Keto Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Töltött Káposzta) | Keto Recipes | Headbanger's Kitchen

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horns up and welcome to a brand new episode of head bangers kitchen my name is Sal I'm a death metal musician I play in a band called demonic resurrection no we are not satanic and you can click here on the I button and listen to one of my songs but back to food Toto Kapusta that's not just a fun word to say ladies and gentlemen that is what we are cooking today that is Hungarian cabbage rolls it's delicious cabbage stuffed with pork meat and cooked in a delicious rich flavorful broth and served with some sour cream it is it's just it sounds so good I just had to make it anyway enough jibber-jabber let's get cooking so the first thing we are going to do is get a pot of water on the stove and we are going to season that water with salt and we are going to bring it up to a boil while we are doing that we are going to prepare our cabbage and to prep the cabbage all we really going to do is just take out part of the core of the cabbage this will make it easier to remove the leaves once the water is boiling we're going to put our cabbage into the water and I had a lot of water in the pot so I was fiddling around with the cabbage for a little bit but anyway what you want to do is you just want to cover it with the lid and cook it for about five minutes anyway I did that once I stopped fiddling with the cabbage after about five minutes the leaves will start to peel off the outer leaves and they will come out quite easily and this is a bit of process as the leaves cook and soften they will be easy to remove so one by one you will start to remove the outer leaves after you've got a couple of the leaves out you will probably want to cover it again and let it continue cooking once the leaves soften remove the outer ones and you will basically keep repeating this process and you will do it till you get as many leaves as you need and I did this a couple of times I'd cook it till the outer leaves would soften remove them let it cook some more and a couple times I even had to use the knife to help me because I didn't take out enough of the core but anyway that doesn't matter so keep doing this and then once you've got most of your cabbage left you can just cover it and let it cook now while that cabbage is cooking I am going to prep the leaves and for the bigger leaves what you can do is you can take out the white part of it in the middle and make smaller leaves because otherwise you'll just get a giant leaf of you know cabbage and make sure you don't waste the white stem of the leaves we are going to chop those up and use them later don't throw any of this away so yeah just prep your leaves as you are preparing the cabbage at the same time you know once they've cooled down enough to handle anyway once your cabbage is boiled completely remove it from the pot and set it aside to cool and also strain out that liquid and don't waste any of it because that is like a cabbage stock we're going to use it later and once your cabbage has cooled down just chop it all up nice and finely of course do this only after you've gotten out as many leaves as you need for the cabbage rolls then whatever's left you can chop up like this the next thing I'm going to be doing is making the stuffing for the cabbage rolls and I'm going to be using a kilo of ground pork meat I'm going to season the pork generously with some salt some black pepper powder and be generous some Hungarian paprika or if you don't have access to that you can use any paprika that's available to you then I'm going to take a mortar and pestle and I'm just going to crush up some caraway seeds now this is not normally used but I am just doing it to add another layer of flavor to the pork mince anyway add those crushed caraway seeds to the ground pork meat as well so normally the Hungarians add white rice to the mixture but since we're on keto I am just using some cooked cauliflower rice and if you don't know how to make cauliflower click on the I button on the screen and watch my recipe video on how to do that so add the cooked cauliflower rice to the mixture as well and then we're going to crack one egg into that and of course ladies and gentlemen we give it all a good mix now you can completely skip that cauliflower rice if you don't want to add that you can also add two eggs instead of one eggs it's completely up to you anyway after trying to mix this with a fork and realizing it's not going as well as I would like I shifted over to my hands and I gave it all a good mix with my hands just like the Hungarians do I've never seen a Hungarian mixed this with a fork so well I guess it was just destiny that I had to mix this with my hands anyway enough jibber-jabber once it's mixed onto the next step so now it's time to make the cabbage rolls and we're going to take off prepped cabbage leaves and we're going to take our ground pork mixture and we're going to basically wrap the pork mixture in the cabbage leaves I'm going to show you how to do them and then you can make as many as you require so that's how it's done and let me show you another set of them nothing fancy you can also use a toothpick to hold them together if you want but I feel you can just wrap them and they'll be secure so anyway I am done making a whole bunch of cabbage rolls and they look amazing and I can't wait to cook them so now I'm going to get the same pan back on the stove and I'm going to add in some smoked bacon cubes you can also use regular bacon or if you don't want to use bacon at all you can use some lard and cooking fat and then go straight to the next step but first I've got to basically cook the bacon render out as much of that bacon fat as I can and get that bacon crispy or as crispy as it can get and this takes a bit of time a little bit of love and care so cook that bacon on a lowest heat let that fat render out let it start to get brown and crispy and keep moving it around and cooking it now of course in her agree they don't do this but this is an extra step I have added to build some layers of flavor also they might use Hungarian sausage in this dish and they may also use other poke things that we don't get here in India so I'm doing the best I can with what I have so anyway once that bacon is done I'm going to remove half of it with a slotted spoon and set it aside and then I'm going to throw in some onion into that I'm also going to add in a knob of butter at this point because well butter makes everything taste a little bit better and I just want to add some extra fat to this dish as well and give it all a good mix and what I'm doing now is I'm softening the onions and I'm cooking it in that bacon fat and I want to get some color in it and this is going to help build a lot of flavor I'm also going to take the white part of the cabbage that I saved and I'm going to throw that into this as well and I'm just going to cook it all down the cabbage will start to caramelize and get delicious the onions will soften and start to brown and we build lots and lots of flavor anyway the next thing I'm going to do is throw in a couple of cloves of garlic because well garlic is good and it tastes delicious and it adds so much flavor to these dishes so anyway give that all a good mix and cook that till the garlic starts to get a little bit of color the next thing I'm going to do is add a teaspoon of paprika and give it all a good mix paprika is one of the main flavors in this dish and the Hungarians do love their paprika so give it all a good mix cook it for about maybe 30 seconds to a minute not too long and on not too higher heat then I'm gonna throw in some of that chopped up cabbage and I'm just gonna press it down and I'm also gonna add some of that cabbage stock about a spoon or two this is to stop the sort of paprika from burning and overcooking and then I'm just gonna press everything down and now we're going to create layers in this dish so I've managed to get some sauerkraut here in Mumbai fully and I'm going to create a layer of that sauerkraut and then on go my cabbage rolls and I'm gonna fill it up with a layer of cabbage rolls then on do some more of that chopped cabbage and then some of that bacon another layer of sauerkraut and then some more cabbage rolls just pile them on there a little more of that leftover bacon some more sauerkraut and just for a little burst of flavor 1 green chili pepper and then I'm gonna pour in some of that cabbage stock that we had and I'm gonna fill it up about 3/4 of the way I'm going to layer the top with some of the leftover cabbage leaves and then I'm going to cover it with a lid and let it cook on a low heat for about 60 minutes and of course halfway through I'm just gonna check and make sure everything is cooking well you know play around with it a little bit cover it and let it continue cooking now ladies and gentlemen I've got some of that fresh cabbage left I've got some cabbage rolls left and I've got even some of that cabbage stock left don't throw any of this away click on the I button and see some of my recipes where you can use these and make some delicious dishes anyway after about 60 minutes it's ready and whoo yeah you can't really see anything because there's cabbage on the top so I'm going to move aside those cabbage leaves on the top but you can eat them of course and you should eat them anyway I'm going to put the cabbage rolls on to the plate make sure you get some of that sauerkraut and some of that bacon you want to get all of it in and then of course we're gonna top it with some sour cream oh yeah and of course finish it with some fresh parsley and there you have it folks our Hungarian stuffed cabbage rolls are ready and it looks delicious but before I taste it I'm going to cut into those rolls and show you food porn yes food porn ladies and gentlemen but anyway enough jibber-jabber time to taste now all right ladies and gentlemen it's time to taste the total Kappa star and it looks so delicious and it smells so good and I'm just gonna dig in get some of that sour cream the Hungarians really do love their sour cream oh my god okay guys this is officially the best Hungarian wish I had oh man this is a flavor bomb I mean poke meat is flavorful to begin with and the paprika and the caraway seeds oh my god I'm so glad that I put those caraway seeds in there it is an explosion of flavor and the sauerkraut and the creaminess of the sour cream and the little bacon bits and I'm gonna be disgusting and taste a bit of the liquid like the what is almost like a soup in the pot Oh guys that is incredible so there is a lot of liquid left over after cooking and that is like the most delicious soupy brothy kind of thing ever guys you just have to make this dish trust me it may seem like a lot of work but it's totally worth it and I'm gonna go now because I want to eat the rest of this and I will see you on the next episode of head bangers kitchen Cheers and keep cooking hey folks if you enjoyed the video please hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to headbangers kitchen for more awesome keto recipes if you want some more Hungarian recipes click here maybe you want some breakfast dishes click here or if you want to listen to song of my band just click here Cheers [Music]
Channel: Headbanger's Kitchen
Views: 56,173
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Keywords: Keto Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Töltött Káposzta, Hungarian Stuffed cabbage rolls, hungarian cabbage rolls, Hungarian Keto recipes, how to make toltott kaposzta, how to make hungarian stuffed cabbage rolls, hungarian cabbage rolls recipe, hungarian recipes, headbanger's kitchen, keto cabbage rolls, cabbage rolls soup, cabbage rolls recipe, instant pot cabbage rolls, hungarian cabbage rolls recipe best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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