Kia Sportage: Rear Wheel Bearing

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their viewers and welcome back to the South Bay Knox channel kia sportage it does not need brakes but it does need a rear wheel bearing so I thought it'd bring it along gotta bust out some good old-fashioned air tools in this video how I used him in a while blow the dust off mother power put that in there obviously we will blame that on Josh because he is not here sticking it Josh I'm getting an intern for three weeks from a local high school place so we'll see how that goes the kid is in the diesel tech program so should be interesting these brakes don't look that old this is an SMA customer so they weren't likely done here we're gonna pull the caliper bracket and everything all one shot we'll see about getting that cotter pin out she's looking a little crusty looks like three control arms on the back now we have two links going in and then the front link here coming to the back hopefully they're friendly and then we could just swing it up out of the way do like we always do it know that spring time is approaching one thing I have noticed is the white balance on this camera the Canon it's not near as what's it good but it's different than my old Sony Handycam that I used to use hopefully there's some kind of adjustment on there where we can compensate a little bit for having the doors open neither one of the cameras are very expensive cameras so I'll see what's what's in the settings to see if it can help us there we go oh we probably get a hook feed about working out of this counter out on the widespread matter does have a water jug thank this is the end of the cotterpin what used to be I doubt it's gonna come out sometimes you can just cut the ends of them sometimes but not always where you can take like a tapered punch you can get down in there behind the head of it sometimes that old John Lewis but I don't spend a whole lot of time on be honest with you ain't like that little piece of it came out that's better than nothing I guess it's not really that critical that it comes out Hey look at that there's another piece of it if it doesn't come out I just hit it with impact how they come so most of its out I think they're uh so that's broke is in the whole doesn't bet their fella well if the nanos got enough mustard this speaking up clustered play the game a clue with the kids the other day Oh Colonel Mustard oh yeah oh she goes that's fine played that game since my youth I think missus all picked it up in the cellphone Joey's get such good games elbow get too far that is baby is threaded all the way to the end plus plus plus plus it is cross-drilled this way and that making the end of that shaft a very vulnerable to the pushing to do let's write a castle nut on backwards because the end of the castle nut is vulnerable also let's wait here if we not something out we can run the nut back off at the kind of squares back up whack like a glove we gonna be able to get a single thread on it early no sir axle shafts sticks out just a touch bit too far to get a thread started out of now that kind of sucks if this was machined in a little bit this was machined in a little bit further it's not the nut that's holding this up either it's just how far this projects out we might get a big nasty plan will go old-fashioned on for a minute Chuck Bryce here oh he's using brass because these brass nothing can break oh it ain't moved whisker spray it bro bar hitting an L four pounder it ain't moving at all we always get like 20 minute job that they're taking a three-hour ordeal no you know what I ought to put that back on there [Applause] this is typically the easy part we're gonna try this now this tool by design is inherently weak as far as administering whole beans on the forcings group this is where everybody goes freakin nuts in the comments because they don't live in the Rust Belt and they don't understand that's me ranting a little bit so I'm gonna put a little tension on this not a lot the sum because if you just keep pulling this this polar will split right across the back a hundred percent guaranteed every time so I'll put some tension on it then you whack on the end of the forcing screw now people are like dude ducks in the threads whack and it doesn't do anything well it does fella because it has a boatload of pressure against a and you're whacking that little jar will bust it loose if you're working a shop long enough you kind of learn these things I did this that one video and people went friggin bananas in the comments and it hit an abortion screw doesn't do anything tell you what you come up here to show me how to get it out any other way I'll do it your way always open to suggestions at this point I don't care if it you know pulls the hub off pushes the axle on whatever they both got a hammer however if we beat on this for a while and it doesn't come loose the only thing we can tell our customers that we have to pull the knuckle off stick it in the press but I've taken these before not my dad shopping a 50-ton press and everything this explodes [Music] doesn't look like the splines [Music] [Music] [Music] and yes the axle shaft can move in [Music] come on baby pop you know you want usually once they cut loose we're good there's no sense in spraying it from the back that's completely encapsulated back there I think she might have moved a little dance with you move in little fella Holly lure your FBR I like doing that moist pulling out you know I think blue guys cooperating with us can't take that [Music] that was easy all right so you see step one of the key a wheel bearing piece of cake now that we have that moving we don't want to get too excited and yank the outer hub off yet because we still don't know if the three control arms that we have to unhook are all seized and gonna turn into a big Chebarkul right now go backwards if we had not disabled the vehicle [Music] it's good there nothing got destroyed yet where shall we begin it probably doesn't matter I'm gonna hose these all down for what it's worth I don't think it really does anything because well experience 19 hey I'll be jiggered look at that that's a good sign cause you try to get the inner one here that one spins or two for two for Tuesday here we got that one there is not a 19 we won't break it though we just want to crack it loose you got a lot of flexing ain't seen a lot of turn the problem is where is it seized in the bushing or D not what we can do is we can heat the nut up first we'll smash on this with the air hammer just because because we will and then we'll heat the nut up key bolts in my experience are inherently soft and they break relatively easily and this big jabroni has it looks like it is likely just a 14 millimeter bolt so you know 14 millimeter in size but it has this big honky Tonk head on it so it gives you a lot of purchase I'm potentially a very thin diameter bolt so be mindful of that just cuz it takes a big socket doesn't mean it can take the big yank so let's carry on let's see you should mind not your muscle so we're gonna use the snap-on weaksauce air hammer with the shake and break and a 22 mil I just want to give her a little massage we jiggle or loose if it's tight I'll go get the induction heaters planning to be our best met with all the stuff around here [Music] so heating this up pretty good must be there and then I'll pull on the bolt here while watching the opposite side because if the heads turning but that's not we may have to come up with a plan B which I don't even have yet well we can come up with one pretty quick this tool is pretty ideal for a situation like this old stuff is glowing let's get it ratchet I'll be ginger [Music] [Applause] no she's not gonna play and I'm going brave we'll do this just because it smokes and again I have no idea if it's even seized up you know on the threads see if she draws in some fluid for us or the quenching process helps it could be seized up in the bushing for all I know plus it smokes and it's kind of kind of cool side effects special effects right [Music] I'm not seeing any movement on that side beat on it a little bit more sure the knife that came loose give that a little too I'm not there now not gonna happen I wonder I wonder if this one will the one up here on the body if I can get that down and we've made good shape too we're not on plan B oh look at that I think this one's gonna come loose it's all on Jerry so that one's gonna come loose and so we can technically we can just hang this control arm down I'll hook the other two wham-bam me no we're good so we'll want to impact somebody gonna lose a tooth okay you gotta make me thread you all the way to the end there this one cooperated will do is will make sure we weren't dreaming on these money I suppose the whole sleep could be ripped out of the bushing but it's fun pretty I don't want to take it out all the way because we still want to slide hammer our hub off pull it off whatever we decide there perfect so now we're in now we know we're home free you know an exception of this you know if I was gonna do this I would just buy a new bolt probably just cut the nut off else is just tackled on two spots get a new bowl you know whatever we gotta do cut I cut that loose heated up again try to spin the nut off you know whatever we had to do probably price this control arm you know this is dirt cheap just get a control arm bushing in a bolt and be done with it if we weren't able to get the bolt out up here what I would have done is just taking the two bolts out of this strut which kind of defeats the purpose because if as cam bolts in a you know now we're obligated to get a wheel alignment whereas doing it like this we technically don't have to because nothing is adjustable obviously the one tie-rod in there one control arm control link what are you gonna call it it is adjustable but we're not messing with the adjustments that are on it now when we were pulling on this and it did finally decide to crack loose it did appear to me that it was starting to pull the hub off it's gonna do that with relative ease but I'm gonna continue to do so not a style you do have to be careful because we are pushing in against the differential so I just want to put a little pressure on it to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me so my eyes we're deceiving me it's actually the axle shaft going in you can see was starting to pick up on the suspension so what we'll do is we'll keep this rig right up now that we know the axle shaft is loose hopefully we can stick our slide hammer on this administer some beans to it and will come off relatively easy ten pounder talk just notice as I was taking these nuts off the inner race state that's fantastic that typically doesn't happen over it shortens our process because now we do have to fool around getting that off so finished taking the bolts out of our lower control arm here let's you that run that direction we'll take that Mouse nuts with them they're both exactly the same look like probably a 16 millimeter Bowl pretty jumbo and then our main goal is to get the axle shaft out so we'll see things are flexible enough here hopefully the top struggling good shape pull it out get the axle shaft out set it to the side and now we're left with just our bearing which has seen better days changing this let me get a flat screwdriver get our snap right now or this one feel like he's under pressure I did buy a new one no one could've got you there's are snapping actually in really good condition we will probably reuse that as opposed to using a new one cuz now the liquor rust on it can't believe that race to come out with it that usually sticks on the hub so we will go get the hub tamer and will tame this bearing so we've showed the hub tamer Lots over time so we're not gonna run down through that lots of videos essentially every time we do a wheel bearing that is pressing we utilize it familiar with it and likely some of you are extremely bored with it again we're just gonna give it a Yank I'm gonna use a flat cup on the outside get that bearing moving first is the key once we get it moving no juice here give her some oil spray down the threads cuz somebody will comment about that we're gonna pull it on just the inner race on the inside because essentially I mean worsen it this direction I cannot hang out the crack technically you should really be able to pull that inner race through the bearing less stuff explodes which can't settle make for a good video I do not know what the speed sensor is it's probably dangling back thanks we have to kind of be careful that everything kind of lined up here there's a one inch I do not know if the Nano it's gonna have it see what happens inch and a quarter she does not appear does not have the lead required in its pencil we will go get one and bigger and ha seer [Music] she comes once out of the old air cat the best cat person really seems to be the problem here I'm going to have a gander it should come out this direction she just wants to be a fighter unless this is you know what this may be a double snap ring donger I wonder I've seen that before nope it is not she's just a single snap ringer and it does have to go this direction so we still may end up using the huge erotic press kind of open us we're gonna work it typically does user casual talk to give it a little bit of turbo here there you sir up pick up some tolerance now these guns don't sound very powerful but they are people based on sound [Music] I think that's my bearing is about to explode damn back folks oh wait she goes and that's probably why OTC does not include the bear I think they're what they call liability always planned me let's give it some spray we always spray stuff more thinking under tension we got her wound just about tight we were going to on the backside hit the forcing screw a big nasty give it a little jar now that is under extreme tension as we saw in this case it did I made the do not call the shot finish they still calling the answer machine says please don't leave a message we're gonna call you back leave a message we got a bleeder to call up China gets more D fives hey I love my youtubers don't get me wrong but for crying out loud the 50 phone calls for some dates gotta stop at some point don't call me I'd be glad to set you up with appointment but most of them want free advice on everything life in general very very difficult I run a full-time shop I find it stop to answer every phone call Matt and really try not to be rude if I have to stop and answer every phone call I mean think about it I would never get anything done I'm trying to provide a service to our community here we're out to the end of the cup now curious at this point if we can just give her a couple - - a big nasty that'll just drive her the rest of the way home that way we don't have to put a bigger you know receiving cup you may just screwed the pooch there fella busting up the inner uh colon because now we don't have anything to push against so let's try to save this one don't do that don't hit it with the air hammer that's step number one what's up well we're gonna have to see if we can't get this one out now because of the way it's designed on the inside I can't stick a bigger Cup to hit the outer part of the race if that makes sense no put the smaller race back in it'll probably just want to push right through so let's try this we got to try to save our outer bearing here okay that's a most of it with some of the needles yeah stick that back on the inside totally rookie mistake you big dummy so not a big deal we all make mistakes probably halfway cut the race which really don't want to do or get one kind of pizza that'll wedge in there I'm saying get up in there like a wedgie let's all work all work in the end this beer there's just something that was just stupid stupid move I should be fired I just try and be quick about it I never beat him out in here and we're always drawn all the way out okay let's try it you know somebody's sitting there saying why don't you just hammer it out that's what I want to go fast so I'm surprised this is here's the double tapered alright I assumed it was gonna be ball bearings but it's not she's double tapered like Subarus so that's what that looks like one bearing race there and the other the noise maker doesn't take much to make noise well that right there is enough to make the noise and that's what this thing had so yes either race pretty decent right there it's hurting what they called spalling not sure the technical name but that's that watch out see if it's coming for you oh good thing it stops and barriada mean street clean it out it is pretty clean in the hole we don't have to do any more buffing which actually looks in really good shape even the snap ring groove I'm not gonna torture you guys with the old pick in the groove routine this runway q-tip around here the cloth getting schmutz out of there looks good let's go get the new parts a little bit a little bit there hopefully it presses in nice for us all right here's our new bearing SKF got it at the Napper open that stuff she has double sealed on both sides no magnetic pickup of course service no ABS sensor there the ABS sensor reads off the axial chef this little guy what we will do I should self-center pretty well I'm gonna get a compass it's the back if I can see back here oh that's gonna be kind of tricky buddy there's not much to grab on back there let me find what fits I got one that is snug it just fits in there ever so beautifully oh it's not the same one we need to press in with because we need to find a adapter that's gonna push on the outer for us so the hub grappler in the hub tamers they do come with instructions if you choose to look in there I believe they tell you for every make and model what they suggest as far as adapters I usually go with just what fits listen off right like so put that in there for it somewhere here the coupler the adapter we put on the inside we're probably have to tap that out I imagine once we get it pressed in all the way just run until she hits bottom okay come back and now the snap ring like I said goodbye a new snap but now if you need a new snap ring but it's the numbers from Napper however like I say ours is in great shape beautiful oh man somebody don't get hurt going home screwdriver B but to get away from me I so cannot hang on to anything today a lot of times you know what just go get some stammering Claire's ding-dong Oh God that is not in all the way just FYI your show click baby she's under attention as I click that side dudes [Music] don't hit the seal now you've gotten another one a puppet that go all right how long more man has taken care of me a loose on my blade we took care of my tires will you come on my lawn no anyhow snap ring is in when you took it out back in it's clicked in so now we just gotta press in train at all [Music] don't mind him stop him but they always gonna say storage 45 minutes now before we do this I didn't notice equalize your bar here on the parking brake I thought it was pushed up but I guess it's just kind of floats around in there all right everybody okay spring-loaded it is out of its position I gotta fix that listen jarred it loose just got loosen up one side here we don't take the nail off or anything no it sucked put together seen that earlier on and I wanted to fix it but I knew we were gonna be doing some beating still so there we go right now I'm so glad spring /summer is here so Sunday today is Tuesday it's about 80 degrees outside Sunday I woke up and our yard was completely white because it's snowed and it was a balmy 28 degrees today 50 or 80 rather snap ring is in we're good to go there were our folks to the bearing is installed late like two o'clock afternoon better late than never I always say well get up there you know we're late you better not be late I like that old joke you know I love a joke if it's true yeah we know all about your jokes yeah that's Trinity yep nobody you're just as happy what would you do that little Trinity no matter yeah you owe me an apology look at her she's so cute wanna know why your lunches play because you willingly send visually clean my truck okay so no complaints but I bought you a gift yeah I shall the viewers I got you there husband of the Year award let's go Joe you stand guard cheap I don't anybody in the front door okay okay no all right let's see it missus oh I don't know there's part of your gift over here oh yeah where is it well no I didn't say that but if you if you want me down if you want me no it's not true so mrs. o is always stealing my stinking tools so I bought a drum 20 volt they don't know wow so you got a new 20 volt impact driver I don't even have a 20 volt impact driver and see as the 20 volts 1/2 inch drive D Walt drill I've only got the weaksauce ones that way better than mine I hope here yeah I hope you share and then she's always stealing my frickin girl bits so look at that I did her a solid let's get some special music gone [Music] there's no special music but pretty sweet huh are you super excited you have so many freaking projects already that's why I bought you this stuff so you stay out of my stuff anyhow anyhow I know I know okay I don't know I know no now I look like a real jerk hole right that's right yeah yeah you bring your own tool I know and so guys this is go over there don't look I'm gonna talk to the men where you got your stuff going so if you buy your lady something like this you also have to get her something else which is not here in the package what else did I get for you mrs. though the real Schmoll Durr the heartbreaker yeah but not the heartbreak or the heartthrob ballroom dancing dirty dancing yeah I couldn't find dirty dancing lessons huh I got ballroom dancing lessons instead oh we're gonna go barroom dancing I'd really be like yeah dirty dancing nobody does dirty dancing lessons I can't believe it yeah well I'm talking about I'm going back to work so if you're right if you buy a girl and drill get her some dance lessons right yeah Hawaii traitor married vice 101 now come inside Chiba come here oh come here old girl I like kid [Applause] once it's over control are pretty soon she's getting pretty crusty this world anyways kia does have 200k ever though so the rest is pretty simple from this point forward you know this take and reinstall the bolts we will not tighten these until we get it down in the right feet position so we'll set it down this one yeah this one we can actually do or just put the tire on and I'll set it down and then tire up on a block or something along those lines snugged up to factory specs it breaks back together oh boy you need to go ahead quite a bit don't you tell you what I use the old ratchet-strap trick don't fight it if you can force it that's what you used to always tell me so we would see if we can just give it a little tug with it [Music] and she is I'm grandma's she's pretty smart lady [Music] well top this and over here you over there yawning tired of course than someone we're gonna have you leave and this place turns into a nuthouse let me get this done first I'll start on that service and then you can go walk to your heart's desire Oh what time is it children time already all right hustle though little hitch in your giddyup you know what I mean you're me jelly bean do it time yourself wait till like one minute before it's the Lessman better to come up and then run like the wind barefoot like a like people that run barefoot don't think I'm a native americans navy lick my shoes now okay no shoes no what you know at one point that one time well that's all ran naked okay put on a piece of deerskin leather uh-huh around for me go get someone you're gonna do it there is this one lady that comes to school to pick up her kids barefoot she look like she's the Native American huh got my shoes I gotta tighten this up before I forget even in the winter even in winter she wears no shut up no telling story you to try to sound cool that you give me the picture well it's not with her anymore so who knows my own shoes my foot yeah hey convince your combat like a doctor interviewer a screw what's up what's up bring out what up Wednesday kill fabric is tight now we do have to play in wheel bearing which has the sweet pork spec range on it 147 though 206 I believe it said no matter which one you choose probably oh just a smidge more shell lineup so let's take a jumper up to our 200 probably clicked before it movies well we gotta go just a wish turn oh that was a whisker and it didn't click so we're still within our torque to spec range and that hole is actually wide open no broken piece awesome oh just sign the birds meows Mitch too big probably I ran drove it through that whole thing every tool has a hammer side so I'll pull that up gonna cut it I always buy three-inch Cotter keys because you can you can spend a ton of money getting like all these different sizes i buyed that different diameters but I always buy them three inches long that way they always fit whatever you need you just cut them down [Music] or wheel back huh yeah give me 20 minutes 30 minutes 35 35 oh the old rubber match here I've got the wheel sitting up on a block of wood now we'll just tighten up the bushings like screw down here now the lift is still underneath it before you get all pumped up about that don't worry [Music] one [Music] get up on there [Music] there's two [Music] the number three last but not least [Music] well I can take it man keep more time not always more tires and that folks is that but rear wheel bearing in the back your kia sportage not too big a job if you don't make some rookie mistakes like I did like you know getting in there and hammering into the bearing flies apart well it ended up not being too big a deal you can always solve the problem no matter you know what you come across it's getting a little crusty something come apart as it should have it have been nice to get that one lower bowls out but we just took off that whole you know trailing arm anyways so it worked out good in the end I don't know how much life that has left in it it's pretty shiny on the top side getting some crust around the wheel r2 got a couple hundred K on it or almost I should say buck 90 something so it probably won't be long for this world anyways but we let it live to die another day as they say and what I say is go down there click subscribe make sure you leave a comment good or bad tell us why you hate us give us the thumbs up if you like it find us on our socials patreon and just from our viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 905,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wheel bearing, kia, bearing, repair, kia sportage, noisy wheel bearing, kia sportage (automobile model), wheel, sportage, auto repair, wheel bearing noise, wheel bearing replacement, how to check a wheel bearing, how to replace a front wheel bearing, wheel bearing kit, how to replace a wheel bearing, kia (automobile make), rear, how to fix rear wheel bearing hub and save money, rear wheel bearing
Id: 8cMAXoHw5Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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