Kevin Costner leads Yankees and White Sox from cornfield onto the Field of Dreams | FOX SPORTS
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Channel: FOX Sports
Views: 1,518,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox, fox sports, fs1, fox sports 1, sports, news, sports fox, fox sports highlights, highlights, sports podcast, podcast, fs1 podcast, mlb, baseball, field of dreams, field of dreams game, mlb on fox, fox baseball, kevin costner, new york yankees, chicago white sox, yankees vs white sox, emotional, walk out, if you build it they will come, iowa
Id: jbmZ1Oz_nTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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The White Sox won the game in the bottom of the NOINTH
Time stamp of the actual booey?
Bobo must have been in the crowd.
Costner sounds like he's doing a Proof of Life video.
It’s at the end just before Costner asks is this heaven… listen for it
Costner needs to calm down
I'm sure Howie is going to play this whenever he returns to the air. Every time he plays them I always think of when someone plugged another show at the end of a call and he cried like a bitch and said how stupid it was, pretty much saying this was stupid too
Were they shaking hands? WTF...don't they know there is a pandemic!