Kenworth Aerodyne K100E VIT interior clean up after a decade of neglect. CAN IT BE SAVED!

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well it's a new day kenny is washed and check him out oh yes looking fine i've got a little more energy today i took some tylenol it's pretty bad when you're all stiff and sore just from washing a truck but you know you got to give me a break because i'm a salesman you know what i'm i'm not saying i'm a delicate little flower but i've gone a little soft so um oh and i discovered what that that air leak was it's my tire and wheel it's leaking right out here in the bead so apparently um yeah she's almost flat apparently sitting for uh nine years you get some corrosion on the aluminum um yeah so anyways gonna have to deal with that but uh today on today's vlog we're gonna tackle the interior i'm gonna try pulling out the interior well not pulling out the interior but pulling out all the loose pieces and uh vacuuming up all the dirt you know i don't actually let me crawl in here yeah ah oh yeah yeah i haven't uh haven't i had to take that panel off over there to get it uh the other thing but you know when you look at it it's i mean there are a few mouse poops but i don't think i don't think it's i don't think it's that bad i mean filthy dirty so today's project i'm going to nose it into the shop all the loose panels because there's a whole bunch of panels up there we're gonna take all the loose stuff down um vacuum it up get all the garbage out you know get all the screws together and start fresh so the air is out because my seat is down um my brakes still don't work but um let's give it a go oh good job mike what the hell is that it's interesting with a cab over because when you tip the cab forward everything goes to the front i wonder how many people took out like a windshield when they jacked it up and something was on the top bunk and like there's the holes from that uh from that big bar on the roof and you know it's no surprise that there's stress cracks around the window in that and that everything had come loose on it because that thing weighed a ton like um yeah it was skookum so to have all that hanging on a fiberglass roof like it's um kind of impressive that it's not in worse shape you know certainly it'd be nice if it was in better shape but but at least with fiberglass it's easy to fix like if it was aluminum sheeting that would definitely be harder fiberglass you know what you just glue her together i don't uh i don't know exactly how to fix fiberglass yet but we're gonna learn i wonder what cause that's high beam i wonder what that was signal signal it's nice that everything is there except for that one dad might even have one of these of some sort although that's that rubber is hard probably from heat from the lights what's that air what the heck does that oh air suspension yeah um it's gonna be a learning learning experience to see what all these do but um and this dash really is not in great shape so i'm gonna have to try and fix that and the sucky thing about that is this is a big dash so hey i just had a thought what about fibrino you know 10 years ago they didn't have fiber new i don't think but uh anyways let's see if we'll kenny will start low air hmm come on kenny come on kitty see that oil pressure go up oh man this just never ceases to amaze me like literally up until a couple of days ago this truck was hadn't run in freaking nine years and here we are hit the key and she's running you know it was parked because it had a miss still has the miss i'm really hoping that it's just an injector because i really don't want to have to re-read the engine but if i do um i was offered an engine so so we can do that but yeah i can definitely smell unburnt fuel so my past idol is just step on the pedal because she's a little bit uh a little bit stiff i love it you know what i can't wait to straight pipe it get rid of these catalytic converters because i don't think they're good for an old 400 cummins but that definitely smells like fuel so um [Applause] look at her go though you know what this is just a piece of trucking history i do have another exhaust leak though that i created the uh you can't see it but in the crux of the y let's call it the crotch of the y um it's where they always break like any truck with dual exhaust with the y or at the y the center part rots out probably because you have all those exhaust gasses hitting it and splitting off and this one when i hit it with the big pressure washer it uh blew the rust off but she's cleared up gosh i just absolutely love this truck let's just you know what i'm gonna set you guys up on my tonneau cover of the heavy chevy and when i say chevy i mean gmc and uh can you see it okay i need to go rev her up a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know maybe i shouldn't have done that let her warm up a little bit more um definitely smoking a little a little stinky but the jake's work we've got oil pressure so that's the main thing see if she'll warm up a little bit more um i'll have to do some more some more research on how the cummins works but uh yeah there she clears up you know it might even need a few injectors because depending i don't know it almost sounds smoother you think it sounds smoother i don't know i don't hear it missing now at idle but one of the things we did that was recommended by some mechanics is we put we put atf in the fuel filter when we put it on so that the first round of fuel would have a heavy oil content to it um and i also put some uh diesel fuel treatment in it some house i mean i don't know if that stuff works but it's like you know what truck that's been sitting 10 years sorry nine years embellishing a little there um stinks a little bit but not like smells i mean a little bit exhausty like diesel exhaust maybe a little bit like fuel too i don't know you know with the new engines with dpfs and that you realize how much cleaner they run when you have an old truck like this when like smoking and stuff was normal that's just what they did and that's why the inside of all old truck shops are black because of the exhaust so even though def and dpf's are a royal pain in the butt they really do work so which is nice if you're a mechanic if you gotta start a truck in the shop you know what with the new engines it's really not a big deal because it is so much cleaner and nicer you don't get the burning eye sensation just hopefully we don't find that def causes cancer and in people in a couple of years my brother steve is bringing over some kenworth mud flaps for me that he has i um we'll put uh so i'll have some kenworth badging i took the crapped out emblems off i uh oh that's a spot i missed but uh yeah she's looking good um and that's just a reflector i'm gonna peel that off too because it looks looks like a dog's breakfast um you can see here it obviously used to have a lighted light so i'm going to replace it with a lighted light you can see that something was repainted there this door around the handle has been been fixed so i'm gonna have to get some new handles that aren't rusty re-key it all fix this up here's what that little there's like a rubber tab there well that was replaced so yeah i want to fix that but um i thought that was a crack in the body but no tires low but it's not completely flat so we'll air that up we'll run her inside start um pulling all the loose stuff out and uh chase the mice out i don't think there's any mice in it now to tell you the truth and this place let me tell you i got my fair share of mice because look at my field like all that grass down there when i uh when i bow in the summertime because we don't have any large animals anymore we used to have donkeys but when i'm all with my tractor like you see mice everywhere um and for the most part if you don't have any food they don't uh they don't get into things so anyways let's uh get this thing out of the rain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um like put new marker lights on yeah and then put the five across the top uh do the five across the top so but do you think would that take away from its original look no there's garbage bags right now there's some pepto-bismol that looks oh yeah some more [Music] garbage bags are like new actually this bug zapper well we discovered that works yeah those are gloves off actually i'll throw that on the floor one c battery you know i kind of wanted some more off i take those mattresses and well i wanna it's a spring mattress and it actually doesn't like i was thinking i mean i'll just pull it out and have a look and pull it out and if the underside hasn't been critter infested this is good andrea that's um cab foam um you know maybe a person to get lucky [Music] so do you wanna oh andrea how about um do you wanna pass me some of that stuff steve and we'll just sure i'll pass it on to you andrea if you can and we'll just make a pile [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys i should probably wait to pull the headliner out but this headliner is i don't know if you can see that it's it's getting uh well it's falling down so i was just gonna pull it down so that i can uh try and get it get it to um lay flat lay it flat so it doesn't have the memory of being perfect definitely gonna have to have a shower after this oh there's a button so i got that one there's one there one there there must be one here or something yeah right i think it's right there button button [Music] uh there we go there we go oh there's some mouse poops thank god they're all on your side i don't know this one this one is by far might be the worst looking panel on the underside it does have a it's got a cloth cover though which is probably a good thing the foam doesn't look like it's been chewed well that's good yeah there's no seat there yeah that actually doesn't look look bad just a few spots like there it looks like a wet spot from the radio antenna maybe probably yeah but overall yep i do have to pull up well that's aluminum i wonder i wonder why because like take a look guys so this has got like aluminum framework but steel rivets or at least the rivets are rusty but it doesn't look i don't know if i can see in there i guess that doesn't look i got my beer goggles on again it doesn't look i don't think that looks too bad i actually think that looks pretty good all things considered although that looks this is absolutely disgusting this carpet's coming out maybe to never return again this vents rusty i'm gonna put some uh some rust stop or something on it if nothing else just to make it stop rusting if that stuff works one's glad yeah there we go this uh obviously this seat belt was added to hold this up it's got a clip here that's broken but uh i probably have a plastic clip so i'll get rid of this gm seat belt because that's hokey and there's a light up here now that's yeah how do you turn that light on i don't know but that says welcome to the 80s because that was a cool thing when it was in the 80s and that's actually kind of cool and this stuff all works so yeah yeah yeah i gotta just keep cleaning just keep cleaning and filling holes i think this is where i'm gonna learn to do fiberglass work and also this there's a plywood box that was made to extend that baggage compartment and i think this was just a flap so that you could actually pass stuff through so it's for a porter party well maybe it is for a porta potty i don't know and i want to know what cooler on off means because it's got heat and ac but what what would cooler be did it actually have a cooler was there a plug for cooler down here once upon a time but uh i can unscrew this box and get it out of here and this oh maybe yeah maybe it had like a it was an option to have a fridge down there or something yeah maybe that's got some rust too oh god look at the freaking animals everywhere but um we'll get her cleaned up this is a fuse box i need to get some fake wood for there actually that'd be kind of cool polish them up or mind you this one's in good shape here's the fuse panel slash circuit board i should hit that with some electrical cleaner to because i imagine that's hard to get but uh thankfully it doesn't look like anything was eaten um windshields don't fit quite right this window's poked out at the top um what have you got what's that oh that's just their like rubber insulation i wonder is there any wires in that piece by the radio like idiot lights because back in the day i thought there should have been one unless maybe that's why there's all the ones on the dash but um anyways i better get to get to clean in here [Music] oh that's a big job well ah i think uh i think i'm vacuumed out as much as i can do right at the moment the carpets even almost looks like carpet but we're gonna rip that out you know i ripped all the all the carpet out of all the cubbies because you know what if the car well here regardless i'll just get some carpet and and replace it in the in the cubbies um the vinyl looks good though there's a button missing there mind you i have to fix that there are some spare buttons though um but overall it i don't know the upholstery looks pretty good i mean it's dirty definitely dirty a work in progress right room wasn't built today we're one step uh closer to having kenny in uh in presentable condition i don't know i'm gonna get some cleaner and clean this bad boy now or give it the first clean i think this is going to be like several rounds of cleaning so we'll see how it goes wish me luck well guys now it's time to tackle the cleany cleany i um i took this box out of here so now this flap goes down and yeah how awesome is that but look at how dirty this is oh she's dirty but um but she's all here so i'm gonna use spray nine um i hear it's good i hear uh look at that um i saw this and i thought it was funny um do kills h1n1 swine flu influenza bunch of irises and a herpes simplex 1 2 and polar virus don't know that there was herpes in here but don't know that there wasn't so it's all we can do right all we can do is start so this should be interesting let's spray this and see what it looks like this could be scary well it could be scary oh it smells cleaner already take my cordless drill and put it down there it's actually kind of handy that there's no passenger seat you know that um it's actually really handy let's see oh i'd say she's a little dirty oh i think this is going to take a whole bunch of times [Music] mud [Music] [Music] well guys it's uh oh shoot it's almost eight o'clock at night and and uh i've been scrubbing the inside of this thing for a while but i think it looks good this panel that was all um really bad all the black streaks are gone this flap look at this flap it uh i was really ugly buttons are just a poppin and uh like that back piece it was all dirty look at that there's still some marks on the doghouse but considering that you know there were years of people crawling over it and uh and it looks this good i'll pull the doghouse cover off but um for today we've got oh it's time to get up here check this out yeah looks just fantastic i gotta say it's been a it's been a chore i got all the black marks off it's amazing how dirty it was um you know even this panel down here i got that sucker clean floor well the carpet i'm gonna rip it out but uh you know um these pieces up here a little bit of a black mark there still to get off but um got half the dash kind of clean so oh we're working in the right direction maybe go hit that door panel real quick and uh see how it turns out because um this spray 9 works absolutely awesome like man i recommend if you're cleaning the interior of a truck with vinyl spray 9 heavy duty cleaner like this is unbelievable i uh i don't think i'm gonna need to get a new interior um all the pieces that are not in i'm gonna do those on the floor on a bench and uh yeah anyways i better hurry up hit that door because look at that door i'm gonna go hit that and then uh go inside for dinner all right let's try the driver's door looks pretty bad right spraying everything i find the scrub brush just uh works good for scrubbing it in a little powerful too liberal use bugger that there's a tear in the door look at that this is such a cool truck she is she is give her a new lease on life yeah spoiled little trucky let's hit this again if some is good more is better how did it kill herpes who knew well actually i knew because i read the bottle maybe i'll let it sit for a little bit what do you think yeah i'm going to go take a leak while it sits all right i'm back i'm back oh yeah look at that it's like uptown man maybe i should start my own detail shop or maybe not i've been spent all day it's my good english i've been spent all day on this but you know what it's uh extremely satisfying to see one's progress should stand on the line i guess but it takes the sport out of it but yeah you know this truck's got sengo she's been rode hard put away wet when i weighed oh when i weighed when i felt how heavy that roof bracket was holy cow it's heavy um it's no wonder that there's so many broken panels and pieces and you know the where it looks like it was reinforced on the front there there's a scrubbing spot squeezing the bristles together to make it a little bit more of a rigid yeah look at that it's almost gone actually i'm gonna just do this with the carpet too try and get the well can you funky miss out i mean i guess if i wanted it to be like a super fancy show truck i could get a a fancy interior for it and all that but um i don't have super fancy show truck money so we're gonna leave it and you know i i i'm gonna get this fixed if nothing else i'll just i don't know maybe i'll just stitch something myself but uh but look at how much better this looks like wow i might do it one more time gosh it just looks fantastic and to think this truck was freaking abandoned in that yard and i mean i get it you know lens i'm not sure how old lent is but he was i think he might be in his 80s it's hard to to get rid of your stuff you know you work your whole life to acquire things and then you get to that point where it's time to start selling them off and uh it's tough you know it's easy to say oh you know you should do this you should do that but uh who's anyone to say what anyone should do with their stuff you know what i mean you know what if he had plans of fixing it or plans of selling it or or whatever not for me to judge oh i got my fair share of stuff look at that see now my my soap is pretty pretty clean now you know i think i can fix that actually you know what i need to do i need to call the fiber new guys hi branu cause let's face it i got more important things to spend money on right now on this old girl like a wicked paint job i saw one that was uh almost like a burgundy red instead of the uh bj and the bearer bright red looked pretty damn classy looked really good that's almost out of there be good enough you know that good enough for the girls i go with oh yeah good enough he says now we'll give her a little white around my buttons my little blue buttons i wish it had red buttons considering blue is not my favorite color but the blue and silver does look really good frick maybe i should paint it blue or no silver with the blue dj and the bear design except i don't think i'd almost rather have a red it's gonna be red there what do you think guys what do you think of that i would say that's a noticeable improvement i um i actually kind of enjoyed cleaning this up although i am pooped pooped out again but uh i got her in the shop and uh i'm gonna have to get a decal remover we'll take that off um you know i feel a little bit bad pulling the decal off but then it's my truck now so i you know it's got to be mc in the bear um i was thinking about grinding these off and just taking those brackets off for now but then i almost think if i'm gonna do that maybe i should just drill these rivets out and see what's behind door number two you know what i mean i don't know like they notch this grill looks like crap need to get one of those i think i might know where there's a a cab over i might be able to get my hands on but um yeah like if i just ground those off i could leave that stainless piece but then if you're gonna do that maybe i should just knock those rivets out and just put rivets in because really if it's ugly behind that strip i mean i can just touch it up with white paint because look at it right now it's can't make it look any worse can't make it look any worse give a little spray get out the roller but uh she fits helps that it's short upset it's shorty short but anyways guys i hope you enjoyed uh my interior clean on kenny and uh you know what now that that's drying it already looks a thousand times better so anyways guys thanks for watching it's been a pleasure i'm gonna go inside now have dinner go to bed and tomorrow it's uh work day cheers guys until next time thanks for following kenny mike and kenny it's kind of like the bobsy twins i don't even understand the bobsy twins things maybe who's the bobsy twins anyways emptying the bear maybe now i'm starting to think that maybe i'm the monkey maybe i'm the monkey and anyways guys have a good night or good morning or good afternoon depending when you watch us so later until next time when i get the treadle valve going because i really should have it so i can stop cleaning the interior is probably not quite as important as making it so it can stop oh i got to go to bed cheers
Channel: Peterbilt Mike
Views: 97,164
Rating: 4.9216523 out of 5
Keywords: kenworth k100E, kenworth, kenworth cabover, Cabover, aerodyne cabover, kenworth aerodyne, Vit interior, cabover interior, Aerodyne vit interior, old Cabovers, bj and the bear, dont kill kenny, Peterbilt cabover, cabover stuff, clean up, will it start, is it saveable, the best classic truck, saving old cabovers, saving the K100, aerodyne, vit interior clean up, Spray nine, super rigs, big rigs, custom rigs, custom kenworth, go big or go home, restoration, truck restoration
Id: NfltlNaNHMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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