Kendall Jenner Tweets Fans on Confidence, Self Care, and Hair | Allure

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hey guys it's Kendall I get so many questions on Twitter every day so it is time to respond to some of my fans first question Jenner Kingdom take girl at Kendall Jenner what do I do if someone has the same prom dress as me I'm seeking for help Jenner Kingdom this is what I think just chop it up make it your own and like go rock it and I'm sure like why not just embraced that you guys are wearing the same thing like if so if I've ever shown up somewhere I'm wearing the same thing as someone just go like make a joke out of it or like go hang out with them or like take a picture with them Ivy Lee asks how would you wear this just gasp just asking for some advice thanks ivy I would personally wear it with just like some blue jeans and maybe some like boots or something like keep it simple jewelry always helps building things up and making them even better at Kendall Jenner what are your thoughts on using heat on your hair smiley I don't personally use heat on my hair every day I only eat only really goes on my hair when I'm working it definitely isn't great for your hair I'm not an expert but I prefer not to use it just every day Caitlin Piper at Kendall and Kylie you both have the most amazing hair what products do you guys use Caitlyn I personally wash my hair every single day I know that people tell you you're not supposed to do that I've been doing it since before I can remember so it's just something that I've always stuck with is actually don't use like any like really expensive shampoos or anything I use a pretty like generic one I think it's finesse like it's so random but the shampoo that I use is like not that expensive it's like just from CVS I think and like I feel like my hair is pretty good so I don't know Carolina at Kendall Jenner what's your advice to girls who have self-esteem issues I personally think that keeping people around you that are like awesome and that like lift you up make you feel great and genuinely good people around you that it just like love you for you and whatever I think that that helps so much you know just knowing that you're really really cool and awesome because you are the Karolina I guarantee you Sarah Sade asks at kendall Jenner how do you make time for self-care while traveling Sarah you can always try breathing I know it's corny but it really does help I always like try and get a little bit of meditating in I'll listen to like calming music I'll chill I'll like do a lot of breathing there's amazing apps that like are good for you know anxiety relief they have a breathing app or there's a little circle and it goes in and out and it really helps tells you when to inhale in exhale X X Kate one at Kendall Jenner I need advice I'm gonna do a model audition Saturday and I need help girl kill it get in there be so confident I know it's gonna probably be scary that's really natural you're hot stuff I promise you at Kendall how do you Kendall define love well Kris I think love is I don't even know I really don't even know how to define it it's like such a strong feeling and I just like I can't even I don't think my words would do it justice but it's a very powerful thing that's for sure Johnny at Kendall Jenner Kendall I read an article about how you were insecure with acne problems and I really need your advice I feel sad about it no don't feel sad I've been there oh my god that makes me sad that you feel sad it sucks it really sucks there is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you drink your water I know everyone says that drink water wash your face stay clean stay healthy there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we're gonna figure this out together Kendall what's in your purse which is your favorite thing in your purse my purse is not that full like I carry big bags around and I don't have much unless I'm going to the airport then I have a lot of stuff in there so I just love like a little bag that you can just throw on your shoulder and tuck it under your armpit kind of a thing it almost disappears if it's just everyday it's usually just my keys my wallet and my phone maybe some like chapstick or something that's all about court kay Kendall how do you how did you cope when Dolce went missing I lost my bird on Sunday and I'm so heartbroken and devastated and don't know what to do know all about Court K that makes me sad we have these annual Christmas parties and Dolce was staying at our friend's house for a couple nights I ended up running away from our friends house I'm sure he was wondering where we were and we just never you know found him I mean it's the worst thing ever we were looking for weeks we like couldn't get over it but you know you just can't think too much about it I mean I hate even thinking about them scared or sad like that's the worst but I know you're gonna get through it I remember Dolce in such a positive way and dulces awesome I'm sorry about your bird thanks guys I hope I answered your questions properly I hope it helps a little bit thanks for watching thanks to Laura good luck you
Channel: Allure
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Keywords: jenner, kendall, kendall jenner, kendall jenner interview, kendall jenner dm, kendall jenner twitter, twitter dms, kendall jenner answer, kendall jenner reacts, kendall jenner reacting, kendall jenner react, kendall answers, kendall answer, kendall jenner answers, kendall jenner allure, kendall allure, kendall kardashian, kendall interview, kendall twitter, kendall jenner twitter dm, sliding into dms, kendall jenner video, kendall advice, dms, allure, allure magazine
Id: DK78PvTlmCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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