shot. - There we go, five for 10. So that is terrible. Let's hope that was my worst part not my best part. - I am better at shooting, so I hope it will be good today. - [Zach] She's already off to a better start. (soft upbeat music) - Three out of 10, oh my gosh! I don't know, it just feels intimidating with like this guy right here. - In high school, I wasn't too good at free throws, but I'll see what I can do today. Five out of 10, that's pretty bad. But I'll see what I can do in the actual game. (upbeat techno music) - I'm pretty confident that I'll win but like they can score, so I gotta play good defense as well. - If I manage to steal a ball from him, just at least once, I'm very proud of myself. I need to be lower. Ah! - If I get a point I'll be happy. If I get two, I'll get ecstatic. And that happens. - Just let me win! - That's one. - I'm tired! Oh shit. - Good game. - No. I'm-- - [Zach] My only move. (laughs) I go high, he goes low. - Yeah. - Nice playing man. (upbeat techno music) - Woo! He obviously has way better handling, and shooting, and better cardio as you can tell. - This was pretty fun going against them all, meeting new people. - On a scale of one to 10, how challenging was it? - [Kai] Two. (laughs) - That's what I figured. - This sums up that size doesn't matter. In the court, it's all about your heart.
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 18,405,600
Rating: 4.7537374 out of 5
Keywords: 12, 8rQn, adults, basketball, blue, buzzfeed, buzzfeedblue, child, davis, kai, old, people, pro, prodigy, regular, sport, twelve, video, years
Id: 7SS46n2fINI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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