Kenshi / EP 24 - Packing Up Shop / Ironman

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hey everybody Rodman here thanks for tuning in to another episode of kenchi so we were running errands to attempt to get some farming started and I was brainstorming on how to devise this plan so we're gonna continue it chung here he's actually going to double back and head to the outpost drop up what he has and then head into mongrel I'm not gonna spend any time hitting up the high villages they're a good place to buy some building materials but not so much food high vers don't have the kind of food that we're looking for and as such I won't waste time on it what I will do with Chung while he's here though is set up some starting to farm so for now I'm going to start a few different farms I'm going to start a cactus farm right outside the base I'm going to start a small cotton farm I'm going to start a small hemp farm and these are all farms that I'd like to ideally bring all the way into large size eventually and a vegetable farm then I'm also going to provide a water tank I'll put it let's put it right next to the base and this stores water that we draw from the well and now I have to find a good spot for the well this looks like a good spot as any and with Chung here what I'm gonna do is start to build this stuff so what I'll do is get him to start to construct let's switch backpacks all right so three iron plates builds the water tank and we'll be doing this while the main group heads to add Meg I don't expect to find too much at add Meg but I'm gonna check anyway now if anything ever happens like enemies approaching as they are now Chung can always jump inside and lock the doors and I can send for help if need be because these are just roaming patrols they're not actually necessarily coming for me they're just passing through the area which is different and sort of less of a threat to me so let's look at the well we're gonna downgrade the well a little or not to submit downgrade the well I only want a level one whale to start which is just building materials five of them in fact and that's easy to source now as you can see here we don't exactly it's not exactly safe so let's go ahead and close the door and tell Chung to just sort of sit tight and these guys should go away as you can see there's someone in the background getting totally eaten but alas that's really not my problem I can at some point in the future make it my problem I can try to rescue the people that are getting consumed for food but at the moment I'm happy to work on the base and not getting broiled in such a fight so I didn't want to go over some tips I received or really just very very few but aged the mage mentioned that we'll also mention that I can open and close the doors down here which is easier than doing it with my primary character and then also mention that it can buy thieves backpacks from the shinobi thieves if I join their faction which I can do sometime in the future additionally blue bead mentioned some nice tips that if I wanted to spot a hive prince they're generally going to be they're going to have different weapons than these like little iron clubs and they're gonna be guarded by sort of the Hammerhead soldiers and then the top of that they have a slightly different blood color so that's probably the easiest way I'm not going to it'll be pretty obvious because they're better fighters Wow it is pretty loud here they're better fighters than the normal sort of fog men that are terrible so it will be obvious when I fight them clearly it is a pretty nasty dust storm I am here mostly just for the food just making sure that everyone in the group gets fed I'm gonna pop into every bar and then eventually hit up the general goods trader once they're open for the day they are currently not open it is a little early store hours don't pop things open for in a few hours but I can wait around here as you can see I put food on Penghu and almost everything I placed already is consumed these guys were very hungry understandably so I suppose so that was mostly the point of coming down to ad mag and then next we're gonna go to a weigh station and then back to squid to basically disassemble everything in squid and bring it with us to the new base as well as upgrading some of our helmets and and whatnot selling off some of the stuff here etc etc and then bringing all of these squid based NPCs with us Wow it's good that we're inside there is no lack of fog man out there bring our squid based people over to the new base as a support staff in order to mine and farm and all that good stuff because we have now a bunch of farms queued up and it would be ideal if they were being used I guess is the right word I think what I'm going to do is run on here is going to grab someone's wooden backpack and then Pangu here is going to get a head start over to the weigh station right amounts likely going to be able to carry everything he needs to carry in the wooden backpack so I don't need everyone else to hang around here I couldn't have them all set out well early some reason king is a little stuck some of the my allies are getting targeted by skin spiders okay that's gross I guess it's something I really ought to fight now skin spiders these are teens conspirers they're pretty small they're not full-sized full-fledged skin spiders yet which is good trying to micromanage a lot right now all right so the doors are open and that means their doors are also open everywhere else let's see I wouldn't mind cotton some wheat straw so fabric and if I'm going to buy the hemp I don't have this size yet the space I mean so trying to make some room for the hem there we go that's just about everything and now I can catch up with Pangu give it all the Penghu and have pingu key take the load wasn't much to look at they're just little teenage skin spiders meaning that they're weaker than they normally would have been doesn't mean I want them regaining consciousness I definitely am going to loot them so they don't but now we can have run on my ketchup which shouldn't be very troublesome because he's right here basically and we're doing a little bit healing and brought him up we'll do a little bit of repair let's first trade this stuff to Pangu this Pangu can definitely store it a lot better than running I can alright and these skeletons week' needs to be repaired but pingu has the pair kits there we go rather than to lose some oil and limb durability you will all converge Pangu here is going to once again get a head start on the weigh station being the slowest and I'll follow him perfect now back to chump who is constantly avoiding patrols let's go ahead and pop this door open and have him work on the well and again there's another patrol there relatively constant I I think once I have the full Defence Force here and support staff to be able to mine it'll be a lot easier to live in this base oh wow they're in my front door right now and now they're chasing me I'm gonna head south away oh and there is the mighty Kane head of the the war leaders of the cannibals here trying to tak my base and now the funny thing is no one's home so it doesn't pose much of a threat but I'd be really curious to see how they can take out or how they would fare against a bunch of these awful little cannibalistic idiots I'm sure they'd probably win but you never know well the base is currently under tended Chung is set to passive so he'll just keep running from the enemies and Pangu here is setting out towards the weigh station and then eventually squid once he or it's whatever gender gets to squid we're going to disassemble everything at squid swap out armors sell what we don't need and then head on over as a very very large group to the new place I have no idea what's happening with the outpost I left there's not very there is a general box of stuff but given the frequency of fog men patrols I'm not sure that war leader is gonna have much luck being unmolested in his pursuit of my base my guess is he runs into a lot of enemies all right looks like Penghu is at weigh station look good let's pop ourselves oh wow we queued straight into weigh station okay so Pangu here is going to buy up some of the stuff we'll need cactus is and wheat and hemp I think we're gonna need more hemp than that cotton if I buy more than I need it's not that big of a deal as long as I still have money at the end of the day and hold over to the swing check up on Chung Chung seems to be doing all right all things considering he was being chased and attacked and threatened oh there's some paladin's nearby luckily Chung is a male Green Lander human and paladin's won't mess with him in fact the paladins are quite nice too human males that aren't scorched Landers like if you were to get knocked out from let's say bone dogs on the road they would probably provide medical care and if you had to look a little holy book on you they yeah they would treat you better alright so here we are at occurrence pirate pride and we are looking for crops he's got a bunch of crops we can buy and this will definitely jumpstart our farms and have Chum head back now swapped Pangu pingu's almost in squid so what I'm gonna do is all these citizens all the people here turn their jobs off and actually remove them because they're moving permanently and these jobs won't be relevant pretty soon bard job off Mali job once again off strike again get rid of the jobs now most of these things we'll be able to dismantle immediately like this where I click dismantle and it becomes iron plates just sitting there some of these need to be emptied because they're storage and then some need to be actually deconstructed so there's kind of variety I might not have that much that needs to be deconstructed though all right sure I care is going to sell off the clubs and buy a wooden in thieves backpack while we're at it maybe even the map to the border zone yep just trying to sell things off so that we can prep to leave is mostly what I'm doing here now she can go to the second floor and start picking stuff up she's got the right backpack for it this reminds me of looting Oh that's full up morons here how is or on here but not pingu oh they all got stuck a little bit of a pathing problem huh and we still have some food here so as you can see there's kind of a mad dash for it alright so let's go ahead and clean up the rest of the stuff up here it was Shrike looks like I'm going to need to go to the nearest bar and so items like this need to be dismantled manually but yeah I was gonna say go to the eros bar and buy some additional food because these dudes are very hungry that will be enough to hold us for a little bit not very long we'll have to make a a bit of a safari trip deep into Bain maybe and get some beautiful get some beautiful meat that way giving the rest of this to Penghu who no problem can hold just about everything you throw at him now at this point I do have some proper armors so let's think about this anyone that doesn't currently have a helmet that should have one I can give one including green even though this hurts crossbow effect just because I'd like for him to stay alive a little bit longer mu and Hobbes also could use helmets or crumble rather the helmets they had on weren't terrible but they weren't the best now right amount is going to get the specialist stuff and there's a little bit more special stuff I'm gonna give it to Kang Y Kang is he's he's that he's a personal favorite of mine I'm not saying he's the best so the rest of this stuff is all high grade so all I really need to do is find someone with standard grade and it's an upgrade and then anything we have left over like Hobbes needing a helmet I can just give them this spiked helmet I guess and same with Voth now we just need to find people that have high-grade armor Hobbes has some high-grade just trying to min/max ear mu as well not crumble beeps got something different but that's because he's ranged and sad Neal look at that sad now you're getting good armor alright so the rest of this stuff can go just to the citizens yes I could make a pretty penny but I'd also like to be able to keep everyone alive so the rest of that whatever is left in here I will give strike these sandals in case we have anyone slow and everyone else down and now I'm gonna go poke into the traitor and just tray the rest of that armor I'm sure I'll end up adding more recruits but for now I'd rather have the money just don't sell enormous ly well but you know a thousand each or so I'm not going to turn it down all right the last bit of cleanup is going to be the first level that's another cleanup project that we got so let's start on it I've got the electrical work bench we still have a bunch of electrical components ah you know actually we were going to we were going to bring those over because we will be crafting with them so let's grab them sad to say goodbye isn't it I don't know I think we spent plenty of time in this little slumlord hovel that I'm actually a little glad that I'm putting it behind me now some of this like the camp beds are always going to be useful for our ponds to have because and yeah I could have sold the copper because even when we're on excursion we're going to want things like camp beds to heal ourselves when we can't get all the way back home it looks like Chung just got targeted he was moving back to the outpost I'm gonna continue his Trek I'm just gonna make sure he's running as fast as you can who's honestly faster the other way around oddly enough he doesn't need to be super fast just faster than all the enemies right that's all that really matters all right so strike was doing the cleanup here so the fog death yard is some of the territory that the fog men have they have their own camps and they're often called death yards and I just got a notification that one of them was wiped out which is a good thing we definitely want them wiped out so the remainder of these people I can have them pick up their own sleeping bags so we're gonna have a lot of sleeping bags potentially and I definitely don't want to leave these behind as they do they are valuable when you're fighting sort of on the run of course we still do have a bunch of random stuff in the box here so I'll try to bring as much of it as I can while not weighing down any one specific person it doesn't really matter if with that encumbered because we can only move really as fast as the slowest person in the group and that's going to be Pangu almost every time this is going to be a lot of good war resources for when we get there and we need to craft and stuff adding stations etc it takes a real long time as you can see it's why I was not maybe resistant I can't say I felt resistant but I was definitely a little slow to move if I could help it now at the research bench we still have a lot of really really really expensive stuff staying or sitting around so we definitely don't want to deconstruct it without emptying it out or that would be tragic honestly and I think what we'll do is run iment we'll pick up the really really good stuff because if there's any one pond I'm gonna make damn sure does survives and does well thrives even it's gonna be rot a month pick up a sleeping bag too thank mu here probably ditch the backpack for now I want to bring as many of these nine plates as I can they're cheaper to bring than for me to construct them got some steel bars in that mix now to come on green where are you I can't believe they're still chasing chunk that's some commitment and he was fine until I took over for a second and had him turn around look how I screwed it up okay let's have you not run towards the giant swarm of fog men that want to eat your brains ideally I'd be out running them a little bit more than this I'm moving at 19 and they're moving at 18 so I might need to drop stuff the most obvious would be my armor which seems a little strange but we'll speed up as a result are already pulling a little bit more ahead what I could do to Chung is have him pop into mongrel and I'll just keeping a very close eye on him his progress making sure he doesn't necessarily get hit he's not safe I know that all right just making sure he's not gonna get hit he's doing okay for so far don't know why sad Neil would need a no that's not a sleeping bag just gonna say I don't know why he would need a sleeping bag skeletons don't really sleep like that everyone's gonna carry something all right Griffin and checking in so they're over running him oh there's a big fight between escape servants and fog men giving Chung the perfect opportunity to dip into mongrel and be safe works for me unless people try to eat my brains the better and I think given everyone's inventory capacity we ought to be able to pick everything up and then I'll just have to make sure that no one is particularly encumbered it's good strength training exercise I suppose if I wanted to take the extra time which I'm not going to I would possibly make sure that that every pond was like all the weakest ponds were encumbered and they were carrying people etc etc but I'm not going to do that because it's more time than I want to take I'll manage to train them later all right this house looks pretty empty King let's loot that Waqas wakizashi just in case you have to go one hand it okay everyone here follow the slow leader and slowly tear make your way towards the up post and then everyone here - Chung fellow Pangu - and I think these guys are all set to passive so they won't be engaging and now it's time to focus a little bit on Chung so it doesn't end up on the dinner platter have him pop into the town he should be fine he's still being chased which is incredible the really important thing is move speed if he was to slow down for any reason slower than the fog man he'd be food so it's good that he kept his speed up and in the future this spot here in mongrel will be a really good spot to recruit future recruits because a lot of people here are sort of outlaws running from the law and you pay off their bounty and you know you can have them for free or not for free but for the the expense of their bounty so we're officially putting squid behind us which is kind of a landmark I'd say and I think what I'll do is let's look at your movement speed I'll have you attempt to go back to they're having a fun conversation with each other if you're ever curious about what they're talking about because this is Bard just recalling and recalling times of you know stories being a bard basically you can always go into your dialogue and you can see the whole thing so he's saying he's gonna sing a song singing about a noble handsome bearded you know guy and yep so on and so forth I mean you can read it all here so if you ever are wondering like oh no I we are walking strained a big thing nest time for a detour now we're in bed it's definitely some a fight I wanted to take eventually just not right now not with everyone encumbered and full of important stuff and micromanage in two different areas and having a doctor and really dangerous spot running around with his shirt off so we navigate around the big things one of the reasons I picked southern fog islands is so that I can get to the big things with relative ease it won't take too long to get to the big things area so as you can see they haven't really stole anything which is great that was a I guess a slight worry of mine is that they would you know steal a bunch of stuff and it looks like I have 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 of the green fruits so probably enough to turn the vegetable farm much larger kind of immediately in fact what I could do is let's send Pangu walking waltzing right in here and put the iron plates away Oh out of okay I'm thinking or the wrong pawn right yeah okay so put I'm gonna start building these farms now I can always upgrade these farms bigger come on you have building materials you've wheat and cotton says he doesn't but he does all right so the cotton farm is all set up now we're gonna need to put storage in here eventually for all of the types of things we're growing but that's gonna that can come a little bit later let's get the vegetable farm built all right then we have hemp and cactus and I'm actually surprised I didn't put down wheat I don't know why I wouldn't but the one of the real advantages of living here is the wheat crop yield is ridiculously high I don't know why it's complaining like this come on let me fire there we go have them all lined up for now and then while we wait for Pangu and the crew we can get the wheat farm up and running eventually all these farms will be max sized upgraded all the way I just wanted to get the base farms started so cactus and hemp are the only things we're currently missing and everyone else is getting there some are moving a little oh these citizens probably moving without everyone else which is really not the way we want it they're not tough enough to do that let's have a roll back in there we go no they're eating another person that's what they do that's who they are now for science I can definitely get another science station up here so go to tech do a the highest tier research bench and about works this is gonna require 20 iron plates luckily for me I have 17 right here so that's a start we're bringing a lot of them he's saying he doesn't know cuz he already put them away yo dope don't do that nope stop so that gives him something to work on Pangu is gonna march on in Pangu does not have enough hemp to start this farm has enough cactus to start the cactus one at least the cactus vegetable and wheat are food sources that I can immediately start working on cactus makes two sticks and then the wheat and vegetable whoa they're right here wheat and vegetable can make food cubes which is both sources of nutrients looks like my Army's gonna come head to head with that little patrol there I'm gonna steer around them just cuz this is the worst time to get involved in a fight so let's all go inside because I'm just about out of time and I figured this way it is a very good stopping point if I have everyone inside and I lock the door I can pick this up another episode so thank you all for watching very much I really appreciate all the love that the series is getting if you have any feedback for me you can always drop me a comment if you'd like to discuss anything discord will be better you can often find me on discord if you're looking for the discord link just hop to run amok com if you're curious about what this image is it is the patreon patron collage or really just the patron collage and the way to get on this is to go to the website and check out either the patreon link or click patreon collage and it will explain it but basically it's a collage of all of my patrons represented here and I wanted to thank them all for their patronage so thank you all for watching catch you next time adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 20,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play
Id: nqgZsIkjMAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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