Kell Brook vs. Errol Spence, Jr: Full Fight | SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING

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Forgot how good this fight was, Kell looked so good in the first 5/6 rounds. Would've been close if not for the injury.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Two ridiculous prime athletes. Shame about Brook shattering his other eye socket, years of his career will be lost to injury cos I don't see him fighting on much longer.

If Spence ever steps up to 154 I'd love to see a rematch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MortonMad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great fight, early rounds I gave to brook but Spence just took over and would have won if the fight went to points.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Menace_Supreme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Brook looked fantastic till the bodywork caughy up with him. Those two guys were beasts in there. Does anyone have the link to the video of the build up to this fight that have michael jackson singing over it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_dong_of_Indongo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my fight of the year. GGG vs. Jacobs is a distant second.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRepoCode πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kell showed a lot of heart and I thought it was a close fight until Spence took over but I don't think Errol was really ever in any sort of danger. He lost some rounds but it never felt like Kell had momentum or had Errol uncomfortable.

Spence is a fucking bad ass though. Super fundamentally sound but really nasty in there. Willing to get hit to land big shots. And he answers back right away anytime you catch him clean. He's gonna be in some wars if he finds an elite guy willing to engage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grand_insom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[ Bell dings ] Lennon: All right, fans, here we go. It's time for the bout you've all been waiting for. Announcer: This crowd going wild! My God. Look at that. He is in trouble! Look at his legs! The crowd is electric! Tyson bringing it on! Down goes Bruno into the ropes! A right by Barkley, and Hearns is down! Oh! Down goes Chavez for the first time in his career! What a shot by Evander Holyfield! Castillo's in trouble! β™ͺβ™ͺ What a fight! Lennon: I-I-It's Showtime! Custer: They call him "The Special One" -- Kell Brook, fighting in his hometown, has just one career loss. And he is taking on the undefeated number-one challenger, Errol Spence Jr. Buffer: The fighters are ready. Boxing fans, are you ready? [ Cheers and applause ] For the thousands in attendance and the millions around the world who wish they could be here, ladies and gentlemen, from Sheffield, England, let's get ready to rumble! [ Cheers and applause ] Introducing first, fighting out of the red corner, with his trainer Derrick James, wearing white with gold. His official weight, 10 stone, 6 pounds, 5 ounces. His professional record is a perfect one -- 21 fights, 21 victories, including 18 big wins by knockout. From DeSoto, Texas, USA, the IBF number-one-ranked challenger in the world, Errol "The Truth" Spence Jr.! [ Cheers and applause ] And his opponent across the ring, fighting out of the blue corner, with his trainer, Dominic Ingle. He's wearing red and white and officially weighed in at 10 stone, 6 pounds, 7 ounces. In 37 professional fights, he has 36 victories, including 25 wins by knockout and one defeat, that defeat in the middleweight division, as he is undefeated as a welterweight. He's the fighting pride of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, the reigning defending IBF welterweight champion of the world, The Special One, Kell "Special K" Brook! [ Cheers and applause ] Okay, guys, I spoke to you both in the dressing room. You both know what I expect. Keep it clean. Break straightaway when told. Both of you watch your heads in close. Good luck to you both. Touch gloves. Go, lads. [ Cheers and applause ] Ranallo: A convivial atmosphere to say the least, 27,000 strong here at Bramall Lane football ground to witness what promises to be a thrilling tear-up. The referee is Howard Foster. [ Bell dings ] The first of what is scheduled for 12 rounds for Kell Brook's IBF welterweight championship. And the champion is in the red and white stripes with black, colors of Sheffield United Football Club, the home team at this stadium, the challenger, Errol Spence, in the white and gold. And, Al, there is a Tupac-biopic level of hype about Errol Spence. All eyes are on the undefeated, body-blasting American as he heads into this, the biggest exam of his blossoming career. Bernstein: Yeah, he comes into this fight off the longest layoff of his career -- nine months. We know Brook has a layoff, as well, and an injury, that injury to the right eye, the orbital bone. But for Spence, early in this fight, he's facing a longer layoff than he had. He certainly is a dynamic fighter, and he and Brook should create a great match. Malignaggi: Both guys have had a long layoff, but actually there's about two weeks difference because Spence fought, I think, August 21st and then Brook fought on September 4th. So, the layoff about the same. It's just he had -- As you said, Al, Brook had the surgery in between. You see a battle of jabs so far, counters and leads. In boxing, it's those who dare to be great who generally earn the respect and support of the masses. Kell Brook audaciously jumped up two weight classes to take on middleweight bogeyman Gennady Golovkin. He proved he has an iron chin, but as a result, he also has a titanium face, the result of a fractured right orbital bone. You know Spence is going to test that eye. I think that Kell Brook's kind of aggressive posture here in round 1 is really kind of interesting. You know, he's a counterpuncher. He likes to counterpunch. You would think Spence would be more aggressive. Brook's going to him. Yeah, he's daring him to come out with that jab 'cause he knows Spence has a good jab. It's been all the talk. But it's been Brook who's come over the top of Spence's jab and actually led with some good jabs himself. Of course, Kell Brook calls his vaunted right hand the "chocolate brownie." He's going to use it to give Spence his just desserts. Meanwhile, Spence on the inside, again working the body, as Brook is known to clinch. Under a minute remaining in the first frame. One thing to look for is Errol trying to get to the body inside. And another little trick thing Brook is gonna have -- Brook fights very well as a southpaw. Out of that Wincobank gym, those guys can switch around a lot. They're very athletic. Brook rarely shows it, but he has the ability to fight as a southpaw. Doesn't do it much, but when he does, he's effective. The southpaw, Spence, again blasting away to the body. He loves to attack the body like it's filled with candy, and no sweeter result than being victorious here in hostile territory for the undefeated Errol Spence again a battle-tested, seasoned champion in Kell Brook. I mean, that's got to be Spence's attack plan early on. It's got to be get to the body as much as possible, and he's doing it. He's touching the body every time he gets in close. Lead right hand by Brook connects. Oh, counter right by Brook there. [ Bell dings ] -Terrific opening three minutes between Kell Brook and Errol Spence Jr. We'll take a look at the keys to victory for these two fighters. We'll start with Kell Brook. It's imperative that he stays off the ropes. Spence will eat him up if he gets him there. His lead right is quick and it's accurate, and he'll need it tonight. He landed it a couple times in round 1. Brook is a sharp counterpuncher, especially with the left hook. Expect to see that often. As for Errol Spence Jr., he often squares his body up to make a more inviting target. If he does that tonight, Brook will exploit it. Spence is one of the best body punchers in boxing, as we've talked about. He wants to do it early and often. He's already started that. And he needs to get inside the Brook jab and counterpunches to put the pressure on. He did that in round 1, as well. β™ͺβ™ͺ An oasis of humanity congregating here in Sheffield, the Steel City, both these athletes with steely resolve in one of the biggest fights -- Well, actually, you could say it is the biggest fight of Spence's career. And then Kell Brook -- say what you will, but, man, earning a lot of respect for doing what many people refused to do. That's jump up to face Gennady Golovkin, Al. Two weight divisions, and then what does he do? He comes back down to face a very tough foe in Errol Spence. You know, both these men are -- Neither of them are high-volume punchers, 57 -- -Ohh. -Oh, excuse me. I'll let you take this. No, no. Good lead right hand by Kell Brook. I think one thing that's developing here in the fight -- the battle with lead hands. You see over the top right there. You see how Brook came over the top of Spence's jab? It's a battle of who can get over the top on the lead hand. Well, you see Brook again trying to do that. I was mentioning they're not huge-volume punchers, 64 punches average per round for Spence, 56 for Brook. They didn't throw near that in round 1. Errol Spence Jr. utilizing his educated jab. A minute gone here in round 2, and again in the clinch, Errol Spence keeping himself busy by attacking the body. Beautiful jab by Spence. Errol's got to start feinting with that lead jab. Brook is coming over the top of it every single time with his own jab. Watch. He's got to start changing the rhythm on that lead jab so that Brook doesn't time it over the top with his own jab. It's a battle with that lead hand. Midpoint of round 2. Errol Spence attacking the body again from the southpaw position, Kell Brook moving forward. And Brook goes to the body with a nice right hand. [ Indistinct shouting ] Brook trying to throw that uppercut, a weapon he wants so badly to use in this fight. A lot more contact here in this second round. -Yep. -Nice jab by Spence. The mantra for boxing in 2017 -- the best fighting the best. Two supreme athletes in their prime going at it here to determine who will be the IBF welterweight champion at the end of the night. And of course we mentioned Keith Thurman, the unified welterweight champion on the sidelines for six months following right-elbow surgery. Both Spence and Brook have said they want Thurman next. And you can tell Spence is trying to make a conscious effort to back up Brook right now. He's walking him down, trying to back up Brook, trying to get him on the back footing and see if he can make him uncomfortable. It's more of a mental pressure than anything else, but trying to draw mistakes out of him. And of course, Al, Kell Brook wants to stay off those ropes as much as possible. You know, so far, Spence's defense has been better than we've seen in some fights. He hasn't fought opposition that could really exploit it, but in this fight, he's keeping his hands very tight. And there's Brook turning southpaw for a second. Brook's having a very good second part of this round. And Brook attacking the body diligently, eats a jab from Spence, then delivers a jab of his own from the southpaw stance. I'll tell you one thing Spence will start looking for. Brook will jab back at him when he jabs. So he can start looking for that counter. Another nice combination on the ribs. [ Bell dings ] [ Cheers and applause ] We'll look back and see where there was a clash of heads, there Brook kind of trying to get away, and his head banged against Spence's head. Then later on in the round, Brook with the -- You see the over-the-top jab. Yeah, the jab, countering the jab by Errol Spence Jr. And Brook was active in the second part of that round. And there's the uppercut that he's trying to land. Whether it was enough to win him the round remains to be seen. ...coming back, all right? You got me? Use some right on the nose. The nose there, the nose there, the nose there. One step at a time. Walk him down. [ Rock music playing ] [ Bell dings ] Ranallo: Kell Brook said that Errol Spence Jr. has passed the eye test with flying colors, but he's never faced anything like the fighter whose sobriquet is "The Special One." Brook looking for a special performance in this, his 12th fight in his hometown. He's always dreamed of fighting here at Bramall Lane football ground, as he avoids that sweeping left hook from Spence. Oh, nice counter up by Spence over the top. Spence trying to make a concerted effort to put that mental pressure, not just that physical pressure, trying to make Brook uncomfortable. Clubbing right hand by Spence as he works his way to the inside, stabbing Brook in the body with the jab. Speaking of jabs, Al... Yeah, you know, Errol Spence wanted to be impressive with the jab, and he has been so far. They said that was as important -- that and working angles was as important as the body work. And Kell Brook wants his jab to surely do better. Stiff jab there by Kell Brook, but then a right hook by Spence has Brook on the ropes. And, Paulie, one thing about Errol Spence his corner has to be happy with is -- Brook and Spence come at close quarters, and there's clinching, Spence is very busy all over the body. Yeah, and even if he doesn't land those shots clean, he's putting, again, that mental pressure on Brook. He's letting Brook know he's alive in there and he's gonna have to work. The inside stuff is not gonna be a break for Brook. He's letting him know that very early. Kell Brook, 36-1, 25 wins inside the distance, Errol Spence, 21-0, with 18 wins via form of knockout. Just past the midpoint of round 3. Tell you one thing Errol is also doing -- he's jabbing at the top and then dropping for a left hand to the stomach. It seems to be working pretty good, and it also gets him away from the counter jab of Brook. Left uppercut on the inside by Brook, just missed with a right cross. Kell Brook's trying to land the counter left hook, but missing with it when Spence comes in. Yeah, because, like I said, Al, Errol drops. Errol throws that jab, then drops down. It gets him away from the counters, but it also sets up a left hand to the body, and he seems to be having some success with it. Now there's a right hand by Kell Brook, that lead right hand that stunned Errol Spence Jr. on the ropes. And Brook has experience against lefties, having faced southpaws in two of his last four fights coming into this much-anticipated title tilt. Beating "Jo Jo Dan" and Frankie Gavin, and he feels he can fight against lefties. You know, Spence felt that right hand from him, and I don't know if Brook understood maybe that he was stunned there. Spence coming off his eighth straight stoppage victory. He eats a jab from Kell Brook. Spence destroying Leonard Bundu, who went the distance with Keith Thurman. The biggest name on Spence's rΓ©sumΓ© coming into this fight -- former 140-pound champion Chris Algieri, who he dispatched in less than five rounds. I think we're seeing a subtle change here. I think Errol Spence was hurt earlier in this round, and I think he's a little shy about attacking right at this moment. You know, guys, I didn't think he was hurt, but, man, after that point, he stopped fighting as aggressively. See? I was wrong. He's half blowing himself out in the round. Now, if he has a blow, he starts to dip. Do you understand? Let him show what I told you about. It's starting to clip him and take it out of him. You've just got to be smart. Don't get caught with stupid shots. Do you understand? You've got to be clean with it. Deep breathe. I'm telling you now -- I'm telling you now, when you're reaching him, he's zapping it. He's young, and he's coming back from it. In that last round... Spence throwing that right hook. Errol Spence Jr. has a terrific right hook. He's able to get inside and work with the left hand, as well. Later on, Kell Brook did extremely well. We told you that he may have stunned Spence. Malignaggi: That's where I thought he did it. That's the right hand that did it, and then, as Paulie pointed out, after that, he wasn't too aggressive -- Spence. I like the -- I like the way Spence was able to land that hook on the ropes. Brook is not -- Brook got off the ropes too high, and Spence timed him with that right hook. Got to say low when you're getting off those ropes. [ Bell dings ] The bell and round 4. Kell Brook started training at the age of 9 with current Dominic Ingle's dad, Brendan, at the Wincobank gym here in Sheffield, which was also home at the time to former featherweight champion Naseem Hamed, who's in attendance tonight. I'll tell you, Brook came out with a hard right hand to the stomach. Man, he walked right up and just put that thing right in. Good exchange in the center of the ring. Brook changes leathers, goes downstairs with a right hand, short right uppercut on the inside as Spence unloads a lead left that misses. And of course Sheffield has a rich boxing history, Al, spawning former champions like Clinton Woods, Paul Jones, and Johnny Nelson, who's on the Sky Sports broadcast tonight, as Spence lands a nice left hand. Some blood coming out of the mouth of Errol Spence. Both these guys starting to make some contact here. They're starting to fight at that middle range, not too far out, not too close. Oh, they've been making contact since the opening bell in this much-anticipated welterweight title fight. But there's a beautiful body shot by Errol Spence Jr. And that's the thing -- they're landing cleaner now. They're starting to have more volume, more contact here. [ Indistinct shouting ] And, Al, Kell Brook really likes to use that lead right hand that he calls the chocolate brownie, and he's had some success with it tonight. A little bit, but not as much as he would like. And Errol Spence is doing a better job defensively, I think, than in some other fights. Oh, oh, counter left hand by Spence. Spence is not a bad defensive fighter. It's just that sometimes he leaves himself open for any right hand. See, inside right there is little mental battles. Nothing crazy lands, but it's those little mental battles, where you're showing the other guy just how wide you are, how strong you are inside, how much you have left, how much you're willing to fight on those moments when you could take the option to rest. Good pivot by Errol Spence Jr. as he was along the ropes. Turns the tables now, and they clinch, with referee Foster calling for the break, coming up on the final 60 seconds of the fourth round. We are flying through this welterweight championship fight. Plenty of sustained action as they work the body. Nice right uppercut on the inside by Brook. When Brook wants to fight on the inside, he can do it. He just prefers to kind of stop the action normally and get out. Howard Foster's letting them fight on the inside. Yeah, I think he's reffed a pretty good fight so far. Yes, I agree. Good hook. Left hook on the break by Kell Brook. Nice jab by Brook. And Errol Spence eating punches from the IBF welterweight champion, and of course the partisan crowd cheering every punch by the champion. This has been a good second part of the round for Brook. But Brook now going to the body. Yeah. Chopping left hand over the top misses by Errol Spence Jr. [ Indistinct shouting ] I'll tell you, really tactical fight from both guys. Both these guys are just such good fighters. [ Cheers and applause ] A lot of depth. Kell Brook said, "I am gonna land the uppercut in this fight," and guess what. There it is. Ohh. That was an excellent right uppercut by Brook, and Spence that time did square him up a little bit. Then later on in the round, Paulie, here comes Spence getting inside that hook. And nice counter left cross by Spence. Then Kell Brook later on in the round getting -- He had a very good second part of the round, that counter right hand landing. I think, you know, Errol Spence has never faced a level of this competition. He's finding out what it's like when you can't knock someone out. Then you got to do a short jab -- bang! -- jaw. Before he starts, you give him that shot. Don't let him in close. Don't let him fucking in. You're on a slight edge. You got to tie him up. You got to stop him and then push him off 'cause if you don't, you'll tire yourself out. And then boxing. Save the energy because he's beginning to drain. He's beginning to drain. [ Indistinct shouting ] [ Bell dings ] Malignaggi: Al, you made a good point with the level of competition for Spence. You know, he's seeing a guy who can counter him for the first time. -Yeah. 'Cause Spence is usually so sharp, and he hits so hard. He gets guys on the back foot, and he gets them intimidated. Brook is the kind of fighter who can do the same thing Spence does and counter him just as good as Spence can counter Brook. Ranallo: Brook catches Spence off balance in his last seven fights. According to ShoStats, Brook has landed eight and a half jabs per round, number three on the ShoStats Categorical Leaders list. [ Indistinct shouting ] Brook is invested to the body now. We know Errol Spence is a fine body puncher, but Brook in the last several rounds has done a very good job downstairs, as well. Meanwhile, Spence lands just over seven jabs per round coming into this fight. Brook trying to establish the jab. Nice jab from Spence, as he uses it to close the distance. Spence has done very well with that right jab, and then he kind of drops his level. He throws that right hand up top, and then he drops his whole level and makes space for the left hand to the body. Right hand to the body by the American challenger -- Spence. Nice left uppercut on the inside by Brook. Well-timed. Break! Step back. He had that half-feint that caused Spence to drop a little bit on it. He timed it with the uppercut. There's a good combination by Brook and a right hand to the breadbasket by the IBF welterweight champion. I'll tell you why that just worked. That feint and then left uppercut made Spence this time not bend over. This time, he said, "No, I'm gonna take a step back." He went straight back, and Brook ended up timing him there. Usually Spence would dip on that, but he didn't dip that particular time because he had just took the left uppercut the last time he did it. Feinting by Kell Brook, as he uses it to get on the inside, but they back up. There's a left-hand lead by Errol Spence Jr. as they clinch again. Bernstein: And even though we're only in round 5, it's probably worth mentioning, even this early, Spence has never been 12. He's been 10-round once. Brook is 4-0 in 12-round fights. As this fight wears on, Brook more used to that terrain. Interesting stuff, Al, 'cause, you know, they say Spence is the body puncher. You would think Brook would fade late, but Brook is the one that has all the experience in those late runs. Brook also credits nutrition expert Greg Marriott for helping him get back down to 147. I'll tell you, both Brook and Errol Spence Jr. looked amazing at the weigh-in. That's for sure. Brook known to boil down to 147. A lot of people never thought -- or thought he would never come back to welterweight, fight at a more comfortable 154. But he said, "Unh-unh, I want to defend the title I've worked so hard to win"... -He's southpaw. ...when he came to America and defeated Shawn Porter. And, yes, Brook from the lefty stance back to orthodox. -Unlike most of the fighters... -Oh, whoa. What's up? Left-hand combination and a good combination by Spence. Now doing a little shoe-shining to the body. He's trying to create space with those body shots. He's got the right idea. He wants to get back in Brook's face after Brook lands that shot. It's a very close round. Sorry, Paulie. [ Bell dings ] [ Cheers and applause ] [ Rock music plays ] You got to keep that jab in his face, keep that right hook, all right? Listen, this is all he's going to do -- come on the outside there. Shoot him with the big right down the middle, all right? Keep it in his... When you're on the ropes, do not let go of him till the referee gets between you. Do you understand? You stop him working, and then you put yours on him. Come on. You've been here a thousand times before, right? This kid thought you were gonna be out in five rounds. And every round what goes on, it's getting harder and harder for him. Do you understand? So you keep that jab sharp. Don't be floppy with it. It's got to be ping and relax, ding, inside, bomb, bomb, right? Come on, Kell. [ Bell dings ] Ranallo: The bell and round number 6. Errol Spence Jr.'s camp playing a little gamesmanship, guys, coming to England two weeks prior to this fight and training at Kell Brook's domestic rival, Amir Khan's, gym in Bolton. Yeah, they said they were well received there, as I'm sure they were. Malignaggi: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. No surprise. -And Khan was... -Oh! ...when he was introduced to him in the crowd. And Spence gets backed up by Brook! I don't know if he's off balance or hurt. Spence tried to come back and fight to show he wasn't hurt. And Spence giving him one to the body! Spence coming back furiously, digging away with those body shots on Kell Brook. Lead right hand by Brook. I tell you, Spence trying to make a statement here after taking that shot early on. You know, Spence sparred with Jermell Charlo, who was trained by his trainer. And that was a great man to spar with for this fight. Well, he sparred with a lot of bigger guys for this fight, exactly. And Jermell Charlo of course champion in his own right. Coming off his scintillating knockout victory -- both Charlo twins. -Yep. Jab by Spence. Cuffing right hand, right to the body by Kell Brook. And again Brook swimming in with that left uppercut on the inside that just missed. [ Indistinct shouting ] Final 90 seconds of the sixth round, scheduled for 12 for the IBF welterweight championship. This has been a pretty good round for Errol Spence. He got hit with that one punch earlier, but he -- Yeah, and then he came roaring back. Yeah. He's done a very good job. Nice right jab and then the left uppercut to the body by Spence, as Brook brings him to the ropes. And Howard Foster doing a memorable job of allowing these two prizefighters to fight out of the clinch. Left uppercut inside by Spence. Lead right hand connects for Brook. Spence has had his best round so far, guys, in my opinion. Yeah, I agree. Spence has taken away the counter left hook of Brook and... And more than that, Al, he's just put him on the back foot. He's just -- -Yeah. This aggressiveness has put Kell on the back foot. There's a nice left over the top by Errol Spence Jr. and then stops Brook with the jab, but Brook with that lead left uppercut. Half-minute remaining in the sixth. Brook landed a nice right before that, Mauro, that I think got Spence's attention. It's becoming a battle of attrition -- skill, will, determination. As these rounds carry on, it's all becoming a very big battle of attrition, as well, on top of all the talent these guys have. [ Indistinct shouting ] Good jab by Errol Spence Jr., as we're through six in Sheffield. [ Bell dings ] -Let's go! [ Cheers and applause ] [ Rock music plays ] Errol Spence got kind of off-balance here. The foot -- At first, we thought maybe that right hand had stunned him. No, it didn't. He was -- He was off-balance. And in fact, Errol Spence came back with a -- with a great attack the rest of that round. And here we see him doing great work on the inside to the body. You understand? This is round 7 coming up. Two more rounds, and he's not been that far, right? So, that's what you got to do with him -- keep it nice and tight and relaxed. Stop him from working. Every time you have a little wrestle with him, he starts to drain. But don't get complacent swinging. Hey, listen to me. Do not swing. Hands up, stay tight. Shorten them up on the inside. [ Speaks indistinctly ] Ranallo: Errol Spence Jr. has been with his trainer, Derrick James, since Spence was 18. Spence started training at the age of 15 -- as we head into the second half of this 12-round welterweight championship fight. And, Al, we mentioned Spence sparring with the likes of Jermell Charlo. He's also in the past sparred with none other than Floyd Mayweather and Adrien Broner and, according to reports, done very well. Yeah, he felt that that really helped him, as a fighter, develop. You know, in the last round, he landed -- According to ShoStats, Spence landed 30 punches. That was his high for the fight. All right, let's bring in our unofficial scorer. Steve Farhood, how do you have it at the halfway point of this championship affair? Farhood: Mo, I have Brook up four rounds to two, 58-56. I thought in the sixth round, as Paulie pointed out and Al pointed out, that Spence, for the first time, had a concerted body attack, a sustained body attack. But until that point in the fight, I thought Brook had landed the more impactful, the more meaningful punches. So, at this point, at the halfway mark, four rounds to two on my card for Kell Brook. Malignaggi: One thing to keep in mind -- in the corner, Dominic Ingle, you can kind of tell, gave away the game plan for Kell Brook. It's basically to take Spence to the late rounds and sink him. You know, he said, "Two more rounds, and this guy's gonna be really uncomfortable." They know Spence doesn't have a lot of experience going a lot of rounds. Spence just ripped a beautiful left hand to the body. But now backed up along the ropes as Brook bulldozes his way in with a couple of short right hands on the inside. Bernstein: And I think Brook wants to manhandle him. He's really trying to be very physical with Errol Spence. Yeah, and that's a part of that mental battle, Al. You know, it's physical inside, as far as the physicality of it, but mentally, if you're showing your guy you can throw him around a little bit, it stays in his head. Maybe he's trying to make that effort for that reason, to get in Kell's head -- or to get in Errol's head. But Errol being much more active this last round and a half. Both Brook and Spence attacking the body proficiently. Of course, the sport has had legendary body punchers, Mike McCallum known as "The Bodysnatcher," Bob Fitzsimmons, Tony Zale. Al, you worked with all those guys, didn't you? Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Bob Fitzsimmons and I were broadcast mates. Julio CΓ©sar ChΓ‘vez -- don't forget him. Yeah, absolutely. Under a minute remaining in the seventh. They've both kind of taken a round off a little bit in terms of number of punches thrown. Right hand to the body lands for Kell Brook, much to the delight of the crowd. 27,000 strong at Bramall Lane football ground here in Sheffield, outdoors. And so far, Mother Nature proving to be a fan of the sweet science. Even these subtle things. Yeah, Kell cuts off the ring when Errol's going backwards. Then when Kell goes backwards, Errol cuts off the ring. These guys are so good, even the little subtle things, they don't forget to do them. Series of left hands by Spence on the clinch. If Errol Spence was worried about -- Oh. That lead left uppercut is a tricky punch by Kell Brook. You know, if Errol Spence was worried about not being able to fight on the inside, he's been able to do that with Foster. Good one-two combination by the southpaw, Spence. [ Bell dings ] A lot of celebrities in the house for this huge matchup, including the aforementioned Amir Khan, former unified 140-pound champion. And there's Carl Frampton, "The Jackal," the former two-division champion. He and Leo Santa Cruz really entertaining the fans on Showtime Championship Boxing. We mentioned Sheffield's own Naseem Hamed. And there is a man who's watching with vested interest. Shawn Porter went the distance with Kell Brook, losing this IBF welterweight title in the United States three years ago. β™ͺβ™ͺ Bang, you're slapping him because he steps that way. Don't let him go back that way first. He'll give you the swerve. You listening? But keep him there. This way -- clamp, work, work, clamp, yeah? [ Bell dings ] Round number 8. Malignaggi: The battle of the jabs starts this round. This is really the place where you're gonna find out a lot about Errol Spence Jr. And he had a very good last two rounds, and that speaks well for this. But this is a territory and a fight he's really not been in much. Here he is in the eighth round of a very close fight that is a dogfight, and he has not been in that as a pro. Right uppercut on the inside that lands for Brook. Spence backs him up. Spence hoping to join former bantamweight champion Rau'shee Warren as the only members from that 2012 men's Olympic team to become champions. That team went medalist. And our unofficial scorer, Steve Farhood, has it tightening up on his unofficial scorecard, as Brook lands a couple of pops to Errol Spence's head. And Brook -- good job of diversifying his attack. Just when Errol Spence thought it was all for the head, he went downstairs to the body. Look how calm these guys are right at that range, at that middle range. That middle range, you can still be hit with a lot of punches. They stay right at that middle range and trust their own instincts and their own reflexes and sharpness. Check put there by Brook. Farhood: Kell Brook thought that that Spence and his camp were overconfident. They were coming in here thinking it was gonna be a cakewalk. Well, now they know that's not the case. Halfway point of round 8, as Errol Spence landed a stiff lead left to Kell Brook. Kell Brook cuffing him as Spence closes the distance. Spence attacking the body again. Lead right hand lands for the champion -- Brook. Nice lead left hand by Spence. Both having success here in round 8. It's funny 'cause I think as they go late, both corners get more confident. Nice shots. Beautiful combination by Errol Spence Jr.! And Spence now with a scintillating combination! I think Spence wants to take Brook late because they feel he struggled with the weight, and maybe the later it goes, it'll affect his stamina. And Brook's corner wants to take Spence late because they know Spence doesn't have late-round experience. And Spence doing a good job here in round 8 of concatenating his punches, just chaining them together, as we have 30 seconds now left in the eighth stanza. I see some swelling underneath the left eye of Brook. Straight right hand that jacked the jaw of Errol Spence Jr. Right hand over the top by Brook. You see the swelling on the eye. The eye is the same eye -- No, it's the right eye that he had the surgery on, right? Bernstein: Yeah. This is the left. β™ͺβ™ͺ Kell Brook early in the round having some success, landing a right hand. But you see he's lunging in with that right. He's been off-balance in throwing some of his power punches. But still, they're having an impact. And there -- nice combination by Kell Brook. And -- And mixing it up with the body. Now, Spence able to come back later in the round, landing good combinations on the inside. Spence is a very good combination puncher, and there was an example. Then Kell Brook with that lead right hand toward the end of the round -- that was a very close round, a tough one. But I'm thinking Spence may have eked that out, and if he did, this a very close fight. He's tired. The body shots are putting him down. Ranallo: Errol Spence Jr. a student of the game, devouring hours of tapes of the greats, including one of the best welterweights of all time, Sugar Ray Leonard. We know Sugar Ray Leonard is watching tonight. This is really a fight that had all the hard-cores, but even boxers really -- I mean, Paulie, you said this is the fight you've been looking for the most. Yeah. Nice one-two by Brook to start the round. Yeah, this was my favorite fight on the schedule. And these two guys are brilliantly talented, a lot of intelligence, and are still hungry. Yep, they represent the elite of the deep welterweight division. Starting to sit down more on their shots inside, too. Yeah. Brook did it early in this round, and now here comes Spence. As they get more tired, there's less movement, so they want to make those shots count on the inside. And now on our unofficial scorecard, Steve Farhood has it dead even, as we are going down the stretch now here in round number 9. As expected, a hotly contested battle for apportion of the 147-pound crown. And a time-out called by Howard Foster. You've got to win this fight, Kell. You have to win this fight. Now it's low box. Now it's low box, Kell. Ranallo: And that right eye is beginning to show wear and tear, and you'll probably recall, Al and Paulie, what happened in the rematch between Miguel Cotto and Tony Margarito. Margarito had previously suffered a fractured orbital bone, and Cotto destroyed Margarito's eye, leading to a victory in the rematch. What, is it the right eye, or is it the left eye? The left eye is swelling. Oh, the left eye that's swelling. Pardon me. But that's certainly an issue for Kell Brook. Yes, even a bigger one, knowing that he has a surgically repaired right eye and now the left eye looking worse for wear. And that's all the result of that jab, of course. Yeah. I've had that surgery, though. -I mean, it's -- -Against Miguel Cotto. Yeah. Once you get the surgery, usually it won't bother you. Oh, good shot by Spence. Good head movement by Brook. Although he ate that jab on the way up as he was bobbing and weaving away from the Spence attack. This is a round that's very much up for grabs after the first half of the round. Spence starting to stalk, trying to put that mental pressure. You see again, he's cutting the ring off. Each guy knows how to cut the ring off and does it. Oh. Nice attack there by Errol Spence Jr. Lead left hand backed Brook up momentarily. Brook, though, ducks underneath the sweeping left. Looking to lead with that right hand, but misses. And Spence counters effectively. Kell Brook is lunging with his right hand. He's getting off-balance. He's not throwing the lead right with authority and as sharp and accurate as he normally does. That's been a big issue. And that Spence jab really proving to be effective in this round. Mixing up his attack now is the Dallas resident -- Errol Spence Jr. Spence starting to really up the tempo here as these rounds progress. The best round of the fight for Errol Spence Jr., working the body. Brook is gonna have to show something at the end of this round. Clubbing left hand by Spence. And the body language of Kell Brook has to be cause for concern for his corner, eating all kinds of shots from the challenger, Spence. And a sense of urgency enveloping this -- [ Bell dings ] And Brook finishes the round strongly! This guy is hitting you with everything, right? Be smart, right? This fight's not over. You listening to me? Deep breathe. Get your mind composed there. You got four rounds. Do you understand? He's throwing everything. He's throwing everything, right? And there's nothing in them shots. They're all hitting you when you're stuck there. You've got to move. You got to be smart and get behind his elbow, stop him. And he gets tired, then you got to work him with them jabs and start boxing. Do you understand? Right. Water. Errol Spence having the best round of the fight for himself, getting Brook on the ropes, when he does, throwing those very good combinations. Errol Spence Jr.'s a very good combination puncher and has been throwing with a lot of authority, both to the body and the head. Malignaggi: Yeah, that was the most one-sided round of the fight for either guy. It was more of a survival round for Kell Brook. He's gonna have to make a statement in this round to show Errol that he's got something left. Brook enters this fight with a titanium plate in his face as a result of that fractured right orbital bone, courtesy of Triple G. But now Errol Spence making -- well, making sure that he might even suffer a left fractured orbital bone, as that jab is really doing damage to the left eye of Kell Brook. And as the fatigue sets in for Kell, these body shots hurt more. Oh, stiff jabs. And it's all Errol Spence. One-way traffic here. And down goes Kell Brook! 4... 5... 6... 7... 8. You okay? For the second time in his career, Kell Brook has hit the canvas. Errol Spence Jr., smelling blood now, on the attack. Sweeping left hand backing Brook off. It is all Errol Spence Jr. Kell Brook trying to defend valiantly, but he's eating a lot of shots, guys. He's slipping and sliding. He's got to fight back, though. But here comes the heart of a champion. He landed a nice left hook. The crowd trying to get him back into it, roaring, on their feet. And Brook is trying to bounce back. You cannot question the heart of Kell Brook. That was evident when he took on Triple G. But here now, in a very tough fight against Errol Spence, with 1:25 left in the 10th. Spending a lot of time on the ropes -- Kell Brook. Yep, and Spence is pouring it on. When you're against the ropes against Spence, you're in trouble. And look at how he's creating space. Look at that little shot he gives. He knows how to create space, savvy little moves in there by Errol Spence. And yet Brook coming back with a left hand. Brook, now, not a lot of steel in those punches, but he's showing the referee that he's still in the fight. And here comes Kell Brook. What a round, round 10! Final 60 seconds! Oh, good upper. Left uppercut by Brook connects. Errol Spence is showing a chin. Oh, yes, he is, as he ate that right cross. Left uppercut. And Kell Brook coming back in the final stages of round 10. What a round here between Spence and Brook. This is what boxing is in 2017. We've come to expect it. The best fighting the best, and Kell Brook and Errol Spence putting it all on the line here in the 10th round. Spence started off in scintillating fashion. Brook showing the heart of a champion to bounce back in the latter stages of a fantastic round 10. [ Bell dings ] Big round for Spence with that knockdown. Deep breathe. Keep your mind on what you're doing. And here's where Kell Brook would go down, from an accumulation of punches, in a way. And he almost kind of just -- kind of -- This big left hand lands, and he's in trouble and just kind of crumbles to the mat. It wasn't from one punch specifically. It was from the array of punches. Later in the round, though, even though Spence certainly won this round big, here comes Kell Brook, landing that right hand that got him out of trouble and pushed Spence back. And then ripping the uppercuts and trying to get himself back in. Because they're draining him every time you ping him, right? Believe in yourself. Listen to me. Man: Sugar Ray Robinson! Sugar Ray Robinson! Jake Lamotta! [ Bell dings ] Ranallo: We begin the championship rounds for Kell Brook's IBF welterweight title. This is round 11, and Spence immediately looks to establish his educated jab. Now, we've said Spence has never seen the 11th round, but he's not the man who's been punished in the last several rounds, so he comes out with an edge. Let's bring in our unofficial scorer, Steve Farhood. Farhood: Mo, it seemed like the crowd willed Brook through that 10th round. But nonetheless, it was still a 10-8 round for Spence, clearly. The only chance Brook has in this fight is if he swept the first half of the fight. I gave him four of those six rounds. It's still close on points. Obviously, Spence has all the momentum. They exchange jabs in the opening 30 seconds of this 11th. Malignaggi: I think Brook needs to make a statement this round. He's got to at least win the round, in the very least, but to make a statement, because Errol not only is leading the fight, but the momentum's going all his way. Oh, there's Brook making a statement with his gloves! Bernstein: Nice left hook. In the last round, Brook was hit by 30 punches, according to ShoStats. That is the most he's ever allowed a fighter to hit him with. Spence continues to attack the body mercilessly. And that's the thing -- Errol doesn't take no for an answer. He's got that youthful energy, that energy of a young phenom rising, never been a world champion yet but is starving for that title. You know, that's the thing. He does not take no for an answer. And Kell Brook having difficulty with that left eye, pawing at it with his glove, wincing in pain. So, while Triple G fractured his right orbital bone, Errol Spence making a mess of Kell Brook's left eye here in this championship fight. And you wonder how much more he can take. And he's got to -- He's got to - Oh, he's taking a knee. I don't know what's up with his head. He's kneeling. He's out. Better off, guys. Better off. Better off, huh? And the fight is over. Errol Spence Jr. has done it! The Truth hurts Saturday night in Sheffield, as Errol Spence Jr. becomes IBF welterweight champion! And he does it in impressive fashion, Al! Errol Spence did what people didn't know if he could do. He was able to get through a very tough fight against an excellent opponent, and he was able to sustain in the later rounds in a very tough fight. And -- And you got to tip your hats to him 'cause he was able to get the job done. A very tough night for Kell Brook. Just the personality of Errol Spence -- so relaxed. He just won his first world title. You know, Al, most guys would be going crazy. Just a relaxed professional, even as a celebration, just a chilled-out kid. But going back to Brook, I think it's better off. You know, he'd been taking a lot of punishment in these late rounds. You know, maybe he knows something we don't know, you know? He just suddenly took that knee. Something was obviously wrong with the eye. I just think the eye was so bad. Yeah, there was something wrong with that eye from the beginning of that round. I mentioned it over and over. For starters, it's the eye, but he'd also taken a lot of punches. I mean, Errol had been punishing him in the later part of the fight. Very rough night for him, while it's a joyous one for Errol Spence Jr., who becomes the fourth U.S. Olympian to win the title. His first title. His first title -- to win the first title outside the United States. John Tate, Kennedy McKinney, and Chris Byrd have done it. And the last American to dethrone a U.K. titlist here in the United Kingdom -- then-lightweight Terence Crawford, who defeated Ricky Burns back in March 2014. But tonight belongs to Errol Spence Jr. We now know the truth -- he is one of the best and as good as advertised. Yeah, this fight shows it because he was able to get through some adversity. Kell Brook fought very well in those early rounds. Here we'll take a look at how Errol Spence was able to get the job done in that last round, landing the right hooks. And the eye clearly bothering Kell Brook. And the jabs and right hooks were an issue. And Kell Brook just -- just can't deal with that at that moment. The swelling and all the rest of it is just too much for him at this juncture. One of the deepest divisions in the sport has a new superstar. His name is Errol Spence Jr. As Kell Brook forced to capitulate, taking a knee with plenty of concern for his left eye. [ Cheers and applause ] As Sky gives us these replays of how Kell Brook finally was done in by Errol Spence. They thought -- Brook's camp thought Spence would be the one that would fade in the later rounds. It turned out not to be so. And I think that investment in the body shots also really helped Errol Spence, you know? We knew he was gonna go to the body. He landed some good body shots throughout the fight. Errol Spence fought a very sound technical fight, including a better defensive fight than some might have even expected. Just on an emotional level, he just never changes, you know? Even when the fight ended and he won, you know, he just won his first world title -- He's so poised! Throughout the fight, throughout his ring entrance, throughout the fight, just his emotional level very even. Buffer: ...has just called an end to the contest. He reached the count of 10. It's a knockout victory at 1:47 seconds, round number 11. The winner and new IBF welterweight champion of the world, still undefeated, Errol "The Truth" Spence Jr.! [ Cheers and applause ] -- Captions by VITAC --
Channel: SHOWTIME Sports
Views: 419,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime, shosports, sports, brook spence, full fight, punch, knockout, tko, ibf welterweight championship, BROOKLYN BOXING, lamont peterson, showtime championship boxing, ibf belt, kell brook
Id: A-hDAKmacfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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