Keith Moore Faith for miracles Pt 12 He does the works

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in mark the ninth chapter and verse 17 mark 917 a man brought his son who was afflicted had a lot of problems to Jesus disciples and even though they had been getting results they failed to get results with this boy and then Jesus having come down off the Mount of Transfiguration the men brought his son to him and verse 17 he said master I brought to you my son which has a dumb spirit wherever he takes him he tears him in foams and nash's with his teeth and finds away I spoke to your disciples that they should cast him out and they could not he answered him and said o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him to me we see this again we're gonna look at it again another place but Jesus tells them why they weren't getting results wonder if it still the same today while worth they're getting results faithlessness and they brought him to him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tore him and he fell on the ground wahlid foaming and he asked his father how long is it ago since this came to him he said of a child and off times it's cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us now this describes much of the church world right here he believed it was entirely up to Jesus whether anything happened for his boy or not didn't he if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us spiritually he thinks he has put this entirely in Jesus lap so to speak and said it's up to you if you can if you will please help us and what did Jesus do he didn't say I'll think about it he didn't say if it's the will of God right any number of things that modern Christians would say what did he say what Jesus save verse 23 if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes if you look at the Greek it indicates there could be a play on the phrase if you can because the man just said to him if you can do something do it and Jesus said if you can believe all things are possible to believe in other words it's not if God can that's not the issue hasn't been the issue and many try to say well no no he can but it's if he will and that's not true either and that and that one phrase I just said flies in the face of most church-going people most church-going people believe it is up to God so you pray and ask him and plead with him lord please do something well how we know if it's God's will or not well if something happens you'll know it was God's will and if it doesn't happen then for some reason it wasn't his will that's not what Jesus said that's not what the Bible teaches but it's extremely popular all over the world is what I call no-fault religion no matter what happens not our fault no matter what doesn't happen it's not our and in you know some folks will come to hear somebody like me and and they don't like that and then they'll look for a no-fault Church right don't tell me that anything's my responsibility don't tell me that anything's up to me but what did Jesus say what did Jesus say he said if you can believe all things are possible to believe couldn't he have said if it's the will of God we'll see couldn't he have said that huh maybe it's the will of God maybe it's not we'll see couldn't he have emphasized the will of God right here couldn't he have emphasized the will of God every other place but are there other places in Matthew Mark Luke and John where he told people as you have believed so be it done unto you according to your faith so be it done unto you did Jesus emphasize our faith modern church does not now some will emphasize faith when it comes to being born again but that's where they stop but the Bible didn't just say that just would get born again by faith he said the just will live by faith and the just will walk by faith we're supposed to deal with everything the same way that you got born again is it okay to tell people come to the altar and kneel down and pray lord save me if it be thy will if not thy will be done that's not faith if that's not faith concerning being born again then why would it be faith concerning healings are being filled with the spirit are getting your bills paid or anything else faith begins where the will of God is known you can't have faith without being convinced and persuaded of the will of God that's why Faye's true that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God why because the will of God is revealed in the Word of God and when you're hearing the Norden word of God you become persuade you find out the will of God you become persuaded of the will of God and your faith rises up and you go well it is his will for me to have this right it is his will for me to be born again it is his will for me to be healed it is his will for me to be filled with the spirit speaking tongues it is as well for my babies to be healed and my bills to be paid it is his will for me to live a victorious life it is his will for me to have something and be something and do something how does me being broke help you how does me being sick help you if I was sick enough I couldn't be preaching to you tonight right if I was broken up I couldn't have driven over here if the ministry was broken up we wouldn't have certainly would have this building right how does me being broke help you how did you being broke help me or anybody else it's being sick no see that's the enemy the enemy is the one who comes to steal and kill and destroy and if he can get enough poverty in your life and get enough sickness in your life he can keep you from being a blessing me anybody Kenny but we don't believe that stuff I said we don't believe that stuff Jesus didn't teach that that's not the truth and Gorda God when you find out the truth the truth will make you free I said it'll make you free when you find out what Jesus has done for you yes he saved you from the devil's hell but that's not all he saved you and He healed you and he filled you and he thrilled you and he paid it all if we'll find out and receive we can have more be more do more than ever before somebody said you already said that I may say it again for the nights over if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes and what did the man do what was his response straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe this is not just some intellectual discourse they're having why did he respond in this way faith is of the heart with the heart man believes he was moved when Jesus told him this and he had a revelation it's not just all up to him I'm not just waiting on him I got to do something right if we're going to get results I'm gonna have to have some and I do believe what I do believe you think he's sincere he said it were tears but then he also says help my unbelief what does that mean well he's dealing with some things some things that are not faith one translation says it like this the message says I believe helped me with my doubts the week's translation says I am believing be helping my weakness of faith and so he wasn't trying to pretend his faith was at a place it wasn't he was being honest with the Lord did the Lord meet him where he was and help him have your head the rest of the chapter his boy got delivered and healed immediately so the Lord didn't meet him and help him so it's scriptural to ask the Lord to help you isn't it if you struggling with something and you faiths not quite where it needs to be ask him to help you and he will and he'll meet us where we are not where we're pretending to be this does you no good or anybody else to try to pretend that you faiths at a place that it's not but with God's help if it's not there it can get there I said it can get there thank you lord now go with me to Matthews account of this over in Matthew 17 you still believe in with me for the us to get to the right things tonight you believe in you could hear from him not just me but hear from him all right we're after it in Matthew 17 after this happened verse 19 I'm will read this in Young's literal translation the young this is the same author of Young's concordance he said then the disciples having come to Jesus by himself this is man 17:19 they said were for were we not able to cast him out now this proves that just because you and somebody prayed and it didn't happen that did not prove that it was the will of God for it not to happen right because when the man brought his son to Jesus Jesus didn't tell him it wasn't the will of God the boy got got delivered and so now they're coming to Jesus saying why why couldn't we get those results because they had prayed they had cast they had done everything they need to do and nothing happened friend if you pray or try to have faith and don't get results and it doesn't turn out the way that it should don't start a new doctrine don't start a new doctrine that somewhere no that must not have been the will of God so that's what people have done throughout the ages the reason these doctrines of it may not be the will of God people to be healed set free delivered needs met the reason that's so popular is because many years ago generations ago somebody prayed somebody said they were believing and it didn't work and so instead of being humble and honest and acknowledging that maybe we missed it somewhere maybe we came short they they concocted and said well it must not have been the will of God trying to save face maintain their pride well it couldn't be with us that is pride isn't it for people just immediately assert what it must not have been the will of God well what about you did it ever cross your mind maybe you didn't do something right but again that's when people revert back to the no-fault religion no don't tell me that I'm gonna find me a no-fault Church that will tell me no matter what I do or don't do it's not my fault hmm it's just all up to God somehow well no then they they were confronted I mean it's in their face the boy got delivered right so you couldn't say it wasn't a will of God when he brought him to Jesus they got results and so then they come to Jesus privately afterwards and go why didn't that work for us why and Jesus said well I'm the son of God and I can do this don't feel bad that you couldn't huh no no again why couldn't they do it jesus said through and this is Young's literal through your want of faith most folks don't like the answer this simple but that is the answer to this and a thousand and other and one other situations why didn't it work lack of faith why didn't that happen lack of faith why didn't we get results over here lack of faith hmm why didn't you get results lack of faith why didn't I get results lack of faith lack of faith missing your flesh don't like that answer does it what what answer does your pride like better God in his mysterious ways we don't understand it but he just chose not to do it no and then make up all this stuff about God's getting glory out of their suffering somewhere neither know when he's talking about suffering for the glory of God he not how am i suffering from the curse that you've been redeemed from that Jesus paid a price to get you free from he's talking about suffering persecution suffering not getting to do what you want to do having to submit your will to God I mean those those are the kinds of suffering he's talking about not suffering how understand if Jesus suffered it in your place why would he want you to suffer it No he bore our sins so we wouldn't have to pay the price of sin so we could be his righteousness and why did he take our sicknesses and carried our pains if why was the chastisement of our peace upon him and why did he become poor Bible said so he could be rich so he could be healed so he could be free I know a lot of people don't believe it but it makes me sure happy to believe it and you actually see it in the Bible when you read it without the colored glasses of tradition he said because of your won't of faith and he said for verily I say to you if you had faith as a grain of mustard you should say to this mountain removed only under place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible to you here's a little a little insight people who really do have faith you will not hear bragging about how much faith they have because they understand it you ever heard folks bragging about how much faith they have and their life as a shamble and amiss well they're confused it just ain't true and it doesn't take much of this powerful stuff to get results if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you say - does this mount remove history on the place it'll remove and nothing will be impossible - you said out loud all things are possible to him that believes thank you lord so don't get tired of hearing about faith he somebody's really talking about faith you need to say give me some I'll take some more please right there's no such thing if somebody has too much faith you never met anybody like that and you never will there's a whole lot of people that have none and there's a whole lot of people that's got just a damp a very little bit but again how much does it take thanks be unto God who is the god of faith who gives us the word of faith who ministers faith to us and quickens us now he went into some detail also about if you read the rest of this passage you'll also begin to see why they were in that shape he said in verse 20 because through your warn of faith and in verse 21 he said and this con does not go forth except in prayer and fasting now here's a truth that we need to be aware of it was the will of God for the boy to be delivered and healed right well you know Jesus didn't contradict the will of God so when he ministered to him and he was set free everything Jesus ever said and did is the express revelation of God's will right so it was always the will of God for that boy to be delivered and healed it was the will of God for it to happen these disciples are authorized by Jesus to minister deliverance and healing and they are empowered right to minister deliverance and healing and even though it's the will of God and they're authorized and they're empowered it didn't happen it can be the will of God for it to happen you can be authorized in the name of Jesus you can be empowered by the Holy Spirit and it still not happen do we see it here or not why because it takes faith it takes faith and if you read the whole accounts they're like we've studied in the beginning of this series you'll see they were arguing arguing about who is going to be the greatest among them and you see that when the anointing comes the enemy is afraid of the anointing what does the anointing do hmm it removes burdens it destroys yokes what businesses the devil in he is in the yoke business right he's in the burden business I mean it can take the enemy 20 years to get a terrible yoke established in somebody's life right it can take him 10 years to burden somebody down to the point where they are and the anointing in a moment I said the anointing in a moment can shatter that yoke so that they are completely free the anointing in a moment can lift that burden off of them so that they are free free free nd so if you're in the yoke business and the burden business the anointing is your worst nightmare the kid just shattered what it took you decades to build but the anointing doesn't manifest alone it's got to be released with faith mixed with faith you remember when the anointing came on Jesus at the River Jordan Spirit of God came on him into bodily shape and form as a dove you know what happened immediately after that the enemy came didn't he to tempt him and he tempted him severely for 40 days and 40 nights why why now wasn't he doesn't wasn't he the son of God and Son of Man last year and two years before right and when he was 15 and when he was 10 why now why now because it was just now that all this anointing came and the devil is scared spitless that if Jesus obeys God and mixes faith with this anointing yokes are going to be shattered from coast to coast and burdens are going to roll away like leaves in the fall and he was right so what did he do he came to get Jesus off too tempting and what was Jesus response to it back up a little bit what did he do for 40 days and nights fasting and prayer right and his response was the word the word the word now the servant is not above his master it's possible for you and I to have the same kind of works in our life that Jesus had didn't he say so if you believe on me the works I do you'll do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go to the Father but you will not be able to do them differently than he did them we will not be able to do it in a different way and if Jesus needed to fast and pray huh and stay close close close to the word and respond with the word that's the only way we'll be successful - what's the problem of not seeing the results and seeing the miracles lack of faith but you got to go back - why is the lack of faith and you'll see a connection lack of word lack of prayer lack of fasting now fasting doesn't give you faith and praying doesn't give you faith but it helps put your flesh under hmm I said it helps put your flesh under but we're having fun now do we believe in miracles hmm we've had some miracles but we all know we can have a whole lot more right what do we want to get there or do we just want to rock along and let's pretend if we're going to come up from where our faith has been lacking we're going to have the word right and prayer and fasting now fasting doesn't just mean not eating something fasting is not yielding to your flesh hmm not yielding to your natural desires and if you do that it that helps you to be more aware of spiritual things the more you yield to the flesh the more aware of the flesh you'll be the more you yield to the spirit the more aware of the Spirit you'll be and do you see where the enemy tried to get Jesus off if you be the Son of God command these stones that to be made bread if you be the Son of God throw yourself off the pinnacle of this temple he's trying to make it about him same thing that was happening with the disciples who's gonna be the greatest can you see this and Jesus said come learn of me I'm meek and lowly of heart do you know Jesus never took credit for one message he preached for one miracle that happened in his ministry because he's operating as a man he said I can of myself do nothing in my quoting scripture he said I only say what I hear him say I only do what see him too he said the father in me he does the work and when the devil's trying to say prove who you are prove what you can do he refused why he said I can of myself do nothing it is written it is written see friend if you do believe these things and you begin to press into the Lord he's ready for anointing to be manifested on you hmm do you believe this but if you begin to get serious about it and begin to get into position where things can happen guess who's gonna come I said guess who's gonna come and try to get you off and try to trip you up why because he's scared of that he's not scared of you as a human being but he's scared of what's in you and he's scared of what God can do through you and so what would he do same thing he's done over and over again same thing you're done without him and Eve he will come and try to get you off into thinking about you and who you are and what you can deter something great and especially some baby Christians haven't understood they thought well man I'm gonna pray and I'm go fast and I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna learn things that nobody else is learning and I'm gonna get power and they got an idea that they're gonna be some kind of a wizard some kind of sanctified wizard that they got power that they can do stuff with that I can do stuff by the power of God though the devil's got you where he won't you cuz that is not true and that'll never be true we don't do things by the power of God he does things by the hands of men come on are y'all with me vast difference whether you know it or not that was worth you combing your hair and coming out right right right there right there go with me to John please John chapter 14 we were talking about this but let's let's look at it some more John 14 and 10 Jesus said believe it's now not that I'm in the father and the father in me the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works did Jesus say I can do things if I want to and yet much of the church world preaches that people say well he walked on water you know what cuz he's Jesus he raised the dead well because he's Jesus and he's the son of God well he is Jesus and he is the son of God but they're implying that he did it with power that he had as God and that he just decided to do it and that is not true Philippians teaches that he emptied himself he laid aside his mighty weight in glory and became like other men did he or not and he did he did no miracles until he was baptized in the River Jordan and the Holy Spirit came on him don't you believe any of these apocryphal writings that has Jesus healing his little play friends as a child are healing little bird don't you believe it don't you believe it it's not true it's serious error and it's not that he was practicing some kind of holy magic hmm no what did he say he said I can of ownself do nothing he said read John carefully read chapters 5 reach chapter 6 read chapter 8 he says it repeated repeatedly I can of Mon self do nothing is that true or not within he's not doing this with power that he has as God he's operating just like you and I would have to if not how can we believe it when he says the works I'd do you'll do all so if he did them as God how are we gonna do I'm not gods you're not God how can you believe that but if he did him as a man hallelujah as a man with no unfair advantage over you and me if he did it as a man anointed with the Holy Spirit and he would anoint us with that same spirit then we can see the glorious possibilities but we'll have to do it the same way not some different way the servants not above his master and when all that anointing came on him here came the devil can you see this why he wants to stop this from happening he don't know everything but he knows some things he's been around a long time he's aware of some spiritual things and he knows he can see it if this anointing gets released it'll tear up his business right from north to south and east to west how it troubled him and then he came and for 40 days and nights he pulled out two stops he hit Jesus with everything that had ever worked on men and women throughout the ages and generations and Jesus just would not bite he would not yield to it he would not succumb to it he kept trying to get into to focus on him who you are prove who you are jump off this pinnacle show what you prove what you can do but Jesus not interested he wasn't interested in proving what he could do he was interested in doing exactly what the father told him to do he was completely submitted to the will of the Father he was completely submitted to the Word of God the devil couldn't do anything with him Oh friend how about you and me the reason the enemy has been able to mislead and confuse people so easily is because they've been so full of their self I'm gonna do something I'm gonna be something you hear people telling their kids you're gonna be the greatest prophet there's ever been don't tell them that you're going you're gonna do more than this you're gonna do more than that you're gonna do more the other you need to be telling them how to please God how to do his will it's ain't about you hmm I'm gonna be something I'm gonna do something you're already playing into the enemy's hand that's how he trips up people right and left we're gonna have the biggest this we're gonna have the greatest this what's that about people seeing you and knowing who you are hearing about you God's not in that I said God's not in that we don't do things by the power of God he does things well somebody say he does say he he does things by the hands of men men that are not seeking their own glory men that are seeking his glory men that are not wanting to do their own plan and will men and women that are wanting to do his plan here's well and there's never been a more perfect example of that than Jesus himself right how many want to be like Jesus you want to be completely submitted and yielded to the Word of God and the will of God it's not just fasting what do you say this kind comes out by what prayer and fasting you just fast and that's all you're doing to get spiritual you will get weird telling you you'll get off you'll get strange and if you're just fasting so you can get power you'll get off every time no what is it prayer and fasting you're you're not just fasting you're drawing close to God and you're using this opportunity to put your flesh under right so that your your spirit becomes more aware and the less flesh you've got going on the less the devil's got to work with and so when the enemy came to hit Jesus with both barrels what did he do he went into prayer and fasting mode and he gave the enemy nothing to work with he had out can you understand after 40 days his flesh voice you could barely hear it it's weak right he's not giving the enemy anything to work with when it gets serious and an enemy's pushing and you're not getting where you need to get how many know you need to get serious with God what do you do start fasting some stuff start fasting your hobbies and and your recreation and the entertainment not that all that's wrong and you can't do it some time but it's not time for that we need to get serious and skip some meals and don't just skip some meals to be doing it use the time to press into God is that right seek God with all your heart and mind soul and strength and every time something comes up about me and what I need and what I won't grab it and slam it down and say Lord I do like to do your will your I want your will I want your plan I want your way I want you to be glorified I want you to be exalted and if you really mean it and you really seek it how many know when you seek the Lord with all your heart what did he say you're gonna find you're gonna find me I'm gonna answer you I'm gonna show you can you hear that man he's crying out with tears I do believe Lord I believe what you're telling me I'm struggling here help me did Jesus meet him did he meet him why cuz he's serious he means business and when the disciples come and say well I want couldn't we get results over there he said well unbelief say law unbelief but then he gave him he gave him a porter on what to do about it what I'm gonna do it's not that they didn't know the will of God it's not that they didn't know they were authorized it's not that they didn't know they were empowered they knew it they've been doing it so what happened they got to carnal I mean if you're talking about who's the greatest in the bunch you're off track so what do you need then you need yourself some prayer and fasting huh you need to you need to take off your fancy clothes and quit putting your favorite things you like to eat in your mouth for a while and go stick your nose in the carpet and humble yourself before your Great God instead and acknowledge the Lord I know I am nothing I don't know anything I can't do anything without you I'm absolutely helpless without you and lay before him and seek Him and get serious so forgive me Lord if I've been stubborn if I've been foolish if I've been prideful I repent I humbled myself and how many believe if you draw near to him what will he do he will draw near to you he'll show you where you missed it he'll show you the change to make and that will make you shout I said that'll make you shout because then you know all I got to do is do this and it's gonna work I just do this and things to go don't change it's gonna start happening can you say glory to God now I know this is not as popular there's no fault religion problem with no-fault religion is you get no results oh it's comfortable on your flesh what you're getting over you get no miracles you get no results listen to these verses while we're on this subject here don't turn there just listen to them acts 5 and 12 acts 5 and 12 says and by the hands of the Apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people he how did it happen who did it by the hands of the Apostles God did it acts 15 and 12 acts 15 and 12 then all the multitude kept silence and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them who did it men they were having some outstanding things happen but Paul and Barnabas were not saying we did it man we have we have put in the work in the prayer and we've got to the place of power and come over here and I'll zap you that's just ain't real that's just not right it's not true what had happened they said man some things have happened God did it huh who did it come on who did it he did it he used us but he's the one who did it right Acts 1911 I like the way this says it so good you know there were some amazing things happen in the beginning days of the church Peter Peter would walk by people and his shadow come over him and then get healed in that amazing and they were taking cloths from that had been in contact with Paul's body and when they'd lay them on people that get delivered and healed what the Bible say was happening and Paul brought special miracles by the hands of God huh now why do I keep saying this because there's confusion about this and the enemy will try to mess with you around this know who did it who did it who did it who did it God brought special miracles is any special miracles getting wrong you can be sure it's God right that's doing it but he did it by the hands up-up he uses men he uses women yes doesn't he yes he uses our mouths he uses our words he uses our hands he uses our prayer he uses our obedience but when it's done it's him he did it it's just not a matter trying to be humble and not taking the glory to yourself if you got any sense you know you didn't do it right you know you didn't do it all you did is do what he told you to do and then he showed up and he did it he did it being humble is just being honest who Zachariah 4:6 anybody got this one marked hmm anybody know what it says the word of the Lord came to the rubble what did he say not by might not by power now he's talking about human might he's told my human power not by human might not by human power but by what but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts everybody said that out loud not by might not by power but by my spirit since the Lord said again not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord Oh hallelujah thank you everybody stand up on your feet can you listen standing up stand up on your feet close your eyes pray this prayer after me and then let's pray in the spirit some as well I'm going to truly believe that God is real and powerful and he's a good God and in his will is miracles and healing and if they're not they're not happening in situations it's not because it's not his will it's because of lack of faith said out loud father God I do believe I believe in you you are the Almighty God nothing's too difficult for you and you are the good good god it is your will that we be saved and healed and delivered and free and the lack of faith has been the hindrance and the problem not you not your goodness open my eyes open my ears to see any changes that I need to make how to seek you how to not seek my own glory how to seek your will your plan your purpose which is always good always Liberty always life always light always freedom Oh is victory hallelujah show me how to seek you how to give you place how to give you full place and give the devil no place give me utterance about what to pray what needs to be changed what needs to be done reveal it I ask in Jesus name
Channel: Free Word of God
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Id: aDbVbPHynh8
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Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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