Eight x86 SBCs

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers comm this time I'm going to compare the eight different x86 based single board computers which I previously reviewed on this channel and specifically that means looking at four boards from DF robot two boards from you do one board from seed studio and one from digital loggers so here we have our eight x86-based SBC's and it's always nice to see so many single board computers in one place note that like the manufacturers of some of these boards are music x86 as the shorthand that any processor based on the Intel x86 instruction set including its 64-bit derivatives this means that rather than having an arm CPU like we find on a Raspberry Pi all of these boards are based on an x86 and x86 64 or an AMD 64 CPU in fact all of these SBC's are 64-bit so let's now look at each board in turn starting over here with the cheapest and moving through to the most expensive right our first board is a very good value curiosity called the atomic pie this is actually a repurposed robots control board and it's got a quad-core intel atoms at a 350 CPU under this nice Lodge heatsink which runs at one point four four gigahertz base frequency and bursts 21.92 and we've also here got Intel HD graphics 2 gigabytes of ddr3 RAM and 16 gigabytes of onboard flash storage connectivity is pretty limited we've got a single USB 3.0 port a header for an additional USB 2.0 port and you have to power the atomic PI using the GPIO connector we finder underneath unless you buy a very count on board but the key thing about this board is the price because the supplier digital loggers sell this for $35 88 in the forum you see it here or if you buy a breakout board they sell it for $59 exactly now in theory you can run Windows on the atomic PI but even I wouldn't try and install Windows 10 on it 16 gigabyte emmc flash storage and so it's best to use the atomic pipe with a lightweight linux distro and so for example here I'm running a lubuntu which runs a very nicely on this board and gives you a good experience with things like work processing a local media playback and also a browsing the web so there we are the atomic PI an x86 base SBC and limited supply but it's a great value piece of kit but typically if you're prepared to tinker you next we have these two very similar looking boards now known as the latter panda version 1 to 32 and a 464 these are initially based on the Intel atoms at 8 300 CPU but the hardware now on sale features the same said 8 350 used in the atomic pine so these boards both have a quad-core 1.4 4 gigahertz base frequency CPU as well as Intel HD graphics as the name suggests the ax 232 board is equipped with 2 gigabytes of RAM and 32 gigabytes of onboard flash storage last year 464 has got 4 gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigabytes of onboard flash storage both boards also have one USB 3 port and 2 USB to ports as well as an onboard Arduino mega 4 GPIO control turning to price Lea 232 model is $89 bear four hundred and $19 with Windows 10 activated while steer 464 is $149 pair or two hundred and nine dollars with Windows 10 activated and it's important to note with these original lot a panda boards really are primarily intended to run Windows 10 because they don't have a standard bootloader which means it's difficult to install Linux although it is possible on newer versions of the bolts if we transition to Windows number 232 here we are we can see that with a few basic apps installed if I open up this piece see that the internal flash storage is just over half full we've got about twelve point seven gigabytes free over twenty eight point two gigabytes available the desktop experience in Windows is also pretty reasonable for a basic Windows PC you won't get the same experience here as on a much or powerful PC but for things like a web browsing were processing basic media playback it works pretty well and indeed in my view the latter part of version 1 to 32 remains the cheapest SBC on which you can reasonably run Windows 10 to help compare the board to others have also gone past mark which resulted in a score of a 300 transitioning to a lot a panda version 1 for 64 if we again open up spc to look at the internal flash storage you'll see that again with a few apps installed we've got a forty four point three gigabytes free out of fifty seven point four available so we've got a lot more flexibility with our storage here on the the 464 model and of course we've got an extra two gigabytes of memory so you get a much better windows experience on the latter Panther version one 464 compared to the two thirty two and if you're wondering I had one pass mark here as well and here we score we get is a 430 next we have the you do x86 advanced plus which along with a lot a panda Delta and the Odyssey x86 J for 105 sits at the price performance sweet spot for x86 SBC's all of these boards sell for about $200 and were a lot more powerful than the three we just looked at turning specifically to the you do x86 advanced plus this is based on a seller on and three 160 running at 1.6 gigahertz bursting to 2.25 we also have Intel HD 400 graphics four gigabytes of ddr3 RAM and 32 gigabytes of onboard flash storage there was an three USB 3 ports an HDMI port and two mini display ports so you can drive three displays with this board and we've also got an onboard micro controller which is an 80 mega 32 u 4 which gives you GPIO connectivity we look under the board and even more exciting things because under here we've got a couple over m dot two slots one of which will take a Wi-Fi module and the other which will take a SATA SSD and that the connectivity we've also got here a SATA port data port and a SATA power point so there's lots of a connectivity on this board the you do x86 advanced plus is now in version 2 and sells for 174 dollars and for an extra 7.90 you can fit it in this rather nice acrylic case and if we go across to Windows 10 here running on the board on a SATA m2 SSD we get a very good Windows 10 experience Windows 10 works very nicely on the Hoodoo x86 advanced plus and I've run past mark and got a score over 984 which compares very well to the score we got previously on the version 1 lotty pandas greetings here I am back again with that this the Lotte Panda Delta 432 this is based on a quad-core Intel Celeron an 4100 with a 1.1 gigahertz base frequency bursting to 2.4 coupled with Intel HD graphics 604 gigabytes of ddr4 ram and 32 gigabytes of onboard flash storage the Sun of 4k HDMI socket over here three USB three sockets there and two GPIO connectors which are linked to the same 80 mega 32 u4 microcontroller we just saw on the you do x86 board underneath are some exciting things as well that's always good to say isn't it big start we've got a display connector here an EDP covector again 4k touch panel connector so we can connect to touch screen here if we wish and there's also two m dot two slots one of which could take an nvme SSD as I'm sure you've seen the board is very slim indeed even with the cooler on the top it's a very neat design and it costs a hundred eighty eight dollars bear or two hundred and twenty eight dollars with Windows 10 activated there's also a great $19 case called Titan which turns the board into a really a socketable device as you can see and here we've got access to the GPIO connectors through visa slots on the top but there are these covers are just to click on if you don't want access to GPIO who can cover those which is a very neat indeed I would like with design for this board if we nip across into Windows again I'm running Windows from the EMC storage here Lea 32 gigabytes storage on the latter pandered Delta has given us water thirteen point seven gigabytes free although of course on this board we could be running Windows if we wanted from an nvme SSD and the windows experiences are pretty good everything's running pretty nicely I obviously don't have time in this video to show you lots of things running on all the boards but do remember I've got a comprehensive review video of every board on featuring here I'll give you links in the video description but I have one pass mark again so we can compare things and to hear that pass mark rating is a 1038 which just tips the you do x86 advanced plus next we come to the Odyssey x86 J for 105 which like the you do and that a pandaboard we were just looking at is based on a seller on CPU this time at j4 105 with 1.5 gigahertz base frequency which burst a 2.5 there's also Intel UHD 600 graphics and 8 gigabytes of ddr4 Ram the Odyssey comes in two versions the 800 and the 864 with the latter having 64 gigabytes of onboard flash storage which we can see here on this model which is at an age 64 version there's also a vertical full size HDMI port and we've also got here 2 Ethernet port which is particular of this board well on top of that we've got 2 USB to ports two USB 3 ports one of which is USB C and masses or the GPIO connectivity we've also got a standard SATA port some SATA power ports and two and two slots one of which can take an nvme SSD and the other which can take a SATA SSD or a cellular module prices start at a hundred eighty eight dollars for the 800 model without onboard flash writing to two hundred eighteen dollars for the 864 model with 64 gigabytes over emmc and two hundred fifty eight dollars if you want to also have Windows 10 activated seats to do also sell this rather nice case for $19 90 the body of this case is made from a anodized aluminium this is a metal case not a plastic case there's the affront as obviously the back with all the connectivity and little a nice little switch there and the base of the case is plastic with good of ventilation for cooling and one of the things I really like about this case let's put it the right way around is that there the top is clear but also easily removable because it's held in place by magnets so it's a little of pushing down here which does that time I can therefore lift up top like that and we can therefore get inside to access to GPIO pins change drives around things like that and then when you've done that you can take the top just show you there where they the magnets that contact these little metal pieces there and this just drops back in is magnetically held back in place and there's even on this case some little rubber feet on one edge so if you wish you can use this like a a very smaller tower PC so let's nip through into Windows and here we are and again the windows experiences are very good even better than we get on the Udo x86 advanced plus all the other tape under Delta because of course we've got eight gigabytes of RAM here and i'm running windows from the emmc flash storage live run past mark and we've got a score here of 1356 which comfortably outperforms all the other boards we've looked at so far in this video moving into the home straights we get to the lat a panda alpha and the YouTube bolt these boards are a lot more powerful than the others we've looked at so far in this video but they also cost significantly more so let's see what you get for your extra money firstly Lea latte Panda alpha has the same form factor as a lot a panda Delta and also fits in the same Titan case this particular board is first-generation with a dual-core intel m37 by 30 cpu with a one gigahertz base frequency boosting to 2.6 and Intel HD graphics six one five however due to component supply shortages the latte Panda alpha is currently on sale using m38 100y cpu with a 1.1 gigahertz base frequency boosting 23.4 there's a 80 gigabytes of RAM on all latte Panda alphas and the same three USB 3 ports and the GPIO connectors we saw on the lot a panda Delta and underneath things were exactly the same as the Delta as well except for the fact that they're n dot two thoughts here was slightly more flexible because it's possible to use a SATA or an nvme SSD on a lot a panda alpha salute the ball back again the right way up keep it happy and let you know that there are three models of arctic panda alpha currently on sale the 800s which has no one board storage which cost three hundred and seventy nine dollars via 864 s for four hundred and nine dollars which has 64 gigabytes of a emmc flash storage on board and the 864 x with Windows 10 activated which cost four hundred and forty nine dollars note that the s denotes a model with the upgraded processor and that here the model I've got is an 864 if we run up Windows here we are performances are really good and if you've been watching this channel for some time you may remember that in my episode lot a panda l4 week I use a lot a panda alpha to edit the video itself in DaVinci Resolve 12 point 5 which worked very well indeed back with today I have of course run a pass mark under here who it is we've got a score that 1959 which is a high to have seen so far in this video and I must stress that Velata panda alpha 864 s currently on sale would achieve an even higher score than the 864 board being tested here last and by no means least here we have the YouTube bolt which technically shouldn't even be in this video why because it's not really an SBC because it's got its memory fitted in these sodium stocks here so the memory isn't on the board which means it doesn't meet her SBC definition but if I hadn't included the you do bolt in this video I'm sure would have got a lot of complaints now the bolt is available in two versions - these three and the more powerful v8 this is a v8 and this is based on a risin v1 605 be embedded CPU with a 2 gigahertz base frequency boosting to a 2.6 and it's got raddion Vega 8 graphics the bolt has got 32 gigabytes of onboard flash storage and you can fit up to a 32 gigabytes of ddr4 ram in the sodium stops here on the back of the board in terms of connectivity there is a lot of it we've got to type a USB 3 ports here two more ports here USB 3 in the type-c a form factor we've also got two 4k full-sized HDMI ports which is a pretty good isn't it and then like on many of the other boards we've got an onboard 80 mega 32-year a microcontroller offering lots of GPIO connectivity via connectors here on the edge of the board we fix things over you'll find underneath we've got three and got two slots one here we'll take a wireless module because it wasn't wireless natively on the board and there were two other and up to starts will take a satyr and an nvme SSDs and we've also got a SATA port here a standard SATA port and SATA power so you've got lots of Drive options on the you do but we flipped the board back over the right way around there it is much happier to be right way up again I'll tell you about the price which is a wait for it 418 dollars there's also a very nice case available from you do as you can see here this is a a metal case very very tough case is a $32 case there's even a mounting in the base of the case we consider in there you can even mount a two and a half inch drive in there and as you can see here you've got access to the SATA port and GPIO on the side of the case is a very well-thought-out case very very nice piece of kit does and it would sit happily obviously on a desk or by a TV it's a media PC something like that if we go to a running desktop we discover that oh we're in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic beaver as I haven't got Windows 10 installed on the YouTube bolt but to do not fear I did install Windows 10 on the YouTube bolt on an nvme SSD when I first tested it and I obtained a pass mark score of three one nine two which clearly blows all the other boards here out of the water this said I would rate the Odyssey x86 J for 105 as the best value x86 single ball computer that I've reviewed to this point in time closely followed by the Lotte Panda Delta single board computers with an x86 processor are clearly a very different proposition to an ARM based board such as a raspy pine not least the aren't baseboards tend to be a lot cheaper but this said there are occasions when it's useful to be able to run Windows or a mainstream Linux distribution on a small board and in that context I hope you found this comparison of the board I've looked at here to be useful but now that's it for another video if even job you see new please pass that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and hope to talk to you again the reason [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 240,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x86 SBC, x86 single board computer, Intel SBC, AMD SBC, Ryzen SBC, x86 SBC group test, LattePanda, Udoo, DF Robot, Digital Loggers, Atomic Pi, LattePanda V1.0, Udoo X86, Udoo X86 Advanced Plus, Udoo X86 II, LattePanda Delta, Latte Panda, Odyssey X86, Odyssey X86J4105, Seeed Studio, Seeed SBC, LattePanda Alpha, Latte Panda Alpha, new LattePanda, Udoo Bolt, Udoo Bolt V8, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt
Id: xqIHsJLDdN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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