Kevin Pollak Talks Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, 49ers, Jack Nicholson & More w Rich Eisen | Full Interview

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the great Kevin Pollock from marvelous Mrs maisel is here on the Rich Eisen show and brother I'll tell you again I I love your show this show is really it's beautiful it's funny yeah um your character has gone through quite a bit yes and um I think I told you I don't know because we were texting each other when when your character moish was um you know uh sick in the hospital hospitalized and there was just a beautiful scene that involved you I was crying at Tony Salud yeah I was crying while he was doing his half of that scene where he was pouring his heart out he's reading an obituary yeah that he wrote uh in in preparation and Tony is my well first of all his character on the show makes me laugh harder than anyone because of his performance and articulation with gestures the combination just puts me out but sitting in that hospital bed while he's doing that scene I was uh crying I can't cry on camera I'm not really a trained actor but he yeah I was in big trouble when he was reading the obit and uh you know do you have a favorite episode from The Five-Year history of whether it involves you or it doesn't involve you probably doesn't involve me um uh who yeah I don't that's a i i hmm I've gotta I've got to have a better a better answer than these Heming and Hines no it's okay I because it is just you know obviously you're asking somebody who's involved in in a show where it every episode is a home run I mean it is a home run every episode there's there's not a drop there's not a single yeah if I could if I had to pick like a favorite episode for me season maybe that would sure be easier but I I do um have also a biased and selfish uh view of some of this because this would be the favorite episode that I enjoyed doing okay as opposed to watching I get very few scenes what was just myself and Rachel Brosnahan so there were a couple episodes where she and I had a scene or two characters were together and then any scene where we are together as a group which is also rare uh once a season maybe there's a uh oh it's usually a holiday dinner and we're showing a photograph here oh this season recently I think this was two episodes ago where you're watching uh the wedding of our the weissman's housekeeper right and and how and how she in the middle of uh getting married it's apparent that she's about to quit the family and that there went from celebrating her nuptials to now like being freaked out that they're they're losing their housekeeper it was laugh out loud hilarious yeah laugh out loud hilarious well that's just it these these scripts week after week were to kind of astonish us uh you know because how do you maintain let alone uh do better and yeah it always starts on on the page and so I I uh yeah every table read was like this a celebration you know um every aspect of the show you mentioned sort of the department heads of the of every of the person in charge of the look and the texture the costume designer would build our clothing which is also quite rare unless your Game of Thrones you know that because there's there's these warehouses sure period clothing yes and uh that was not the case she built all of our our suits it's amazing it's just great The Marvelous Mrs maisel again Fifth and final season here uh on the Rich Eisen show with Kevin Pollock and Tony shalu but if I'm not mistaken from his time here on the show he's a Packer fan it's from Niners yeah we have our trouble usually in September we'll have a very serious Heart to Heart yes he he does love Brock Purdy so we got along well okay there you go yeah we sure you share a love of Purdy yeah once his team was struggling he he made it clear that he was I mean who didn't love Brock really honestly that was truly one of the most pure fan of Storytelling the fact that this seat like last season with the Niners was insane at the court it was like the drummer from spinal tap right where yes where it just won one imploded after another after another and the kid that they understandably yeah didn't want to go into the season as the backup to Trey Lance because he was the last pick in the draft so they had to keep Garoppolo that Garoppolo was in fact employed because Lance got hurt and he got hurt and they had no choice but to go to the guy and they they pulled him from he was in the road company of a Doogie Howser's run as the lead yes Sanford Doogie Howser QB is that would be that would be the show and just unbelievable yeah it was truly remarkable yeah I mean you want him to do okay just just you know don't don't embarrass the boat uh but you think he should be the guy this fall correct well I don't think there's any choice I don't think there's any choice I think it's about as clear as anyone's Vision can be and I think he thankfully is so wrong young and resilient that it was the right kind of uh non-surgery right that allows him to be a youthful resilient and be back in time for the season and he certainly suggested during his time with the team that um he was a tough son of a yeah you know honestly and truly so yeah he the moment he can start he will and he will regain uh footing and confidence I'm gonna go on a tiny limb please do so Kevin in the first uh set it down okay yeah so you think he will be back and I I I think he'll be the starting quarterback of the team this year as well but they got darnold and then they have uh Trey Lance still and so many teams it's so rare that a team could choose a player as high in the draft as they did sure and give away the world but let me say this Trey had every opportunity that Brock had to prove himself and did um I agree one has to argue no I understand that they got injured twice no but he also Purdy in just one game looked like the guy came in he he did come in and just to the point where my son asked me as we were just lying there cope uh as he was getting ready to go to sleep and he asked if it was possible for Purdy to still be Rookie of the Year despite playing such a few amount of games oh wow and this is just after his first go-round yeah he came in and beat Brady yeah at first start right uh ran for a touchdown I mean he really was it was everything in that game you went oh okay so this is this is the thing that's the guy he's still weeks away from throwing a football though so am I it's May Kevin Pollock by the way will you be the fourth Stringer do you think this year that would be great I suit up every game you Kevin Pollock who's gonna do it you you the Jew yeah Kevin Pollock here uh on the Rich Eisen show um today would have been Don Rickles 97th birthday and uh what was it like on the set of Casino the absolute Joy what was my favorite part I mean you think that being in this course says he film Nick palegi wrote the script he wrote Good Fellas you got dinero and Pesci and Sharon Stone arguably doing the best work of her career Jimmy Woods before we became a lunatic uh my favorite part is just hanging out with Don Rickles for sure and he told me right from the get he knew that he owned Dinero he had found out that when dinero was a kid there were the groups on the corner either they would uh sing songs doo-wop little gathering or put down group your mother that's your mother that and dimira dinero was in a one of the put down groups and Rickles was their God period so Rickles was told this and is retelling me in a way to say so I own this guy he would say that to you on the set of casinos we clung to each other like the only Jew Comics within a hundred yards yes by the way I was stuck there the way Marty you never get comfortable saying that yes uh shoots I'm in the movie nine minutes but I was I was asked you have to stay here he may change his mind every morning what he wants to shoot yes 20 weeks I'm in Vegas so I call the age of stand-up agent of many years shout out to Rich super and I say you got to book me opening up for somebody on this trip I'm stuck here so he opened got me uh a Desert Inn opening up for the Four Tops fantastic Are you seriously wow crazy excited because the Desert Inn has heart isn't it the Desert Inn has heart the Desert Inn has heart sings it three times uh I go to the makeup truck after my name's on the Marquee on the strip and Rickles is sitting there he goes hey hey I saw your name in the Marquee oh great gank nice gig I'm opening up for Frank all summer let me know if you want tickets [Laughter] yeah so that was that was every day every day and he would go after dinero in the middle of a tank well I've seen video of that where De Niro like didn't remember his lines and he got on him for that right he went after him when when De Niro did remember his lines I mean he would disrupt the wedding scene 300 extras Rick Rickles is just standing next to De Niro doing nothing and he just gets bored and dinero right is acting right saying his dialogue camera's rolling and Rickles would just ripping him is that the way you're gonna do it like that Mama you got the awards you know what you're doing go ahead and the rest of us you know tight fingers tightened oh no and Dinero [Music] just howling howling love them Rickles was right he owned him he would just on a but Pesci did not appreciate it no well no no what do you got for me Rickles pointed out that Pesci was uh like a Shetland pony riding around he was going to ride him around the set like a Shetland pony no he didn't say that yeah do you swear on the show I don't remember no not really not really yes so I can't say everything that Pesci said but suffice to say he was livid and rambling to himself walking to his trail with him yeah absolutely oh yeah like he was a character in the movie oh yeah Joe he was just yeah he would not have won the two years don't fit yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness yeah yeah just oh my God yeah like he says in the movie This Duke bastard or something oh my yeah yeah no he he he Joe did not have a sense of humor at all when Rickles went after he did not I you know I imagine that Rickles then would smell blood in the water and get worse Double Down Double Down splitting tens did he ever do that yes yes did he ever go after score season two yeah yeah because we're shooting the casino with all that fake smoke but still it's a lot of smoke yeah uh and Reckless walk on set the first time he saw him with the little oxygen tank in The Mask he didn't tell me the director was dying yeah throw up a hand Marty we'll send it we'll send a team for you throw up a hand if you're really failing I mean if you're gonna go down you need to lie out yeah he you know listen I improvised with Robin Williams on set when on stage when early in my career started out in San Francisco with Robin dead and yeah you know I improvise with the grades there was no I've never experienced someone improvising faster and more brilliantly than than Rickles I mean it's it's that stream of Consciousness where his career sort of started in the little Lounge in Vegas where you know dinero or uh Sinatra saw him ignited him and that's how the career started but it was a guy just working doing crowd work and just putting down idiots in the audience who were falling asleep at three in the morning and he just never lost that uh instant right from the hip you just nothing got past them uh and it was you know Alan King is also in the movie and Rickles I guess that's a problem with Alan King name dropping so I would say something like um hey I just uh saw Alan yeah did he mention the Kennedys just everything set him off fantastic yeah Kevin Pollock here uh on the Rich Eisen show um is it true also uh from The Usual Suspects that the scene where you're all in a lineup that you're laughing because what would become the poster for the film for the poster for the first lineup that's the the name of the film The YouTube suspects there you are you see how serious we are in the police lineup poster and yet the scene is a series of outtakes because we couldn't stop laughing we were all supposed to be very stoic as they screw you to the police we're not impressed you gathered us together yes I speak first and I read it the way it was written in the script that went on to win the Academy Award otherwise I'll say it again I tell Chris McCrory now directing the Mission Impossible movies brought the Oscar at my house one week out of the year you got 51 I get one okay every line that's quoted back to me on the street from this Academy award-winning screenplay I improvised I'm just saying pick any of your favorite lines of my character says and I'll I'll tell you is that right it is right okay when uh I can put you in Queens on the night of the yeah yeah and it was written I live in Queens and I added you put that together yourself Einstein what do you got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this so my point is you're a factor as they would say oh man so the scene is uh total it's all outtakes we couldn't stop laughing it was the one day where we all got the giggles and everyone Benicio past win like seven takes in a row which is not easy you have to pace yourself so that literally is why you're laughing oh no it was the first time at lunch where the director came to we the suspects and said you guys are screwing me I got nothing I can't use to take and now that was like telling nine-year-olds don't laugh at the funeral we came back from lunch and laughed even harder we couldn't get through it and and I've never been a part of something that you just couldn't ever get your act together and at the end of the day he just said yeah great thanks we'll figure it out and to their credit they went to editing and realized oh it's an even bigger bigger where are not impressed to the police by having these guys screwing off plus creating an instant camaraderie it was the greatest happy accident I've ever been involved in no kidding for sure yeah yeah so that is a true story that that so it wasn't Benicio del Toro you know passing Winston it was a series of everyone taking their turn being an idiot okay yeah yeah absolutely yeah Baldwin's a next to go after me and he did something over the top did I mention when I met Stephen Baldwin on the film he was wearing leather pants and I should qualify he hadn't arrived on a motorcycle or a horse hey wasn't functional it was a choice it's what you're saying he looked in the mirror and said yeah this is the right outfit yep okay good to know that wardrobe thing check that one check that out check that box and people ask me if suspects was lightning in the bottle and I tell them you needn't look any further than the fact that Stephen Baldwin's great in the film he's absolutely great by the way and then you know watch biodome right after that yeah Kevin Pollock you're on the rich season show uh last time you were here you told your perspective of the big scene from the finished A Few Good Men um obviously from the Nicholson point of view do you got a good Tom Cruise story from that point of view from that huge final scene anything that that you watched him go through well I know you've had Rob Reiner on the show I thought he was a great guest and he told the great stories about Jack saying I just love acting Robbie that classic thing but we rehearsed on that movie like I haven't before or since uh like a play so they took a sound stage and they put tape on the Florida where everyone would stand and be and we rehearsed for weeks and it started with Tom Cruise to me more and myself by the way I just my being brought up to the majors this movie I had done a handful of films I died in Denzel's arms spoiler alert on Ricochet but but uh this was brought up to the majors for sure and everyone's famous in this movie but me I'm where's Waldo and the cat so while we're at this rehearsal I am waiting for someone to tap me on their shoulder and I'm not kidding and say I'm sorry we've made a horrible error I we met Kevin Klein can you come with us over here but minute one Cruz is treating me like an equal the moment I arrive uh which is just being professional I suppose but it wasn't necessary to me right but that's what happened so now a couple days of rehearsal the first thing you realize is Rob Reiner gives What actors call line readings that is to say after you've done something the way that the director might articulate what he would like from the actor is to act out the moment themselves and most actors hate line readings because whoa whoa were you saying not like that I should do it like you're doing it right it's just an unspoken agreement that directors should not give line readings but Rob has always been a great actor so he just gets caught up in the emotion of the what he's describing in the scene and he starts acting out the moments and so it's a learning curve for Tom to me and I those first couple of days oh he's not saying stop doing doing it your way you're horrible this is the only way he knows to articulate yes and he's very passionate when doing it so you kind of get caught up in it and it's kind of inspiring and wonderful but we did get used to it so then Jack Nicholson joins us to rehearse that Soliloquy on the stand where Tom to me and I are already used to this but we know what's coming so we see Jack Nicholson act out the Soliloquy on the stand for the first time in this rehearsal setting and he is letter perfect it's redonkulous he's 92 percent of what we're going to see in the film and we're now we're waiting for him to finish like anticipating oh here it comes and so Rob says that was great that was incredible oh my God Jack I can't believe I mean I knew you were going to be great but that was even better I don't even you know the thing where you say about the and he's now if you had a camera looking down from the rafters of the five people gathered you would see Rob hovering hovering over Jack who's seated in a chair and you would see a straight line standing of Tom to me and I as we eat all stepped back in unison two feet while Rob is giving line readings to Jack and he finishes acting out because he can't stop and Rob ends up doing like the whole second half of the soliloquy and Jack's just staring at him the whole time and Rob finishes and Jack says yes well I guess I'm not there yet and you know thankfully everyone burst out laughing because it was it could have gone awkward really fast yeah and also that was just a cool way of saying I'll take the notes you know I'm I'm I'm thanks uh you know I don't remember asking what you thought sort of thing yeah but also Jack was the goofball I I expected someone that cool to be aloof you'd have to talk about him not to him I had a tough time even though we're technically co-stars just just saying hello I thought this guy doesn't want to suffer fools he's not he doesn't care about small talk even in the in the makeup trailer first thing in the morning you walk in you know there's eight barber chairs lined up you get into one of them they make you look better I go in there I'd see Jack's already in his chair I go to the far end yeah get away from give him his space I just Kiefer Sutherlands in the film a few scenes he had no problem walking right up to Jack hey Jack how you going you want to get a beer after work and I was just how and you know in Jack's Rags that sounds great Keith what time do you suppose that uh to be and he just so easy um did I tell you the story when uh word hits the set that Magic Johnson is HIV positive that happened while we were shooting on a Few Good Men and so you know that was for the heterosexual community uh an h-bomb going off it was no longer their problem it was our problem that's the way heterosexuals this was a high profile Family Man very famous yes and every uh person who who had written it off is not our concern was instantly walking zombies or Jack knew him personally and so I see all day long people going up to Jack from the crew what does this mean what does this mean people just wanted answers yeah what does this mean to me and my family and and he of course would talk to everybody so later in the afternoon I'm walking from set back to my trailer on a break of some sort and I hear somebody mumbling behind me and I turn back and it's Jack and he's like three feet away it's surreal it's just surreal the whole damn thing is surreal and again I'm not going to engage just let him have his moment he gets to his trailer he puts his hand on the door and he stops and he turns to me and he says you want to know surreal and of course I'm thinking I'm sorry Jack Nicholson did you just ask me if I wanted to know what you think is surreal right I pull up a chair and uh he says I'm doing this picture Chinatown I'm sorry Jack Nicholson did you just start a story with I'm doing this picture I'm doing this picture Chinatown and I'm rehearsing the scene with John Houston and uh you have to understand the man was like a a an idol of mine he was a surrogate father I worshiped the ground He Walked on he would meant more to me than my own family and while we're rehearsing this scene I see over his shoulder about 50 yards away his daughter Angelica walking towards the set to visit and I I had just started banging her about three weeks oh my God and uh and so I I realized I hadn't told the old man yet and I didn't know how to break it to him I didn't know how to I didn't want to upset him I didn't want him to be angry with me I didn't want to disappoint him I would have killed her if that's what he wanted and I'm thinking all these things as we're rehearsing the scene and I come out of those thoughts and get back into the rehearsal at the exact moment that his character says to mine Mr Giddish are you sleeping with my daughter now that sure is and he turns on a dime and he walks into his trailer and I'm standing in a parking lot thinking and saying out loud did anybody else see that what what what the absolute hell just happened what you so badly needed to share that story that I got we've barely spoken to each other you lay that at my feet and then just stroll into your trailer and shut the door Jack Nicholson wow you can't handle the truth fantastic you immediately tell someone that like I did yes of course yeah I I didn't I didn't tell it publicly for probably almost 20 years and uh this is the first uh uh broadcast I've told it well I will never watch Chinatown the same way again not that scene anyways The Marvelous Mrs maisel now streaming on Prime video The Fifth and final season of this remarkable show Kevin Pollock you're the best man thanks for coming on here quid pro quo by the way yeah sir uh this is a news flag yes dropping on your shirt is the chat show coming back close Okay my Mrs maisel pod oh and you'll have to be a guest please yeah anytime it won't drop till after the show runs sometime in June but I'll let you know any time yeah anytime you'd let me know I would be thrilled to be there at Kevin Pollock on Twitter at Kevin pollock123 on Instagram catch the Rich Eisen show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to 3 Eastern for free
Channel: The Rich Eisen Show
Views: 74,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rich Eisen, Rich Eisen Show, sports, NFL, football, MLB, baseball, pop culture, Roku, NFL Network, Chris Brockman, TJ Jefferson, Del Tufo, NFL Draft, Kevin Pollak, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Don Rickles, Casino Movie, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese, The Usual Suspects, a Few Good Men, Rachel Brosnanhan, Jack Nicholson, Rob Reiner, Magic Johnson, Lakers, 49ers, Brock Purdy, Tony Shalhoub, Marin Hinkle, Alex Borstein, benicio del toro, stephen baldwin
Id: PHbKT4rjkcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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