KHLOE KARDASHIAN IPSY X + Small Rant!? (Unboxing 2 Ipsy X Boxes May 2021)

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go jimmy go jimmy go go to me go jimmy go hello everybody and welcome back to my channel i hope you guys are having a lovely wonderful fantastic day today's video is brought to you by helix sleep i'll tell you guys about them later on video everything's a mess might as well make it worse alright you guys so today we are going to be looking at some ipsy glam bag x's that i got and i have two of them i don't know why i don't know where the second one came from i don't remember signing up for two and if she doesn't send me pr so i don't know how the second one got here maybe they sent me a replacement because my first one showed up um we're just a little bit smooshed so it's a little bit smooshed and also like packing taped all the heck typically when this happens in like the actual mailing process they put like a little sorry we crushed your stuff sticker on it but this one doesn't have one i don't i don't know how this happened anyway it's not surprising but i believe i am orange i believe i am orange i believe i am orange let's go ahead and start opening these up together i am going to be trying the contents of the packages on my face today i haven't done a try on portion in a little while with you guys actually you know what i'm saving this one for a second i'm gonna go ahead and see what the non-smash box is supposed to look like to see if i'm like missing stuff or things are broken that shouldn't be in the second one oh i am excited for one product i'm already seeing it here hey alrighty so this month is curated by khloe kardashian and it will tell us all about the items that she has selected inside this little newspaper here have you guys seen like the recent stuff with colby cardiac i never talk about drama anything on this channel this channel stays then this isn't even drama it's just you know stuff that's happening in social media and like online presences i guess but i've scrolled through instagram on like several occasions and like gone past somebody and i'm like oh who's that i don't remember following them and then looking up and it's khloe kardashian i'm like oh i think she's a beautiful lady she's doing her business stuff she has her baby like she's doing great but every now and then i'm like oh you could have given me 5 000 guesses of who that was and i would not guess khloe kardashian and it does make me a little sad because like khloe kardashian i feel like you know she has a little bit of a larger jawline kind of like i do so when i see her and like pictures and stuff like shrink down her jaw so much to where it's just like you know fully pointed i'm like oh mine's probably larger than hers when i see her like shrink it down to where it's just like a like a solid like triangle point i'm like that makes me feel not so great i will put a time stamp in this video so you guys can skip over my little koi kardashian rant anyway uh so moving on here the very first thing we have inside i've definitely have these before these are knc beauty all natural collagen infused flip masks you do get five of them in here which is pretty nice um i'm not a huge like mask person lip mask face mask neck mask elbow and then make a mask for literally everything okay we've been getting a lot of stuff from this brand recently this is the complex culture rose quartz speaking of my chin gusha sculpting stone okay so this is another thing i've been seeing like floating around tik tok like people will start off like you know like this and by the end of their gusha stoning they're like and i don't know how that works or if it actually does work but i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be good for like facial massage and like moving around your fluids and things like that i can't really slide it on my skin i thought you could just like easily slide it on the skin but maybe not i do have like kind of a sticky moisturizer on right now so maybe that's why i'm a little bit surprised there's no like instructions or anything for this like exactly how to like massage and move this around your face because i'm sure there's like ways that you should next item is from tower 28 this is the milky lip jelly that actually sounds kind of fun i don't know if i've ever heard of this brand before but milky milk milk jelly what milky lip jelly thumbs up right up my alley ooh i like this packaging as well it's just kind of clear but you know it's nice looking and its color is also pretty as well smells pretty good i can't see anything oh no my mirror's in the other room barbarella where are you the only thing you're good for oh okay i actually kind of love this this is a very nice lip gloss it just has like enough color to it but also like enough opaqueness or i guess milkiness to give it you know some coverage on the lips but it's like still really sheer and glossy the next item is from cosas this is a volumizing lash care mascara the big clean i don't really know what they mean by the big clean or lash care i don't know if there's supposed to be something in here to like help flashes grow or moisturize them or something oh another very nice packaging i'm pretty embarrassed i'm pretty impressed with the packaging of these items it's like a nice ombre from like an orangey to a pink one's kind of interesting as well it has kind of like a curved applicator but it's nice and fluffy and there's like a bigger like hunk right there i don't know different before i move on to the next item i would love to tell you guys about today's sponsor helix sleep well isn't this just a glorious outfit so i am in my comfy clothes sitting in bed today to tell you all about our sponsor helix sleep good sleep is so incredibly important to your overall health and well-being and that's one of the reasons i am so happy to be sleeping on a helix mattress felix sleep is a premium mattress and a box company that makes mattresses to fit your unique needs and preferences it is so easy to find the helix mattress that'll be the perfect fit for you all you need to do is fill out the helix sleep quiz outlining your preferred bed size sleep position mattress firmness and other preferences because i personally am a side sleeper who likes a really soft mattress and also shares their mattress they recommended to me to get the helix sunset lux and i am so happy with it i have been sleeping so much more comfortably switching over to helix it feels so much better to sleep on my side the mattress is a lot softer but also more supportive than my last mattress and i just i really love it with your helix mattress not only do you get a 100 night sleep trial but you also get a 10 year warranty which is really fantastic and the best part is that helix will deliver your mattress to your door for free within the united states it comes rolled up inside of a box so it is super easy to set up i set mine up all by myself and it was really simple so if you two would like to improve your sleep click the link below or go to alexandria for up to 200 off your helix sleep mattress plus two free pillows rand do you like the mattress too you like it i think the mattress is definitely run approved our next item is from rodeo this is a cleansing balm was supposed to lift and illuminate it is pink diamond uh i'm assuming this is some type of is it for your face your body okay so this is for your face it says supposed to lift dirt from the face while visibly transforming the appearance of the skin before we have a couple of different things that are supposed to lift and tighten your skin so yeah that's interesting that was a charlotte tilbury well this might be a real nice box i'm kind of impressed with this so far the next item in here is from charlotte tilbury this is charlotte's magic cream is that the fancy one that everybody really likes i don't really know i honestly i don't use much charlotte tilbury because it's very expensive oh what oh okay you just go like like that the magic dew of youth and luminosity in a jar so we're just really trying to make our face like in this like we're just really sucking it back which might not be the worst thing i've had an opportunity to be carded three times within the past two days not a single person as part of me not one not one the packaging on this is really nice it's like a very thick acrylic oh that is a very very thick cream that is quite intensely scented that scent can make all the grandpas come running that smells like fancy mature woman that the wow next up we have something from 111 skin this is just a very fancy box um this is the rose gold radiance booster i'm about a thousand percent sure that i have received this before in subscription boxes oh that's almost my name it's from dr y alexandrides md i mean kind of not really a little bit close it comes in a very pretty shiny kind of rose gold bottle i don't really know what it does what does it do oh pure gold cello skin will become utterly incandescent what a sentence what is sallow by the way and then the very last thing in here this is actually what i was super excited about when i opened the box this is from lolila and one of my favorite perfumes of all time is from lolila it's little wish i love it so much but this is the breathe peony and white lily shea butter hand cream i was pretty much just excited for this because it was the lolila brand but i'm sure it's gonna be really nice their hand creams always come packaged and like these nice metal tubes and they're always really pretty definitely something nice to set out like by your bedside or something well typically there's like a little stabby thing so you can actually get the cream out but you know you know when i guess it comes down to it we got time things all around us all around us or stabby thingies oh that's a very pretty like light fresh summery smell i typically wouldn't go for a super floraly scent like this but i am really liking the freshness of it it's very bright and pretty all right you guys that was everything in the first glambag x and honestly i thought this is a pretty cool box like i'm not mad at it at all i love this lip gloss i think it's such a beautiful color we got a charlotte tilbury product a 111 skin product that really nice hand cream so yeah i'm pretty excited about this first box i'm not gonna lie so let's go ahead and see what the total retail value for this boxes oh this lip gloss is only fourteen dollars it's also vegan and cruelty free made with plant-based ingredients dang we have the co-sauce mascara which is twenty six dollars the one 111 skin gold radiance booster is 135 dollars i knew it that's ridiculous but i knew it the charlotte tilbury of charlotte's magic cream is 100 so just in two creams alone we have 235 the lip masks were thirty nine dollars shea butter hand cream is 26 usha i'm i'm fairly certain i'm pronouncing that wrong but it is 28 oh the pink diamond cleansing balm is 59 so there are some very expensive items in here i don't know where my phone is no i thought i was actually gonna have to like do math like write it down on paper or something only guacamole you guys the total retail value came to 427 which i think is absolutely fantastic do i have any memory of how much the glenn back x like costs no absolutely none i do not remember how much i pay for this but i know it's not anywhere near 427 so i personally am very happy with this box and let me know what you guys think about this first box so far i think i think we're off to a very good part um good job anya koley kardashian for curating this one so far i think it's really nice and i cannot stop smelling my hands let's go ahead and move on into the second more compact squished highly taped up box we have here that was my entire basket of makeup every item of makeup that i use on a daily basis is inside of this basket and that's what i just split all over the ground but i think everything's fine i don't think anything shattered so that's good okay so let's go ahead and get on into the smooshed box here i'm already very excited i'm seeing another thing from the tower 28 is it the same color this one's in the shade cashew i don't know if i told you guys the color of the last one oh but this is also super pretty i just i'm loving these lip glosses wouldn't that be super bad it was just like i forgot the size of my mouth this one's definitely a little bit more like brownie but oh it's like this one too i'm so excited i don't know why i sound so angry but i'm so excited i even might like this one better honestly this could be like my everyday go-to kind of gloss it just it's a nice color it almost looks like i'm wearing like nothing on my lips besides just like a clear gloss i really like that it's kind of that like my lips but better shade i like to play this game of chicken where i like push stuff back on my desk to see how far i can go without knocking stuff off it's typically not very far okay really quickly i'm just going to go ahead and pull all the repeats because there are several repeats in here so we have a another rose quartz sculpting stone another 1 1 1 skin rose gold radiance booster a rodeo pink diamond cleansing balm and i do believe that is it for the repeats so let's see what is next up in here this is very heavy for like a tiny little box the next item in here is from rms beauty this is a lip to cheek little guy so i'm assuming this is going to be like a dual use product so you can put on your lips and your cheeks i got mine in the shade the mirror i feel like i would probably use this more for my cheeks than i would my lips i tend to stay away from like a super super rosy lip oh it's very sheer this is like lip balm kind of sheer okay um i was expecting more of like a creamy type product once i put my finger into it but it's actually more of like a sticky kind of like gloss feel than anything so maybe let's go ahead and swap that around there's a better chance i'll probably use this on my lips than i would my cheeks it's a thousand degrees in here and i'm wearing my most grandpa e of grandpa sweaters i don't know why i decided that i needed this gigantic sweater today but it was the wrong choice the next item we have is from ace ology which i definitely have never heard of that brand before this is an overnight lip mask which is supposed to exfoliate hydrate and smooth i could have made this literally half the size i don't think there's any product in this until like down here but you know that's okay you're supposed to apply this before you go to sleep and then upon awakening remove with a damp cotton pad according to the instructions on the back so i can definitely try that my lips have been in quite a state recently so anything to help them out is probably it's probably gonna be good they were so bad yesterday like as i was getting ready i just put lotion on them i put lotion on them i was like you know what sarah v help my face maybe it'll help my lips the next item we have in here is an eye popper that doesn't sound fun at all um but this is from one size it's in the shade everything and more that's really pretty oh it kind of looks like my nails a little bit so we just have kind of a creamy looking eye shadow here with some sparkles in it this is really pretty not exactly what i was expecting for some reason i thought it was going to be like a shiny stick and then finally last but not least we have an item in here that i have loved for so long i haven't been using it within the past like oh maybe like two years but i used to love it so much it was my very favorite eyeshadow palette for like many years we have the anastasia beverly hills modern renaissance eyeshadow palette and i'm currently looking at two of them one's real gross because it's very old and then i bought a replacement so we have one of these guys i i just i love this palette i have a feeling this one's not going to be worth quite as much as our last one we do have some pretty expensive products in here we have another 111 skin booster 135 the rodeo which was 59 the anastasia beverly hills palette is 45. the rms beauty product is 36 which i think is just a little bit expensive the aceology overnight lip mask is 39 the one size sparkle eyeshadow is 22 and we have the stone which is 28 so let me go ahead and type all this in and get you guys a price the total value comes to 378 dollars which is kind of a big difference between the two boxes um but i still think it's a pretty fantastic value i mean a full-size anastasia beverly hills eyeshadow palette plus we got that lip gloss that i just love but uh let me know what you guys think down below in the comments um which box did you prefer i think i definitely like the first one the best but i'm unbelievable for all of your thoughts i'd love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions maybe if i didn't already have two of the anastasia palettes then i would have liked the second box more but um i already do have two of them this hair is looking like knock off fair faucet today but not like the not like a walmart knockoff more like a dollar tree knockoff all right we really don't have like two terribly much to try on i have worn the modern renaissance palette like 5 000 times so i don't really want to open up a brand new one but i guess i can go ahead and grab one of my old ones like when i tell you i use this thing like i use this thing look how gross that is that is that's not what it's supposed to look like that is disgusting in comparison this is what it's supposed to actually look like there's quite the difference there but i mean like i even hit pan on some of these things dang i haven't had pain and eye shadow weird but as far as makeup goes we really don't have too much to try on it's kind of just like these three products so i'm thinking i might just do like a very simple light makeup look i don't know if i'm gonna put on foundation what is this why are you here i can't decide if i just kind of want to do like a bare face thing and then wear this kind of like sticky blush stuff and then just do like a shiny eye with some mascara i might do that i might do that very like nice light summery look i really don't know how i'm gonna feel about this blushy stuff because it is just it feels like like tinted chapstick and i'm not used to putting that on my face it is quite pink though wow maybe i should put on some foundation oh that's looking a little rough right there i might even do just like a little bit on the tip of my nose nearly 30 trying to look like a tick tock e girl right i might have put on it just a little bit too much but i do actually like it more than i expected to like my face isn't really sticky i envisioned like my hair like literally like just like sticking to my cheek it really does kind of look like no makeup it just looks like a natural flush to your cheek so yeah it's kind of nice now let's go in for a sparkly eye the color on that is actually more opaque than i expected it to be um it does kind of blend away though as soon as i touch it with my finger and just kind of leaving a little bit of sparkles behind oh oh or maybe none i think i might have just removed all the sparkles there okay i want to tap those back on it's actually very cooling on the lids but it's kind of starting to tingle a little bit like it's burning just a tiny bit uh hopefully i'm not having a reaction why do my dying on eyelids just hate everything i'm gonna do a fairly heavy layer of mascara to give my eyes some definition but yeah oh they're burning oh why are they burning why is it hot it's a very interesting sensation that flona's smell was super pungent wow i'm going to fill in my brows a tiny touch all right you guys here is the finished very very light look i think it goes kind of nice with like my 70s hair and stuff it's just a very simple very pink kind of i don't know i feel a little fairy-ish or something i am not sure how i feel about this eye product though it's burning my eyes just a little bit i'm probably gonna wash it off after i film this it's also not sticking well i'm not sure maybe i didn't get enough time to dry before i like open my eyes but it's kind of just transferring off my lids as soon as i like blink or move my eyes i like the cheek stuff much more than i anticipated it really does give you just like a nice natural flush and i just i love this lip gloss i'm so happy with this lip gloss it's so smooth so comfortable it doesn't feel sticky at all i just i love it anyway so that's all i have for you guys today thank you so very much for watching please go ahead and consider subscribing if you wouldn't mind opening the absolute world to me also if you wouldn't care to leave this video like and leave a comment down below that would be amazing thank you so very much for hanging out with me today thank you so very much for watching i hope you guys had a lovely wonderful fantastic day and i'll see y'all next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: Alexandria Ryan
Views: 116,520
Rating: 4.9615688 out of 5
Keywords: ipsy, ipsy x, khole kardashian, kardasian, ipsy x unboxing, unboxing, makeup, beauty, subscription, alexandria, alexandria ryan, funny, comedy, humor, makeup unboxing, beauty unboxing
Id: SP84Gc84UBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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