Keith Moore - 2013 Greater Faith Conference - Pt.4 (Free From The Fear Of Man)

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turn with me please in the scriptures to the Book of Psalms Psalms Psalm 34 I know you thought is going to be marked but going a little bit different direction right now tonight aren't we thankful for the Holy Spirit he causes you to know exactly what to do and how to do it I'm so thankful that as we go in our life and ministry like the scripture said that the path gets brighter and ministry now compared to just a few years ago there there been times there is so much clearer I'll just know what's supposed to happen in the surface here and then here and then and very specific and it's getting clearer and it's getting stronger boy that's exciting that's exciting you know one of the most tormenting things is not knowing not being sure not being clear do you have the Holy Spirit in you will he lead and guide you into all the truth amen and teach you all things you need to know and bring everything to your remembrance that the Lord has said to you said out loud I'm getting clearer and clearer stronger instant proverb songs huh are we okay good some 30 force what I said and should have stayed with some 34 some 34 for what does it say I sought the Lord then what happened he heard me then what happened he delivered me from a lot of my fears huh huh if he delivered you from all your fears what would that mean how many would you have left good friend of mine we're in Bible School very studious and he kept looking in description this word all kept appearing you know all that called on him and all this and all that and boy he did an intense etymological study I mean he took it apart he went into the Hebrew and the Chaldean and the Greek in that Latin and the Aramaic he studied its history and its roots I mean extensive study and he told us he said this conclusion was what this word ALL in English from he named the other words what they were he said what it really means is all what does all mean it means everything included nothing excluded ALL means all and if he delivered you from Al of your fears you wouldn't have even a little-bitty fear left you wouldn't have one remnant of fear one vestige of dread remaining you would come be completely fear free you would have zero fear said out loud I called to the Lord he heard me he hears me and delivers me from all my fears that is happening in these days here in this meeting go with me to proverbs the 29th chapter proverbs 29 I want us to talk about a a particular fear a specific source of fear tonight and we're going to do it a little bit different way than the previous night's I believe this is how we're led but it is what proverbs 29 and 25 describes the fear of man the fear of man what does the fear of man do it brings a snare and when you're doing it you're not putting your trust in the Lord but he said whoso puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe so when you're fearing man it's in snaring you and you're not putting your trust in the Lord you're more concerned about a man and what they think or what they might say or do or not say or not do then you are what the Lord knows and sees and can do it is a big big problem and people may like to think well you know I'm above all that I've developed beyond that old man you you just see it everywhere you turn people are making decisions they are doing things not because the Lord directed them to do it but because of the fear of man they're not doing things because of the fear of men and when you let a fear lead you you're gonna wind up in a bad place to be spirit lead is far different than being fear led do you believe it says let me read this to you from some other translations the NIV excuse me the new living version the new living version says fearing people is what a dangerous trap but to trust the Lord means safety today's English version says it's dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you it's dangerous to be concerned why because if you get too focused on what they you you think and so much of it you know people don't even know what the people think they're just concerned about what they think they might think and what somebody else thinks they think and and that kind of ambiguity that kind of fear just opens the door wide open for the devil to come in and whisper all kinds of accusations to all parties involved and they're looking at each other and of course all of us got a funny look on their face because they're thinking this goofy stuff and the devil says you see that look right there I told you they don't like you there's cydnus about you and they said that about them and they said it's true and you're looking at boy they sure look like he's true whoo what if I do that and as sure as the Lord tells you to do something do you know what's gonna happen next the enemy is going to come and tell you if you do that it's gonna ruin your life if you do that man I mean your wife and your dog is gonna leave I mean if you do that you gonna lose every time you if you do that everybody will cross you off their list if you obey God and if you're more concerned about the fear of man then you are what the Lord knows and thinks you'll make the wrong decision you will go the wrong way and it'll lead you to destruction go with me if you would to the New Testament Galatians 2 let's see an example of this Galatians 2 and verse 11 again this is the amplified Galatians 2 11 and the amplified Paul says when Cephas Peter came to Antioch I protested and opposed him to his face for he was blamable and stood condemned well that took a lot of boldness didn't got to remember in these days Paul wasn't as well-known as Peter and for him to say this took some courage verse 12 for up to that up to the time that certain persons came from James he Peter ate his meals with the Gentile converts when the men from Jerusalem arrived he withdrew and held himself aloof from the Gentiles he changed what he was doing he changed who he was doing it with and why did he why he separated from a group of people and from fellowship why for fear of those of the circumcision party now who is this this is Holy Ghost filled Peter who preached on the day of Pentecost right thousands guys say it's probably the best-known best-loved individual in the church at this time a leader you know no there probably was no more leader well known or esteemed to be a leader than he and yet he was influenced by this and made a decision out of fear you know we don't know when we make especially ministers and pastors and leaders if we make a decision based on fear we have no idea of the ripples the ripple effect and I'm sure Peter was not thinking that his doing this he's going to seem to confirm the unscriptural anti grace doctrine of the circumcision party and that's why the Holy Ghost moves so strong in Paul that he knew he had to say something and he did it publicly but he didn't talk behind Peters back he did it in his face right which is the Honorable way to do it do you believe this things but I'm bringing this up to say don't think you are immune I don't care who you are Who I am how far we've come and people like to say well I don't care what people think about me most of time that's just not true they like say it they like to think so but it depends on who it is and what they think and what the circumstances are and the truth is you do care you do care what people think and especially what certain people think but you know who you ought to care the most about what they think your master the head of the church and what he knows excuse me what he knows should carry more weight with you than what anybody else including the people you love and respect the most down there in order to carry more weight with you than anything they might say or do or think you believe it Saints I felt like after talking with Phyllis last night that she had some things on her heart along this line and I've asked her to speak to you for a few minutes about it is that okay would you receive her Phyllis would you come thank you lord thank you lord outside of Jesus and the Holy Spirit this is the person in my life ready glory to God she has been and is the most amazing helper in the ministry and you know the things that we've done and the steps of faith that we've taken and didn't see how we could do it or how it could ever work out she has held my arms hallelujah and held them up and believed with us every step go ahead fill in and share what the Lord put on your heart come on yay well last night actually while he was teaching some things came up in my heart and I'll just say this in line of that you know God said do everything decently and in order and keeping I have worked together a long time and a lot of times the Lord has given me a lot of things and I never have felt the need to just make a scene about it or have to run up and and take the microphone away and say God gave me this I have to do it right now do you understand what I'm saying there's a God way to do things and there's a decent way to do things and when I told him about it last night he said yeah I want you to do that you know and and I believe when you do things the way that God deals with you about doing them there may be times that you may go home and you may think I had this well there's been a lot of times that I've gone home and thought you know well I had this but you know what then later on you realize you're gonna come in contact maybe with the person that you need to tell that to the very person you need to tell that to and you thought it was for everybody but maybe three weeks later it's for the very person that you need to - but you got it in a service six months ago do you understand what I'm saying so don't be so maybe antsy or you know because the devil likes to get us in trouble that's his favorite thing could get us in trouble so but anyway back to my subject last night I was sitting there and I got this so I want some of it I'm going to read because it was verbatim - what the Lord told me and so I want to make sure I get it the way that he told me he said this to me these words and you know how when the Lord tells you something he he just tells you but you see the whole thing it's like he told you something that could last a whole hour and a half you know in a sentence and this was the words seek God not people but I got the whole scenario so I'm gonna try and explain it to you in acts 4 21 you know Peter was there and the Sanhedrin were there and everything and and they were threatened him and everything but then verse 24 23 put that up if you would guys would 4:23 okay and in the NIV I'm sorry everything I'm doing I think it's gonna be and on their release Peter and John went back to their own people on their release they went back they'd been threatened things had been happening they they'd been attacked but on their release they went back to their own people and this is one of the things that the Lord dealt with me about why do so many people when things go bad for them they run away from the people that loves them and try to find something new they run away from their safety and try to find something that's better that's not what Peter did when he was threatened and things were bad and things bad happened to him he didn't say oh my god I'm getting hurt I'm in the wrong place this is not right this is not God and go let's go find something better he turned around and he went back to his own people so what brother Hagin used to tell us now I'm telling you I had this whole thing like he's preaching over there this whole scenario was happening to me brother Hagin when we were in his meetings all the time we would pray in the mornings and we would always pray this and this is all going on in my heart and mind while I'm sitting there brother Hagin would always say ëdonít a wonderful thing now put up the King James because he always said this when you get in trouble that you can always go back to your own company and they'll hook their faith with your faith and believe with you and I like my company he'd say I like who my company is because they'll believe with me they know how to pray they know how to hook with me they know how to believe God and they know how to get in faith why would you look for somebody else that don't know how to believe God and that's what he would say and so that's all going on in my heart and mind while this is going on and and I'm thinking that's what's happening to so many people today they're being attacked by the devil they're things that are going on in their life and instead of running back to their own company they're running away from their own company and running out to other places and searching and seeking other things then people that care about him and love them and believe in him that was one of the things he shared with me about it but this verse came with it and you all know it I'll just quote it to you don't be deceived or mislead evil companions communions associations corrupt depraved good manners and moral character so he said that to me and I thought well what do you mean by that Lord what do you mean by if we don't go back to our own company and we start going to other people well then I'm seeing the scenario in my mind it causes you to do things that you wouldn't do normally it causes you to basically go a different direction than you would if you'd stayed with your company it causes you to get on a different path what people do is they go to these other people and begin to seek what they're saying about it because this isn't right anymore I've had troubles I've had tests I've had trials so instead of going back to their own company and getting with God and praying this was the other thing that came up in my heart brother Hagin said when that kind of thing would happen I'd get with my company and we would pray he said you know the trouble with people today they don't know how to pray he said they go to God for five minutes he said and then they get up and they try to find it another way because they don't want to pray he said when I first started praying he said I'd pray an hour into Holy Ghost and he said and the devil would tell me look at what a mess you did that you didn't achieve anything you didn't accomplish anything he said so you know what I did I got back down on my knees and I prayed another hour I said no devil if you tell me that when I pray this hour what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna double up again and I'm gonna pray another hour or another two hours so what happens is people instead of trying to go to God for their answers they're seeking other doctrines they're seeking other things because they don't want to spend the time with God to find out the answers they want to find a quick fix for the answers they want to find another way to do it but the only way to do it is to seek God and not people brother Hagin said he used to have to get on his knees and anybody how many have you ever heard him tell these things that he spent an hour in prayer in the devil laughed at him and make fun of him said aren't you a pretty sight you wasted this time you should have been in the church taking care of this and taking care of this and taking care of this you should have been visiting these people and taking care of this and taking care of this and here you are you wasted that whole hour he said well mr. devil just for that I'm gonna pray another hour and if you say it again I'm gonna double it up then he said but by the time he got to what was it the third hour he hit a gusher and got his answer now he didn't go seek this person's opinion in this person's opinion in this person's opinion and a new doctrine in a new place and changed everything he was doing he went to God and found out the answer but with our busy lives today nobody wants to take one hour much less three hours to spend with God and find out the answer for themselves they wanted to find it out from somebody else so this is what the Lord told me last night you know Keith's been teaching us from the word that there's no fear in love and that we're not to yield to fear but to faith and he even said this statement he said there is a truth for every terror you remember that well Keith is a visionary and I'm a doer so when I hear him teaching on something I'm constantly thinking okay so how do we do that I do that's what I do how do we apply that what do we do where's the practical side of that what do we do to apply that because when he says something we are the doers I do it then I make Dave do it that I make Rob do it then I make Dan do it then we do it okay that's what we do so last night when he was teaching this is what came up with my heart I'm thinking about how do we practically apply this word that he's saying okay there is a truth for every terror and there's no fear in love and yield to you yield to fear you don't yield to fear but you yield to faith and this came up very very strong in my heart that so many ministers are getting in fear about losing people about losing people that if they'd hold to the truth instead of the terror that there's no fear in love and they would think totally different their results would be totally different let me explain okay if you saw a person or a family leave your church and go to another church or you saw or you're a minister and you saw you're a traveling minister and you saw a partner go to another ministry and hook with them or give to them or something and you immediately thought well maybe that's better for them and I know they'll be a blessing to that church and you think in love instead of in terror that you're losing somebody are in terror that you're being selfish that you're going to lose their money and you're not going to have enough to do what you need to do but you think in love it could be better for them it's definitely gonna bless another pastor then God can in turn bless you because that's what love does and let me explain to you what he was telling me what people are doing is they are trying to chase people they're trying to chase what's going on in society maybe all the programs this church is doing this church has this group in this church has this group in this church has this program in this church has this program and we don't have all that so we don't have all these people or this church has this music thing or this church has this music thing or this church doing their music this way or this churches dressing this way or this church is doing this or this churches doing that and maybe if we would do that we'd have more people well you want to know the big problem with that did God tell you to do it that way because if God did not tell you to do it that way you could be getting the wrong people in your church and the wrong people in your church could just be a problem for you and a drain on you and not a blessing to you they could eat your counseling time they could cause you to be at the hospital for visitations 24/7 you want the people in your church or in your ministry hooked with you that God wants hooked with you not people that are not supposed to be hooked with you when we pray for these meetings we don't just pray God send us everybody that's supposed to be in here see I mean just send us everybody everybody come everybody could fill every seat god everybody come no we pray God everybody that is supposed to be here send them and God everybody that's not supposed to be here keep them away because who wants to deal with any pastors ever do deal with any trouble people are they a blessing to you they're not a blessing and they will occupy your time and there'll be a problem for you and and they're not a blessing to you so why are you trying to do the things that the devil wants you to do that encourage those people to come to you because that's the only people come when you follow the devil's path right people come when you follow God's Way wrong people come when you follow the devil's way because everybody has a person that they're supposed to go to they have people that they're supposed to hook with everybody don't like teeth and I do you know that and everybody's not supposed to be in these seats do you understand that and everybody's not supposed to be in your church let me give you an example I had the privilege and it was one of the greatest joys of my life and I hope I get to do it again with this church some but to be over our youth group in Branson and we didn't have a youth group to start with we just had nobody doing our youth because everybody that we knew told us to have a youth group you have to get some young rock-and-roll kid to do your youth group that will attract all the youth it's what everybody told us but I would pray and I would pray and I would pray and let's say God what do you say about the youth and this kept coming to my mind every time I would think about the youth every time the youth would cross my mind this would come to my mind brother Hagin would say you know what we took a poll on our radio broadcast and they told us that more youth listened to us than any other minister even the youth ministers on the radio and do y'all remember how he said that that was reckless than anybody because they wanted to hear the truth of the word for themselves so that's the web tricked Lord show us how to do it so when we started our youth group I just didn't do anything not because I was trying to be rebellious or because I was trying to be different I was trying to do it the way I felt like the Lord was dealing with us to do it and you know what I don't look like no punk rock rocker I can't even sing so we started our youth group that night and you know what we did I said y'all want music would y'all like to have some really good music in here and of course they all yelled from the rafters yes I said we can have the very best music or y'all game part they said yes I said we could have drums and guitars and singers and everything they said yeah and their faces lit up and I said great are y'all ready and they said yeah they said how are we gonna get I said you're looking at him you're looking at him I said who wants to play the piano and one kid goes I said who wants to play the drums another kid goes who wants to play the bass and other kid goes who wants to play the guitar another kid y'all ever played those very kids today are playing in our church on the main platform and every few years we just laid our hands on them we prayed over him and we said Lord anoint them they got to do this we got to do this you know the first song we played in youth mary had a little lamb and i remember one other time we said we played a christmas song what was it Carrie you remember that night in youth we played it was a I can't remember what it was but they knew it it was some a little Christmas song they played with one finger somebody had taught him I can't remember what it was but anyway that's the way we did our youth band and they have done an extraordinary job but now the reason that I'm telling you that is and we didn't have the preaching nobody stood up behind the pulpit we made a circle and the youth taught me because they like teaching teenagers like telling you everything so I thought tell me tell me but tell it to me from the Bible you want to have sex tell me how to do it prove it to me you want to drink prove it to me from the Bible you want to be rebellious to your mom and dad prove it to me tell me anything you want to tell me just tell me and they do it week after week after week after week and I loved it but I didn't do it the way anybody else said do it but now those very same youth are playing all these instruments and they're doing all this stuff but the reason I'm telling you that is because these youth have a purpose now do you understand that they have a reason to come to youth instead of just sit there and listen to somebody preach at them they get that every day in school they get that from their parents they get that from their neighbors and the reason I'm telling you this is because your church is an individual Church your ministry is an individual ministry just like everybody's marriage is a totally different thing everybody's Church is supposed to be totally different I just told miss Gloria this yesterday in the car I said you know what the most amazing thing to me about having two churches is it's like two kids they are totally different they come from the same parents but they're totally different and that's the way every church or every ministry is supposed to be not one of them is going to be the same we all have the Holy Ghost living inside of us and we should all seek God and say God what do I do how do I do it tell me what am I supposed to do do I have do I have service on Sunday do I have it on Saturday do I have it on Monday do I have a service on Wednesday night or Thursday night do I have a sir do we have prayer do we have this do we have that what do I do or do we just go down the road and say okay this is a church we check off this box okay we're doing this okay we have marriage classes so thank you do we do this do we do because somebody else did it the worst thing about that is and this is one of the things that the Lord shared with me last night he asked me this question if they're not following me who are they following and this is what he asked me ask him if any of them has ever had any trouble with their finances he told me to ask you that and I thought why he said because if you're doing programs and doing things that God did not tell you to do you're spending money on things he didn't tell you to spend it on and you ain't gonna have it to spend it on things he does tell you to spend it on it's like giving money to somebody that he didn't tell you to give it to and then he tells you to give it to this person and you don't have that money anymore because you gave it to this person so you've been spending of money on the young adults class did he tell you to have a young adults class did he tell you to have your youth go to a ski trip every fall just because everybody else doesn't you're afraid you're gonna use lose them you gotta check in with him and you gotta find out what he's telling you to do seek God not people if you lose them they weren't yours anyway and guess what they ate yours anyway to start with they belong to God and we're just the overseers to help lead them and if they leave you just give them a nice place to come back just love on them it's like oh we love you you want to come back we're here we're not going anywhere we're still gonna be here doing the same thing go out there we're gonna be here we love you don't make it hard on him to come back make it easy on him to come back then there was one other thing that the Lord dealt with me to tell you too many people in church circles and ministry circles or recycling the same people instead of reaching out for the unsaved and new people that's why they're so concerned if they lose one person record how many people there are in the world that are unsaved and if will seek Him he will show us how to get them but the problem is everybody is in fear about losing one going to another church and not spending time on their knees seeking Him because there's do you have every person in your city state we don't there's a whole world out there people that we can get saved and lead to the Lord we don't have to be concerned about losing one to this church or losing one to this church or tend to this church and the worst thing we should not do is do something just because somebody else is doing it because we're afraid we're going to lose somebody it's total fear because everybody's doing their programs this way we change everything in the church to make it look like every other Church and we have to seek God about it is he pleased with it is this what he wants us to do then like what Keith was just saying and I was thinking when he was saying it we're not doing everything right don't I would never dare to say that we're doing everything right we're doing our best to do what we know that the Lord's directing us to do but I am thankful that when we hear from him we do our best to follow what he's saying and the money has been coming in and when he was saying that I was thinking that I don't want to set something up just because we haven't started youth here yet we don't have Sunday School classes we have I bet you Dave could tell you every other week of somebody that says do y'all have this do y'all have this do y'all do this have y'all got this do y'all have this program do y'all have this program do y'all have minister to this y'all have this do y'all have that but you know what the worm said she free and everybody that's just looking for a little program that they can get involved with this and involved with this and involved with this a lot of times it's just trying to avoid getting the word they want a social club and not the word so you have to be their leader not their friend and you have to say you know what we have church on Sunday morning and the word goes forth and this is what you need and it'll change your life forever and you won't need a break free from this and you won't need to get set free from this and you won't need a deliverance from this brother Hagin used to tell us about that all the time you should say this month we had to get free meeting next month we had a set free meeting in the next month we had a deliverance meeting in the next month we had a no more bondage meeting in the next month we had a he said because everybody was trying to do something every month to keep things going and he said none of it was any good the only thing that's any good is what God tells you to do and it's the word that sets people free it ain't programs it ain't all the things that people try to get you to do if you do everything that everybody wants you to do you're gonna be worn out from the time you get up in the morning till the time you go to bed at night and worse than that you gonna be broke and you're gonna be divorced because you can't do it because I tell you what if Keith met with every woman that called and asked for him to meet with her I'd slap them around every day I'm telling you the truth we had this one woman call one time she said I want to give you a million dollars but I want you to meet me over here just hotel he says huh I don't think so but it's a million dollars I don't care if it's ten million dollars he ain't going [Applause] they never met me had they robbed she said what you're not very excited about a million dollars what's 1 million dollars in light of losing your ministry you losing the call on your life and it's the same thing I'm saying a million dollars but what is one program what did Moses do Moses did one thing different than what God told him to do and it cost him one thing different than what God told him to do we don't want to be that way we want to do exactly the way God tells us to do it and then God has a right to bless everything that we do everything that we say everywhere that we go and then you can just pour the blessings on pour the blessings on so the word for you is seek God not people not people's approval and not just to get people in seek God and not people seek God and not people that's all I got operate the gun hallelujah hallelujah that was excellent thank you lord thank you lord I thought that was the Lord do you I believe that's the Lord that's the Lord I I agree with what brother Kenneth says I'm glad God didn't give me no chicken woman she's the real deal got some Tabasco there Cajun you know romans 12 and verse 2 Romans 12 and 2 says what B it's upon the screen be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what what is not what's politically correct or popular what's the good and acceptable and perfect will of God there is this pressure brought to bear throughout the earth all the world system and it's way too much in the church to press toward conformity be like us do it like us now you can't do that with nobody's ever done it that way if we don't do it that way no you can't do that and the Spirit of God specifically told us commanded us do not be conformed don't allow yourself to be molded and shaped and cookie-cutter like everybody else you be transformed by the renewing of your mind and prove what's the good and acceptable and perfect will of God we have in our midst a couple of people that I believe are some of the best examples of nonconformist in our generation brother Kenneth and miss Gloria Copeland have preached what the Lord said when nobody liked it you believe it and have stood up and been a witness and believed for things that other folks mocked and fought against I mean whole groups of folks join together against them and aren't we glad that they did not buckle they did not conform we are different people because of and I asked brother Kenneth if he had a few words to say about this and he said yes in Oklahoma City 1967 I was brother Roberts driver that afternoon we were headed toward the Convention Center where he was preaching that that day and very quiet in the car the presence of the Lord was was just heavy in the car and suddenly he was he was reading and suddenly he said Kenneth I felt like I like jumped out of guard it startled me so I said yes sir he said people will always tell you you can't do it buddy but if you will do these three things you will always succeed I've learned over the last 46 years since that day that he was exactly right and we still glory and I still practice this today and when you if you would do these things you won't have any fear of people or what they tell you it will eliminate the situation that creates fear of what other people think or what they might say and like Keith said we you know we've had a lot of people made a life's work out of right and ugly books about us you know he said number one find out the will of God and you don't need to be out talking to somebody else trying to find that out this is what Phyllis was referring to when she says spend time with God because it's his plan his purpose and his pursuits now brother Robert said find out the will of God number two confer no longer with flesh and blood don't ask on whether you can or whether you can't once you know the will of God confirm no longer with flesh and blood number three get your job done at all cost when you know what God has planned then you seek him for the carrying out of the plan this takes away all fear of what somebody else might think or what somebody else might do now here's a lot of times I've been corrected of this myself particularly back in the earlier years of the of this ministry seek the Lord and you find out that he wants you to build a church building on that corner and then you jump run go to bank try to get the money instead of staying there after he found out that you're supposed to build the building and you're supposed to build it on that corner don't jump run find out what you're supposed to do next he has a plan and he thinks a whole lot more of you than the bank does hey oh yeah he'll give you more than you're worth now what that when you know the will of God and you lock in with him there's no use in you going into action until you know the plan don't get disturbed thinking well I got to do something no you don't I found out that I didn't have to do much most of the stuff I came up with gotten away go pray that God I could just relax and rest in him and he'd tell me what to do go do it amen now inside that don't ever read anything about yourself in print good or bad you let your staff know don't ever bring me a newspaper article that has my name in it I will not read it and you're gonna be in trouble the minute you bring it in there on my desk I'm not interested in what they think about me did you ever notice when somebody says something or write something ugly about you did you ever notice how that nags that you hangs around and you're out there being nice and smiley at the front door and somebody comes up just sass is your real bad and just tell you what a real jerk you really are and how you rape the scripture the smart guy and all the nice words everybody said get drowned out with that idiots forgive me sir but that that poor fellas words and you let you hear him for three or four weeks is going over and over over and over don't hear it in the first place you won't have to put up with that some of you stand out there in front of the church just because other pastors do it that's where they brag on you and that's the stuff you won't try to get rid of when they're talking nice about you and that's what you really need to get rid of when they're bragging on you so you just be a whole lot better off you didn't hear either one of them yeah but better cope or not now so you gonna give me an excuse when you guys stand out there and listen to all that shake everybody's hand as they go out the front door and listen to all that and would you show me that in the scripture where said thou shalt stand in the front of the church and seek everybody's now the Lord told you to be out there you better get your pretty self out there every time if he didn't you need to take a look at it and find out why you were there hey there's just a whole lot of stuff like that that has nothing to do with the spiritual health and climate of a strong church or a strong ministry Amen you know the you know the plan you know what God has in it what he has told you to do then get your job done at any cost go get it done hey man the Lord had tilled brother Roberts to build a building he said man go dig a hole it may not have money enough doing up dig a hole go dig it start he says go you go stop you stop we were about well we had the walls up and and about oh I guess probably two-thirds of the way through with our headquarters building there and in fort worth building a debt-free and ran out of money I said Lord what do you want me to do he said just roll the care of it over on me sweep it out and go home so that's what we did I didn't go back out there for eight months what if I want him I want to go out there for a mope around that have finished building I couldn't care less but in my care I'm not the one that was told to build it I didn't tell me to do it the Lord told me to do it hey I'm not a money raiser I preach the word I didn't go back out there I actually rode the care of it over on him and and turned around and looked at the thing walked off and didn't go back for eight months somebody said oh brother Copeland it must have been heavy on I forgot about it like the cowboy said you have no idea how much I don't care I got a phone call they said there's a guy out here this that want to know what wood to do with a load of something he's got out to in front of the building I said what is it they said it's a truckload of sheetrock so I said well what did he tell you they said well he said hurry up let's unload this I've got another truck the same size I'm supposed to bring we didn't order any sheetrock but it came the Lord said his time go back to work and don't stop this time amen we finished the bill now if I sit around and worried all over that and I'm toiled over that got under pressure gone down to Bank violate what God told me to do in first place stay out of debt out of fear of people laughing at me cause I couldn't finish the building I don't care now I can say I don't care but I am not telling you the truth unless I have cast that care according to the scripture first Peter 5 6 through 10 he will exalt you strengthen you establish you if you won't carry the care that's when you get in trouble with people that's what creates the fear of people if you're carrying the care of what they think or say but if you roll all the Care over on the Lord and actually practice it it tries to come across your mind and you just stop and say out loud that's not my thought I'm not touch it I don't have that care I don't have to finish that building I don't care if it ever gets finished if the Lord doesn't do it whoever does it does it in vain so what I care well all I do is preach the word that's my job in season out of season that's what I do amen now if I get if I decide I'm supposed to do a bunch of other stuff that's when I get in trouble my jobs preach the word it's his job to build a church it's his job to build a ministry it's his job to handle the finances it's his job to do all that I just preach the word amen and it really hadn't done anything different for the four four to six years so why I changed it now he scattered it all over the world I couldn't get it out of Tarrant County but when you went when you are focusing on what he's called you to do preach the word stay focused on step one step two and step three you have no fear of anybody else no fear none don't read the ugly stuff they say about you don't pay any attention to it don't even listen to it and for whatever you do don't believe it when they brag on you don't be reading that either amen just bypass all that and give yourself a faith break over a period of time fear of people get swallowed up in the love of people the love of God perfected love developing growing love casts out fear amen can you say amen to that praise God thank you brother Keith thank you sir thank you very can Oh hallelujah thank you lord a my own glory to God how many treasure those words those are words to live by from proven demonstrated ministry hallelujah do you believe it thank you lord
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 8,470
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Id: 2zsKxeBgbM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 18sec (3798 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2013
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