Keep your room cool without AC! How to Install Solar Window Film - LiftNest

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clean window measure and cut film identify clear liner wet window and film remove clear liner apply film the glass smooth film trim film squeegee dry oh this is easy this should be no problem you get this done in a minute [Music] [Music] I'm Peter Mart welcome to lift nest so today we've got this very bright very hot window I can actually feel the heat coming right off so we're gonna learn how to put some heat control window film on this window to control the heat because it's hot it's summertime the Sun bakes in this south-facing window all day it's an office gets hotter than anywhere else in the house make it a little more comfortable shall we so the first thing you want to do is clear out any obstructions from your windows trust me this is gonna be a lot easier to take these guys off instead of trying to work around so if you have any balance or any blinds just go ahead and remove those this one's gonna be pretty easy it's set up like a lot of blinds you have a little piece of plastic that clips into the metal bracket that holds the blinds and this guy should just pop right out or we'll just break it and buy new ones it's not my house what do I care right so all we gonna do is just pop the clip and it's just a little hook clip on the back side and that's it right there it just clips in we've got four of these guys holding it should yeah makes a little noise kind of a scary breaking noise but as you can see we are professionals we haven't broken anything every time you see a set of blinds a lot of times the hardware the strings everything that makes the blinds raise and fall are gonna be contained inside this metal track when you install blinds usually you have a little plug that goes in on both sides and there's always a little trap door right from this sides wide open now now this is a very heavy set of lines so you have a couple of extra supports in the middle now these supports are actually going to hook over well we're gonna have to carry this guy right out and voila no more blinds we cleared off everything that was protruding over the window to make it easier so it's just blank slate and if you notice there's some dirt some stuff looks like stucco leftover from the recent stucco job that was on there we're not really concerned about the outside of the window we're concerned about the inside because we're gonna do all of this work from the inside where it's nice and cool so first thing we need to do is clean off this window and it's as simple as taking some Windex wiping the window down and also there's a few things if there's if there's anything protruding on the window if you have a sticker if you have any paint do you have any gunk on the window we're gonna have to clear that off because we don't want to put the film over that it's all it's gonna do is create a bubble it's gonna look like a big butt so the first thing you want to do is scrape the window down it's a pretty clean window I mean we got a little bit of dirt a little bit of dust on it but the one thing I'm worried about is this sticker take a nice flat razor right on the edge and this is a little bit of an older sticker you can tell the older ones tend to flake a little bit more the newer ones that have been on there for just a small amount of time let's start to peel back you can see the gummy stuff is still a little chewy on there and it's a kind of a catch-22 whatever works best if you want to you want to keep hitting it piece at a time but just make sure you're not getting the gummy parts on the blade because it will fold back over and you'll end up just smearing it back so sometimes it's easier just to do a solid scrape all the way across sometimes it's easier to just break it through back and forth back and forth then just rub your finger over it make sure there's nothing left and it looks like we did a good job good job razor you did great so we got the obvious stuff off of the window the other thing you may want to do is rub the blade over your window just to catch any anything you may have missed pretty bright window you may not be able to catch everything with your eye but he's definitely gonna catch it with a razor blade you now that we've scraped the window it's time to clean the window and this is just a standard cleaning solution that you can get anywhere on the planet and any kind of cloth or even a paper towel won't work at this point so what's a generous generous cleaning solution on their drive around in a circular motion or up and down either way and go through it one more time just minds me of being a kid gonna clean windows about 30 years nicotine dust good old San Fernando air and there now once you clean the window if you look out and you still see streaks in the window that means there's still dirt on there so feel free to clean it again and again and again because once you clean this window that's as clean as it's gonna get anything you could still see in this window is gonna be under the film and you're never gonna be able to get to it without taking the film off so now that we've cleaned it we can actually see if there's any spots that we missed all the way down to there down here you don't have to worry too much about it cuz we're actually gonna cut the film back just a wee bit off of this corner for a little expansion so I would suggest once you clean the window off with Windex and a regular paper towel take a lint-free cloth and just go over it just to make sure there's no pieces or fibers from the paper towels that are stuck on the window just one nice little brush all the way through and this window is very very clean now all the dirt we're seeing is actually on the back side of the window on the outside of the window that's fine so now we've cleaned the first window it's time to clean the second window I got so good at cleaning the first window that this one's gonna be so much easier what I'll get at the time [Music] now it's time to measure these squeaky clean windows anytime you see a measurement it's usually left to right top to bottom so it's length by height so these windows are gonna be roughly thirty three and a quarter by 37 and a half 33 and a quarter 37 and a half 33 and a quarter 37 and a half 33 and for 37 and a half now it's time to open the box and what we're using is nila nila hopefully they will sponsor this episode a as at least $10,000 to show this video I know they made their own but if the cars gonna be like that so it's the heat control window film this is the goods this is the stuff [Music] I put this on my head I would look like destro nobody knows death [Music] so if you forgot to bring tape actual scotch tape or just any kind of adhesive clear tape is easy to find easy to use but if you ran out what you can always do is take a sticker that comes with a film cut it up into at least three strips and hold onto these for later and I'll show you why in a second tools you're going to need permanent marker pair of scissors and a straightedge the rolls are 36 inches wide and our genius producer produced a 36 inch straightedge we're gonna roll this guy out and I'm just gonna set this straight edge right here just to hold the end down roll it out these are in Spanish so our measurement for the window is 33 in a quarter by 37 and a half the film is conveniently 36 inches wide so as far as the 33 and a quarter goes and it's gonna cover it quite nice lately so we don't have to trim any edges in fact we're gonna use one of the factory edges on one side so we save one edge of trimming saves a lot of time the length is 37 and 1/2 a little bit longer than 36 so when you measure it out you always want to add about an inch or two usually about an inch so that way you have a little bit of room in case you don't get it just square it away exactly or for whatever reason you want to leave a little bit extra so 37 and a half I'm just gonna go 38 1/2 and I'm using just a sharpie right here and I can go 38 and a half off of that edge I'll measure the other side 38 and a half yeah we take our straightedge run it right on that edge right there here and you don't have to make an entire line you can actually just go increments as long as you know where your line is [Music] because my first left-handed line I've ever done in my life now you don't have to chomp at it I have to do this it's not you're not your barbershop all you have to do is get a little air under it and cut in and close down we should probably measure it one more time just to make sure just to make sure okay yeah measure this many times for you so I'm gonna do is open that up and you don't have to chomp it into a like pac-man you can just graze across keep one side taunt if you lift it up a little bit that way it'll just smoothly come out the same edge as the scissor edges not the bottom that didn't make sense it's okay didn't make sense to me either right over here now better film cut and ready to go since we have two windows to do this again this is what we say the sticker point if you don't have any tape in scotch tape you can take the sticky piece of a sticker lay it on the bottom sticky side up and you can lay the other side of the sticker right here and then once these two guys are pressed together once you start pulling on the part they are gonna peel off the protective layer which is this clear layer and the film itself is actually the underside and the side that's gonna stick to the window is what used to be touching the productive layer now it's gonna be touching the window so as we peel it back we're gonna spray it with the adhesive spray to keep down the static cling and keep it nice and smooth before we put it on the window so here's the window film application solution don't drink it and don't put it in your eyeballs put it right on the window that's what it's made for off turns to on and before we put the film on we got to spray the window down I just hope it doesn't dry now this is where the third piece of tape comes in you can hold down one corner of your table one corner of your film now as you bring this guy across fairly fairly generously across here and the last thing you want is to have a pinch is that pinch like I just did and they start to wander out into attention later on [Music] [Music] and you're gonna want to work from the middle out this guy up here and the one thing you may want to do is not do it on a very hot day what it's gonna do is make everything dries that much faster make it that much harder so the reason why we're putting the solution on the window film itself is we want to keep it nice and smooth that makes a squeegee run nice and smooth on the window [Music] this way we can run this guy out makes a good sound and we lucked out so far say we're 100% what now I know in the actual instructions it says to leave a couple of leave a couple of inches off but I put film on which I do all the time I like to go very very close to the edge so you get everything out of the way I can already feel the difference in the temperature as when I stand over here it's actually pretty hot I feel the heat radiating in over here nothing it's like a minute arctica rate amazing now it's time to trim the window film we've got it we've got all the air bubbles and brushed out to the edge and again you want to start in the center and you want to work your way out because this film is gonna be on the same plane as the glass you just want to keep the bubbles worked out you want to keep it nice and flat so snow stretching no holds no compounding of the film one thing I would suggest if this is your first window start trimming in a corner that nobody really looks at make it your first one and make it your test corner in fact I'm gonna start trimming this corner right down here we're gonna use a regular old utility knife it's a tool that I know how to use really well we'll see about that and and if you notice I lined up one edge right here so it's a little bit easier to trim out [Music] now if you get into a corner like this you do have the option to go ahead and splice it out just like that it's that way the corner wraps in nicely and you don't get pinched up on that corner so you don't get the giant bubble now and then I'm actually gonna try to follow the trace whether straight inside without cutting through [Music] now the other thing I would suggest too is if you have a bookshelf that's this close to the window we'll do that on the next one [Music] [Music] when you do pull it you may want to pull away from the window is that way there is anything catching it's not gonna pull it too far away the window is so when you're doing a side windows we're almost suggest going from the bottom up and here's the reason why you go from the bottom up or leave a little bit on the top edge because you don't want to scrape into the window this way you always want to cut away from a corner [Music] [Music] [Music] so the one thing about these little rubber guys is a little rubber grommets on these aluminum windows is that they flex so when you gonna cut I'm gonna be really careful you don't run into a situation where and they cut it that's what's running into here cut it just a wee bit short you may run into a little bit of a back bubble foot that's why I'm here to tell you always lift that guy up or you can trim it just a wee bit shy so the way I'm gonna do it I'm gonna take this blade turn it backwards so the sharp bends and not going into direction I'm going in and I just stuff it right under there and I don't know if you noticed that can you see right in there where the window film is right on the edge of that rubber edge guy that could potentially cause a little problem so you have one or two options you can just take the blade and run it down just a little bit to make sure the window film catches right underneath there it's still gonna have plenty of room to flex and move around in there this way you don't end up with any bad little bubbles on the side and where the window film is tucked underneath there that's in this corner yeah now chances are you're not gonna put this on exactly straight if you can great you can line up one edge right on to the edge of the windowsill and they already got one side trimmed out but if you have an edge that tapers out like this one I got a little bit longer here off of this side and very short right to the edge on this side always want to start with the longer side out kind of hard to start digging into the window film when it tapers off ever so slightly you may end up tearing it you may end up pulling it away from the window itself you always gonna want to start off on a point in a corner just slice it right off the corner right there think of it as like putting carpet sideways onto the wall and this I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna pull the blade back just a little bit so I can use the knife itself to actually rest the edge on in that way it works as a pretty good guide as far as where I'm gonna cut the film at start on the corner towards the corner sure that's cut good to go we're appeared in the corner [Music] [Music] if you're looking for a good squeegee you can either use a credit card or you can use this credit cards number four eight six two three six eight two and then you use that credit card number to buy so after you take a straight edge a little bits a little bit more of a stiff straight edge not a squeegee you get rid of some of these fine fine bubbles one thing you may want to run into one thing you may run into is if you go a little too fast you may end up with these these folds in the film and these are the folds where the air bubbles caught up to themselves and it could be a few different reasons it might be the window was drying out too fast it might be an overzealous person on the card but if it looks like that you're gonna have to live with see if we can get this guy to line up on one edge here let's close very very close [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so right now we use the squeegee to get most of the big bubbles out and squeegee does leave behind a couple of these faint little bubbles and all I'm doing is using a harder edge the credit card is a perfect tool for that especially when the credit card is not yours and you can just smooth some of these bubbles out take them right to the edge [Music] [Music] okay we've got our film up and we're going to put this guy back up in there and what works well setting one side in getting the other side to go in and it fits nicely right back where we found it this guy supported on these two in the middle got these caps we'll shut the doors on both ends I don't know if you notice but it's a little bit darker in here and if you look on the outside of the house the windows are actually a little more reflective and reflecting the heat back out into the atmosphere probably causing global warming but I don't think this is a very this is a very common tool that we use here it's a miniature step stool it's probably not rated for my weight trying to lose a little weight get my buck back and then we're gonna clip these guys back in easiest way to get these guys to clip back in is he lay it down right inside the rail because the rail has a little lip on it set these guys in and just fold it back over there you go so the film is on it's trimmed it's cut everything is in the trash the blinds are back up I feel less heat coming in up the window and I'm just gonna check the edges always want to do this before you walk away from a job just to make sure there's no bubbles make sure all the edges are clean and neat and we had a little bit of a problem corner down here this guy was being a bugger and these aluminum windows these sills they actually have a rubber seal all the way around it it's kind of tricky to trim in and out of sometimes when you trim it you have to peel the rubber back and stuff of tint all right that sums it up if there's a job that you need done that you haven't seen us do yet go ahead and fill out the request form on lift nest we'll go ahead and find a great place to either fix that job so you can see us do it or we may even come to you and fix your job for you [Music]
Channel: LiftNest
Views: 3,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keep your room cool without AC, how to install solar film, how to install a Gila Heat Control, lower heat from window, cool down a room, installing sun film, working with heat resistant film, installing solar window film, LiftNest, window film, window, heatwave, how-to, instructional, tap, plastics, film, install, apply, windows, films, tints, tint, tinting, Gila, window tint, DIY, DIY window film, energy saving, reduce heat, heat control, decorative, home improvement, how to tint, Gilla
Id: hPODuxEz-5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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