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just touch the starter because it turned should i try it yeah hey guys welcome back to the vlog mike chamberlain here peterbilt mike um maybe we should call me cab over mike soon but um anyways on this episode of peterbilt mike i am going to see if i can get the cab jacked up on stubby and dad's here actually giving me a hand pulling the cab jack off of k2 and we're gonna put it on or try to put it on stubby to see if we can get him to air up see if he'll start without starting fluid for a second time um because i gotta get firewood you know what it's a nice day it's a warm day but it's october 24th today and winter's coming i think the end of next week they might even be calling for snow which seems kind of hard to believe right now but it's that time of year and you know what got a soft spot going into the field so i'm thinking get a look get my truckload of wood dropped right here it's going to make a mess but it's going to be a lot easier to bucket split it stack it stop the wood shed full because i think we're going to need a lot of a lot of wood to heat that shop in the winter because i'm going to shoehorn three calibers into that shop how am i going to do it with a shoe horn so anyways here's stubby aka little deck um you know what i don't think i can call him little deck for too long because we're going to cut that little deck off too maybe we should call it bobbit because we're going to cut its little deck off um but yeah it's got uh the four lines so we're just gonna try putting the the jack on it and uh figure out where these lines go put a little bit of put a little bit of put a little bit of put a little bit of time anyways use some brake clean clean it up get it on here and uh see if we can't figure out how to make this thing go well we'll know how to make it go but gotta get the jack up gosh losing my mind got to get we have to get the cab up to see what's going on with the engine sometimes english is hard for me yeah what do you do a little dyslexic you know maybe mama dropped me well you know what when i was born they didn't know about smoking and drinking when pregnant mom never smoked pretty sure she liked cocktail now and then anyways let's go see how dad's making out how are you making out it's about gotter of course made a mess oh well we'll put down some environmentally friendly mats because this is environmentally friendly um uh vegetable oil yeah that's the case don't eat them elmer thems horse turds [Music] boy you sure do good work just not much of it there you go so for anybody that's new to the channel this is my dad jim and uh dad's been trucking for when did they invent trucks no like 57 years 57 years only 57 years i still haven't learned anything i'm still working on tracks oh yes but this is gonna be the pista resistance show truck k-100 aerodyne one day it's going to make the bj and the bear truck look like well it's going to look like a bj in the bear truck it looks like a monkey operation okay lad we now have a cab jack now we just have to figure out how to make it work actually that's the easy part i think i might have well i don't know if my fittings well i think we'll have to pull those fittings out of it so now i just have to pull these fittings off and make a t because the peat has four lines going to it then the kenworth only had two and this is basically the exact jack that i bought off of a parts direct that i haven't seen yet so that is that so this will screw in there like that beautiful this is pretty exciting to get her i said it's pretty exciting i really should be the one under there you could put something on your youtube you should be doing it but some silly old bastard just dives underneath so i'll get um i'll crack that uh that line and start jacking and fill it with oil in some ways it's better with um does this tip down a little bit to where it was as long as we can get it up [Laughter] give it a little blue pill that'll help get it up so that's raised i think i'm gonna have to use a shorter and put some oil in here using atf for hydraulic fluid probably not that line is pushing out i don't know if that's right or not okay try flipping the switch and going the other way well i'm just uh you reach in there you can almost feel it in i'm just going to say flip the switch start jacking the other way maybe we're trying to jack it down well the kicker is it it pulls out so this rubber boot is coming out which makes me think that that's right something is draining so you can hear okay i'm gonna hit the reverse okay like a dumb house it should have been watching that cylinder i almost think when that goes in though that'll lock and when it pops out that means it's unlocked yeah there's nothing in behind that boot like you know you can't feel anything in the boot if you know what i mean yeah but it's probably like a slave cylinder it could be try checking at the other end see what happens check this out it's going up it's not the easiest spot and i had to hillbilly a bracket but first time this cab has been up in since 2005. i'm sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's take a look all right you can see this lock is actually looks like somebody made that so they didn't have to go so high there's the alternator fan the few chunks missing how's this look oh jesus that's rusted right out that's us oh the air intake for the heater is crusted right out okay so there's a dang it this is going to be a bigger job than i thought i think air conditioning stuff what's that look it's fairly rusty how's the engine look oil filter's got a bit of oil around it it's got air-to-air piping that's good it's got some alternator looks crooked oh that's why it's not charging the belt's broken the alternator belts are broken oh the alternator seized that might do it now i wonder if the alternators seized and not spinning if that would cause it to not register or well no it should still should still work with the dead alternator [Music] let me see down there that's an oil filler tube which is yeah that's not good for business so that's been robbed too because that should be going up to there but then this tube's rusted out so it was just bent down that's been robbed oh the the filler because that's the oil fill tube oh what's the other side look like oh and let's look in here yeah see this is this is better low and slow is broken here which obviously oh yeah this one there you can see a weld there but um this isn't all pulled out so that looks better this side's all original so that side's better that looks good i think i think most airlines your air intake here's our compressor well that might do it the uh oh no it's over here there's a governor it's a fuel filter ecm fuel line off the ecm i don't know why i said fuel line off the ecm because it doesn't have a fuel line on the ecm but no belt on the air conditioner which makes me think it crapped out many moons ago that looks okay i don't think that's rested out bunch of air lines now this this big line goes to where why is that disconnected which one well this one right here i don't know if that's a there's another one here oh that's a fuel line oh that's to this other fuel thing yeah right core the right core is disconnect so that's is that disconnected up there yeah but if that goes to the right core that makes sense the racor on the other side well because this line here looks like it goes down there oh yeah okay this block is fairly rusty it's not really bad for oil though i don't think there's a bracket covering the emblem we should spray this lock with wd it's fairly rusty well that's the downside where it was sitting my other concern is these ecm plugs but i mean i guess if it runs i wouldn't play with them personally [Music] certainly not right now i guess but i wonder how do you tell if the compressor's well well i guess you could crack or no that's a fuel pump dummy yeah the top line there oh this one here no no well yeah that one but see you have to engage the compressor and that's what that line at the top oh yeah we should pull that there's two bolts there and there's a plunger in there and it gets stuck and it'll either make too much air or not enough well and it was it was not letting it air up even when i aired it up it was just like it had a dead leak but yeah we'll see would it go back through or good good good should we try starting it where's the big line off the compressor well it's the this one here it's got a stupid bend to it i don't know why it goes up like that actually what we should do is pull that line off yeah i don't think the lock on this side even works let's just um let's pull this out first and clean it up okay what size do i need there's a plunger in there every once in a while like it it forms a ring on it and doesn't want to do what it's supposed to do well judging by the state of this just gonna check the power steering it's got some plastic lines on these tanks too but yeah i wonder if some lines were changed or maybe it had plastic lines in 94. well but there are some yeah it's a wonder that someone would put this on and then not use it or take it off which this record oh because it's definitely rusty but i definitely don't think this truck would have lasted very much longer in my opinion my unprofessional opinion well hard to say what we should do is drag the compressor out and hook it up it's got etf doesn't look that bad although the rubbers being a bugger to go back in surprise surprise okay you think bring the compressor out and see if we can hear where it's leaking or try starting it well let's just let me we're gonna do his thing all right so that's the top of the compressor see this is good i'm glad we did it like this here tends to stick like the air from your regulator comes in here pushes this down shuts your compressor off it goes back up turns the compressor on well sometimes they stick up sometimes they stick down and all you have to do is take and clean the crud off this plunger as you can see like this one here is actually good but these will stick and it's so simple if you're stuck on the side the road and this stupid thing sticks if you're if it keeps building air pressure and um won't shut off it's just this is stuck in here and a simple procedure take two bolts off take this off and grab a chunk of dirt on your finger and rub this until you get it back smooth because you can use dirt for a grinding combo get this back smooth put it back in put it back on away you go i've got some brake clean that we can wash that up with yeah but this is good so now we know it's not the compressor so it might be your regulator the reason it's not making air and i squirted some weasel piss in it to lubricate it so it might work so of course being vertical it might be because you just unscrewed that plot a little plastic cap and if you want to change your air pressure like you know if you want to go say from 110 to 120 pounds you take off that cap and then the other screw the nut down or up i can't remember which but one way one way one way or the other we're gonna make this peterbilt run in short order that's right come heck or high water look at low and slow looks so good look at that oh i don't know if you guys noticed but i changed the bumper out you know the only problem with that bumper though it doesn't have a toe pin which is kind of an issue well it's not an issue until you get stuck once you get stuck then it's real issue and since we're sidetracked and dad's cleaning up that part let's just go take a look let's just go take a look because wouldn't it be normal when the kid you know buggers off and get sidetracked while you know the father does all the work no [Laughter] pretty much yeah so yeah the reason why i changed this bumper out um well it's because i have it and i i like the tapered bumper better i didn't like that other bumper that was on here because one it was a western star bumper so if anybody wants a western star bumper that's got some extra holes in it you can have it i don't want it so behind here is some toe pins and of course this is off of uh i think it was actually off of a 567 or something like that um but of course it's got these toe pin holes which i don't have i had to drill four more holes in it but the plate's in the right spot um up off the ground and i'm gonna hang mud flaps off it and i think and look at how bad this chrome is like yeah you can see like lines in it so um that's why we have it because it is a i didn't even know it's it just but whatever it's good enough for me um i think i'd like to put a three plate plate holder underneath but i'm gonna put my cat mud flaps on and i think this actually makes it look lower if that makes any sense i don't know tell me what you guys think do you like this bumper better and i am putting front mud flaps on it because you know i'm canadian that's how we roll and so uh don't run into your own rocks i don't know if you guys are dad but he said the reason why you have front mud flaps so you don't run into your own rocks because like i've said up here there's two types of windshields windshields on a new car or truck that are perfect and a broken one because they sand our roads with enough stuff to break them oh a little bit of never seas well it's just uh i've got white assembly grease as well if we want it but yeah but never seas on aluminum is probably fine it's just for lubrication that's all lubrification yeah i almost think k2 is in better shape than this thing as far as corrosion goes well yeah i mean this one's better because it you know has an engine has a transmission it's broken but like dad said um if we rip this deck off which we're gonna do um and unbolt the battery box we should be able to pull the transmission right out through the top well we can i know we can't i watched a video of them doing it so there you go youtube approved wow that looks like that's a hydraulic line you can tell this thing's been kind of bush fixed repaired but there again run what you lots of times you don't have a choice it's either walk or fix it somehow true and this uh this cab jack is seized so when i jacked it up it puts pressure here to pull this out which flips that back and i'm assuming i guess i'm only assuming that it doesn't work but judging from the fact that it seems like it sees them you know pretty good guess just don't try it right now one on the other side works so all right guys i went and got the key um just something i was gonna tell you guys about i have some custom peterbilt key tags now i don't have a store set up yet i do have a merch store on spring tied to youtube so if you want uh if you want a kenny hoodie or a low and slow hoodie the lone slow hoodies it's just a subtle a subtle picture of the truck um but i also have key tags now these i have in person so i don't have them in the store they are peterbilt there's only one king baby and um but in order to sell these i've got some black ones with red writing as well um if you want one they're 10 bucks plus shipping and [Music] i guess i'll have to get you to email me i'll maybe drop an email in the below and then um you could do an e-transfer and then i can ship them out but um yeah i'm gonna have to get a store going because these are i like key tags although the one thing i do like about the black ones is like i already got dirt on this one so these are good for when it's um finished but anyways let's carry on i got key tags on everything i love them we're gonna try and start this baby stop this baby up sure it's out of here well how do i make sure it's out of gear when it's 10 feet in the air flight came on so that's a good sign i was thinking later that we should have disconnected the batteries yeah i thought of that too i should have done a lot of things like i should have cut up all these pallets by now but i haven't and you know what i've discovered pilots are a proper pain in the butt to cut up i was cutting and then i don't know what i did and my chain came off and i was like screw it i was done for the day i wonder if i should get the stepladder to get right in there well i just try it takes off across the yard you'll look in here well being that we can't get it tear up i'm pretty sure we're okay fire in the hole oh and i got my key stuck this touch has started yeah i think it's because it turned should i try it it's alive so for the record that is the first time i've tried this since two weeks ago or three weeks ago when you did so well we got oil pressure yep yep throttle still still not working well i didn't do that hmm i wonder why it stopped try it again oh of course i wonder if it if it ran out of fuel [Laughter] but you wouldn't think if it ran out of fuel that it would just stop suddenly like that ah i don't know i know these new electronics when they're out of fuel they're out of fuel it's not like they cough and sputter and it might be in the the tanks are full of i guess we'll pull the filter see what o-ring looks skanky do you think i should put new fuel in it it's got bubbles floating in it smells like turpentine yeah it's old too well i've got an a new fuel filter so it's not a big one though it's a little one like it's the same well it looks like it's the same fill it with new fuel yeah try it what the hell and um yeah i would say crappy thing is that's a lot of fuel to drain out yep on both sides unless i block one side off and block one tank off and put fresh fuel in the other or put yeah take and pump 20 gallons out and put them in low and slow and burn them and then pump 20 gallons hmm or hook it up to a jerry can so it draws out of the jerry can that's not gonna sit there let's put it in the this stuff i'll go dispose of this this is what i should have done before when we started it might get started there we go this filter is the same well it's a smaller filter but it's the um the one that the owner's manual said it comes with and when i say owner's manual i say the parts guy gave me so this is probably what was on it when it was brand new don't forget the o-ring yeah take the oil make sure you take the old one off yeah i did lots of guys don't take the old one off and then put the new one on with a new o-ring and were you able to get it that well there's power to it i don't know but is it power from it yeah well i pretty much have to go underneath to do that and then i need a flashlight i don't know i'm not confident that this is a i'm not either but what the hell i just find it odd that it just shut off unless there's a low oil pressure switch on it well that's true and there i mean there's oil well it showed oil pressure but the oil pressure low oil pressure light was on but where see it's right straight down there see it no i see a solenoid thing yeah that's it oh below it where's the test light i think i can get in there this bolt here that these board and then i tested it on the starter to make sure it was working started back here yeah power this power to the top yeah there's power to both sides okay okay well i guess we try it again and try it what's worse that'll happen foreign dang it but being that the electronics are half working i and the way it shut off it makes me feel like it was like a little oil shut down or something like that that's where i wondered about pulling the plugs off the ecm in case i pull the plugs off and put some dialettic dielectric grease on them it wouldn't hurt [Applause] it wouldn't hurt [Music] and this um uh solenoid thingy is rusty actually see if there's any power there where's there yeah do it again yeah i heard a click [Music] um no i've lost it it should be power there now turn the key off i had power but i don't have power now no cause the keys off okay now i got oh i had it and then it went away i tried on this relay down there i got power but now i don't have power at the at the solenoid and that's why i uh well i figured maybe i should pull these plugs off or attempt to obd it'll be dc3po plug all right well guys when i mucked with these plugs it uh it started i had light on the solenoid and then it started so i'm thinking i got some dirty plugs so i'm going to pull these apart and put some dialectic grease dielectric dielectric there we go i think this is obd i think there was stuff on it but it was of course it's all dry because it's a little old i think this stuff does evaporate i don't know if a person should let it evaporate first or i think i'd let it dry i'm gonna go get a towel and give it a wipe off oh yeah that's dry now and there is i mean i don't see corrosion i just see like old white grease so this is truck light corrosion preventative compound non-conductive formulated non-conductive sealant and corrosion printer blah blah blah not a lubricant all right well let's give her a go did i put this on and off it's like a little tree so that's like a little tree like that that turn there let's turn so it goes there okay i guess right i don't have power here mind you i wonder i guess oh now i got power it's alive again [Music] just wondering if well i guess the alternator might make the stop engine light come on too [Music] so [Music] energy yeah no psi [Music] oil pressure low air like if it breathes 40 45 pounds of oil pressure [Music] but if it's building air maybe we should down it off we figured out the problem guys it's got a hole in the air tank underneath fuel tank that i can actually stick my fingers into so maybe i'll crawl under there and show you it's got to start raining so it'd be a good job to do it under the truck you won't get it yeah true story yeah true story oh well clean up my mess actually have a look under there because that air tank has to come out to get the transmission out but i think we should take the transmission out through the top yeah take the deck off and the batteries out of it and i think it'd be far simpler than pulling a fuel tank off yes and we can either use your tractor or my backhoe to pull that transmission out you've got forks so it might work better but as long as it can lift a transmission well you could lift those pallets of wood just barely up that high yeah but well for the other thing is we could just lift the forks up and then use a combo yeah okay we're gonna run alrighty thanks for coming out now this is an unfortunate thing yep i am i am and it's starting to rain i better clean up and then maybe crawl under the truck and i'll show you that hole all right guys we're scurrying under it's kind of like we're in a cave well we're not um i'm going to show you where this air leak is ah because the good news is i found it the bad news is it's not easy to get to oh hey look under truck so here there's my air leak oh i can put my hand in it oh what's that the sensor wire oh sorry about that so there it is i need a new air tank i need a lot of things but look at the frame it's like right full of sand it's no freaking wonder freaking rust years and years of dirt just sitting there which is not good not good for business crossover line feels hard as a rock you know i should turn off one of these tanks figure out which one ah i guess they probably draw off both did that light just die yep bugger yeah so they draw off both what's that up there oh that's just a valve it looks like it might need a little bit of loving oh my gosh yeah definitely got to get this deck off and a transmission but um anyways i'm going to uh try pulling the sucker off [Music] oh wow look at that there's the piece of air tank i have never that's bad this shouldn't be too difficult i don't think famous last words did brings some croissant wrenches though because when in doubt use a croissant and get it stuck your first go mike good job oh yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be fun not hello it might be easier to just bust everything off maybe i can just wedge it maybe i can swedge it there we go don't really want to just bust it off the tank because it's not going to make it any easier this poor old truck is uh definitely seen some better days oh yeah there's totally yeah room in here oh yeah this is a good view if you ever wondered what was in the inside of an air tank now we know [Music] you
Channel: Peterbilt Mike
Views: 43,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cabover, cabover peterbilt, peterbilt 362, peterbilt barn find, barn find cabover, 362 peterbilt, 362 peterbilt cabover, cabover kenworth, how to buy a truck, what is the best cabover, what is a peterbilt, custom cabover, custom build, show truck, restoration, project truck how to start a restoration, farm truck, peterbilt farm truck, K100 kenworth, peterbilt mike, N14 Cummins, cummins N14, how to make a N14 run, will it start, changing the fuel filter on a N14 cummins
Id: Zie0YG38mlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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