The Battle For The Olympia 1999 - Complete Movie Upload!

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[Music] [Music] by the way this is the new world gym now [Music] limited edition but i will sell it everything i'm wearing is for sale i got bills to pay i could need a spot on this one [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] still warming up here 20 sets for buys and tries um you're better for six weeks out [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yes [Music] [Music] but sure might follow me to the change room come on we just checked there's no one in there facilities in here to change room this is like six weeks to go but this mirror could be better i'm not sure which is the best lighting in here i don't really like any of them so doesn't really matter to me all right that's hanging out in the locker room with lee exciting stuff [Music] do [Music] my [Music] do [Music] [Music] up good job [Applause] [Music] big push now big push [Music] first [Music] one two four [Applause] [Music] come on let's go [Music] [Music] five [Music] [Music] second deal here we go here we go one two three four five one two three watch yourself watch good job big boys now [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right one two here you go three come on dude let's do it [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] get it up here baby get it up [Music] oh [Music] [Music] set [Music] [Music] let's push come on show time baby five and squeeze now baby squeeze up again [Music] again big drop you're driving all right got it oh good set kenny up one way touch two [Music] [Music] four five [Music] good range one three four sure come on bring it up come on [Music] all right 269 right now i looked out here i'm gonna show my thicker look this time take a look but hopefully the same lines [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] great [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] [Music] is hey jump the attack dog another day how you doing [Music] uh so [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] all the way up [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way down [Music] push [Music] push all the way down [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] five [Music] three [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] all right three [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right here first five come on that's it come on [Music] so [Music] one three four [Music] [Music] come on [Music] gotta make the top three that's my goal this time gotta make the top two gotta pass a lot of champions but i gotta make the top three six is thing in the past three sixes is a bad armor i can't stop right there gotta go [Music] bring [Music] i'll just put on some extra weight and i've been more concentrated i was able to stay home a little longer this year traveled a lot in the off season and then uh went from japan to england to pittsburgh florida texas but i got all my traveling out of the way early i was home for the last 10 weeks and i was able to keep some heavy sighs on you know stay out of clubs a little bit longer this year and uh but i'll pick up right after the show don't [Music] come on three come on come on [Music] [Music] come on come come on come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] come on come on come on [Music] come on [Music] hmm i'm craving um my sundown i'm craving a sundial trophy oh okay that's right oh [Music] gotta lock your stuff up all right we're gonna train a little bit of chess today seems like routine doesn't it every year same old thing but this year it's gonna be different las vegas my second home and come in here and do some chests for you kind of curious what these other guys did in this last year if nothing else ronnie coleman was very inspiring pulling off what he did last year so my training this year has been nothing but focused and inspiring we'll get more into that after i knock out some chests for you let's rock and roll [Music] last time i was on the scale i was about uh 217 pounds a week ago last year on stage i was about 217 pounds so i'm right where i need to be in terms of saying last year i think i might have been about five pounds too much um just gonna warm up with a few more warm up sets before i put some weight on the bar but ironically this year i stayed heavy strength wise i'm losing the weight my strength isn't going down purposefully training with a little heavier weight trying to keep the solid thickness and the roundness of the muscle but getting more ripped than i was last year so i hope to step on stage right around 2 12. last year is about 2 17. so i'm on target i've got about a week more training and then after that it's just straight posing so let's rock and roll it's 145 pounds i usually work my way up to 175 in the off season putting off sees i'm about 15 pounds heavier so i surprised myself a little bit may not be a lot of weight to the bigger boys but to me it's a lot of weight five seven 212 pounds after dieting for three months throwing around one set 145 is kind of impressive under the conditions of uh hour and a half cardio two or three carbohydrate meals eating six times a day and not really getting much sleep i'm drinking about two and a half gallons of water so any any of the top level bodybuilders understand you don't get a whole lot of sleep when you're training for a contest you're always running back and forth to the bathroom peeing out all the water because we don't have the carbohydrates and sodium in our system to retain that water so a lot of toss and return and i actually start to fall asleep early in the morning which is time for breakfast so for me that's a lot of weight bench press probably one of the most overrated exercises there is the number one pec injury exercise there is how much weight i can so that's the question that doesn't really pertain to bodybuilding you got to be strong trying to monitor your progress by the bench press is the number one mistake you can make you can ask safari barry demay john brown even kevin lebroni and more recently craig titus about uh how important it is to have a 500 pound bench i mean it sounds impressive but at the end of the day when you take your shirt off you better hope you got the text a little harder no workout partner this year i trained by myself but i like it that way train by myself rely on myself i never really criticize people for having a good support group you need that this year i've had a very good support group outside of bodybuilding which helps take me away from bodybuilding and what makes my competition preparation even more rewarding when it's all over with whether it's second or fifth or whatever just knowing that i did it all single-handedly and by myself found the desire and drive to get out of bed i didn't want to train when i didn't feel like it overcome relationships and things last year i was a little bit preoccupied with a relationship thinking about getting engaged getting married and selling my house and buying a new house and satisfying a second individual yeah and at the end of the day the number one thing that suffered was my passion for life right now and that's my competition preparation and ultimately the relationship dissolved it didn't work out and we shook hands and went our separate ways which uh added fuel to the fire this year because i didn't have anybody but myself to concentrate on but my supporting cast outside the gym kept the focus appreciate all the emails and all the uh the fan support and fan letters with my relationship situation because a lot of times that can take you away from your goal and relationships are very demanding so having to be pulled in one direction or the other is a tough difficult way to train and get ready for a contest i think my my placement reflected that my mind wasn't into the game last year this time my mind is focused on the game focused on my body it'd probably be a lot easier to deal with whatever placement they have in store for me a lot easier because it's all a reflection of what i've done this year since march being in my own house and being on my own um definitely gave me a new renewed figure to focus on my goal which is trying to win that trophy or at least get it do the best i can so i have nobody uh point fingers at this year not that last year's experience wasn't pleasurable it was i enjoyed the ride but there was a lot of lessons learned last year that i applied to this year's preparation and more importantly i realized that this is my passion this is my calling we lose a draw i report myself i like to wear long sleeve shirts stay warm break a good sweat of course if you're gonna wear any long sleeve shirts you gotta make sure they're breathable if this sounds like a commercial it is that's why i wear max muscle that's my clothing sponsor all right finish with some cable crossovers just a finishing exercise for me this isn't something i do year-round i picture myself doing a little most muscular pose so you squeeze the fibers right at the very end right in the middle of the pecs i know you want to see we'll get to that but uh this isn't an exercise that's going to build up the pecs but it'll definitely help rip them up so if you uh get into the habit of wearing clothes while you're training you actually have to feel the muscle being worked rather than trying to look in a stupid mirror taking your mind off the muscle so that's why i wear clothes when i train obviously we're making a video so it will come off but let me just get a little bit more blood in my system i don't like to be distracted looking at myself in the mirror when i'm training that's why you see me wearing long shirts and long sleeves when i train because there's nothing to see it's all about the mind and muscle control and connection so let's chest in a nutshell four simple exercises four sets [Music] ten days out from the mr olympia at this stage i'm not gonna get any bigger so i'm definitely training for a little more hardness i'm adding tanning and i'm doing a lot of posing after i get done training i'm cutting back on the cardiovascular because with the with my weight where it's at there's not a whole lot of body fat to come off just some water weight and i'll lose that during my sun tanning and my posing so let's go to my favorite spot in the gym and hit some poses for you real quick see what's happening all right i'm more i feel more confident this year just by the fact that my preparation was much more spot on the focus was a little bit more intense the goal to keep my strength up and go by the mirror instead of the scale having to only worry about sean ray instead of someone else it definitely took a lot of distractions off of the actual eating and the training and the daily grind of what it takes to become a champion and it gives me even more respect for a guy like ronnie coleman a flex wheeler lee haney even a dorian yates and nassar somebody that can maintain a professional bodybuilding career at this level and have a significant other in their lives and manage to find an equal balance of professional and family life so that's something that i look forward to but i can't have both i mean maybe i can but my mindset is that of a warrior only having to deal with me it makes it a little easier to get up in the morning and train and come home from a bad day and not have someone else to make it worse or having someone else to worry about me and my dog diablo are managing just fine and look i mean i feel like a kid in a candy store the fire's lit um i have no injuries uh i feel very confident about what's going to happen in las vegas and when loser draw this is one contest preparation i could say wow you know not only did i made it but i still got energy to keep running so uh i'm very complete as an individual moving into my new home in europa linda california building new and stronger ties with my family and friends like i was talking about earlier the support group which is necessary especially on this lonely isolated journey to mount olympus trying to overcome the goliaths and i'm one of the davids out there i'm holding the flag for the little guys me and lee priest and i don't think any of us in this year's mr olympia are conceding to the fact that publicity whether positive or negative or the judges whether they're same ones or the old ones none of us are believing that any of these people or obstacles can stop us from getting to the top i certainly don't believe it i certainly believe that whatever happens come october 23rd in las vegas the reflection of what i've done in this gym is admirable for my own yardstick of judging how i prepared in the past for shows so i'm going to go ahead and take a timeout and pat myself on the back and say sean you made it through all the adversity through all the trials and tribulations of a bumpy road in 1998 people writing me off after getting fifth which i've been before uh in 1991 but i managed to stick up the second in 94 second in 96. i'm looking at number one in 99 and uh if it doesn't happen for me here in 99 believe me there's no finger pointing there better be better athletes i know that it all better be in condition so with that being said i look forward to the challenge in the showdown in las vegas see you las vegas due to my shoulder injury that i had occurred many years ago about 12 weeks out of the olympia decided to you know try some new concept so for this year's olympia i really didn't lift weights all i was doing is doing isotension basically squeezing muscle while i'm lifting weights you see throughout the 19 years of my bodybuilding career i experimented any kind of training and i found something that is very interesting uh if you use machine for example contrary to beliefs of all the old-timers all the champions that say only freeway build muscle i think that if you can hardly perform let's say six repetitions to your max physical mental ability on machines you can actually stimulate muscle more than doing this with the free weights the reason being is machines are constructed like this they can isolate particular muscle group free weights contrary to that use a lot of stabilizing and neutralizing muscles so besides primary muscle group you use a lot of secondary so if you fail in six repetitions let's say doing a free weights you know it's not just like victoria's muscle for example if i'm doing chest that failed but all the supporting muscles like front outside triceps and so on if you're doing a machine and you fail in six repetitions by doing isolation movement most likely you're gonna stimulate more of a white muscle fibers on your pectoralis this is exactly what i was talking about uh if i was lifting weights i can usually lose pack at 330 pounds for about 20 repetitions this time i was going just by feeling the muscles squeezing contracting and i failed on a sixth strap i also want to mention that this year thankfully flex equipment moved to my hometown temecula i had a chance to work on a lot of flex equipment and i use them basically for my whole olympic preparation this is a flex incline press and this is one of my favorites it's really really hits upper chest to the max so after i perform that one set to the max i will try to drop the weight and perform higher upset in the same manner again this is the this is lifting and this is contracted [Music] is that saying no pain or gain i would like to believe there is a great possibility to make great gains without actual pain um in the last three years actually in my career where i've made much progress you know i trained pretty much in similar manner maybe not exactly for this olympia and maybe results are gonna actually prove me wrong or right but i really honestly believe that uh squeezing the muscle you know beats with lifting weights any day so here same my whole concept in doing this is contracting the tax muscles maybe i can demonstrate this better but so here my goal is not to lift weights again just to squeeze my pets again throughout the years i had a lot of personal clients that was training when i gave them this concept and i can swear every single one of them chained this way with very great success again many bodybuilders really lift weights for a sake of lifting i said it's many times if you just want to do physical work you know do construction be paid for it you know you want to spend energy there's many other ways to spend it if you want to work your muscles out you really have to be focused 100 on that particular muscle the targeting muscle should be squeezing in every repetition as hard as you possibly can here's one of my very favorite chess exercises it's close to the contest is really this brings out definition situations it's cable crossover that i believe everybody's familiar with again my main concept here is to forget about weight that i'm lifting and just keep contracting [Music] normally when somebody trains especially ten days away from olympia you can't really hold conversation in between sets but this kind of training really doesn't exhort you that much but you're gonna get this incredible pump and uh very next day i promise you you have a soreness of your life i've experienced that few times i decided to really give a try for a full fabric preparation for this olympia and i can't wait to step on the stage and hear the uh experts you know discussing enough about my physique if i did in fact improve or i didn't come in shape as this is gonna either prove or demand my theory of really iso tension lifting not really you know lifting weights olympia is going to be over by the time everybody's going to be watching this tape i can say just a few days ago i had a chance and pleasure to see ronnie coleman and nasser or somebody and as you see today sean ray i can tell you all three guys is in phenomenal shape it's gonna be best olympia ever uh i believe that ronnie's gonna win again as what i've seen three days ago is just outstanding if anybody can believe at this stage he did make considerable improvements even in muscle mass his teeny tiny arms even bigger now so you can just imagine what it looks like and back double biceps i don't think it's going to be beaten ever it's the best big level biceps of all times so my pick for this year's olympia is ronnie i haven't seen flex and flex physique is one of my favorite physiques but really as good as flex can be i don't think it can be thrown me the best exercise for abs i was pushing this for many years i really believe in order to get the great abs you have to make them deep any stretching move like hanging leg raises maybe cable crunches would do that all the other sit-ups crunches and so on would just build up the waist and make your waist look thicker so as you can see here as i hang my body weight pulls me down so creates a bit deeper gap between abs i would highly highly suggest this to everyone you want to get deep abs do this now of course if you can do too many reps in the beginning don't worry about it strength comes very very fast another thing is again important stretch and squeeze stretch and squeeze on every rep you know most of the people are doing legs all the way through even week before the show which i did in the beginning of my career and unfortunately i had a chance to go to european tour then for six weeks i didn't train my legs at all interestingly six weeks later my legs were more shredded more defined and they didn't lose any size and i contributed this from not really training them heavy bringing all that blood in and therefore you know they really you know get more defined and create all those situations so ever since then i really never trained my legs two weeks off also my little secret is if you see i'm rotating my foot a little bit i believe that creates this separation much more than going just straight [Music] coming for a taping of this bottle for the olympia we're never gonna expose at the end and then they don't bring the posing trends i don't know if they like to show off their underwear or they're hoping for a you know kevin klein but i would say if you're gonna pose be ready [Music] i would like to say that uh since june 1st i became a proud owner of uh powerhouse dream fullerton myself and my partner mike baconis took over a lot of top professionals already training here i would like to mention john brown one of my idols reason why i became a professional bodybuilder as john brown was a guest poser in yugoslavia back in 1983 enough to see him perform and i decided this is what i want to do so john is here training basically every day uh melvin anthony newpro tom prince you know needless to say sean ray he's been training this gym for years thanks to the support of family dubish i want to say that uh i really want to thank william dubbish for giving this opportunity to be part of their family uh second thing that they would like to mention is really flex equipment uh called the crew borko mark dan block they were all really behind us sean ray in particular and myself they're helping us out with this gym and for this preparation for this olympia as i said i didn't really use free weights so you mostly rely on flex equipment i would like to give them a prayer for that i just want to mention that anybody that is in orange county please come visit us here if you want to do you know good serious training this is the place we open 24 hours a day they can contact me here in uh powerhouse fullerton phone number is known as i 714-680-8881 65 pressures you know i had so many things to say and to teach people they're interested about different techniques we have loading sodium depression and so on so call me oh [Music] oh [Music] ah so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] bye [Music] yes oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's like [Applause] [Applause] six [Applause] max [Music] wow okay next exercise [Music] three four five six seven [Music] under actually my cap here goes a little bit further to the head can perform this exercise in different ways six seven eight nine ten easy easy i told champion before he needs a little bit more tanning but my case i have a training bed here at home i'm planning every day between 20 and 40 minutes you saw the tanning bed the reason why i'm so dark actually i'm any way darker than john paris but i think you can't be uh dark enough for the stage because the lights are very bright that's true for example in this case it's good to have a training spot because you can hand me the weight and you can take the weight out of my hands you know to have a good training partner it's always important to have the same goals if he would have have a different goal than i would have then it would be kind of different i would say it would be bad for me but i like to play society as possible in olympia so he does as well so that's a good combination four five six seven two more okay you only 70 pounds how much that's 70 pounds [Music] about 70 pounds do the work yeah it's easy okay crazy i needed 20 reps because it was the last set the last exercise and i try to bring uh plenty of blood uh in my triceps so i think you can do the same chop here three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three fourteen fifteen come on five more six seven easy eight nine and twenty very good edge [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign in the magazine [Music] 1999 ifbb olympia weekend press conference i'll start off by introducing the competitors from the usa chris cormier from the usa jay cutler from canada paul dellett yugoslavia nasa el sambaati from switzerland john pierre foose [Applause] from the czech republic paul jabanicki from the usa dexter jackson [Applause] from the usa kevin levrone from the usa mike matarazzo [Applause] from germany marcus rule [Applause] [Music] from england ernie taylor and from the usa and then i have for you is how do vicky and you train together if at all well uh answer the first question is yeah we do train together and since we've been together we've been training together it makes it real simple because we have the same interest i don't have to watch my significant other sit around and eat hamburgers while i can only eat chicken breasts and turkey breasts refined quality muscle so as far as the question goes about how much i can bench press i don't mean to drag this out because i really don't know that's probably why i said at all when i first started out because i'm in the chats and repetition and that's what feels muscle not power thank you this is the first time that actually married a couple that qualified for miss fitness in this olympia contest with it however since we got together in 96 trained for many shows together we already did 96 champions in uh world fitness then she got pregnant and she stopped competing and i continue with my crazy schedule of competing this is my 66th pro show totally a little problem that we had is a 17 month old baby that now you really have to be a babysitter's you know in different types of the days she would be training hourly babysitter vice versa i don't see that to be any different than anybody else you work you take care of your family [Applause] it was just really simple i just changed my total attitude my total on mental mind framing from that everything um came together from there you know basically i just see the glass half empty before so now i see the glasses half full instead of half empty and that makes everything else before it for me so that's about it other than that you know everything is great it's just mentally changed [Applause] is there any plans for me to come back uh that's pretty that's a pretty popular question no i don't think so you know i uh it was a decision that i had to think carefully about and i made the decision so uh i don't think i'll be reversing that it's the injury they had was pretty serious and it was difficult for me to train after that and if you can't be at your best then there's no point competing you know should retire while you're at best and that's what i decided to do so um well the big thing we've got going at the moment is uh during yates approved supplements which we're actually launching at the olympia tomorrow and we spend a lot of time on that we're launching the in the us and we already have them in the uk and uh it's taken a lot of time but it's all come together now and it's putting the same effort into that that i did into my bodybuilding career and we want to be the number one we want to be the best in the market that's what we're trying to do well it looks to me like um everybody's really worked hard this year and uh it looks like the standard competition may have even gone up another level you know ronnie coleman looked great last year and uh i think he's a guy that's got a really good mental approach to the sport and that's the main thing that's what separates people from first and second place and i got a feeling that is probably even improved this year so i'm going to look forward to seeing that and all the other guys they know what they've got to do so i think the standard improve overall and this is a great venue here in vegas a lot of excitement with the contests all that and everything so i'm looking forward to watching the contest if i had to put money on somebody i would get all my money and i'll put it on a running column all right the same thing you go down like this keeping your lower back really straight and then come up looks very good really make sure you go slowly down yeah there we are beautiful las vegas here we go [Music] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] the roof [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] second time is the best time of all second time let you know that it wasn't a mistake for the first time around so it's like the second time is the best one of all i got it mama oh [Laughter] hi i'm marcus rule from germany i'm 27 years old and i do bodybuilding since nine years ago i began with trading 1991 and now it's my first time with the mr olympia i do my bro card after the german championship i'm the first professional in germany to get a broker without a champion world champion only the german champion get a new broker that's terrific for me and now i'm 12th place at mr olympia i hope i do next night of champions compete again and we'll do the top five again and so next year i come under the top ten out with mr olympia and we see it the key to build these big muscles are hard raining good good eat and i live bodybuilding every day i do two times a day at the day my workout with my partner i train hard and happy and i live bodybuilding every day because i sleep a lot i live good drink no alcohol no smoking and i think that's the key for my big muscles and big mess i do work out now 10 years at the car salesman in germany and before the mr olympia i have a good contract with the company with the american company and so i can't do a full-time bodybuilder now and that's good for me i can do better workout and it's better for the muscles you can sleep enough you can do more workout harder and heavier ever i can and i think with a good contract i can't build more muscles and bigger muscles now yeah my heavyweight yesterday under competition was 285 286 pounds i think so i'm five pounds bigger at the night of champions in may and i think i'm a little bit harder in my back and the chest was a little bit bigger the arms two centimeters more and i hope now next year at the night of champions i'm five pounds heavier again and a little bit harder again so every time or every day the judges said to me now marcus is good enough to win everything a championship and to compete and mr olympia under the top six i hope so the fans in america was really fantastic they come to me and said marcus you're number one and it's very important for me that the fans stay behind me because they said to me i'm good enough to be a star in bodybuilding and that's very important for me and i like the german guys and i said thank you for all my friends people say marcus you good enough to be under the top six many people say before i journey to america i said marcus you're under the top six at a mr olympia i've said maybe we'll see when i get under the top ten i'm very happy now i'm 12th place i hope the german guy said to me come on let's go again and compete under the top 10 next year i hope [Music] so [Music] [Music] huh [Music] this year i wanted to improve on everything number one i wanted my scoring to be better than it was with the judging last year this year i had perfect scores in every round last year i had uh perfect scores in just three rounds and in the first round i only only i i barely got third in the first round last year so i wanted to improve basically on my symmetry or this was the round that i kind of lost that on so i did that so that was number one on my list number two on my list i wanted to uh be harder than i was last year and bigger than i was last year i did that also i did that basically by uh not having to diet in the middle of the seed contest season and have to take off and not lift be able to lift as heavy so i was able to uh basically stay strong the whole whole year and lift heavy the whole year which allowed me to put on probably about 10 or 15 more pounds of muscle that 10 15 more pounds of muscle than i had last year at the show at the mr olympia last year and i did achieve that i want to be harder so what we did there was uh my cardio instead of uh doing like i think it was doing like 30 minutes two times a day about eight weeks out we went to one hour two times a day about 11 weeks out so and i did that all the way until uh the day tuesday to the the uh week of the contest so i kept my cardio high and also my carbs were a little bit lower than they were last year last year i carved up heavy for like two or three days a week this year i only carved up a heavy for maybe once one time a week in the rest it was just low carbs so i was able to to come in harder in this show by doing that keeping my carbs kind of like on the on the low side for like six days out of the week and going uh heavy on them maybe one day out of the week my cardio instead of doing 30 minutes two times a day i was doing one hour two times a day 11 weeks out so that that's i think that helped me come in just a little bit harder than i was last year uh another thing that i wanted to improve on was my posing because i really wasn't satisfied with it well i heard a couple people say about it last year saying that uh you know it could have been a little bit better so instead of me you know i worked hard on my posing last year instead of me trying to do it myself i went out and kind of like recruited somebody to do it for me in other words i kind of like had a choreographer uh to do it for me yeah um who lives in this area has been competing for a while his name is josh todd he's a amateur level bodybuilder but he's an excellent poser you know you can learn a lot of stuff from people you know a lot of people i mean just because i'm a professional bodybuilder don't mean i won't listen to what an amateur had to say or what uh some even some of the fans may have to say you know i try and improve on in any area that i possibly can because that's pretty much where you get most of your feedback from the people that's around you so uh i was able to you know do a little bit better post-routine by going out hiring somebody that kind of like a whole lot better at potent than i am you know my i use my strengths for myself and my weaknesses i go out and i recruit people to help me with them so that's how i was able to kind of come in and do a little bit better posing than i did last year after last year's olympia what i did was i was kind of burned down in a way i had trained so hard and i was so stressed out from all the training all the dieting you know because i also did the tour right after the olympia my body was just kind of like beat up and tired and exhausted so what i did last year after the tour which ended around i think the end of october i took off for like i mean i was exhausted i took off november december and january and then go near a weight then train didn't go to the gym i didn't do uh cardio i didn't do anything you know and my muscles are here to stay pretty much as far as i'm concerned i've been training for uh 20 some odd years almost 25 years now and i don't think taking off for three months i'd lose anything it's just like anything you build i mean you can build a car and just because you don't drive it for three months doesn't mean it's gonna just deteriorate and not function when you get ready to use it again and that's pretty much how i feel about my body you know i i built it up to the point where you know i'm comfortable with it i've been i'm genetically gifted in a way that hey i can take off three months and my my muscles are pretty much not gonna go anywhere they're not gonna leave me and they're gonna pretty much be the same once i start back training and that's the way it was and uh i started by training in february i think maybe the first week i was a little i was a little sore but i wasn't so in the fact that it hurt me to train the next week after that so i i think i was sore for maybe about a week and that was it you know but i was able to get back where i had left off in probably about two to three weeks so i was back like full force training real hard in three weeks after that taken off for about three months i pretty much picked off where i left off last year and uh you know i think that allowed my muscles to uh kind of like recuperate regenerate and uh basically just just relax and to take it easy and uh i think it allowed me to also you know just put on just a little bit more size because they were so relaxed and so uh regenerated from that layoff and that's pretty much probably that's going to be that's going to be the thing policy that i adopt from now because in the past you know i've always just as soon as my season was over it i just take maybe a week off and just jump right back in it real hard and real fast and not allow my muscles to rest and recuperate and regenerate and all that so i'm on i think it's a policy that i'm going to stick with and i think that i can do this basically basically because you know i got real good genetics i got 25 years of heart training behind me and i don't think it's going to hurt my body or hurt my muscle to you know just to let them uh breathe let them take a rest you know just just like going on the vacation except it's a very extended vacation and uh i probably i'm gonna do the same thing this year uh take off november december january and uh you know just come february just get ready for the olympia again uh starting in february probably february the first you know i'm quite sure that olympia's going to be in october so it's going to give me enough time to train and hopefully get better and maybe a little bit bigger for next year um last year i was 2 48 this year i was 258 so about exactly right at 10 pounds heavier than last year it really is not really worth it the stress that you put on your body to get in condition it's not worth taking a chance on winning a hundred thousand dollars it's better let's save your body for the long run these are the best two trophies in the world the two uh sand dogs 1998 1999 mr olympias so here's all from all those hard uh 25 years of training this is this is the success that pays off and that can't be beat from it right here in front of you do [Music] be two [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] right here okay [Music] all right one more time three one two three [Music] right all right all right yeah oh three one two three all right all the way grab them yeah [Music] wait again hold it hold it okay hold it okay [Music] okay okay what's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] yes yeah that's better great good job wow that's good twist everybody more that's good one more switch everybody you're standing a bit more same one same one [Music] yeah why not thank you all right same one with the arm down just a few more do whatever you you feel like don't worry nice good job everybody keep going abs beautiful needles get your app shop oh great great one more cheap a little bit that's good i got it perfect [Music] legs all right [Music] great thank you okay great now [Music] ronnie thanks no problem see geez everybody almost got their own huh oh god who ordered this garbage man they screwed us we paid for it no this is cool well we'll mix it up and no one can just eat one of them the whole thing we'll mix it all up it's cool i'll start off from there uh look at this literally that bro no this is definitely an old friend's life to see how come sean wray this is footage that you'll never see you
Channel: Mocvideo Productions
Views: 536,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle For The Olympia, Dvd, 1999, Mr Olympia, Ronnie Coleman, Jay cutler, Jean Pierre Fux, Nasser el Sonbaty, Gunter schlierkamp, Precontest, Mocvideo Productions, Chest workout, Back workout, Shoulder workout, Leg workout
Id: EYZHc6mHf2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 40sec (7060 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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