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[Music] [Music] come on danny hi i'm kevin levrone and i would like to invite you to come train with me and my new world gym fitness center we have the best to offer from cybec flex hammer strength afs step aerobics child care half court basketball saunas tanning and you know what we have an awesome personal one-on-one training staff so that when you need that personal attention we can give it to you whatever you're looking for we have it to offer here at world gym fitness center we're located in between baltimore and washington dc so the next time you're out on the east coast and you want to come train with the best look me up i'll be here at world gym waiting for your call hi i'm kevin levrone and i'm inviting you to spend the next three days in my world full-blown and that's the name of this video [Music] me ready for the workout tonight scott i'm ready brother huh mm-hmm you ready babe all right just trying to get some carbs in me right now all right so what are you going to bust out tonight doing flat benches first we're inclined i think we'll start off with flat bench [Music] thanks gonna need it all baby washed your ass tonight so i need to do that right now i'll get some pasta baby you're gonna need this whole damn plate by the time i get finished working with your ass tonight all right well it's always good to change the workouts anyway you know what i mean all right buddy you ready get up out of here let's go let's go pump up some steel hey miss sherry i'll see you later honey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go man hey billy how you doing baby what's happening [Music] boom time train baby [Music] all right basically um what this thing is all about here this video is about hardcore training it's about being psyched it's about staying positive and it's about making your dreams come true that's why i'm here that's why i decided in this video to help you get from a to b and hopefully to c maybe you can look like me so uh scott let's kick it baby we're going to start off with some um flat bench presses with the dumbbells okay it's always best to warm up and stretch out while you're doing this exercise [Music] so maybe you want to do like four sets eight to ten sometimes ten to twelve depending on how you feel that day today we're feeling pretty good so uh we're gonna pop off the vibe a little bit [Music] it's good to have a spotter and a training partner to help push it and motivate you through this also in between reps before you get started it's always good stretch stretch your muscles come on pull all right stretch your muscles get the blood in the area that way you're less prone to injury i'm gonna pull a little more all right okay it's the fourth set come on come on ain't doing it yes let's go all right well as you guys can probably see we switched to uh inclined presses but what he's doing right now is getting warmed up on the incline press exercise all right we're gonna go straight to the hunch baby [Music] ah come on hand me this gimme this gotta have a spotter just wait baby [Music] come on [Music] 120s right now this is my third set so we'll be doing 120s three sets so far this is my third set working on i'm gonna do 10 reps and after this we got one more set ready give me an interview yeah always remember sometimes your training partner might might not be able to hang on everything sorry babe we got some other body parts come on baby come on let's go come on all right hey come on seven six come on come on baby how you supposed to hang come [Music] intensity bill's immensity baby intensity bill's immensity baby all right this is fourth set hear me i'm just a lot of times you might feel yourself fatiguing best thing to do is lower your reps if you can't hang with the same amount of weight or go up and lower your reps always leave the ego at home sometimes point what you want to do is your last set it's four reps okay keep the intensity in it and don't even worry about what's going on around you get baby just think about uh just think about how you want to look think about how you want to look come on come on drive it out tim come on come on try straight up one more one more bed drive straight up yeah all right how's that baby good okay that's it that's foreign we'll go to another exercise all right now after you do after we did flat edge dumbbells incline dumbbells i'm gonna take it to some cable cross so all right let me do about four sets on this exercise right here maybe uh 12 to 15 reps let's go for a lot of feel flex and squeeze the muscle inhale exhale breathe it really feel it this right here it's pretty much it's a shaping exercise bringing the deep striations into your chest you really want to feel it the whole range in the moment flex it squeeze hey all right baby cause uh i'm feeling pretty good what i'm gonna do is drop the weight and i'm gonna do maybe about 20 reps 20 to 25 reps to really feel it that way my mind can get into the muscle you know what i mean it's a mind muscle link coordination thing right here you know it's about bodybuilding what you don't do somebody else is doing one of your competitors is doing it come on come on baby you gotta pump it up what you don't do somebody else is done come on so i train hard think about what i'm doing so i could crush them so i could take the boys out then they said damn damn neroni got a secret they'll never know what my secret is cause every time i come out coming out bigger coming out stronger coming out more bad that's right full blown baby my way [Music] [Applause] we're filming right now right all right basically what we're going to do is i'm going to take you through a shoulder workout first exercise for shoulders yeah right lateral raises three two three [Music] we're doing um 10 to 12 reps on this exercise bring the weight up you don't really have to worry about flexing or squeezing because the weight the feel of the weight gives you the negatives on the way down grab these 50s baby we normally go this heavy 70s what what 50 pounds oh i got big shoulders come on drive it up kev good come on come on don't stop keep going go fast go fast don't stop kevin pass it come on keep going yeah i'm gonna do that oh let's [Music] a lot of people always ask me how to get my shoulders this big or what i do for shoulders a lot of it's genetics but more so than anything else it's uh it takes concentration and dedication to build a complete package and shoulder's always been something that um that i really enjoy training so hopefully through my shoulder workout you two can develop king-sized dots like myself uh you'll learn a lot from the show to work out hopefully you'll follow to the team and stick with it just like i do so if you want to be number one i'm going to show you i'm going to help how to get some serious stuff so let's go check this out all right baby all right where we at right now this is my second set of side lateral raises okay uh also it's the second exercise that i do for shoulders side lateral raise what it does is pretty much hit the outer head of the shoulders give you that round tapered look to your shoulders more that's like a complete look so if you got a training partner like i got a trained partner you don't talk too much you got to talk to yourself like i'm talking to myself i'm going to be number one baby let's get it you know cause when i walk out on stage baby baby i'm walking on the stage by myself all right one day that i can see him carry that old crown and mr olympia crime because i think is there anybody on this earth that deserve it it's him we put a lot of time and work for it and i thank god like those who give who give back to the community yeah right it's ten baby you remember i started off when this section cut here we go red doubts real deal breadth house when do you see the red dot in the back double box and the back double bicep see scott learned all this stuff from training with me right scott yeah everything i know is crazy kevin yeah right everything all right baby let's show them how to kick some red dots all right this is our third exercise from shoulders uh for me it's a finishing exercise uh doesn't require a lot of detail but you always want to do it in a controlled [Music] fashion come on this one's for you baby this one's for you this one's for you come on evan can't do one man [Music] that's it it's the end of the show to work out that's it [Music] baby so follow me and i'll pump you up just like i pumped up myself first there is a warm-up set all right always first that's always what i'm upset scott here you go buddy hold my telephone all right okay that was the uh warm ups testing our workout routine actually [Music] right [Music] you know i always try to stress the fact to have a training partner and we're bringing traps into it for more support [Music] um makes me stronger and every time i put chalks in my hand i gain five pounds [Music] [Music] six [Music] all right [Music] uh follow me and i'll show you how it's done i'm gonna start off with uh maybe about 120s pyramid our way up to 150. the back is uh the black is still warm from doing bent over rows so bring the weight up bring it up flex it squeeze it come on let's squeeze [Music] he 20 reps that's the last set last set of one i'm running damn full blown baby yeah turn them got their cameras off [Music] got there 20 reps seated rose baby going into cedar rose this is the third exercise for back moving on this exercise since it's a cable exercise i normally perform uh four sets of twelve uh generally on like free weight or bar exercises i do six to eight reps but um right here this is a cable exercise i try to keep the reps up high because you're concentrating on form all machines and stuff pretty much what it is they don't really build a lot of mass but it helps you go in a controlled fashion so you can have that little detail in the muscles oh what can i say he's the one that told me to start always best free weights and see how we'll see how i liked it because i always had good genetics and i started and now i can't stop so now i'm addicted now hopefully i'll be up here with him one day give it a little time what to get stuck i will be up there with him one day for the next i'm in your face i'm in your face let's go come on bob why don't you stop come on kevin toy after your baby he can't hit you he can't get you boy nobody's going to get you oh see that's what i want to see that's it for seated rose [Music] next exercise that i'm about to take you into is uh lat pull downs with uh this bar with outside grip just like this and if you follow me through this exercise it hits the outer portion of your lats [Music] all right baby shut this up baby you want me you what you gotta hang with me through this stuff all right notice you got my head down on change your pace change your attitude different exercises you're gonna change everything all the time makes you bigger makes you better you gotta hang with me and i'll show you how to do it let's go what's important is form concentration and to know what you're doing all right back pumped up like balloons baby okay come on baby straight that's it for back catch you on another workout peace let's go baby [Music] [Music] i dedicate my life my time and my life experiences to to kids going growing up the kids at the ronald mcdonald house uh it's just a little bit part of you know what i'm about and that's where my heart is right now and um it's not a day that goes by that i don't think about what i've been through there's not a minute pretty much of the day that i don't think about my parents or thinking about what someone else is going through um out there because i mean things get tough things go wrong but the bad times don't last forever you know it's only if you give up but i've always believed that if you never give up you never lose no matter how long it takes so i just wanted to share that little bit of uh my life with you [Music] there you go put that on there [Music] nick all right pretty big guy right here man how much you left 85 yeah here i got a shirt for you okay that's me my name is kevin right there you go [Music] [Music] now as you can probably see you know form is good i always try to keep good form but flex and squeeze the muscle through the whole range ranger movement like so i mean upset probably about three i like a challenge i always did like a challenge and bodybuilding is definitely a challenge for me 70 pounds baby um my first exercise is as you probably saw standing out nate and dumbbell curls um hey awesome i always try to stress the fact that no matter what it is that i'm doing i always try to keep things basic no matter what you know um everybody's got their own way of doing it but let me show you my way of doing it okay i always try to keep it simple like i said three sets move on to the other exercise that's the first exercise staying out nate dumbbell curls now i'm going to take you into uh some seated hammer curls the seated hammer curls works the outside of the bicep right around this area right in here these aren't like concentration curls where you come up and you twist you know you're not twisting the wrist at the top you're coming up just like a hammer and squeeze just like a hammer again maybe six to eight reps [Music] set number two same thing same way gonna bump it up five more pounds okay [Applause] [Music] all right watch the four one two [Music] [Applause] three [Applause] [Music] that was my third set see the hammer curls all right move on to the next exercise got to keep it going so this is called the easy curl bar because the way it's designed it actually takes pressure off of your wrist and your joint areas and it allows you to curl a lot easier you know what i mean so this is the first set somewhere between six to eight reps that's where i always try to keep it between baby all right so here we go [Music] my driving point is at this point i have to drive myself dig down deep and like i said when someone say it can't be done that's what drives me to get it done it's like arnold and sergio and uh you know all the great champions that i looked up to before i came along you know barefooted some of them training sandals some of them trained in dirt what matters was they was kicking it third set baby six to eight reps here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three sets of uh easy curls that's it for biceps keep on pumping and training by stuff like me maybe you do have some king-sized guns what i'm going to take you into right now is um some tricep push down just follow me and i'll take you through this exercise first set is gonna be a warm-up set the weight's not important so john make sure you don't put that camera on that weight because it's too light you trap first set everybody's got their own way of doing this or the favorite exercises but i can say this is definitely one of my favorite exercises i'm going to go into uh my third set right now notice that i'm not going to change the weight i'm to keep the weight the same if anything that i changed because it's a cable movement i'll change my reps i'll probably keep my reps a little higher all right last set i did uh 12 reps this is the third set i'll probably go to 15 reps all right so let's go hmm all right that was 15 reps um notice how i come down and i keep the weight tight in and i try to keep my wrists in the position to where it feels really stable a lot of people bring a lot of people have their own way of doing it sometimes they'll let the wrist come back like this but i'll try to keep the wrist down like this and try to drive the weight straight down into the ground and as i go down i flex the triceps fully flexed uh basically what this exercise right here does is uh hits the outer head of the tricep right here guys always say man how did you get your triceps so pumped up how'd you do this for your triceps but uh i could say probably a lot of my tricep development came from this uh very exercise it's coming down flexing and squeezing the triceps see how all this right here is developed and horseshoe areas develop from this movement all right um we're coming up on uh my fourth set well this is my fourth set and i'm gonna add some weight here we go last set baby um that was a fourth set of tricep push downs now i'm gonna take it to the next exercise all right next exercise right here is a tricep exercise it's called a skull crushers baby i do maybe three sets okay six to eight reps all right because right now what we're doing is building some mass you wanna start off in this position make sure you got the weight under control all right bring it down to your forehead straight up just like so uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] three sets baby skull crushers 192 pounds coming down in your face that's it third exercise i do for triceps is uh behind the neck presses with uh with the dumbbell all right um well i like doing this exercise i do one arm at a time okay throw the dumbbell all the way back like this to fully stretch the tricep come up and squeeze okay what this right here does probably see what area it's working but it hits the uh long head of the tricep all right and you want to keep the weight to a point to where it's not taking your concentration off of the off of the muscle you know so you don't want to go real real heavy to where you're worrying about controlling the weight you know so it's really important all right right now i'm gonna go into my second set five chips [Music] all right that was my second set what what this is doing is hitting when i say long head right underneath here okay this this region of the tricep all right that's what it's hit so when you're in this position you come up for front double bicep pose like this it's giving you that full belly look to the arm third set one two three [Music] all right that's it baby triceps triceps see them triceps that's what it's all about freaky triceps baby all right well that's it in my tricep routine you two can have king-sized guns just like me just keep pumping up the volume all right baby full-blown see all right baby i'm gonna take it through my leg workout we want to start off with some uh leg presses on the on the pressure machine okay we're going to start off with the light warm-up set and we're going to work our way all the way out to the until the machine can't handle no more so let's go baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] scott's pumping up for the nationals coming up um you gotta have a training partner when you get into stuff like this you know what i mean you just can't do a solo muscle we're working right here pretty much is this muscle okay leg presses works this one right in there you can see the muscle fibers moving we're going to rock when we going wrong all right and i'm going to tell you right now that i'm i'm just gonna train and i'm gonna do six to eight sets 12 to 15 reps and that's the way i do it this is a workout this is it cut straight to the steel all right and that's it nothing pretty about it you want to get big you got to train like an animal okay you ain't got a bunch of time to be talking in between sets all right cut through all the getting crazy i don't know what said it is it don't matter i'll notice i'm keeping all pumping don't matter baby let's see what you got yeah they don't stop there don't stop 10 girls come on come on good and clean baby come on don't stop turning up man get up come on don't [Music] sit babe gotta always say save some he's saving some cause he knows that's right you got some getting ready you can't let your train depart and know what you got and you never know when you'll be standing to him next on stage [Music] running out of room [Music] these damn things getting too big you know they get so big dang freaky that's why i named it baby that's why i named this video full blown because that's it full blown it's the only way you're going to get that bit you got to bust your ass right you ready babe ready squishy are you ready come on three grooming yeah come on kevin i got you come on yes sir don't stop kev come on you got it baby don't stop it it's easy come on kevin good good good don't stop cool next to your car i'm right on your [Music] [Applause] good good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right is it 30 minutes 30. you sure 47 i can't 27. 30 reps that's why you need a training partner yeah i'm so happy with that i don't even take the plates off 30 plates on each side plus the machine so that's how i'll train and that's it baby full blow i'm gonna do three sets of hack squats all right this is a machine so i'm gonna do baby about 10 to 12 reps three sets [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] uh next exercise i'm gonna take you to is leg extension all right so follow me let's go ready okay um right now i'm gonna take you guys through some uh leg extensions all right this is my third exercise in my leg workout i'm gonna come up and flex and squeeze the muscle all right all right this is a uh machine exercise again so what we're doing is uh 12 reps okay going up to the last set [Music] okay baby all right next exercise i'm gonna take you guys through is uh leg curls nobody don't believe it but you're gonna you're gonna find out how i built my freaky hamstrings important i love this machine right here i stay i stay at this machine maybe eight to ten sets okay anywhere from 12 to 13 reps to 15 reps depending on how i feel i don't like leaving this thing this is how i built my hamstrings right here all day every leg day i love hanging out right here i don't care if it's a long line uh all the way out to the door waiting to get to this thing i won't leave it until i got my hamstrings pumped up to the max all right so i'm gonna show you guys how i do it okay um start off with maybe about 60 pounds get my hamstrings nice and warmed up all right bring the weight up flex and squeeze flex squeeze it cranking it up my second set yeah is that the hamstring starting to flare out starting to look crazy see that john is that a thing starting to hang out you gotta want it you gotta live for it you gotta eat it you gotta sleep you it breathe it baby all right well craig i'm at 120 pounds right now once somebody asked me one time do i have any kids these are my babies my muscles this is little tommy this little ben this is genie that's mary it's little louie this is bigger brother louie right here this one right here little max big max this guy in between here he just trying to be nosy to find out what they're doing i like that time all right baby come on let's get some more going on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh damn every every famous bodybuilder's got something that's special you know and i gotta give it up to the guys you know what i mean i gotta give it up to all of them that's got great body parts ain't taking nothing away from nobody nihany awesome back doing yates awesome back my boy flex wheeler awesome personality nice bag awesome shape you got to give it up you know no doubt about that guys like that inspired me to keep me pumping you know so sean ray i didn't forget about you all right all right i didn't forget about you boy you got it going on too bro but uh i got to get it going on with this next set all right because this is what's gonna help me uh help me get my together right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] told you you were going to be surprised about my hamstring workout that's it that's all i do for hamstrings but it's intensity that builds immensity and that's what you want a b equals c you can't draw from a to z all right everything in between and what i just did was everything in between simple basic straight to the point see so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hi i'm kevin lebroni i'm inviting you to spend the next three days in my world [Music] oh [Music] and i'm inviting you to spend the next three days in my world full blow and i think that's the name of this video boy i'm glad we don't have to put a two-hour movie together on here take 107. all right [Music] being on that video [Music] [Music] [Music] in here [Music] right here [Music] off [Music] hold your breath so your head [Music] see [Music] you
Channel: Mocvideo Productions
Views: 243,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maryland muscle machine, M3, Full blown, Ifbb pro, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder, Kevin LEVRONE, Precontest, Mr Olympia, Nutrition, Health, Fitness, Maryland muscle machine, M3, Full blown, Ifbb pro, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder, Kevin LEVRONE, Precontest, Mr Olympia, Nutrition, Health, Fitness
Id: dNCBfsUdtZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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