Keto General Tso Chicken | Keto Recipe | Headbanger's Kitchen

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horns up and welcome to a brand new episode of head bangers kitchen my name is Sal and have you picked up a copy of my brand new keto recipe book called keto life with my hundred best recipes out now worldwide link to purchase it is in the video description box just below this video now back to today's recipe we are making an american chinese classic called General Tso's chicken it's a delicious deep fried chicken that is sautéed in a lovely gravy of soy sauce some rice wine and it's just delicious in fact it reminds me quite a bit of a lot of Indian Chinese dishes but anyway enough jibber-jabber let's get cooking so the first thing we are going to do is take two spring onions I'm going to separate them into the bottom half and the top half the bottom half is the white part along with these sort of thick stock and I'm gonna just chop that up then I'm also gonna chop up the green part of it and I'm gonna set them aside separately the next thing I'm going to do is prep our chicken and for this recipe you want to use boneless skinless chicken thighs and you just want to cut them up into small bite-sized chunks that's it nothing fancy nice bite-sized pieces once the chicken has been prepped it's time to marinate it and I'm gonna start with some salt some black pepper half a tablespoon of sesame oil half a tablespoon of rice wine vinegar half a tablespoon of soya sauce half a teaspoon of baking powder and I'm going to crack one egg into that and then ladies and gentlemen you can use your hands and get down and dirty with this chicken or you can be like me and use a spoon and give it all a gold mix of course it takes a little more time when you're using a spoon anyway that's pretty much it let the chicken marinate for about 20 minutes now normally you would coat the chicken in Dula white flour or corn flour and deep fried but we are going to be using psyllium husk instead because that is keto friendly so set up a little breading station put your chicken pieces individually into your psyllium husk and bread it now I know this looks like it might be a lot of work for a lot of chicken but trust me you're going to get a beautiful even coating on each piece of chicken so just take the chicken put it in the psyllium husk put some over it you know how to coat the chicken right or just look at me doing it and of course if you're lazy like me and can't be bothered to individually coat every piece of chicken you can just throw some psyllium husk into the entire bowl and give it all a good mix and keep adding more psyllium husk if you need so that the chicken pieces are well coated and don't stress too much about the amount of psyllium husk going in there because honestly it's just fiber powder at best you will have a fantastic bowel movement the next morning so finally it doesn't matter which way you breaded your chicken it's pretty much ready to go into the deep fryer and of course get your oil nice and hot and once it is ready put that chicken into the hot oil to deep fry yes you can also pan fry this or shallow fry it if you like but I think deep frying is the way to go and of course the normal tips apply don't crowd the fryer do it in batches and keep the oil at a not too hot temperature because you don't want the outside to cook too fast and the inside to be raw so anyway I'm also sure I'm going to get a lot of questions about what oil I am using to fry and what I would recommend you do is that you try and get some lard because that's great for deep frying you can also use light olive oil I would not recommend coconut oil maybe you could use some ghee if you like or you could also use avocado oil it's completely up to you now since we've cut the chicken into not very large pieces they won't take that long to cook so let them fry till they're nice and golden-brown and once they are done stare at them for a second and appreciate the beauty of it and then take it out and set it aside to cool down preferably on a paper towel and of course then you want to fry the next batch of chicken and I don't know if you noticed but right now I'm frying the batch of chicken which was individually breaded so you can see it develops a nice even crust around it and just cook those beauties till they turn golden brown and I know you can't smell my kitchen right now but it smells so heavenly mmm I wish there was smell-o-vision anyway once that is done remove it from the pan and now just for well I guess because we can we will I'm going to show you me frying the second batch of chicken the one that was not individually breaded so make sure those go in the hot oil as well and let them cook and after a couple of minutes of cooking they look pretty good as well so I'm gonna set them aside on a paper towel anyway on to the next step all right guys so I just had to stop and do a quick taste test between the individually breaded chicken piece and the easy breaded piece which is the one where through all the psyllium husk in and mixed it up anyway let me taste the chicken piece is very evenly coated you get that crusty feeling on it like there is a batter on it this one some parts you can tell that there's no breading but honestly they both taste really good so I don't think it matters anyway let's get back to the recipe the next thing I'm going to do is get my frying pan on the stove and I'm going to heat up some chicken fat yes you heard that right chicken fat click on the I button on the top right corner of the screen to learn how to make chicken fat at home anyway once the chicken fat is hot I'm going to throw in the white part of the spring onion I'm also going to throw in some chopped ginger and some chopped garlic and I'm going to give it all a good mix and now you just want to cook this on a sort of high heat till the garlic starts to brown oh and I almost forgot I also want to add some dried red chillies to this and don't worry about these red chillies they're not spicy at all but of course you can put spicy chilies if you want a spicy chicken anyway once the garlic has turned a nice golden brown I'm gonna deglaze the pan with some chicken stock so you can also use some bone broth you can use homemade stock you can use whatever stock you like and into that I'm going to add a tablespoon of soya sauce some more rice wine vinegar and some stevia for sweetness now you just want to cook this for a minute or so till the sauce starts to reduce and thicken a little bit and once that's done it's time to throw in our chicken all the chicken the ones that were individually breaded and the ones that have GUP breading so throw that chicken in and then give it all a gold mix you want the chicken to be coated with that delicious sauce that we were making so give it all a good mix you can use a couple of vogue tricks like me flipping things around make sure you don't flip the chicken out of the pan though anyway once you've given it all a good mix and the chicken is well coated we're gonna finish it with some spring onion greens the ones we had cut and saved up earlier and that's it ladies and gentlemen our general sauce chicken the keto version is pretty much ready so now all you got to do is take a serving dish put some of that chicken in and be generous ladies and gentlemen you've earned it and I'm gonna finish it with a sprinkling of white sesame seeds and lo and behold general tso has appeared in chicken form and he looks pretty delicious and looks like we're gonna eat him up General Tso's chicken time to taste all right ladies and gentlemen it's time to taste General Tso's chicken and before my father gets to taste the dish let's place a little bit how many of you think he's going to think that this dish is bland and how many of you think he's gonna like it let me know in the comments below general source chicken TSO - General Tso's chicken tears oh so it's oriental the first time up this is chinese-american chinese-american Charles's TSO was not American here so it's a guy it started in America this is the medical Chinese dish dad okay anyway so it's the first time I'm tasting an American Chinese dish and from the looks of it what I like about it's finger food just boneless pieces of chicken and let's see if he's given it the right amount of spark hmm it's cold it's tender it's soft this juicy and it does taste appeal oriental you know what it tastes like the Indian chili chicken a little bit you know what I'm going to say about the psyllium husk breading which he has no clue about is that you need to eat it a little bit like when it's off the fry fryer because they're the crunch sort of goes away but it definitely soaks up all the flavor and I love the flavor of the garlic the spring onion but yeah but there is a slight crunch it's a very light coating on the thing but whatever it is he's right possibly if I'd come in here five minutes earlier before you could set up the camera you might have heard that crunch anyway I don't think he's very impressed so I don't know who wins the bet but it's not bland right no it's no blood tasty chicken right meeting here at five o clock in the evening after having had a full lunch and you still good anyway I'm not sure whether he's just saying this so that I keep inviting him to taste more dishes but anyway I hope you guys will make this at home let me know how you liked it and I will see you on the next episode of headbangers kitchen Cheers and keep cooking scouts honor that was the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth hey folks if you bought my book quito life I'd love to know which was your favorite recipe from the book let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video please give it the thumbs up subscribe to headbangers kitchen and you know what click here to watch another video or listen to one of my songs here yes I'm a musician [Music]
Channel: Headbanger's Kitchen
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Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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