Kendall Jenner Reads a Letter She Wrote as a Teen Predicting Her Modeling Fame

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-Thank you for playing Pup Quiz. -Yeah, no, it was super fun. -You´re very calm with the dogs. -A puppy obsessed person. Yeah, I mean. -Would you get a puppy now? Or no, you´re to busy. -I´m, like, way too busy. It would be irresponsible of me to have a puppy at the moment. But I think about it all the time. -You were very calm. You´re like the Puppy Whisperer. They were just very calm on you. -They calm me. I had anxiety, and I sat down. I was like, "This is good." -Yeah, yeah, I´m going to be okay. -I´m going to be okay. -Is it true that I read somewhere that your first job was a dog walker? -Yeah, actually, I, like -- I remember I was little. I think I was just bored in my room, and I wrote a letter. And sent it out, like, I went on my dirt bike and rode around my neighborhood and sent it out to all of my neighbors, and yeah -- I got a couple people that would respond to us. They knew, like, my parents, and they were like, she´s probably fine. She won´t hurt our dog. -Yeah, but then you would -- You would walk them while riding your dirt bike. It was like walk fast! [ Imitating dirt bike ] -Not exactly, but sure. -Very in-shape dogs, very in-shape. But not too long after that, you got the show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." It´s been on for ten years. Is that true? -Yeah, it´s insane. [ Cheers and applause ] -Look at the family right there. Was that a big deal for you? Were you ten or? -Yeah, I was ten and, to be honest -- like, I could not care less when like -- -You didn´t think it was like, "Oh, I´m famous"? 10 years old. -No, I was more concerned about, like, my sports and like, the boys that I was into. And like, school and homework. Like, I was actually excited to go home and like lock myself in my room and like figure my homework out and get on the phone with like my girlfriends. -Rather than like -- yeah. -But even -- did you start enjoying it? I mean, those cameras in your house, was it weird? -The only -- it wasn´t weird for some reason. I don´t know why. It just, kind of, like, went right past Kylie and I, but the only time we started to enjoy it was when we would do fun things. Like when I would hear my sisters outside in the halls, like chasing chickens around the house. I would be like, "Okay, I´m in for this." I want to be there for the fun stuff. -Do you like reality TV, like, now? -Yeah, it´s cool. I think that -- I think it´s brought a lot for us. And I think its a huge platform for us, and it will never go unnoticed. But, for sure, like, I -- I could not hate a job where I get to work with my family every single day. So that´s awesome. -That´s very nice of you. Yeah, of course. I chose not to work with my family. I mean, my sister maybe, but my mom and dad, no, no, no. I don´t know if I could do that. But you, now -- it´s led to your modeling career, obviously. You´re now the ambassador for Adidas, which is super rad. Look at these cool -- I could never do a photo shoot. They wouldn´t take me seriously. Look how good you look. That´s so fun. -Are you loving this? -It´s really awesome. I´ve been in Adidas since I was a kid. -I sleep in that every night. I don´t know how you got into my bedroom, but yeah. -I actually do. That´s basically what I sleep in. -Yeah, no, I mean, the tank. -Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. -I sleep in a giant butter dish. It´s a giant butter dish that I have in my bedroom. I don´t want to get into it but -- No big deal, that´s how I get to look like this. But you´ve always been a fan of Adidas. Let´s just get ready for the "aww, how cute" moment. Look at this. -Oh, my God, I look like a boy. -Look at how cute. Are you kidding me? -My mom gave me the most insane haircut. Or maybe I did it myself. -I love it. It´s a great haircut, man. And you´re getting a big award tonight after our show tonight. -Yeah, I have to like rush over from here. -You´re getting the Fashion Icon of the Decade, at the Fashion Media Awards. -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] Thanks. It´s pretty crazy, I´m a little nervous. -You´re blushing, I know. -Well no, just ´cause like, it´s insane. And it´s cool ´cause I´ve worked pretty hard my entire life, but very, very hard the last four and a half years. So to kind of like be recognized for something... -You said you were, like, a little nervous? -I am. I´m not good at speaking and accepting awards and stuff. I feel like it´s like just -- I get really nervous, and I, like, shut down. -Well, I want to make you say something tonight, because -- -Oh, great. -I´ve written a speech. And this is a speech that you actually -- It´s not a speech. It´s a letter that you wrote to yourself September 2, 2010, by Kendall Jenner. Look at this. This is a real letter, and I want to you to read just what I highlighted if you don´t mind. Just because I think it´s so cool, and I think if there´s some type of time warp, you talking to your younger self, if your younger self saw you doing this, would freak out. -This is, by the way, still my handwriting. I have 10-year-old boy´s handwriting. -No, that´s still a girl´s handwriting. -"Dear me, I am on my freshman retreat right now, and it is really boring, but I met new people, so I guess that´s good. I am modeling right now, and I love it." "Love" is in caps. "I am also on a show called ´Keeping up with the Kardashians.´ And we are filming season five. Soon we will be filming season six. My goal in life is to become a big-time model and travel to really amazing places. I really hope it happens -- smiley face." And then I say a couple other things -- and then I go, "I´m 14 years old, just thought I would say that, LOL." Oh, I´m so lame. [ Laughter ] -I get it. -"Oh, and I´m really excited to read this in the future." [ Audience awws ] -That´s the best thing I´ve ever seen in my entire life. I´m so happy for you. I´m so proud. I feel like -- I feel like I´m, like, in your family, too. And how cool is that? Kendall Jenner, everybody. Congratulations! -Thank you. -It´s going to be so great. Kendall Jenner...
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 5,332,410
Rating: 4.7678437 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Kendall Jenner, Reads, Letter, Wrote, Teen, Predicting, Modeling Fame, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Kardashian, model
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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