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how many tinder dates did you go on anything total three that's it yeah how do they go awful because why look at me [Music] what happened with the podcast what did i say you still have your tinder app um no i don't because he said you do he's like i you saw the return app on your phone can i tell you something i went in to delete it last night and it's gone did you delete it no yeah i deleted no maybe i already deleted it because it's not there i'm not a crazy person i'm not that crazy jesus oh i thought for sure you went and deleted it what i would never i thought it was i thought it was funny oh wow no that'd be crazy if i like yeah i deleted it a while ago oh well then good we don't have to have this conversation there anything else it's about the podcast no that was it you were you hesitated a lot on a lot of questions but you're like so he's like so if i take you to usc and i tell you to make out with someone you can't do it and you're like i mean i guess not i don't know it's also fat what do you mean you don't know like that's the whole point of dating as i was like what what what what you're looking at me like i'm crazy no no i'm just not just smiling i'm just smiling crazy i'm taking it all in um but i didn't enjoy that i didn't get a chunk of the podcast so i love that part of it i think i said in a lot of nice things too yeah i'm not the best at like you know i don't know how to handle all this why don't you just be like i don't talk about it because i can't but you can i don't want to talk about it yeah we save it for our channels only uh you are like frame out there my video was like pulling teeth to get you to talk about it on the podcast like oh yeah everything david was pulling my teeth too if you listen to it i just didn't know how to answer the questions did i bring my phone i swear to god i thought you would have deleted it which which i thought was so funny you would think it was funny i deleted something off your phone you had to hitting on your phone no i don't you did like like not too long ago you showed it to me let me see you do have it you do i know you don't need it thank you and i have the goaltender they're like do you create a gender i don't know how hypocritical you are how do i delete it does this i don't care if you delete it i trust you no no but i don't think don't delete it delete it i'm so excited about this trip i love our like new life as travel vloggers so fun it's a little much for me jason you were the one who was like let's do it when i say something you don't have to get upset i'm just i'm just talking about me a little much you were the one who i said no you're not letting me see like we're going to vegas you're not letting me finish i'm just saying like i'm like getting used to it like like going a lot of places i'm not used to it that's all fun do you know what i mean i love when we go away i just feel like it's like better because it's just not stupid like i isolate you from everybody i was trying to get on an earlier flight all these flights by the way were booked really like booked like i couldn't find like an airline that got us like together i'll also we're flying coach dale really you're a flying coach trisha can i tell you why i hate flying coach okay i did this one time to vegas to vegas too and this is why i'm mortified and not that it's like a big deal because she didn't care what other people think but literally someone snapped a photo of me like in coach really and then they tweeted like oh i guess trish was running out of money i was like we're here did you explain what we're doing here now why are we here i don't know why are we here because i don't know you had a free weekend so yeah gotta gotta live life guys you can't just sit back are you telling yourself that yeah god forbid was stay home for a weekend it's my third weekend in a row traveling with your hometown you're always home every weekend hi it's minivan are you gonna match my life please try it out that's my award i've been on it before very cool you gotta be kidding me oh my god tricia come on oh my god are you out of your mind complimentary champagne on board all right you're gonna love this just watch this there we go oh my god [Music] and so what's really cool is you can actually you can choose any color in the rainbow [Music] got a free room here i'm wondering if it's going to be free or not i mean if it's going to be a sweet or not well what do you think it's gonna be awesome i mean we're not david and liza i think we're gonna get jason and trisha this is your exclusive oh it's great yeah yeah it's really nice yeah perfect okay oh my god talia wait why is she here no come on out oh my god caesars thank you so much holy crap this is cute it's cute yeah i like it i love it it's actually bigger than everyone in hawaii oh i love these kind of showers [Music] it's pretty nominal it comes with the weekend package is it on your patreon do i do anything well oh look there's a little desk here where i could edit jason i'm kidding it was a joke it's a joke elton john you look amazing oh thanks daddy photo with you yeah yeah hello that's why we dress up [Applause] it's gonna make you feel good i don't think i don't think i think the dress looks good why does that like for the t-shirt like if i wear the t-shirt oh you mean when you wear the t-shirt like when i go on the plane but then we're in coach and that might be just too much [Music] [Music] [Music] he's not going to not do a candle in the wind trish oh see they get it oh no daniel yeah there's a lot of them the sad song don't go breaking my heart maybe he can't sing candle in the wind anymore maybe his voice won't allow him to no i'm just saying it would be fine if it was so maybe you should just sing it for all of us hold my camera okay then you whispered into your left and i wouldn't like to love you but i was just kidding you can't move now long [Music] that was like i was gonna cry that was so pretty yeah you said the funniest thing you've said today you go she touched my belly she touched my belly here she goes it's it's like a six-pack here and then like some baked bread here i didn't say that it's like the best of both worlds this is really hard like this feels like abs right there that's my ribs what a start to the weekend huh we love a good time sabi with cucumber essence please enjoy thank you we're at the top of the roll bar where trish took me and the bar is literally moving yeah oh yeah and tris said that when you go to the bathroom here sometimes you come back because you get lost you can't find the table you can't mine it especially we drink and we're drinking wine i feel so like an adult i feel like a romantic adult couple you're like the first like adult like relationship what are you talking about your boyfriend yeah plt yeah like we're open and like you know what i mean they're never like i love that you're like i don't know we just had to talk about it but i don't know i just feel like i know and i have fun with you i'm comfortable with you you put me on your instagram this is gonna be my segment in the vlog where i'm just drunk don't worry this is good footage guys we found our car it was right where we left it and it's still pink well guys i had one glass of wine how are you feeling that was some serious wine i think he put some vodka in mine actually i did it you think it got roofied yes you roofied me i had to try and get some action somehow trish you should have just asked [Applause] [Music] oh you brought your camera that's good you don't have your phone i feel bad for you like what if we there's something exciting happens i don't know what if someone like makes out with you or something like britney spears you know and so i could snapchat it yeah and if british beer started making out with me i don't know you'd be like no i have a girlfriend stop oh yeah i keep feeling good forgetting that part so last night guys we um we went to sleep at 11. i know and that was our big vegas night gosh damn after top of the world i think maybe the wine movie i'm not gonna have wine tonight i think wine makes me sleepy i was the one who passed out just for the record like because we were gonna go out we went back to the room for just like a minute and my dress i took off my shoes and i was like you know what and i just fell asleep i was so excited when she passed out it's my fault tonight we are not doing that we are not coming back after chris angel we're going to go to the bars the club oh boy trisha and i are looking at her instagram and i was saying i wanted to post this photo because i look um young in it and trish was like yeah he does look young and then she was like oh yeah because you can't see your face well no because here's the thing all the comments were like jason looks so young in these photos and i was like wow he really does i love that like maybe it's like the way he dresses but jason and i was like oh yeah i love this photo because like even that one you can't see it yeah yeah aaron's erin was smart she knows how to get us good yeah erin good job cutting my face out turn the lights out next time that would be even better what are you going to do here premium shots five premium shots should i do it no not right now why it's 9 45. it's only 50 ounces oh no we're okay it's too early how is it so very really is it extraordinary yeah i would get fresh coconut with pineapple i would get mint chocolate chips oh i love that snickers too i love that stickers oh i like that snickers right there thicker than a snake do you want to get a drink yeah kind of but then you made me feel bad yeah that's the story i've been trying to get you to shop at oh yeah like my other ex-boyfriend i just try and turn into everyone i've dated already i'll have to give him a call and find out what not to do check out the viva las vegas cadillac margarita long island st or mai tai [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god that's cute just tonight is our last night yeah then we go home tomorrow it's like last minute we literally decided thursday to come here so yeah it'll be really cool we're trying to cram a lot in as we always do you need you need a little baby you have babies here that you can find then we can feed it ice cream and stuff well you can't have that if you have a baby you can't have drinks and babies they don't go together no after i have the baby i can have a drink be tough nine months for you oh you can't drink while you're waiting you're not supposed to really i mean no you can't do it she's very cute she's she's especially she was an especially cute baby don't be fooled she was really cute yeah really happy baby you know have you ever had someone come to you like a subscriber come up she'll be like hold my baby i've had that happen so no i've never had that really no i don't think i have that kind of face but how is it it's so good it's so good oh my god this tastes like a juice i feel like i could just drink this like all the way down right now really no no i'm okay it is good so there's five shots in each drink five shots you drink 50 ounces a piece oh my god and they're mixed liquor that was really strong they're kind of strong they get to like a certain point where they're super strong are you going from drink to drink i want to make it like we're both drinking it together at the same time so one doesn't look like a lush it's noon now so now we're gonna go shop for an hour and maybe gamble a little bit and then i come back up and get ready usually when i get ready guys leave the room and go gamble or drink jason which is great because i know where he's at at all times so then we got the pink one three it's gonna pick us about three take us to the flamingo by 3 30 the show starts at four so we gotta pick up the tickets and everything like that sting is an impersonator there's night aretha franklin and young michael jackson okay so then we do chinese food because that's like one of our favorite food places and we never eat chinese food together i love chinese food you love chinese food it's gonna be great come back here we have a half hour to do a quick change okay so then the night begins this is when like the night begins this is where we factor in the merch i want to get to the luxor the show starts at 9 30. doors open at night chris angel has great merch she has a couple stores in the luxor i think you packed one too many things in the day oh we're not done yet so then after chris angel skip we can skip the legends i think i already got tickets for it so unless you want to pay me 300 oh that's what i always go to for jason even with it to get him to drink wine i'm like well we already paid for it so you should drink he's like okay i'm just saying do you see where i'm coming from no it's like club chris angel dinner legends i want to go to a club with you oh my god how fun was it last night alan when we danced oh my god did i tell you when you were getting the pictures from jan your girlfriend he was so in love the girl who took our pictures he's like oh my god jan um i when you were waiting she was 70. go ahead i feel like you're into that this is your place this is the first time jason's been like excited about a restaurant it's so good that you're so excited about it oh there's a stone crab medium stone crab seven quarter large stone crab five per order wait why would large be less so it's a question if you want small ones or like big media ones and i'm sure the large are more expensive they don't have the price yeah they'll tell you the price we'll ask they will ask pretzel bread guys you know what i really want to get here what a diet coke do you love that though i love diet coke most people hate diet coke i never ever get diet coke should we get that coke no no no no no it's too much no this is my impression of jason and then his little hands like look at his little hands it's not a good thing they look like he bites his hands but they're young it's not a good thing to say to a guy that he has little hands why big hands big feet you know they're saying i love jason's little penis it's so cute she had a little kid penis cheers here's some little bottles this is so cute oh my god this is such a treat to have a diet coke the main event wow wow okay you go first i don't know how you eat these because you go like that so then you go like this then you go like this oh really good i don't even know how you ate that forgot you should have got them i should have gotten large but these are still great why it's just bigger wait are they cold yeah they're cold they come they're chilled i don't know how you eat that oh do you like it do you want lemon on it i feel terrible jason stop it it's three o'clock guys and sting goes on and sting goes on in an hour i have to say if we miss the first man of legends it's not the end of the world i love how you get as excited for real elton john as you do for fake sting i do get really excited god you really pack it in girl i know i'm sorry i'm sorry i pulled back somebody wanted to vlog i feel really bad let me go literally right across the street we're fine okay okay look at me have you ever seen me walk so fast i know i'm loving it i'm loving it once the the agenda is threatened trish goes into survivor mode [Laughter] like dragging jason casino with me oh man we might not be able to do the seven things trish planned no we're gonna do it it's so different when i'm with her with the guys it's like everyone's completely aimless really yeah everyone's like go go over here i don't know maybe you all do that yeah we're all kind of lost yeah no it's true it's true i think they would i think they wouldn't be offended by that i've never seen you move like this guys we're rushing to get ready but i think i've got the perfect outfit and i got this baseball hat on i thought no i'm going to wear the baseball hat no no you're not you look so good before you put that the baseball hat works but no this is like i'm a hot dad we're not wearing that oh i got your laugh right now here she goes i wish i had this car in l.a i would take it everywhere and i go you do have this car basically someone down won't you love i'm taking one for the team we taking shots in this love you never know what we can [Music] what's up everybody please hit like subscribe tweet me at jason instagram hatchet snatch today's shout out is karen holy [ __ ] really yeah karen yeah congratulations you just got the shout out from the man the myth the legend jason nash scott is so great when we're here in our in our house i love it our house we live is awesome just oh what's your name zayn karen did you stay over karen i'm so sorry that i had to beat him to give you the shower not like you know someone with david but you got jason and i'm really sorry about that i'm so sorry that you don't have a home see that you stayed over once again oh wait a minute who's this wait i didn't even see you mad oh my god
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 595,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, vine, jason nash vine, best vines, funny vines, compilation, vine compilation, jason nash vine compilation, David Dobrik, Zane Hijazi, Scotty Sire, Carly and Erin, Josh Peck, Matt King, Heath Hussar, Ellen Degeneres, Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, Durte Dom, Alex Ernst, Caught, First Time, vegas, pink limo, caesar's palace, las vegas, mukbang, legends show, joe's stone crab, shane dawson, shane and ryland, eating show
Id: cjUf3Hdku9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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