Khadas VIM3: 4K NVMe SBC with NPU

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers calm this time we're going to take a look at the contents of this box which contains a thin three single board computer and related accessories which have been supplied with you than my friends at card us now the venturi is a powerful arm based single board computer which include an MDOT to stock which will take an nvme SSD and this has got an NP u and neural processing unit so let's go and take a closer look right let's open up our box from card ass a look at an aside what we got here was a littler card they will take about this is a power supply leader I'm sure USB C power supply lead this is a heatsink as far as I'm aware we'll have a look at that fit it onto the board a bit later in the video and down here we have the USB C power supply this is fairly obvious and finally here we have via a card a sims 3 in his little box Diller shrink-wrap so we'll bring in to Stanley the knife to get us into this hopefully we'll get in there and that will now come off oh there we are get into the thing here we are nice little box beautifully presented this this board and that inside here will be the computer itself and I remembered I've struggled to open these before oh it's coming open there we are and there is there look the card ass then three and just needs I'll get it out of the box and I think it's quite a tight fit I'll do that there we are look and we have a piece of foam summer antenna and our Singapore computer via card ass vim 3 and specifically this is 8 vim through basic which cost 99.99 and has 2 gigabytes of RAM and 16 gigabytes of onboard flash storage but there's also events repro which cost 139 dollars 99 and has four gigabytes of RAM and 32 gigabytes of on-board storage and most recently we've now also got an arranged event 3l which has two gigabytes of RAM 16 gigabytes of onboard flash storage a lower specification system-on-a-chip and costs $69 99 let's turn to the specification of the Vince through basic we have here and it's based on this am logic a 3-1 1 d and this is a very interesting system on a chip the CPU is hexa-core and a big little configuration we've got for our cortex a 73 cores at 2.2 gigahertz and 2 on cortex a53 cause at 1.7 gigahertz and we've also got a GPU as you would expect which is an arm g2 and P for GPU running it up to an 800 megahertz and this will support hardware decoding of 4k video UHD video h.265 add up to a 75 frames a second and at 1080p h.264 at up to 60 frames a second but in addition to the CPU on the GPU what makes this a very interesting system with a chip from my point of view anyway is it also got an NP you a neural processing unit to a neural network accelerator and this runs at 800 megahertz but we don't generally already gauge the speed of an MP you in megahertz we gauge it in terror operations per second or tops and this is rated at 5.0 tops so what this basically means is we've got on this system of the chip a an additional component and additional processor in addition to the CPU and the GPU for doing a neural network operations for running neural network inference which means this board is going to be very good at things like vision recognition it'll support all the major deep learning frameworks including things like tensor flow and caffeine also on top of the board we've got our memory here is our a 2 gigabyte to the lp ddr4 ram and next to that we've got our onboard flash storage or a 16 gigabytes of an emmc 5.1 storage over here we then got via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module off we were normal 802 1 1 ABG and an AC Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 and finally on top of the board I'm not quite sure where it is but we do have a gyroscopic sensor at triaxis Digital accelerometer so this board can sent it to orientation things like that if we turn to the main long edge we find most of our connectivity we've got specifically here a a type a USB 3.0 port Gigabit Ethernet full-sized HDMI and USB C which is used either to power the board or you can use it as a USB 2.0 port if you're powering the board by other means and then finally on the end we've got a USB 2.0 type in port rotating to the short edge we find a pmw Thun connector so he switches which are for a reset function and power and then on the end down here a real-time clock battery connector spinning 90 again we come to the second long edge and here we've got a 40 pin GPIO connector with all the standard stuff i2c r2s UART USB and SP diff and next to that we've got a two channel IR receiver and right down here you probably can just about made them out we've got three system LEDs finally our last shortage is probably never going to make the national news headlines but it does feature these two antenna connectors if we return to the top of the board we can then de flick it over to look at their underside the board there we are and under here we've got our micro SD card slot and next to that a VIN power connector which is another way of powering the board down the bottom we have these mid B CSI and DSi camera and display connectors plus a touch panel connector and this can support two cameras and an LCD touch panel up to 1920 1080 resolution finally here I'm sure you've noticed it already we've got an MDOT two slot services a pcie 2.0 one-lane slot and this will support an Envy SSD but the board has one flaw in this respect because the socket points out this way if I bring in a drive and actually plug it in you'll see if you actually end up going like that so you have to find a way of mounting this effectively I guess there are limitations in terms of where we could have this screwed onto the the base of the board itself so there we are that is the card ass Vince 3 a very interesting single board computer right any SBC of this power is going to need some form cooling and as we saw earlier car does have supplied me with that this which is to have a heatsink for the then SBC since I'll just get into here and here we are there's the heatsink and it's a mounting stuff we put a heat pad there we'll just get that out as well there we are we now have a heat pad on some screws so I guess what we need to do is to take those out the way bring the border back in put the heat pad on the board across all of these chips there we go and we can now fit heatsink on the top of the board goes in like that I think rather nicely designed a construction that'll go in there so I'll just drop in the screws and there we are that's fitted very nicely on the board that seems to be a very good cooling solution and took me a second it medley to work out the screws coming from the base I should have worked that out straight away but that work set very nicely however I'm not going to leave things just like that because I happen to have over here this rather nice earth car dustbin case they've been three is compatible with the previous bid in two cases I've got this bin to case and so the board will actually go in here like this which is a rather neat isn't it obviously the top goes on after that but to fit it like this we actually have to do something different with the screws because we used longer screws here to go down into earth for just get this out into the screw holes in the base plate so I need to sort all that out and there we are as you can see everything is now nicely a positioned in the k-source all secured with heatsink very very nice unit this builds up - and as you probably saw though you might have noticed I also fitted the antenna in that process as well a little bit of a going on has gone on there so all weights now is to put the top on the the case where you goes in like this like these cases because if you wish to you can take out this piece here like that and therefore you can have access to your GPIO connected if you wish but in this case I don't need that someone to leave that still in there like that so I'll just put the final screws in and there we are we have our finished unit and I do like the way all the screws hit go into it into metal nothing is tapping into plastic this is really very nicely done so there we are we have our venturi all that case top and ready to test so we just get it all connected up we can see how it performs so here we are booting into Android on the VINs 3 which like all card are singable computers has got Android pre-installed in the onboard emmc flash so you don't have to do anything other than plugging the board in pairing it up and you could do boot into Android as we're doing here I do like that little Android animation showing us all look Android is materializing before our eyes come on let's get into Android hopefully here we are on the Android desktop and as you can see the Play Store is a pre-installed here which is a very handy we can go into the Play Store under that's all sitting there working for us absolutely fine we can install different apps and as you can see I have installed YouTube but other than that everything here is exactly as you get it when you first boot up within three so we've got for example the Chrome browsers here already and that'll work absolutely fine taking us to exciting websites to look at things like single wall computers actually works and it is worth pointing out that here I'm actually running in 4k we go to the settings and with some very extensive settings here available in this Android implementation we go to a display and we go to screen resolution you'll see that we run into 160 P there and there's a whole range of resolutions available which obviously you could use so okay we're looking at a quality Android output it a lot of people who want to know stream a 4k media from their SBC and we're doing it here potentially on the film 3 to show you in actuality let's go to YouTube itself and I've got some test clip sitting here hopefully that's her first of all look at Maya 1080p clip they're my standard YouTube test clip you are of course watching this in the 1080p video but everything is being played out to 160 P although this is a 1080p video and that's hurting absolutely fine no problem without playback at all I'm very impressed with the streaming playback on there within three but let's come out of that lets comes out down and there and let's just go back to her another clip this clip here has closed that one down this clip actually is to 160 P as you can see I've got it written in the title so let's push it out full screen as well there we are and so when out playing a 4k clip in 4k on the event rate and again no problems at all you can see the frame codes keeping up with us perfectly well so this clearly is working very well indeed the other thing I just want to show you is if we go to someone finally come out of this let me out YouTube here we do with me I'm trying to figure out how to control this thing there we all come out like that and about to Li the desktop just want to play some clips which are local go into movies here I put a couple of Clips across this is some ducks which recorded in 4k this is actually called it at pretty high data rate which is directly off the camera system the raw camera file at a 150 megabits a second and that's playing back fine from the internal flash storage on the vim 3 so that's working it very well indeed that's rather good isn't it like to see the docs like that I think it was a rabbit's as well I won't know where the rabbit's gone when we find the rabbits hope I can find the rabbits Jeremy just clipped finishing trying to find my controls do I want to err I just want to cancel I want to go back so oh that me oh there's the rabbit look there's the rabbit looking out from the undergrowth that rabbit just happened to be there when I was filming the Ducks I thought it might come out and do some tricks but it didn't anyway we've proved a point we've got very good 4k playback off media those streaming aren't local on the vin 3 right that's what we take a quick venture into Linux and so here we are running Ubuntu with an xfce desktop on the Sims 3 and I do like a little rodent here keeping things rather jolly and this is pretty much what you get when you install an image directly from the car that's website on the vim 3 but I have actually made a few changes to display settings and to the font sizes here for things work best on video so let's just have a quick look in the menu you'll see this is a nice responsive system here loads of settings we can play with it it's always nice to have few accessories here other than that it's not terribly a full of software which in many ways is a good thing we've got chromium and thunderbird available for internet multimedia players libre offices there and his system tools and stuff that Tirana Bates top and now some of you like to see eight top you'll see things in running quiter frugally here we've got a lot of memory free 1.8 2 gigabytes of memory free out of our 2 gigabyte total which is pretty good with her nothing running along so it's not a very heavy operating system we're running and you can see the processor cause aren't exactly being kept busy at the moment let's run up the the browser let's go to Internet and chromium and I think that she's going to default to the vim freeze own webpage I do like the car that's website but it's very very graphically heavy so it takes a second to come in and I would note that here as you might have noticed I'm running with a wired Ethernet connection as I wasn't Android not because of the any problems with the Wi-Fi on the vim 3 but because my router is playing up and I'm not giving proper Wi-Fi working very well today or yesterday I might have to replace my router again anyway I didn't want to hold that against this board so that's why I'm running with it Ethernet and you can see things work perfectly well here grab things properly is having a think please come in and work I told you it was drafted me how he didn't I so it sir this site is challenging for the rims three its own site as you can see we'll get there eventually but it's not the best browsing experience unfortunately here let's go to a somewhere else let's go to say explaining computers that'll be a very very light sites to load in that's going to work with no problems at all as you can see that's not a on the problem is it that's not that's working fine and it's probably worth going to it YouTube isn't because we always have a test out of that have I bookmarked it hopefully I have I have there's my sample that clip and then we'll just play that up like that there we are and it'll come up having a little think will bring up the stats for nerds hopefully there we are all come on Christopher it's as you can see it's not as responsive as it was in Android and this is playing to an ATP but we are getting dropped frames so as is so frequently the case on Singapore computers we don't have the best browser blaze Pele back of a video because I'm there isn't the appropriate GPU support so things work here is nothing wrong with this desktop experience but if you want to play video on there that Vince remarked my strong advice is to use Android as we were just doing where it works very well indeed evening for okay so there we are that's the browser experience but of course you can do all kinds of other things with of them three not least you might want to experiment with its mpu and card asks themselves have made a very good video demonstrating this where you can see event three recognizing household objects and also different part a single board computers so I'll put a link to that video in the video description if you want to check out renewal processing capabilities of the thin three the venturi is a very well specified single board computer which I suspect many people will use as an Android box however given that the venturi has got the NP you the newer processing unit on board it also has many potential applications in a I and related edge computing but now that's it for another video if you enjoy what you seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 252,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Khadas VIM3, Khadas VIM 3, VIM3, VIM 3, VIM3 demo, VIM3 review, VIM3 android, Vim3 streaming, VIM3 youtube playback, VIM3 Ubuntu, VIM3 NPU, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, NPU, neural processing unit, AI SBC, Khadas SBC, Android SBC, 4K Android SBC
Id: ryTykjUbJIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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