Kent Has Some Trauma To Work Through - 1.5 Spoilers

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hey everybody and welcome back today we're going to continue working through the npcs of stardew valley last time we talked about george and that one was spicy mostly just because i have a lot to learn so thanks to everyone that showed up to represent and educate it was all really good stuff today we're gonna go ahead and try for something a little tamer a little more light-hearted we're gonna talk about our favorite wait what they picked kent oh my gosh i don't need any bombs in my mailbox all right well scrap the light-hearted crap it's time to talk about prisoners of war ptsd and milk kent's home from war and he brought trauma you might already know that kent doesn't show up until spring of year two but i bet you didn't know that kent was a waste collector in zuzu city before his time in the military yep just thought i'd drop that fun fact in there before i forgot to mention it because i don't have too many other places to sprinkle it in anyway if you went into the game blind you might have had your eyes on jody as a more mature alternative to some of the younger bachelorettes because back in my day we didn't know who we could marry sorry sorry for some reason i don't tend to make it to four hearts with sam very early in the game super often so i don't often get to see the heart scene that only occurs in the first year where he considers telling vincent about all these military casualties yikes there's also a note from kent on the nightstand in jody and ken's bedroom which actually give me a second we'll get back to that note but can we take a second look at this bedroom do you see anything wrong with this bedroom that two married people are supposed to live in i know that some couples like a smaller intimate space but why do they live in a linen closet at the end of the hallway while sam has a big enough room for a whole three-man band plus a computer and what's up with a single bed and why do they stay in there if you get married to sam okay minnie rant over back to the letter and this letter might actually explain part of the reason for the cramped quarters the letter in jodi and kent's room is written for jody by kent and explains that he'll be coming home from war soon he wants to warn her that things might seem a little bit different it's going to take him some time to adjust because yeah he's seen some things but he genuinely cares for her and for his sons that's really really sad but props to kent for acknowledging that he's got some trauma to work through obviously we'll need to cover that today but let's lay down some more groundwork first also this is my token reminder to subscribe and turn on all those notifications for my channel because i know people love it when you beg them and so here i am also if you want to help support the channel and help me keep making weird stuff check out the join button and look at the different membership tiers awesome anyway sorry back to the interesting stuff when kent arrives home one of his first trips is to visit you his wife told him that there's a new farmer in town and he comes by to introduce himself that's pretty wholesome unless he's here to size you up i don't think kent is very comfortable with new things quite yet and i think that's totally fair it makes sense that he's going to want to gather as much information on what's changed since he's been here as possible in fact while kent is kind of the player he certainly keeps them at arm's length for the duration of the game and this makes sense too ken tells us in his six-heart dialogue that he's lost a lot of friends in battle and even worse he can't remember some of their faces if you arrived home from war and your wife told you about a farmer who disappears for days on end into the dangerous mines some place called the skull cavern and even traverses through a volcano i think you might question whether they'd be you know like alive long enough to bother befriending but honestly he doesn't really appear to have any living friends at least in pelican town on the topic of emotional wounds waiting to bubble to the surface kent seems to have trouble with open spaces as referenced in his dialogue at the flower dance he talks about waking up early like 4am early and he mentions that he also doesn't sleep very well at all in his eight heart dialogue in that same text he says that he's sure we can understand which is interesting how does kent know that i never make it to bed before 1 30 am but still get up every morning at 6. that might be something we revisit someday quick put it in the leap a lot wiki but let's move on for now let me preface this next part by saying i'm not a psychologist even if i did take ap psych in high school and completed a single behavioral psychology class at university so you know listen to the expert but not really anyway it's my understanding that some ptsd victims seek places of safety in their everyday lives including adjusting their sleeping habits for a veteran that fears open spaces a cramped bedroom with a small bed might be the answer even more depressing i've seen anecdotal reports of people suffering from ptsd saying that they feel safer sleeping on the ground because they won't sleep as deeply and will be more likely to react to danger kent sleeps in his bed as far as i can tell but he keeps an eye toward the door and is back to a wall interesting stuff let's keep up the armchair psychology here and take a look at kent's most interesting scene when jody tries to make some popcorn one of kent's favorite foods kent comes screaming into the kitchen the popping of the colonels reminded him of his time at war and while jody tries to console him and talk him down ultimately she leaves it to the farmer to try to bring him around i find these choices very interesting the obvious one is obvious i mean kent knows he shouldn't blame her he knows she's trying to do a kind thing and he's reacting to it you know so he apologizes when you carefully remind him that it's okay to be hurt and to be hurting it's just not so okay to cause hurt way more interesting though are the other two options if you blame jody kent will get upset that you're trying to turn him against his wife she's his only friend and the only real grounding he has in his post-service life it makes sense that he wants to preserve that relationship beyond all else but surprisingly that actually doesn't make him as mad as lying does if you lie he says he hates lies more than anything i think that's super interesting let's consider why that might upset him so much we can learn from kent's ginger island dialogue that he has nautical training and that he feels kind of a bond to the ocean kent has two chevrons on his jacket the little triangle things though they're reversed and this is definitely not the united states i'm going to assume for the sake of argument that they place him at the ferngills republic equivalent of a corporal in their version of like the marines so that would make him a non-commissioned officer meaning he would oversee setting expectations for more junior members of the military he probably didn't have officer training prior to his service but he could still find himself in this position assuming kent had some oversight of the enlisted also makes sense when we think about all the friends he says he lost as well he would be interacting with a rotating cast of enlisted so he'd have the chance to build a lot of relationships my main point is though kent was a soldier with some responsibility for other soldiers and if you've ever been in a position of leadership you probably know that one of the things that really tanks a team is deceit i believe that a lie is what led to kent being imprisoned we can obviously only speculate but i think that one of his men lied or left out information or was deceitful in some other way and that action ultimately led to kent being held as a prisoner of war i think that has a lot to do with why he keeps the farmer at bay and never tries to make friends one of his trusted men betrayed him and kent will never really be the same by the way another fact that i find super fun is that kent based on his dialogue options was apparently given explosive ammo radioactive bars and milk but most importantly while kent was imprisoned based on his own dialogue he was given warp totems to return to stardew valley like based on the dialogue that shows up when you give him a beach warp totem or any warp totem they gave him this in the kotoro war camp like he could have come home the whole time come on dude but leap a lot you say we're almost done with the video what about the bombs he sends you in the mail well dear viewer let me tell you that letter is pretty interesting huh he says it was just gathering dust in the tool shed but kent doesn't have a tool shed in fact no one in pelican town has a tool shed so where are the bombs coming from honestly i think he just brought some souvenirs home but he realized it's not safe to keep that kind of stuff in the house with children good job ken so now he's trying to get rid of them but also trying to help you out after all that i bet you thought i had a hot take well i kind of do i think he knows you're the only person in town that has the capability of using those weapons to their fullest potential why is that well we'll have to wait and see what do you think about kent is he a little unhinged hurting misunderstood all of the above let me know down in the comments below thanks everybody and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Leapalot
Views: 100,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardewvalley, stardew valley, leapalot, concernedape, concerned ape, kent, jodi, vincent, gotoro empire, pelican town, ptsd, milk, warp totem, sam, rambo
Id: YdKrtNut_0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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