Keep the Fire Burning - Leo Carlo Panlilio

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so how many of you ready for the word how many of you are ready for the word it's just the first the second week of 2019 I'm expecting more five more energy than that can you but you know you bad guys are $20 dollars you buy I'm bigger than I am W oh come on right say that message so I mean forget the past you can never do anything about 2018 that's done that's done time to move on time time to be on fire for God okay anyway that's very solder we just want to thank you God for this wonderful afternoon I pray Lord God that once again you set our lives set our hearts on fire or may will may we experience your love and your passion in a in a different in a far better way but if we have experienced your fire and your love and your awesomeness or God last year then let it be more intensified let it be more powerful this year Lord set our hearts on the fire and teachers learn how to keep this fire ablaze to keep this passion this love ablaze in our hearts in Jesus name Amen amen come on let's give load a clap at the beginning of the year are you so actually now honey no no by the way how many of us have been has been joining us maybe just at least maybe for some of us you have at least know came for one day during our last week's week of fire can can you raise your hand just at least one time Wow give a nod for yourselves how many of you had two nights with us raise your hands two nights come on give a nod for yourselves how many of you mama we say single Makaha by how many of you completed the week of fire Wow good job come on give you a house ad hey now now for those of you you you you maybe maybe you didn't know what we're talking about every every year destiny Church starts of the new year with what we call our annual week of fire basically it is an annual week-long of Prayer in fasting okay we want to start the year right and we want to start the year seeking the Lord praying no asking for his will and his purpose is for our lives not only that it is a time of consecration the time of setting yourself apart to God declaring that this year your life is set apart for God so we usually call it week of fire and then every year we have different themes but incidentally this year okay know so every recalling we go fire but this time this year the theme is really about fire it's really a no it's actually a a blaze 2019 to be a place must means to be on fire now in the Bible it's amazing how you fire when you talk about fire the Bible has about 200 references to fire hey God amazingly God loves to talk about fire Hey but not only that no there are about 90 direct links I mean direct references that God Himself talks about himself as a flaming fire hey just just one incident just just to give you an example remember remember Moses know when God appeared to Moses God appeared to him not not in a I mean he is God he could appear to anyone in whatever way he wants but amazingly God appeared to Moses as a burning a blazed flame bush that was not being consumed an eternal fire in the book of Hebrews no Sammy don't that God calls himself an all-consuming fire Jesus no when no when he came in this world John the Baptist said of him no suddenly John the Baptist no with regards to Jesus I come baptizing you in water the one that's gonna come beef after me referring to Jesus I mean he's gonna baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire hey no the the Ministry of Jesus is marked by what fire say it will be fire oh you don't say fire like a fire say it fire you know we need to understand there's something about fire for the longest time I believe human beings even even you know when there was not much technology yet people have been amazed by the idea of fire no the ancients believed that inner fire was a gift from the gods and there's something mysterious something have you ever stared have you ever stared that like just even a candle there's Emma well I know some because many people these days they don't get to sing that much no they're very shallow hope you're not one of those right now sometimes you get too you need to get the pause thing think about like think about things anyway fire how many of you you still you still remember the one of the one of the most what's this celebrated most successful reality TV shows by the way what do you mean by reality TV shows like know something ongoing right now is still you know Big Brother hey so it's it's a reality TV show now pilot Oh Big Brother no there was one other reality TV show that was a major hit it went on for years every country almost in every country they had a franchise of this reality TV show how many of you remember the reality TV show Survivor hey have some of you watch that and and just just to help you understand when someone 19 and I intend on the bottom reality TV show not oh okay people from all from from different walks of life literally different backgrounds from teachers to people in the Navy to architects engineers whatever like like summer no singers dancers whatever different walks totally random people you get a submit your name in the hopes that no randomly you get to be selected to be one of the yeah one of the candidates one of the what's this competitors for this survivor okay and then I'm gonna say that guy some group I think they're no they usually start with maybe around maybe 20 people I don't know I forgot no and they bring them into this island where no for several days isolated in the midst of the jungle okay exposed to all kinds of weather the idea is who is going to be the last man standing for imagine this a million dollars and so literally they're gonna be fighting for for their lives I mean the reward is $1,000,000 yeah and you have to have to be skilled no you have to use your life skills but also know your relational skills and it's it's amazing so many so many people watch that that what's this that series no in fact no even the Philippines had its own franchise No yeah we had Survivor Philippines Hey but one of the most I think dramatic one of the most dramatic part or emotional part in every survivor event so you might wanna watch the zoomit competition charlie dingy and Santana oh really I see but a Logano and it's there it really stretches every candidate but I think the most dramatic or emotional part is what they call the Tribal Council let me tribal council I say you know eventually people get to lose in the games but they have to vote out every night of every Tribal Council do you think vote out Silla casino analyst but the top one representative that they're still in the game is what fire that's right if you remember hey you're still in the game in other words you're still alive know if you know tribal council usually gabion each each competitor who is still in the game brings distorts remember and it's it's basically you know okay and my torture Tagalog so no no no and it's lit up it's it's burning and then you get to vote and who gets to be voted out means they're done it's all over for them but I think what makes it so powerful and so graphic is that symbol when finally when you're in a vote out in Tao data-logging sure hey the tribe has spoken hey pocket up was no Papa penny on fire and everything like oh my goodness and maybe most of us have never really thought about that but that is so powerful because it's true every one of us there's no when you talk about life it's like there's firing you and the last thing you want is for somebody to snuff out or to kill one spine the more I think about the symbol of the tour torch being snuffed out of the fire being killed it somehow speaks to every one of us I told you young to vote out now you know he's happy don't he she feels there's still a lot of game in her and sometimes in our lifes no no how we don't want our fires we don't want our passion hey to die down but then again there's a lot of things going on trials problems challenges or maybe even our own doing that kills or snuffs out our own fire right let's let's go right now to Leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 to 13 one of my favorite verses in the Bible in fact this is I consider this to be my life verse every time I sign with something no and and and you know sometimes people would with approached me and asked me pastor can you sign my Bible autograph knowing and I encouraged him with this verse I remember this verse was given to me when I was probably 18 years old and I've never left my heart ever since it's become so precious to me right Leviticus chapter 6 verses 12 to 13 oh now by the way let me encourage you can you just okay I know it's already there I know it's not there I know that we usually have slides for the verses but no I would like for us in this church to have a culture of still no flipping our own Bibles in fact I'm gonna do that right now I'm gonna flip to Leviticus go ahead flip the laviticus chapter 6 yeah verses 12 to 13 and and and though it's here I want us to be still reading from our Bibles because that that is your Bible that is God's Word to you hey let's read Leviticus chapter 6 verses 12 to 14 12 to 13 sabadie toe the fire on the outer must be kept burning it must not go out every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offerings on the fire and burnt the fat of the fellowship offerings on it verse 13 says the fire on the altar must be kept burning on the outer continuously it must not go out Wow understand this is God giving a command giving clear-cut instructions as to what the people of Israel are to do now let me give you a background what is this first of all I don't win at all since I've been in Lord no hey she's gonna do it you know you up with Alton I Hindi Muhammad Ali now if we paddle in and I love Napa - Louie - meaning us no and then he gives instructions on how to do it and then here in my know in verse 13 as if no to give wait or to show how important it is God repeats himself again the fire on the altar must be kept burning it must not go out now this is a command it's not even God was not trying to offer a suggestion as if in passing oh by the way about that fire it would be good if I know you try to maintain you know just just if you have time I'm not I'm not actually requiring you like but no if you have time just every once in a while try to light it up vomit I y-you know I could just imagine God's words God's voice on the ring the fire on the outter must be kept burning it must never go the fire of God in your life now you need to understand send a link up win it all it's not a point at ego to worry it was not an ordinary fire it was not a fire Nasim Indian no new Moises gah Musa Moses did not lit this fire not any of the Israelites or the priests at that time nor was the one they didn't strike a match no human being created his fire literally in Leviticus chapter 9 no you will see that this fire came out from the very presence of God in other words it was a divinely lit fire it was a supernatural fire a fire not made by human hands hey a fire not coming from the flesh it was a divine fire now don't you think that it was possible since see God the man you met ignite no you not passing up not a pointy toe don't you think God it would have been much more easier for God and maybe for us to simply have God maintained and made sure that that father didn't die down of course right hey are you there he ignited it yeah I'm pretty sure he can take care of it but it's amazing how God though he ignites it though he starts the fire he gives the people responsibility he makes you responsible yes I ain't ignited his fire but I want you to be responsible in taking care of it okay when you when you give your lad that you have an encounter you experience Jesus something happens in your life a fire is ignited that's why I will never forget the day I my life to Jesus Christ no no no what do I mean by that the day I experienced him because there is a big difference between knowing about something in experiencing it maraming taught me a lamp at Uncle seduce me Alan Pakula Jesus and I I used to have a life like that No growing up you know I was raised in a Christian family you know III was schooled in a Christian school a Catholic Church literally I would go to church every Sunday sometimes even everyday bahagia one inquire nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh what's this I'll tell Boyle etc but but I didn't know Jesus I knew him as a religion but I never got to experience him I thought you loved it that's why during those days Christianity didn't really change me I mean when I'm Papapa go in and open a new books Ilana hey buddy were on do I remain the same abullah Paulo I lust for abundance of pornography because I knew about Jesus but I have yet to experience it now something happened to me when I was in you pillows but somebody told me about Jesus for who he really is and when I gave when I surrendered my life to Him grab me a fire was ignited in my heart my life was changed you know I know I did not only know about God I experienced God it's like this no okay how many of you know that there is such a thing called Hong Kong Disneyland you know me right right okay now how many of you know you actually experienced it i duplicate but not me right you can talk about Hong Kong Disneyland all you want right in your mind and maybe you wish somehow one day you could be there but it's another you a la Moulin de marrón ASIMO tamatha if I do not eat the moon leech on ebuy you notic man no merriment ow kilala lhasa Jesus in terms of me alam Silla pero hindi kannada natha hey we encounter fire you know it's right right that day got me my life was chasing my passions were ablaze but you need to understand it's not you know it this is not the fire of God is not something that you could produce it's not something that you can do on your own it's something that God does in your life but it's amazing how in the same way even though God ignites that fire God makes us responsible to take care of that fire no just like his instructions to the nation of Israel no Sabina the fire on the altar must be kept burning Hey somebody was not happy no it must be kept burning Hey it must never go out anymore waiting I am bi mát I and then he repeats it again as a constant reminder or as an emphasis but what I like about this verse God does not just simply give us a command that we should keep the fire alive he actually gives instructions on how you go about it there's no question every one of us nobody wants to live an an exciting boring limited life or or or a life that is not lived to its full potential hey every one of us who want to live life Anna I'll shut up I'll set up my boy when you when you experience no yeah when you when you feel or you see passion passion no is one of those things that that attracts I see yeah we we love the idea of being on fire for example when a person is playing basket and you know every shot that he makes goes in anyway what do we say he's on fire hey will you talk about you know when you talk about winning in life no you a little soon don't say little more tell me he's on fire hey we love the idea we want the idea that we're we're a blaze but then let's face it in this world this world most of the time is not conducive to having that fire people around us sometimes even friends families people that you trust know it's trying or will try to kill that fire are you getting this are you there so the question is yes we do want it God clearly said it we have to do it but the question is how do we keep it alive you know you know the last time I'm gonna peel it you know okay sassy moolah like I know it's the start of the year maybe some of you are excited for this year you know it's it's a brand new beginning you have a new chance no you're already there you forgot you already forget the forgot in the past you're ready to move on or whatever yeah you ready for 2019 madalasa a new problem is it's not about starting it's about finishing sometimes by the end of means and nine people I'm Andy Kelly get Nam Paula who may be first quarter panel you can only you you up Queen you column suppose you more nahi Nana you know even Christians know not it and I've seen this over the years as a pastor for 20 years in a in a Christian for the last almost thirty years of my life I have seen people their fires have gone old and I've gone cold at the start when they came to know the Lord they love their lives were changed they were so sincere about following Jesus along the way you would not have expected that so many of these people would have given up the fire died in marriages this is no this is a lot of meaning this is a lot of symbol back in the topic assalam del Oro simply because na na na einai begun the fire of their love is is burning heat there after a while now I do so many relationships end up in one broken families because they were not able to maintain that fire Hey now on you know your first dangers of school you actually wanted to go to school maybe some of you didn't want from the beginning but probably for most of us the idea of school but similar that I know you might even so they love the idea and a fire that they're finally I remember see she can see my kids actually all of them know they love the idea that they're finally now going to school you were excited you are on fire no remember your first day at work [Music] after a month three months a year five years maybe maybe some of yours are still there but you're not as excited anymore some they just simply quit they quit their marriages they quit their relationships they quit their church they lost fire having the Lord keep the fire burning keep your love for God burning question is how I was happy the only God me everyday put up the verse know something every day have the priest put in fresh firewood like firewood no no no hey got to in other words no arrow Harrell looking in bagging got oh I know I'm your guy no mentality on the boy okay give me a pin and I my mama type manometer happenin it's just a universal principle you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that if you want to keep something burning if you want to keep a fire alive you have to keep on feeding feeding feeding something in Lord every day and interestingly now how I wish goodness on a big eternity far not you know Otto Otto stick stick suppose over but but but then again it's it's not like that it's an invisible fire it's a it's an invisible - on how do you feed that now God does not know does not only simply command us in fact the beauty is God has given us no instruction as well how how do we feed the fire or what no what should you actually feed that fire okay now remember this fire is a divine fire you know the fire that God has put in our hearts is something divine okay the only way to feed it is to feed it with something that is divine something that is it's a supernatural fire it's a spiritual fire therefore since it's a spiritual fire don't you think that the only way to keep it alive is to keep it burning with spirit when in other words the fuel for it is not something that that can be done in the flesh or something that no okay example you don't know and you know if you've been driving a car if you know how car car works no my mom watching it there basically gasoline or diesel right like for example the car that I Drive it runs on gas let's say somehow no Dynamo Milan or some gas suppression on gas no 49 pesos tan one decent 39 decent like eminent decent some of you're laughing because you know what's gonna happen it's gonna destroy the car no it's not no it's not gonna run why because that car was made to run on gas okay loosen Allah no it's not gonna run why because it was made it was designed to run on gas that fire that God put in your heart is designed by God and it can only run by the things of God how do we keep the fire burning that's a title number one here's point number one how to keep the fire burning number one right through his word God's Word his word the Scriptures the Holy Bible sustains gives life to that fire hey there's this amazing story that you will find in Joshua chapter Joshua chapter 14 verses 6 to 13 Joshua chapter 14 verses 6 to 13 hey let's let's read this verse we're still on online right Joshua chapter 14 verses 6 to 13 look at your Bibles okay it's here now the people of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal and Caleb's son of jetan II the King aside said to him you know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me I was 40 years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea the explore the land and I brought him back a report according to my convictions it's worse but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear I however follow the Lord Oh heartedly so on that day Moses were to me promised me the land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that you and that of your children forever because you have followed the Lord your God wholeheartedly now I want us to read verse 10 all together look at look at the slide and every one of us read verse ten together one two three go now then just as the Lord has promised he has kept me alive for forty five years since the time he said this to Moses while Israel moved about in the wilderness so here I am today 85 years old verse 11 I am still as strong today as the day Moses set me out I'm just as viger's to go out to battle now as I was then whoa what is this let me give you a background anybody Garavito hey the nation of Israel as probably some of you know from the story of Exodus you know disturb the Ten Commandments no story of Moses Prince of Egypt yay for 400 years the nation of Israel they were slaves hey finally through the hand of Moses God set them free and you know led them across the wilderness so that they can finally enter God's promised land for them the land of Cana and the land of Canaan God promised them the land of Canaan and and and supposedly the journey according to Bible scholars it was supposedly an 11 day trip from Egypt dr. Witt Scylla all the way in the wilderness and finally reaching the land of Canaan the land of promise which they are to conquer and enter 11 days done but something happened when they finally arrived at the outskirts of over what's this the promised land Moses sent 12 spies no one of them were scaling the other one was Joshua and there were 10 others live in Delaware Silla they are to check out what kind of land know this land is that God was talking about whether Taliban magandang lupito boom Alex Allah after 40 days of of spying at the entire country to give a report Joshua and Caleb said it is a beautiful land let's take it the other ten said yes it is a beautiful land it is a land flowing with milk and honey it's a prosperous land but there are giants in the land okay we cannot we're gonna be eaten by those giants hey we're gonna die here in the wilderness and you know the ten others Christmas my let me see that they basically gave a negative report who the whole nation the problem is the whole nation about six hundred thousand of them listened to that negative report carried slay the discouraged Silla you need to watch out regarding the kind of people that you listen to are you there what kind of news feeds that you read hey are you there some people just feed you with negativity and that's why there's no fire in your life no negativity kills fire are you there you mind gotta be more negative a I know that was a good day you cannot you cannot allow negativity to speak into your life you're gonna be discouraged let me give you one example of what's negative cheese mrs. negativity it doesn't matter who who shares it to you I don't chief Smith you know what's in you you're always talking about what's wrong with others that's scandal you feed your life with cheese nice hey it's gonna affect you are you there that's just some dip that's not the main point but you could go home with that that's free so anyway nothing new is right this example you know what happened they got so discouraged you eleven days nila ramayanam forty years in the wilderness until every one of those who doubted God who got discouraged thinking that they cannot do it you know what happened because they thought that they cannot do it guess what they were right they were not able to do it there were two people who survived a whole generation Joshua and Caleb now they're here you're about to enter and in fact they have already conquered several cities they have toppled down Jericho that's another story they have already they have already conquered several kingdoms tell him at this point he was already what 85 years 85 years old have you've seen an area 85 year old man when you're 85 year old right you seen about an 85 year old most likely in terms of physical there's really not much strength left in that person physically speaking right 60 Caleb bloom a PK Joshua sorry I was having - rest in peace Joshua Samir give me the mountainous region where the Giants live why you go first and again habit is immersed in now then just as the Lord promised he kept me alive 45 years since the time he said this to Moses for the last 45 years something kept Kahlan alive what is that just in case you missed it okay just as the Lord has promised the promise of God you panel in other words you Salatin and you're Sonia unicamp Inigo walk on you don't boo in a canyon Kailua Nakata one lupa know all these years no no in dealings a past and a boy not a goopy and over come to Miami when a bad guy bakit me room word Sonia Lord he has a word are you there now isn't it amazing during that time they don't have a Bible can he live didn't have the complete Bible yet the Bible was just still being written but he held on to one promise in that promise that word kept him alive and here we are know several thousand years later we have the complete Word of God grab it I mean unum DOS maraming nahin jeena but I mean a boy cousin he began and I would you sell it I are you there are you there that's why here at destiny we always encourage every year know read your Bibles again and again no indeed around that's how I earn hey join us in our Bible reading hey when you know the promises of God the promise the words of God is gonna kept your life but middle Peter Diana and soo bahk are you there God's Word God's promises no God's instructions is gonna keep your life why it's gonna preserve your life it's gonna keep you away from danger it's gonna tell you don't do this because you're gonna endanger yourself you're gonna bring yourself to trouble you knew cows alien you wish them the polynomials God's honey Michaela I'm Sabina I do so here am i today 85 years old and I am a strong today as I was since Moses sent me out sabbia I my fire my strength I set up Laura but when when you're finally old your face has not grown old your faith has not gone cold you're still in fire for God and you're still on fire in winning the lost y-you could say you know ballpark and I'm gonna know because the promise of God kept me alive amen maybe not physically but spiritually speaking are you there how does how does you know this is firewood I never sustain William fire with something supernatural know the word of the Lord sustains us in no it is what you call sustenance no exam be sustained on snow so Spanish I know in a 100 psalm 119 verse 116 sustain me God sustain me my god according to your promises and I will live do not let my hopes be - have you sustained me God according to your promise according to your word how are you sustained how is your life sustained according to the Word of God amen hey what else no in psalm 119 verses 9 and 11 I love this verse I've committed his personal memory psalm 119 verse 9 in verse 11 how can a young person stay pure the psalmist asked how can a young person stay on the path of purity and it may be me you know what this question was a question asked by the psalmist thousands of years ago how many of you know that the same things that they were going through thousands of years ago are basically the same things that we're still going on that they're still going on right now that this is a real valid question that's why you can never say the Bible is old-fashioned hey this is a really fun question I know an Italian and some capital and and young no an onion purity onion poori you know why because apparently we live in a flawed anymore a warrant hey no pong the most natural thing to do is you know relationship no but how can a young man how can a young woman stay pure how can you stay on the path of purity in other words how do you guard that flame how do you gar got fire of God in your life that purity hey you know we thought about fire fire purifies fire refines it no bug bug no good Qunari dinner a moose a boy animal er a Muslim Muslim a all we had was a llama gigging at all bacchanalian ginto en hey guna quality Nong a boy how can the young man stay pure how can a young person stay on the path of purity by living according to your words I mean by living according to your word in other words the word of god not only sustains it doesn't give you Norrish mint it doesn't only Norrish or energy for God and your fire for God it what it protects you it protects that flame yeah you know I I got save about 30 almost 30 years ago I'll be celebrating my my my 30th year in the Lord Hey next next year and no no I got it wrong my math is wrong no no no I did celebrate my 30th year no last last November this fire has been burning ever since it's burning anyway the passion for God you know what sustained me it was not even because I am good for all your I have weaknesses I have felt God so many times I have my own shares of failures and weaknesses but you know what 30 years the fire of God was alive you know not because I was good but because of his grace in his time I'm just um boom always happening somehow orders not down the Doudna hole was stolen assume oh-ho use a little more savvy laughs hey the moment that time give me I'm on a subway I'm gonna mimic dadgummit Indy I'm pretty sure she Caleb no yeah the sheriff discouraged 48 45 years in the desert I'm pretty sure he had a sheriff of discouragement and then in hopelessness no is it even true that God's promise is real but then I think that unites the very word of God sustained him I never met in the AMA para una dos canal away buddy discouraged Kalani McCollum say Santa me no Lana you and I love me can work Alamo some 23 even though do I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me boom Oksana sake Sam hey no it's a happy way how I wish my MA my papa I will say thank least and oh my god I supposed to take these though Indiana by boxer that would be alive even Meralco even faith focus the Lord sometimes I'm only a Linda - ah honey but when you have the promises of God no no no no no quaint alone you know she Katriona grace she's a Christian right and when she she she was first a candidate at Miss World and during that time she was already beautiful and she was she was talented in India she was a Christian she she loved God she loved Jesus and there was high hopes that she's gonna win Miss World in two beer I ain't gonna promote become a power mugging missus Canyon they are enough you a lie nice work missus universe whatever in doing that but when you have the problem but if you don't have the promises of God you're just gonna quit but when you know the promises of God you know what is that song that we used to sing here in church know about promises doesn't matter what I feel doesn't matter what I see yeah well I hope will always be your promise is your word your word to me amen right right then in the midst of the darkness simple quick apology no hey you know the thing is you know sometimes we try to feed that fire with things of the world it's not gonna work hey I don't see any Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 no Sabrina he was starting to say time because Satan was tempting them was trying him to turn the stones into bread and who shall be need Jesus hey flesh Sabini Jesus know the man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God hey that is amazing it gives you insight to who you are hey God was saying Jesus was saying ya know you know you as a human being Hey cannot simply live on bread what is better of course we can only super simply bread live on bread you're thinking of your Filipina it has to be right right it has to be right no no that is not what just what Jesus is trying to say no what Jesus the cycle says you cannot live simply on the things of this world you cannot feed your life that fire with things of this world bucket you're not just a human being who is flesh and blood your spiritual being that fire is a spirit one how do you keep it alive how do you keep yourselves alive man cannot live on bread alone if man is going to live I don't have any Jesus but on oh come on you know it's their right and something is just man cannot live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God his word is life his word is life Hey I know sometimes Molly come here read your Bibles no it's not it's not to force it to anything God probably the last thing God wants to do is to force your life he gives us his word because he knows what's best for us he knows what's best for you like like when I tell something to my kids it's not because I'm just being KJ when I tell Kathleen for example to stop now so brannis I mean sense apart but I don't know what no no no YouTube or no gadget it's not because I don't want him to enjoy because I know what's best for him when God tells you something it's not that he does not want you to enjoy you may not like it so many times much my kids know they don't like what we are telling them but it's not about what they like it's what what's best for them amen amen going to cards were hold on to his promise Matthew chapter 7 diba we don't whoever hears these words of mine story of what the story of the two house builders the two carpenters one was foolish one was what hey was wise Sabini Jesus no let me illustrate some is Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 to 27 hey I'm sorry John therefore whoever hears these words of mine and don't forget the end puts them into practice it's one thing to know the word it's one thing that you have read your Bible it's another thing to apply to do so who puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rains descended the floods came the winds blew beat on that house beena youdo you buy yes a bolito it did not fall it remains standing no in relation to fire it was still lit up there was already winds and rains and floods they were still there it was alive it was still standing how is that possible sam alito because it was its foundation is the rock in other words no the Sun co2 bonnet a little you gonna have a meaning at Kanagawa you Salatin and yours no they hear it they hear it they hear it and they make it their foundation for Denis my foundation they make it their basis for their decision okay when you decide under soon you need to ask nickel I'm waiting on this idea but I know but she had no decision solely by an Indian gusto ameba see honey is it a word from God somebody to those who do that who make God's Word no the foundation the the the basis for their lives decision is like a rock it's like a man who built his house on the rock by been a union young Park Zoo become problema no no I mean I'm para Indiana promote no matter church company right in the aluminum base is not a such experiment based on the church your ex more I know if you know I'm based upon Punta Sur church compromise Agra Oh boomer exactly and foundations no word no lordy amen even the son Anisha Oh whoever hears parents ability' they who does not put them into crafty Cindy's in a cigar it's like a man foolish man but a foolish foolish - am I thinking worthy foolish little is mama dreaming here so what but among Gaga I gotta buy it in a you more and by Moses appetito builds his house on the sway the papacy good that that word has been a a byword among this generation these days I asked Julia my book my report I mean it's literal term better that you might will pop you my not and I mean crash the winds blew this way Oh God this week at number blame the discourage car on basis in your feelings and bases yeah circumstances in your bases in salad and onions what's gonna keep your fire alive his word hey man if K live lived 285 saying you know what I'm still as a strong today that promise kept me alive all this year you have the whole promises of God you have no reason why that fire is gonna die out we have no reason why that fire is gonna die because we have the power Joe Caleb would say to you hey Rahul ami I owned I mean a partner who Billingham you saying you here playing indica you mean right in determining my rocker amen savvy Mozart animo Wagner who Papa number two what else what else will sustain the fire what else can keep the fire alive other than his word his will say it with me his will his word in his will now in a lot of ways they're similar his word is his will his word his will is in his word well I I just have to you know sometimes you cannot you cannot overemphasize something like you just have to keep on sharing it no John chapter 4 verses 31 to 34 John chapter 4 there's this amazing story in verses 31 to 34 let's read Sabbath you in the meantime his disciples urged him saying rabbi or what that means his teacher they were talking to Jesus Sabrina eat kind Gaylord but he said to them I have food to eat of which you do not know therefore the disciples said to one another has anyone brought in food has anyone brought him anything to eat Jesus knowing what they were thinking said to them my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work if you want to keep the fire alive you have to feed it right in the Old Testament God said feed it with wood got one more you know Penelope laramie got oh hey I love no not ISA word my lord it sustains you it's protects the fire but another thing is somebody Tony Jesus no so becoming I'm backing on what was going on here hey Jesus just came from a long journey and they happen to happen to pass by the city of Samaria they they stop by this most famous well the well of Jacob and the disciples went to the town went to the market to buy some food darling the pot well I um journey guten Silla so you my disciples even son deliciosos promoter sapling a parable in Amana ha ha ha well as you my disciples marrow is some Samaritan woman no not induce a balloon Arabic each evening to be some metallic Selita during that time Jesus struck a conversation with this woman in Jesus shared his life shared the good news to this woman this woman had a pretty miserable past Giada yeah he had he had several relationships but God healed him jesus healed him and he ended up one sharing to the whole town this woman eventually left an enemy are a shock Busan cinema gossip Jesus disciples in the woman left and started telling the whole town what she just experienced how she had just encountered the Messiah the Savior in Stockton and women disciples in Samuel or Ganga sabe diseases vapor kinda Canadians but I alum need asparagus happen are so clean era fine diseases Serena Jesus no he said to them hey my food what is food white what is food why do you eat food sorry gray bar my suburbs of academia have no why do you eat food primarily food is one is to bring you strength to give you strength to give you energy when you eat food that food is digested it's broken down its energy that's why it seems and I said to me guru Silla Jesus kind of all Jesus this having a helper going home I go in uncle open and Leo's octopus in it oh wow doing is will doing his purposes in your life and I this is something so true in my life you know for those of you who know me know like like every Sunday you know much what's my routine I wake up early early Sunday no I prepare and I Drive from Kesem City all the way kappa renove to catch our first service there 9:30 I preach and when I preach I I give him my best like like I do this I imagine myself preaching without passion I'm on fire when I preach I want to spend myself preaching and just when you think 9:30 double star you know what sometimes today I didn't what's this lunch to catch the 1:00 p.m. service sometimes not even eating sometimes no man but some is like a little lunch no start the one-time service preach so that same intensity thing is sometimes even greater after this you know what I do I go to our last service in UPD Limon I preach that the 5 p.m. service and you know what some the 5 p.m. service notice know sometimes I preach my best preaching at the 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. why I can I know what this what Jesus is talking about I have food I have energy when you do God's will begin ago I mean caliber and just a boy mo na boo boo I ma ma Liu bang can induce most excited commerce Boyka now the ice cream on top when you're a person you're ma you know go shopping palagi a good person you monkey not go up Xalapa you if you're not in God's will yeah your fires gonna die no question is you know Marguerite Oh what is we what is his will because listen it is I believe one of our greatest struggles in our lives individually personally there's gonna be a constant struggle between what you want and what his will is gusto mo lab and alo Albania means an opposite uni means of any interest or Cossack adolescent you must own attend you must medallion a couple of things in my notes about this no first of all look look at Romans chapter 12 verse 2 you want to know God's will Romans chapter 12 verse 2 somebody to need Nepal Oh God is telling us here do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is is good pleasing perfect when God's will is always good no it's not just good it is actually pleasant well its pleasant it's pleasurable it's not it's not like sometimes you think that God's will is to torture you that's a lie we're not saying you're not gonna go through tough times you're not gonna go through hard times but hey in the in the big picture it is pleasurable and it is perfect are you there you may not understand it but when you see it the big picture you can boo and it'll be a nice movie not otago couple of moments I happen exactly Peter perfect Pauline will name Amen we Lincoln's weakness in our tea Peter people a boost Omo surrendered by Excel or will when people decide it doesn't matter whether the decision seems wise or not the first thing that I wanna ask is it as well it'll a pizza yeah I don't know the gala will see a no-go but first thing is it as well and you come up on the epic we set aside time do you woke up in a tree do not conform to the pattern of this world walk Moodle to learn a new pattern and mundo me Marin Enid is NaN merely a pattern example Samaha baton pattern a pattern and then grade six ability goes up a school no family computer Omega PlayStation Jana you looking pattern pattern casa minha vida' noble under you say say no and ba-ba-ba-ba keen apostle he Pina Pina Gaga's to Sonoma Indian gown tapas a poutine poutine Eva casino she is white no she is marching toward the man of his life or finally offering herself in all purity this gown no symbolizes her life that she's pure that she set herself apart finally to the man of his dreams such a beautiful change the way we knew your mind renew your mind in Lanka see between those gusto mo Sawant more sad in some will will versus one his will versus your one we will always be in constant struggle with what he wants versus what he wills we want to get mad when you you won naturally you want to get mad you want to get even that's what you want what is this wave for you we want what we want to lust me lust lust this immediate satisfaction because you lust after your I mean I think I girl pretty boy pretty more you want to lust after their immediate satisfaction but God is will love what is love love is patient now listen to this convenience we want comfort rather than commitments and being driven by convictions is where what we want is what would be we want we want what's convenient what's easy what's comfortable rather than what commitment I hit why God wants us to commit he doesn't want you to be just convenient it doesn't want you to be just comfortable marriage it's not just to make you comfortable the challenges are you willing to commit that even ki-young vow samarasimha in sickness in health you are in what no in enriches and in poverty because it's not about convenience it's about commitment it's a church it's not about what's convenient for you but it's about commitment God know his will is commitment hey what we want is we want to brag has it then be humble no I am idly modeling it up my unit and I miss my era my he rap I know I hear a boom up it almost literally whether the movieguy much metallic Bumi Tao we got a table over you my lord Kumar pickle on my ear up my watch island scar there one oh hey Reba I don't know thank you bro hey amigo No hey what's up our marriage muscle so born a relationship muscle so bumper guard anymore Suho what must have a bit ow no Israel so many times is well just to hold on to his promise to hold on to the vision amen I wanna keep the fire burning his word in his will amen get on to his word immerse yourself into the Word of God join us in this journey every year we start to read their Bibles now I am a bit immediate I mean I know I'm indicate I know my devotional guides this will what is we're modeling modeling my mother-she sorry there you will know sometimes the Lord is simply waiting for you to ask forgiveness happy survival but if we ask forgiveness you will forgive us [Music] this world just like that that survivor out there it's it's it's not conducive to the fire in us people will snuff out your fire circumstances will snuff out your fire the devil will try to kill that fire he wants to talk you out take you out of the game be insignificant the praise God [Music] and I one of the descriptions that that was mentioned about Jesus was prophesied in Isaiah and is recorded in Matthew Nylander with this verse Matthew chapter 12 versus 22:21 a bruised Reed he will not break master chapter 12 verses 20 to 21 so he would look at this a bruised Reed he will not break now Miss Bossy what is a bruised Reed a reed is a type of grass or by [Music] [Music] we are not only sinful we're not only messed up we are hurting Bruce Lee's comes when you're Bruce my heart's arboost our lives are boost and in some so many people at the brink of giving up but praise God Jesus he was described as he would not even he will not he was so gentle that he would not even dare bring a broom sweep we have a such an all-powerful God and yet so loving so kind so patient that even someone so hurting so for ads I'm so weak he's not gonna break that person he loved the second night a smoldering wick he will not snuff out a wick wick is you wanna meet senator did you see nothing smoldering in other words well having a boy we have Nikita show the picture guys [Music] morality current our County and up and up given our my own sadhana a pony pero recording Sigonella as happy leaders Jesus is so gentle that even that little fire you are and up and up now boy Johanna swagger Neah Papa died till he has brought just the student victims nation in his name the nations were put there just when you think your life is hopeless just when you think isn't really nothing much for you maybe this life has been cool to you maybe the trials were just too much for you maybe you're the fire that once burned in your life their passion your excitement for God has gone to the point that is almost a smoldering wick as you know what [Music] Jesus he's not even gonna snuff out that little fire you know what he's gonna do like Xena it gives you a new beginning a fresh start with his word gives us his way to feed that fire until the end of our days just like Caleb we can say I am still as strong today as I was when I was young my fire for Jesus my passion for God my love for my family my my passion for my nation for my word is still as strong as it was when I first came to know Jesus this fire is kept alive it's awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] dr. Lloyd dr. right now dr. Jesus I believe is lighting of a fire in your heart right now [Music] doesn't learn learn I want to do what I want your word I want your promises not my will but yours be done not my will but strengthen your will surrender your will surrender what you want the Lord I wanna do your will knowing that his will energizes set you ablaze I want you to make a commitment right here right now three to say before God Lord Lord your word in my life I'm gonna follow your word in my life I'm gonna read my Bible better I'm gonna feed myself with your words Lord I'm gonna follow your will just like what Jesus said when he struggled on the cross we said father not my will but yours be done if you want to make a commitment right now the surrender your will to commit to his word I'd like to pray for you and all over the place if that is you you want a sweater what you want please will you want to commit yourself with the Word of God every single day no sometimes you think you cannot do it but right now I'm gonna pray for grace for strength that the Lord [Music] that you'll be able to do his will in your life if you want to do that right now just lift up your hands and I'm praying for you right now no I lift up ground still lift it up lift up the Lord surrender to God surrendering to God father God you see this hands right now God but will you see the sides this lives I paid on kind of impede know your center hearts on fire and I love we will be able to take care to feed this smile with your word every single day don't we commit Lord after reading your word not just you not just to read it but to do it Lord God Jesus name got anyone that grace Lord that they would love your word in that would they would find a word exciting nourishing placing in Lord we surrender to your will sinner once that just like Jesus it's not even what we want we're glad that you're with organ is the grace to give up what we want so that we will be able to do what is pleasing good and perfect will of yours Lord for those whose fires are a flickering flame a smoldering wick Lord be Jesus that sets could have set that person on fire blessing in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord we give you peace in Jesus name we pray amen amen boy you're on your best [Music]
Channel: Destiny Church PH
Views: 7,336
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: x51a81kdxMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 27sec (5367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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