Keto Microwave Tortilla - 90 Seconds or Less and only 1.1g Net Carbs

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hey there it's steve from serious keto and in this video i'm going to make what may just be my new favorite keto tortilla on a pretty much weekly basis i have viewers send recipes to me and ask if i will make a video of them and the majority of the time i say no not because i'm a jerk or anything like that but just because very often these recipes don't turn out for me and i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings plus i've got plenty of recipe ideas that i'd like to work on that are my own however from time to time i will get one that is intriguing enough that i decide i'll give it a try and that's the case with this tortilla recipe the reason i decided to try this recipe was first off it's a tortilla and i really still feel like i'm on a quest for the ultimate keto tortilla the second reason though is the simplicity of this recipe it is insanely simple and i found that i was pretty much unable to screw it up no matter what i did now to give credit where credit is due this recipe came from a viewer by the name of t k those are his initials i can't pronounce his first name i'm afraid if i do i'm just gonna i'm gonna screw it up so it came from tk and he originally saw it on an israeli blog page called i believe low carb dad i'll link to it in the description below it's in hebrew i couldn't read it so i couldn't verify whether or not tk changed the recipe up at all or not i also did a youtube search and found a video from 2016 from a creator by the name of michelle rock who did a microwave keto tortilla with some similar ingredients but you know when you've got only a handful of ingredients i mean three dry ingredients two wet ingredients there's a pretty good chance there's going to be some overlap in terms of the recipe so while i can't take credit for this recipe i can take credit for about 20 different variations i tried on it trying various substitutions and add-ins and i'll talk about that at the end of this video when i get into sort of the anticipated questions that i think you might have but for now let's make this tortilla we'll start with one large egg ideally at room temperature which we will whisk and if you want one of these plunger whisks i will link to it down in the description below next we will use our one and only one measuring device the tablespoon we have one tablespoon of almond flour that's about seven grams one tablespoon of whole psyllium husk not powder whole psyllium husk that's four grams and finally unflavored whey protein isolate then we'll add our second wet ingredient the heavy whipping cream also one tablespoon whisk together scrape down the sides and we'll give it one more whisk then we'll pour our batter onto a plate this is a 12 inch plate or about 30 centimeters just pour right onto the center and let it spread out on its own if you pour it in the center it should form a pretty good circle on its own but you can always give it a little tilt to help it out and from there it's into the microwave my microwave is like 23 years old and it's a 900 watt so i need to do a full 90 seconds for this tortilla if you have a newer microwave and a more powerful microwave i would say start at 60 seconds you can always adjust upward so into the microwave microcook nine zero now you will see the tortilla start to puff up you'll see bubbles and lumps forming don't let this bother you they pretty much flatten out once it comes out of the microwave i'll wait about 10 seconds or so just so it cools off a tiny bit to the touch before i use a spatula to release the tortilla from a plate once you kind of get under the edge it goes pretty smoothly and i just slide back and forth give it a little rotate and there we go our tortilla the bottom side is going to be a little bit moist still so i lay it moist side up on a cooling rack for a few minutes you are going to have a little bit of crustification left over on your plate that's the one little cleanup side effect of this whole process so right now i am going to steal a little technique that i saw dennis use in black tie kitchen which is to answer in advance the questions that he anticipates you asking so sort of future anticipated questions or faq first question what can i substitute for the almond flour the only thing that i found worked well as a substitution for almond flour in particular at a one-to-one ratio so i didn't have to mess with any of the other ingredients was lupini flour i like the aviate brand now it's going to add a little bit of an earthy flavor to the tortilla but of all the brands of lupine or lupini flower that i've used aviate it's the best it's the least earthy it's got the best overall carb profile that i've seen i'll link to this on amazon in the description below next question is can i use powdered egg whites in place of the whey protein isolate i tried this and didn't enjoy the texture it was rubbery and it made the tortilla kind of dry if you do it i would say dial back on the amount of egg whites maybe a half tablespoon the other ingredient i subbed in instead of the whey protein isolate was keto chao i tried both the taco and the chicken both were very tasty now i will say on that similar to the egg white probably need to dial back the amount i would go either two teaspoons or maybe just a half tablespoon and i will include a link to ketochow along with a discount down in the description below if something like that interests you can i use psyllium husk powder instead of psyllium husk well it depends if you want your tortilla to be super duper chewy and rubbery and possibly turn purple then yes but i would recommend sticking with the whole silly musk you talk about the speed and simplicity of this recipe why do i need to use a room temperature egg room temperature eggs mix much more easily i did a video on this comparing room temperature eggs versus eggs right out of the fridge so set the egg out a little bit early or put in a warm glass of water for a couple of minutes or if you really don't care about all that go ahead just use a fridge egg can i use corn extract like the one-on-one flavors corn tortilla or cornbread i tried this i tried five drops and i didn't really bring a lot to the party for me you can certainly do it if you've got some on hand but i would not run out and buy some just for the sake of this recipe can i add other seasonings yes but sparingly i tried some seasonings both from flavor god and from pensies and a little goes a long way in this recipe i mean a pinch is going to be plenty you're going to taste it can i make these on a griddle instead of the microwave yeah it depends if you want to make something that is kind of like a pancake but doesn't taste very good then yes oh yeah and it won't be pliable either can i spray the plate so that the tortilla doesn't stick to it so much i tried this i tried it with avocado oil and it didn't release any easier so i'm gonna say it could just be the plate i don't know can i make chips with these tortillas i tried making chips three different ways first in the dehydrator that is not awesome it's kind of dry kind of powdery kind of like a stale cracker i also tried frying up the chips in oil and frying up a dehydrated chip in oil and you can see my taste test right here all right this is just the fried version and you can see not all that crisp not sure what to make of this texture next we have one of the chips that i put in the dehydrator and then fried it's crispier but really more like a cracker than a tortilla chip so far with my tortillas i have found that the one that works absolutely the best for making chips and hard taco shells is my carnivore tortilla can i make these tortillas in bulk i don't really see the point to making the tortillas in bulk because they come together so quickly usually for me if i'm going to make something in bulk it's something that has a lot of setup it's time consuming to make this is not now you could certainly make the dry ingredients in bulk just a one to one to one ratio of the dry ingredients and then all you got to do is scoop out three tablespoons and then add your wet ingredients just make sure when you mix your dry ingredients that you sift y'all can i freeze them kind of the same answer that i had for making in bulk don't really see the point how long will they keep in the refrigerator again this recipe is really something for making tortillas on the fly but my answer for most questions that are related to how long it will keep in the fridge is five to seven days unless it's really acidic which this isn't now if you decide to make any sort of substitutions or add-ins for this recipe and you find that they work out really well and you want to share them do so let me know down in the comments below now look at this tortilla i mean tell me this does not look and behave like a masa tortilla it's wonderfully pliable sturdy now if you eat it straight up it is gonna taste a little bit like psyllium husk but we're not gonna eat it straight up so i've already put on some chorizo and some roasted hash chilies put a little sprinkle of colby jack blend on there let's give it a taste back pre-keto we used to make our own corn tortillas with maseca masa flour this is every bit is good in my opinion now you don't have the corn flavor but really how often do you eat a tortilla just straight up really i just can't get over the fact that such a simple and fast recipe yields such an excellent tortilla i just love how sturdy they are and how pliable they are i guarantee you these things would go great in enchiladas so if you'd like to see some of my other tortilla videos i will link to those in the end card if you enjoyed this video however please click that like button if you're not a subscriber already tap subscribe then hit the bell and turn on all notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Serious Keto
Views: 244,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto recipes, low carb, mexican keto, keto mexican, keto flatbread, low carb flatbread, keto tortilla, keto microwave, keto microwave tortilla, keto wrap, serious keto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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