Places to Visit in London Outside the Centre - Primrose Hill - London History

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Tallyho and stab me vitals if I ain't back with jewels guides in which I wander around London and interview fascinating facts about this city and today we are going to wander around Primrose Hill but we starting here at chalk farm around the 1820s most of this area was all rural the only things that existed with like the Belsize estates and a couple of farms Calcott farm being one of them for example from which we get chalk far north on chalk who says chalk do you say Holborn I bet you say sandwich do all of the grounds around here were actually owned by the eats and estates as in Eaton School in Windsor come around 1820 or so and they were allowed to lease their ground so they leased it and they started building roads and houses one of the first houses to be built was hardly surprising the pub and this building here that used to be the Adelaide tavern the trams that came up from Topman Court Road they would have come along here and this was the reason why there's this big kind of gap here is because they would have turned around here because I couldn't make out the hill and then Adelaide Road was one of the first streets around here I love these little details these are all abandoned all these fountains around London and they're all property of the Metropolitan drinking fountain and cattle trough Association the Victorians loved a snappy title I'm glad they still hang around gets down there there is indeed a cattle trough which is just completely abandoned I think they should turn it into a flower bed or something but anyway if you watch the early episodes of minder the Winchester Club is just next to short farm station and you can still see the Adelaide pub in those do you know you know minder if you want a quintessentially British show from the nineteen seventies mind there is the a bit grim this bit originally this would have been a country lane look how ugly it all is now but then turned into Regents Park Road so Regents Park Road officially starts here and it it kind of curls up and over the bridge over there of course at the railway came along and sliced straight through the lane this bridge was designed by Robert Stevenson 1837 I suppose was when the railway started up Robert Stevenson was the son of george stephenson the father of the railways actually used to have a lot more graffiti on it it's a pretty important railway i mean or goes up to manchester and stuff again another one of those snappy titles the Victorians they really knew how to name something i think was called the East and West India Docks and Birmingham railway trips off the tongue Matt you see my amazing video amount Camden you'll know all about these pubs which were built for the kind of railway navvies the Pembroke Castle that was the one for the Welsh people because you had the Windsor Castle for the English people and you had the Edinburgh Castle for the Scottish people only had the Dublin Castle for the Irish people they all started fighting with each other so they had to be segregated and given their own pub so the Pembroke Castle hurts for the Welsh if you're as tall as I am you can see over here and you can see two all the way down to Primrose Hill tunnel which was a wonder of the age it was the first underground railway tunnel in London that and people flocked here to see its construction and now you can barely see it it's all overgrown with weeds and it's a real pity actually speaking of snappily titled places hello how are you doing very oh thank you say to you I like you I actually have hat Envy I like those far more suitable for the climate thank you in back in 1865 this was the home for boys the boys home for the training and maintenance and maintenance of boy the boys home for the training and maintenance not by their own labor of destitute boys not convicted of crime or something like so long and complicated real snappy titles I mean imagine if you actually lived there you had to write it fill in one of those fun I wanted none of them have any jobs and you're gonna fit into a box that big you know training and main so they would learn stuff like how to play a brass band instrument sewing other jobs that really does scream Dickensian to you doesn't hey what are you laughing at who's very Dickensian kind of plays a sort of place Charles Dickens would write about you know he's sort of he was stricken with poverty wasn't he when he was young no no exactly they've turned it into luxury flats of course starting it sort of seven hundred thousand pounds but I don't think this railway goes to Worcester or boost up the bicester would be the Chilton railway from Maryland no the reason I'm mentioning is because their Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens was actually first see realized in two local newspapers there was the best of times it was the worst of times these houses along here sprung up around that time in term I think Harry Enfield lives in one of them famous comedian blow domani I'm my favorite one is where he goes all these birds in this club would give their right arm to dance with me but I ain't gonna because I don't dance with birds with mine arms [Music] Primrose Hill is one of those areas that has a set the Primrose Hill set people like Kate Moss and Sadie Frost and Jude Law that building over there that's actually now Lamoni the Greek restaurant although I think you'll find it's pronounced early morning yeah and originally it was the chalk farm tavern it was there that's Sir Edmund berry Godfrey and I think of 1678 was carried from Primrose Hill where he was found murdered with a sword through his body and his neck broken apparently had been accused of a Catholic plot to overthrow king charles ii this whole area behind here where all these houses built that was like it's some pleasure grounds and people would flock to the place in the 1860s the grounds got sold and then the tall farms having just became one of many pubs actually one of which was the Primrose tavern which is that building there see the reason why that's different from the other houses is because that was a tavern and that Street there Chamberlain Street I think that's the one where Jude Law used to live with Sadie Frost this whole area was notorious for dueling people used to fight duels quite close by on Primrose Hill but this was all part of the pleasure grounds of short Farnes heaven now building up there if you've seen Paddington Paddington to that one there that balcony up there is where Hugh Grant comes out and talks on the balcony you know I think he lives in that house in the film but this Calcott square over there must be one of the most desirable residences in London I should think look at that massive houses over there and down this street here Charcot Crescent is where Paddington actually lives in the film to quote my friend yelitza in Belgrade you can take a lot of very good selfies here your Facebook Instagram accounts there's always people coming down here doing photo shoots and stuff this guy dr. Joe say Rahzel he's a national hero the Philippines I think he managed to rescue a bunch of Filipino artifacts from the British Museum the brits always just nicking stuff up everyone basically a little photo shoot of yourself we made the logo this this wall here are people wandering my famous logo if famous world famous Jules guides logo like that that was taken against this wall photograph was taken here and I just sort of turn it into silhouette hey presto those houses over there by the way that's where Lord Byron's Widow died I don't know 1865 or something apart remember when next to the Queen's pub I find the Queen's party is quite a nice pub but it's a bit too compact for me I'm such a tall blow I find it quite awkward the bar takes up most of the pub promote Hill you want to hang out in a cafe this is the place [Music] you may recognise Primrose Hill from my amazing documentary take me to Pitcairn oh you and I walk straight up this hill don't we Simon they're right at the beginning if I head off to Pitcairn Island a highly recommended film by the way this is actually where in War of the Worlds the hero the protagonist witnesses basically the death of the Martians in a war of the worlds by HG Wells no one would have believed in the last year's of the 19th century that human affairs were being watched by the timeless walls of space [Music] across the Gulf of space mine's immeasurably superior to ours regarded earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely they actually in the book he manages to walk all the way from Fulham all the way up to Swiss Cottage and over up to promote Hill and then he talks about the red weed I pushed on towards Primrose Hill far away through a gap in the trees I saw a second Martian as motionless as the first standing in the park towards the Zoological Gardens and silent a little beyond the ruins I came upon the red weed again and found the Regents canal spongy mass of dark red vegetation all the chances of anything coming from Mars there's a million to one he said you know how in Colombo the first episodes of Colombo he was kind of quite a serious detective and then towards the later ones he just turns into a complete eccentric what's nice about it is that this is one of those spots from which they have a preserved view of st. Paul's Cathedral so you're not actually allowed to build anything between here and supports cathedra think there's something like 9 or 10 I don't know how many you imagine back there and even 150 years ago that would have been all fields and indeed Charles Dickens talks about Bob Cratchit running across the fields in Christmas Carol he lives in Camden Town and in a Christmas carol now you can't run across the fields and that's school down at the bottom I actually went to that school when I in primary school I even remember the register Quay and Jeremy Brin saw Miss Martin Julian Paul Mickey and ramesha Stephen Muhammad Chris Kenji John hey Lou Julie Jessie Louise Allen I've forgotten there the rest of them well if I in here I've got my book here we go look this is it we had to do something called school under siege and it was a project in which you had to imagine that your school had contracted a disease and you weren't allowed to leave and we had to write essays therosis this is Andrew Van Dyke's with his guts hanging out this is called mr. Wilkinson it doesn't rhyme because I was that cool right poems that didn't rhyme in those days mr. Wilkinson is freckly his hair is curly it's all as if it was wire bend into one place he doesn't give you any chances if you talk he says right lines even if you're just saying a sum to yourself but I'll tell you one thing I wouldn't like to be a mr. Wilkinson anyway he's marked it I got a gold star for that it's not easy Julian he's oh there's even a picture of him they're like terrorists now these are more of those parish boundary markers not to be mistaken for milestones st PP 1830 st. Pancras parish and then this one I mean I'm assuming it must be the parish of Hampstead it's J there's an H there I like those things even though they get it right in the way when you're trying to sledge down this hill in the wintertime so it's always getting in the way you always hit these that's matter which direction you try and sledge even if you start over there you always end up colliding with these right into your testicles this is where 101 Dalmatians was set wasn't it yes we'll have to do another video when it comes to Sonic and when it's snowing oh I've done one of those snow London in the snow London in the snow visits Primrose Hill in your own time or with a friend who's Rex Harrison who used to do those British pathé a films Alice did one for Burlington [Music] another one of these abandons drinking fountains no doubts given in memory of somebody yeah Joseph's paying Esquire deputy assistant judge a zealous total abstainer doesn't sound like much like a judge to me [Music] that's primrose hill school over there primary school another one of these victorian foreboding the Victorians did that very school for kids really young kids these houses along here st. Mark's Crescent all have the backs facing the canal were they all come to have private moorings down there it's lovely isn't it gee my mum used to live it up here one of these houses up here she first met my dad they lived together in a flat here richard briers lived downstairs spot the house that the Germans hid Erno Goldfinger famous his brutalist architecture he designed this one in the 60s I guess is it sixties looks sixties to me it was very famous a celebrated architect after whom Ian Fleming of course tamed his famous villain in James Bond but just after that Erno Goldfinger how's his sexual sharp house now cessful Sharpe founded the English folk dance society and he was famous for having gone around the whole world trying to find old classic English folk songs they went as far as the Appalachian Mountains to discover all his songs like a frog he would a woman go remember that the frog he would the wooing go hey hosted Roly obsessed with singing songs about frogs without Rollie pollie gabon spinach al said Anthony Rollie do you remember that song there was another one there was the Frog lived in the well whoops he did leave and Edie with a hair I'm scared I'm little down there and whoopsie their leader why do I know so many weird English folk concerts we do folk music we do dance classes English country dancing Morris dancing P Donald's going on the dance at the moment we do tango classes we also do education stuff so kids classes in the summer holidays things like that we have a resource library to the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library which has got the biggest collection of sort of folk resources in the UK Simon well into Warren Williams we have the over hitchens mural as well in the main hall what other time was the largest single piece of artwork in Europe we used to have to do country dancing at school there was a pretty cake polka first couple separate go up around the ring pass your partner going out parser coming in bow chill Delaney prominent or oh no I want to be near one for me for me I what do we do you're the one for me second couple seconded so each couple would go round like that and plus support they're going on Ronson coming um no actually quite fun I might try and recreate that try and start a new craze Oh darbie thir you know remarkable actually these buildings actually just beyond their I mean those were nice beautiful houses that got knocked down by the council and they built those darwin courts I mean honestly and then that is actually what led to Primrose Hill being a conservation area because everyone was so annoyed about these being built that they said okay we're having a had quite enough of that [Music] [Applause] it's very easy to miss these things along here but look on this store of this whole lamp that st. Pancras trampling on a Roman soldier underfoot see I would have taken someone quite a while to do that that's why I'm pointing it out whoever it was who designed that will probably be grateful that I am now appreciating it and telling other people to look at it I bet you didn't know that was st. Pancras trampling a Roman soldier underfoot did you you see when the train tracks got electrified they had to get rid of the house here and build that big building their electricity substation looks alright I suppose I mean his substations go oh by the way this is a pub here called the engineer because it was for thirsty people who used to work in the railways over there when they first opened it up and I think that might be Isambard Kingdom Brunel more interestingly than that when I used to hang around with my celebrity 10 woody harrelson his friend got sick out of the window in the rather glamorous Lee named dumpling place is the Lansdowne pub named after the Marquess of Lansdowne who negotiated the peace terms the Treaty of Paris was it peace terms of the with America anyway you can see that a document one of the first drafts in the Lansdowne club up in Mayfair yeah which the Lansdowne house and actually you can see when we walked past that building in my video about Mayfair or is it my video about Belgravia I've forgotten who cares let's go to the [Music] unless that about wraps it up for today's Jules guide but thanks for watching if you enjoy my videos don't forget to hit the subscribe button underneath the video and if you like what I do and you can head over to my website Jules guides comm where you can find out more about me and even hire me fly private guided tour of London or if you wanted to you can even leave a donation via PayPal or become a patreon whatever that is Cheers Simon shares everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 223,208
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Keywords: london, joolz guides, primrose hill, primrose hill tour, what to do in primrose hill, joolz guides youtube, cecil sharp house london, chalk farm, london parks, what to do in london, non touristy things to do in london, untouristy london, day trips in london, visit london 2019, primrose hill pubs, london walks tours, hidden london gems, hidden gems london walking tour, london history tour, walking tour london, places to visit in london england, london history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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