Kenshi - A New Challenger Approaches [Kenshi Gameplay]

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what's up guys it's me bugga not sure hope you are doing just fine I'm doing great thanks for asking today we are back with kimchi one dumb blade beep and sensei there where you for ik to see you guys know actually they're very tired and have just laying down for a nap so please please stay really really quiet they need their sleep to regain their strength for what is about to come great lay this up and ready for the task I'm going to give her I thought since we have been in mongrel for such a long time maybe a little bit too long we should move on and leave mongrel behind there must be way more places to go to and cities to visit then only mongrel or stag you know the holy nation territory I've looked at some of your comments and read some tips you guys have given me and some of you pointed out we should head self to the so called border zone that's beginner territory people there should be more friendly and its overall easier to survive it will take a while to travel all the way down to the border zone and that's why blade is going to buy us some food for our long-ass journey Oh Bevers up - how are you doing did you sleep well eat that is nice to hear beep now come on guys let's get going let's take a moment and think about on which route we are going to take think first we'll go straight down here hold us at the border to drag heading to the right into the direction of stack from there we'll see where we head next alright everyone's up and ready to go got them look at that mess here I won't miss all the [ __ ] man raids their suicide movements against mongrel look at that that's just madness alright here we go finally after such a long time it almost feels heartbreaking to leave mongrel it was just like a home for us but we must move on there's some fighting going on oh of course the falkman naruto running and stressing around those poor peasants as if there's nothing better to do for them our team developed such a hater to fog men running after one even though both his arms are broken termen to kill stop right there what do you think you're doing this is one catched himself a great I don't think so holy smokes oh look this wants a fought Prince their heads mean good money for us but they're a little bit stronger than the regular ones but we've become stronger too oh god I'll be so glad if we do not have to mess with those fart men anymore even though we try to help those poor peasants they got one anyway can't do much now have fun oh [ __ ] one of them spotted us it's time to get the freak out of here I think they can smell our desire to leave to [ __ ] Islands for good look how many of them are following those guys are crazy god damn luckily the team is moving at the constant speed of 24 miles per hour just about fast enough to outrun them okay now we reach the border to drag it should be not far from here now oh look another peasant good day young lady oh man this area looks beautiful look at this you can see the kimchi team put so much time and a little design that's amazing what the hell where are those coming from again god dammit I think we're in luck and our footprints get too sad guys oh no one dumb fell unconscious they're pretty strong but look at beep oh yes yes beep wins beep it's the strongest warrior okay calm down now you did great but calm down please it's the strongest now there will be changes even blades like the hell beep beep I think beep is starting to think a little bit too much of himself we should keep my eye on him here we are Greg finally I think we're halfway now the grass looks cool and stuff but it makes it hard to tell if enemies are nearby it's hard to see you know oh [ __ ] see what did I tell you I couldn't see those goddamn cannibals now we run straight into them but there are only two of them so I think there are easy target practice for our guys oh [ __ ] damn it I forgot to vandamm was a little bit worn out from the last fight they just take him and run away what is this [ __ ] now he's tied to a pole are you serious no problem guys we just untie him really fast late I said really fast my heart holy crap I just [ __ ] my pants that was unexpected even sensei's still lost in a daydream didn't realize what is happening all right now get them boys we're close guys you can do it just a little bit more give her a little bit more time holy moly how many of those cannibals are there I think blade can't handle this way too much distraction Oh No she's down fast Sensei get her before them remember your potato sack training Oh even beep got down now over the shoulder and go run like the wind old man every single one is after him oh my god beep is waking up great now get up fast please help your best friend set him free my boy what is this freaking luck even made out of it it just won't open are you serious oh no they're harassing our good old man stop it beeps under attack no my boy but one dams free take beep and run [ __ ] what the hell is going on guys oh good blade can walk on her own again I think I've got a plan there is a group of hungry bandits here we can lure them to the camp and let them fight each other panda men beep already managed to unlock their shackles we just have to wait for the right timing and here we go run my people run I just noticed I'm playing a legit running simulator running away from all kinds of strange stuff simulator 2019 everything and everyone wants to kill each other simulator 2000 okay I'll stop now we discovered something called a hive village let's take a look it sounds interesting oh there are Auto beeps a lot of beeps I guess those are the guys that exiled beef from the hive because of his effectiveness remember he told us a bit from his past when we first met look and no hive and it seems like they recognized beep aww ignore them beep they're just fart heads anyway look at that they don't want to trade with us I'm not quite sure why they're calling us lost once but I guess it's because of beep well I don't want to buy anything from you anyway let's get out of here before I do something unpleasant oh we're at vain no I think some of you guys told me that I should invade this area at all cost vain the high verse may seem harmless enough but don't let that fool you on our sensei is spitting some facts again and now it started to rain looks like blood I hope it's not acid I know this is a bad place very bad place but it's faster if we go through here instead of going all around oh I've heard a lot about those creatures they're one of the worst you can find in Kanchi and we got a lot of time here look at the run speed of those freaking giraffes 31 miles per hour I could never ever outrun them not with me sorry I think I'll just take the long route and look we're back at our current territory amazing the place where it all began got them more of those giraffe shits if one of them spots us we're dead for good and terror so many of them there we found it the hub the so amazing place people have told me about we're just about there oh look there's a bar in the middle of nowhere no protection at all this must be a really friendly area the group's tired from all that running I don't care let's keep going guys we can take rest at the hub now that beep is the strongest warrior ever beef needs to find a worthy foe you're not the strongest warrior beep some treasure you're not even all that strong at all really you need to be careful your limps get chopped off too easily and he's got them right chop chop limbs gone and some beautiful human ladies female human ladies yes I would like to see one of these hey hey I'm a beautiful human female ad beep what's that supposed to mean hello oh my god those conversations they're just legendary top notch they contribute so much to the character he's a born comedian now finally we reach the hub we're going to stay the night here oh maybe someone here in this bar might be willing enough to join our party you wanna fight slug as Lydia throat well that was something ah no sadly all the people that could follow us demand a lot of money in return I could pay them but I think I'm better off if I keep the money we also found an abandoned house we can rest here for a while I think we won't stay here for too long I mean at the hub there's absolutely nothing interesting around here except for were destroyed buildings we could buy a house for ourselves that's a possibility we have enough money but I want to explore a little bit more first before we settle down somewhere and I think I don't want to buy a house here at the hop everything's just broken here tell me in the comments if I miss something out I checked most of the parts of the hub couldn't find anything interesting no absolutely not we won't stay here the team is fit again and ready to go so let's go oh look another city already squint that is very interesting let's head there what the hell is that thing it looks so strange oh it reminds me of that one thing you can find underwater at Etsy Shores if you step on one of those things you can have a great time sea urchin ah cool right beep just stay away from the thing okay we are already there I like how they've built the city in some sort of Canyon that's amazing looks like most of the population here are those guys they're called Shaq and they have a barbaric aggressive fighting nature like like super mutants from followed I've got a feeling they don't really like our presence here they also called us flat skins a little bit like the goos from followed oh no wait that was smooth skins oh look this one got no horns looking at my horns flat skin it seems like this sheiks name is Luca and she has fought a battle not long ago and was clearly outnumbered she lost the fight and withered her horns the enemies took them and now she feels said you know what Ruka if you want you can come with us we'd love to have someone with a fighting nature in our team but stay away from beep he's a pervert hell yeah the group is growing that's amazing now we are 5 I think next episode we will start to Train Ruka and then move on from there explore some more of Kenji's world and yet that will be amazing leave a comment and let me know if you liked or disliked the episode but for now I gotta go subscribe to Pagano geo like this video and share it with your friends big thanks to my patreon supporter as always have a nice day goodbye
Channel: Paganacho
Views: 32,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi game, kenshi gameplay, kenshi let's play, paganacho, paga nacho, kenshi funny gameplay, lets play kenshi, kenshi van damme, kenshi review, kenshi lets play, kenshi roleplay, kenshi beep, kenshi challenger
Id: 9mRuy96fROU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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