END GAME: Endure Til The End - Ps. Leo Carlo Panlilio

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[Music] you're watching destiny church live your call fulfill your destiny [Music] amen praise god praise god hallelujah good afternoon everyone and welcome to our 1pm service here at destiny church no praise god for that wonderful time of worship thank you brother ej now for leading us in worship they're actually streaming not from our center here in quezon city anyway if you're still standing this is the best time for you to be seated you can sit uh hold upon let everyone be seated praise god no now for those of you joining us for the very first time just allow me to properly introduce myself and welcome every one of you my name is pastor carlo panlilio and i'm the senior pastor of destiny church me and my wife charlene we have been pastoring destiny for the last 23 years now and we are just so happy that you could join uh you could join us right now know if this is your first time no and maybe maybe you're wondering why do we call ourselves destiny no the reason for that is because we believe that god is a god of purpose know that god is a god of destiny in fact there's this verse that we keep on sharing here at destino in jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future i don't know about you but i find a lot of encouragement no uh hearing that verse no because especially with what what we are experiencing right now as a nation or maybe even you on a personal uh personal level it's it's good to know that god is in control sabine had done subverse anak i have a plan for you i know the plans i have for you maybe for some of us we don't even know and we are literally uncertain of the things that are ahead of us but we can you know we can take confidence in the fact that god is in control sabine i know the plans i have for you i want you to know this no no matter no matter what you are going through right now god has a plan for you and sabrina suffers no plans to prosper you not to harm you god desires know that we prosper and when i talk about prosperity i'm not just talking about material prosperity but to prosper you as a person you know as a living being as a as a child of god to prosper you not to harm you no one's having plans to give you hope [Music] that is so plans to give you a hope and a future now clearly no we have a destiny in christ and that's the reason why we call ourselves destiny anyway this afternoon paul uh i'm i'm going to talk about the second part of a new series that we started last week you know uh especially with all the things that has been happening in the world there's been a lot of talk about uh the end times no or could it be that we are actually in uh in the end of ages no or nalallahu second coming in jesus christ and so i would like i would like for us to understand what the bible itself or what jesus himself tells us about his coming no please please pray with me again as we go into god's word let's pray father we just want to thank you god for this wonderful afternoon and i pray that lord you will open our eyes to your word that we will that we will understand god what what your word says especially about the end of days lord i pray lord that uh lord right now you will just speak to each one of us and encourage us in jesus name amen amen praise god okay so uh no the title of my message today is of course not an endgame no part this is the part two and the title of the message is enduring till the end here in the philippines no we begin we begin christmas early in fact no starting september no i don't know about you but as a filipino [Music] we have been hearing his song a lot no and you know it's the start of christmas in our country no the fact is i don't know about you i am excited about christmas and by christmas we mean the first coming or the first advent of jesus christ we talk about the word advent no no it talks about coming okay and christmas is actually the first advent or the first coming of jesus now it is interesting to note that though no see jesus no he never talked about his birth okay of course the you know the the writers of the gospels no matthew mark luke they all talk about the birth of jesus christ and there's also no a good number of prophecies in the old testament pertaining to jesus birth okay but it is interesting that when jesus was already on the scene when he started preaching and teaching he never mentioned anything already about his birth i think that no it doesn't mean that that is not important but i think jesus was not so much focused on what happened in the past no but more importantly his focus on what is going to happen in the future and thus though jesus does not talk about his first coming his birth he does talk extensively about his second coming okay so no in fact no he talks more more more and more about this suffering and death and eventual crucifixion on the cross no allow me to read no i want us to go right now to our main text in matthew chapter 24 verses 1-14 jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple but he answered them you see all this do you not truly i say to you there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down as he sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be you know pertaining to yunnan what jesus said about know that the stones of the temple will be thrown oh that will be thrown down so sorry when will these things be what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age verse 4 and jesus answered see that no one leads you astray for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and they will lead many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for this must take place but the end is not yet okay verse 7 for nation will rise against this nation kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines earthquakes in various places all these are are but the beginning of birth pains then they will deliver you up to the to tribulation and put you to death and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will arise and lead many astray because and because lawlessness will be increased and the love of many will grow cold verse 13 but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come no so okay basically no there are some more things that jesus talks about all the way to chapter 25 no but but given our time today now we need to understand that this particular story know that that matthew wrote was also written by two other you know two other gospel writers now namely see mark zakasil in mark chapter 13 you would almost see the same uh the same story in fact mark chapter 13 verse 1-13 reading from the esv version as he came out of the temple one of his disciples said to him look teacher what wonderful stones in what wonderful buildings and jesus said to him do you see these great buildings there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down okay verse 3 and as he sat on the mount of olives opposite the temple peter and james and john and andrew ask him privately tell us when will these things be what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished and also verse 5 jesus talks about also similar to what matthew uh matthew just mentioned no so let's let's skip that no and almost similar binary jesus no but also look also wrote no referencing to the same uh the same uh event that that transpired luke chapter 21 no this time just allow me to read chapter uh verse 20 chapter 21 verse 5 to 7 and then verse 20 no sabidito and while some were speaking of the temple how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings he said as for these things that you see the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down and they ask him verse 7 teacher when will these things be and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place no in verse 20 but when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies they know that its desolation has come near no so no three of the four gospels make mention of this particular event that uh that jesus know uh did in fact this has come to be known as the olivet discourse now so yeah when they were in the temple you know the disciples now they were their attention was caught about the magnificence the grandsour of the temple now what temple are we talking about in in the in the bible there are two temples no solomon's temple which is uh you know far more greater than this no the second temple is temple no although magnificent in terms of grandeur in splendor second temple magenta now let me give you a proper background of this no so somebody jesus while they were there sabina he asked the disciples do you see this i'd like i like that word coming from jesus no do you see this do you see all these things and i was thinking no jesus when he said do you see this he was not talking about what they were actually seeing physically in fact no the disciples were the first ones to take note of how beautiful the temple is okay how grand and how magnificent the stones are you know how the disciples were not able to see okay and and what do i mean no apparently we don't see no we as human beings don't see things from an eternal perspective okay our humanity our finite minds not combined with our fallen nature in our limited view of time and space no finite time okay our perspectives our our views about things are you know are limited no it prevents us from seeing things as they really are what do i mean things as they really are no there is more there is more truth and reality sometimes to what we actually see in the physical united limited time by time and space no but god is unlimited we are we are we are finite but god is infinite okay grab your wisdom yeah he is he is a god of yesterday today and tomorrow and forever no now rather than seeing things from a bigger broader and eternal perspective no so you my disciples when they saw the temple i mean they were just amazed at how beautiful how majestic how grand you know the the temple are in fact they they particularly took note of the stones the the stones that they were you know that they were seeing people see jesus was seeing something far more jesus was operating from you know a an eternal perspective okay i i just like i was while while preparing this no i was reminded of the verse and i said chapter 55 verse 9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth so my ways are higher than your ways in my thoughts higher than your thoughts no so so no just like the disciples no no our ideas our thoughts are just basically limited they were just saying wow how beautiful the temple is and that's it you know in in first samuel chapter 16 verse 7 the lord told samuel the lord does not see as a man sees when god looks at things he doesn't see know the way we see okay no man looks at the outward appearance of it but god looks at the heart so jesus wants to put things here in proper perspective what do you mean by proper perspective god's perspective an eternal perspective no siguro we can only see in maybe a three dimension god sees things in a you know in a uh what's this in a in four dimensions no multi dimensions okay so uh in mark no chapter 13 verse one to two no this time i would like to read from the passion translations as jesus was leaving the temple courts one of his disciples came to him and said teacher look at the look at this magnificent buildings and what tremendous stones were used to build all this no and then jesus turned to them and said take a good look at all these enormous buildings i'm telling you there will not be one stone left upon the other all will be leveled all will be destroyed now that is so hard to swallow that one is jesus why here they are so what's this uh uh no uh what's this temple and here is jesus somehow telling them really think that this is awesome this is great i tell you the truth no all this will be leveled okay first of all no background about the temple was one of the most amazing feats of architecture during that time okay the first temple in temple in solomon was actually destroyed no during the time of uh in invading babylon eventually they started to build a second temple which is during the time of cerubabel okay now what what what is this not the temple of herod and you know what he wrote third temple but what he did was basically extended no uh extended uh the original temple over babel history.com just to give us a background although the reconstruction was equal to the into an entire building so can you imagine construction no it was equivalent or equal to an entire building there were there were several buildings it was not just one building it was what you call a temple complex no still the heroin temple cannot be spoken of as a third temple for he would even say that it was only intended to be regarded as enlarging and further beautifying that of cerebra belles the work of the building of the temple began in 19 bc which was the eighteenth year of king herod's reign there were ten thousand skilled laborers and according to josephus historian roman historian at that time no uh the lady could not enter certain parts of the building therefore one thousand levites were specially trained as builders masons and carried out their work so efficiently and carefully that no time no no time was there any interruption in the sacrifices and other services the work was started by leveling larger portions of the temple mount so that the new building might be erected on a broader base it was also made much more taller so that the white stone gleamed in the bright palestinian sun and could be seen from miles away so can you imagine how how big and beautiful the temple is we don't know that that no as the sun rose so in palestine you could see the temple literally from miles away okay now it's conversation that was happening between jesus and this disciples know was about i know this happened about uh uh four to six years from the time that uh the temple was was you know that the temple started being constructed okay so hindi actually during that time when jesus was was having these conversations with the disciples and yet despite the hindi patapos temple eventually it was completed in 63 a.d so that means no the whole construction of the this temple took about can you imagine almost 100 years eh just to give you an idea of how massive those stones were now the following words appear on the website of the israel ministry of foreign affairs check this out no herod transformed the second temple into an edifice of splendor surrounded and surrounded the temple mount on its foresight with massive retaining walls the walls founded on bedrock were built on larger asla stones with beautifully dressed margins the stones weigh some five tons eights the corner blocks tens of tons okay did you just get that each stone you must have a legend weigh about five tons each human corner black snow weighs about tens in other words probably no twenties thirty times this means that the stones way between at the minimum ten thousand pounds no to probably twenty thousand or even more okay to put it in perspective i know an average car average car would weigh between three thousand to three thousand three hundred pounds a new average is ten thousand pounds and that's why the disciples cannot help but admiring know how magnificent how beautiful and how like oh my goodness there's no way that something can possibly destroy these things these are massive these are grounded these are firm no and you might think that there's no way that this massive building was going to collapse no even for our world standards you know our present standards right now now that construction was quite a fit right now so sometimes we we pull in all our time all our efforts towards these things you know thinking that these are the things that will last now these are the things that we can anchor our lives lives in you know in fact the temple was not only a source of beauty but it became a source of pride and security the jews really felt that as long as the temple was with them no temple being what it being the center of worship it means god was there with them there was no way no that they could be know that they can be conquered physical temple no and if you look at what's happening right now there are a lot there are lots of people who put their trust on material things no in their companies in their wealth and then all of a sudden 19 hit like for example i'm just now who would have thought that philippine airlines or not only philippine airlines but different airlines all over the world no prior to pandemic united philippine airlines even bought several new no airplanes no thinking that you know this is there's no way that such a business can no can go bankrupt and yet here we are today no just like the disciples know that in their minds it is impossible you know and but but just to make the story more real no this was this was mentioned by one of our pastors in fact one of our one of our members he had this boss you know a very rich businessman he has a high position and electric company you know he actually owns a newly built hotel it's a booming city happened [Music] no he was forced on early retirement and what happened was had to say goodnight his life crumbled hindi yamawa in no he killed himself no with a gunshot not a few months after the pandemic you too depression no just like just like what jesus talked about about the temple no in fact in dialoguing jesus okay do you see this these things will be overturned no these things will not last and and i was reminded of uh you know uh uh the story of the titanic if you remember the titanic was the biggest uh the biggest ship no passenger ship ever built especially during its time that on its maiden voyage not even god would be able to sink this ship but it is a quite ironic that on its maiden voyage the titanic knowing that people put their trust on things like this on big things no and yet jesus said jesus saying is do you see this reality that these are not these things no are not eternal these things will be over overturned jesus wants us to shift know our perspective from earthly perspective no to an eternal perspective i'm reminded of what paul wrote in second corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal but the tendency is not we our eyes are fixed on what is seen but we need to understand these things are temporary there are no there are other things ahead what is unseen praise god so that is basically the background there's more to this no there's more to these things in the physical and so as you can see background you know story so what happens next no the disciples now ask jesus three questions and these three questions are mentioned in by matt you know no okay the scholars dubbed this as the olivet discourse so after the temple and to the mount of olives after probably several minutes or several hours they went to the mount of olives and sat there and then the disciples started asking jesus this question tell they said okay when will this happen what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age when shall these things be no they were talking about no quellen kellen one stone not left upon one another no what is the sign of thy coming the second question and the end of the eighth okay so see matthew doesn't actually give us an answer you know to how jesus replied to the first question but look mentions of it now you might you might ask how come that matthew and mark didn't tackle answering answering the first question no we need to understand that you know the different the different authors of the gospels were speaking to different crowds you know so as they see fit to the crowd that they were speaking to us he saw the relevance of how you know he saw the relevance of answering this you know this question first question luke chapter 21 verse 5 to 6 abhijan some of his disciples were remarking about the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to god but jesus said verse 6 as for what you see here the time will come when not one stone will be left on another so what is jesus saying here jesus was basically you know prophesying maybe sabine i'm prophesying he's basically predicting things that will happen in the future one of the greatest characteristics of the bible as to why we can no we can trust the bible as the word of god is because of this element of prophecy you need to understand no other book in the world is able to contain prophecy the way the bible contains prophecy and every prophecy coming to fulfillment no i don't have time to discuss all the prophecies that has been foretold in the bible and you know know how they were fulfilled now for example even the coming of junior the babylonians know the the persian empire the roman empire all those were prophesied now here jesus talks about the prophecy that one day this temple is going to be destroyed no and that prophecy has been fulfilled verse 20. when you see jerusalem being surrounded by armies you will know that its desolation is near when did that happen no it happened in 70 a.d this was the time when titus the roman besides jerusalem wikipedia you could search this out no the seeds of the jerusalem happened in the year 70 a.d it was a decisive event of the first jewish roman war in which the roman army captured the city of jerusalem and destroyed both the city and its temple no the roman army was led by future emperor taitus with tiberius julius alexander as the second in command and they besieged and conquered the city of jerusalem okay so no anonymous and the burning of the second temple okay so this happened no uh this happened because this only happened around 30 30 to 40 years no from the time that jesus spoke this this happened 30 to 40 years later in other words there were people who were in that healing who were witnessing this particular event that jerusalem was being surrounded so when the army surround jerusalem they're probably thinking oh my goodness it is happening jesus said this will happen they remember the words of christ no and they were probably thinking to themselves this is the day that the lord talked about right so that prophecy has been fulfilled you know [Music] no every stone was literally turned back and if you know what the temple was the temple was made of gold a lot of it was made of gold and when the the temple was burned or the gold you know there is this assumption that some of the gold no as it melted shifting through the cracks in between the rocks now they literally turned will be overturned why would you even overturn such massive huge rock the reason for which is because the gold melted and shipped through underneath the rocks and if you want to get the gold you want to overturn the rocks and that is how accurate you know how jesus prophesied what will happen okay that is how you know that the word of god the bible is the word of god no prophecy fulfilled well liberal so the next question no what shall be the sign of the coming and the end of the age now we can see here that the lord answered this question in a chronological and logical order okay he answered the first and second question he he answered what he did here he answered the last question first and the second question last how jesus answered these things now as we look at uh no as we look at how jesus answered those two questions when no when will you come back again and when is the end of the age i want us to focus on the attitudes and action points you know in view of christ coming in return okay a lot of people end up focusing on the signs and the events rather than what we are about to do or the kind of attitude that we must have as we look at this future events okay let's read number one attitudes and action points in view of christ's second coming number one don't be deceived the first thing that jesus says here no in matthew chapter 24 verse five sabbath eternity jesus jesus answered watch out so tina no no disciples no lord when will these things be okay when will these things be when are you going to return when is the end of the age and this is how jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you for many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah and will deceive many in the passion translations i believe jesus answered at that time deception will run rampant so jesus was saying no be careful don't be deceived beware that you are not fooled no in the passion translation for many will appear on the scene claiming my authority or saying about themselves i am god's anointed and they will lead many astray no and apparently we have seen this happening especially in our time a lot of people claiming to be no jesus no using god's authority claiming god's authority more obvious no like the appointed son of god in the vow no or this recent cult no and that has invaded the philippines much more lately no so those are more obvious things okay but also paul put on he warns us in the episodes about these things no second corinthians chapter 11 verse four sabadito you happily put up with whatever anyone tells you even if they preach a different jesus than the one we preach sabini paul sama corinthians hey what is wrong with you you easily put up with anyone who claims to know jesus no than the prie than the jesus that you heard from us that the jesus that we preach to you you know they're of a different kind of spirit than the one you receive or a different kind of gospel than the one you believe now a lot of you you came to know jesus you have to destiny no you believe jesus through destiny but then there will be others that will come you know bringing a different kind of gospel from the one that you believed in galatians chapter 1 verse 6 no stone is extremely irritated that you are so quickly shifting your allegiance and deserting him who called you by the grace of christ for a different gospel which is really not another gospel but there are obviously some people masquerading as teachers you know who are disturbing and confusing you with a misleading counterfeit teaching and want to distort distort the gospel of christ twisting it to something which is absolutely is not but even if we are an if even we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which you originally heard or that was preached you let him be condemned to this stuff so let him be cursed okay as we have said before so now i'm saying if anyone is speaking to you a different kind of gospel from that we receive from us let him be condemned to destruction okay how do we identify people who promote another gospel because if we're all you know there might be there might already be in the church i'm not even talking about you know of you now more obvious quotes no right but i'm talking about people that you know might even part of of the church okay and and just to help us identify [Music] i wrote these things down number one they believe that their way of interpreting scriptures is superior than others it's another gospel because they are dogmatic and legalistic which is interestingly not ironic because the same people love to talk about grace how to identify people of other gospels their supposed bible studies does not result in christ's likeness but rather in pride critical spirit over others who don't subscribe to their ideas they love to criticize churches pastors or just other people you know who don't subscribe with what they believe they love to quote other preachers out of context and attack them okay look at second timothy chapter three verse one five and seven sabine paul but understand is that in the last days dangerous times of great stress and trouble will come difficult days no that would be hard to bear no warning nepal no holding to a form of outward godliness or religion although they have denied its power for their no for their conduct nullifies their claim of it you got their conduct in other words avoid such people and keep away from them no and look at the description always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them but never able to come to the knowledge of truth no so be aware of that paul says to avoid such people um they put a premium on converting other believers and christians to their way of thinking rather than being spent in evangelism of those unsaved in other words romans chapter 15 verse 20 sabine paul it has always been my ambition to preach the gospel or the goodness where christ was not known so why are you trying to convert others who are already converted when there are people know that haven't known christ yet no so so that i would not be building on someone's else foundation no number four they will not participate in the events and ministries of the church even if they have a disdain uh or or or even have a disdain for them like prayer meetings and their services online events no like night of fire so indeed participate don't know and number five they major on the minors who used to be major on the minors no you know they will argue whether women are supposed to preach or not yeah topics they will argue over no uh is it is it right to do altar calls or lead people into prayer of repentance and accepting jesus into their hearts no petty things no they will major on the minors no okay and finally they are divisive so don't be deceived number one don't be deceived no there will be people that will come who will try to deceive okay number two don't panic keep calm okay matthew chapter 24 verse 6 to 8 you will hear wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdoms there will be famines earthquakes in various places all these things are but the beginning of birth pains no in the in the passion translation look at this you will hear of wars nearby revolutions on every side i mean i have not really been you know long in this world i'm 47 years old but i have seen countless wars and rumors of wars as well no uh we celebrated 9 11 my memories were still vivid watching not the twin towers fall no on my watching it on tv at that time live and it was no it was scary no it would cause you panic but not only that no you know this afghanistan no growing up no i was i was uh what's this the idea of entering a nuclear war or third world war no in fact or even the second world war they really thought that that was the thing jesus it was heavenly jesus there's going to be wise rumors are worse there's going to be famines no look at this in the past translations no do not panic or give into your fears don't panic no for the breaking part of the world system is destined to happen but it won't yet be the end it will still be unfolding nations will go to war against each other kingdom against kingdoms no there will be terrible earthquakes seismic events of epic proportions horrible epidemics what we're experiencing right now is nothing new there will be famines okay but you know what beginning of birth keep calm right now god doesn't want you to be panicking god doesn't want you to be looking at this event no no keep calm number three stand firm stand firm now matthew chapter 24 verse 9 to 13 then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death you'll be hated by all nations because of me at that time many will turn away from the faith and will be betray each other so times signs no be done this is the things that you will be see there's going to be persecution some people will be put to death because of their faith you'll be hated how i wish that as christians we will be loved but no as believers you will be hated as you stand for truth no there's a lot of hate going on right now for the church no for basically for example standing against lgbt right and and you know i know we are being portrayed as big gods no right so either people will hate us we will be persecuted at times many will even turn away from the faith in fact if i'm not mistaken the united methodist church is going to vote i think this week or sometime within the next couple of weeks as to whether they will accept you know uh uh no lgbt members to be no not to be part of the church but to be part of their pastors and bishops this is the united methodist church this is the church founded by john wesley the love of many will go called nothing apostasy many false prophets will appear and deceive many people because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow whole malala or verse 13 jesus but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved stand firm now this is what we are exhorted or encouraged to do stand firm no in the passion translation no sabirito verse 13 keep your hope to the end and you will experience life in deliverance now keep your hope till the end no stand for them keep your hope till the end in other words matthew chapter 24 verse 13 but the one who endures till the end you have to endure and when you're talking about endurance when when everything in you what does it mean to endure when everything he wants to give up wants to till the end will be what saved okay you know as i was thinking about this no it's not [Music] till the end no and so your question i i was thinking about this part how do we endure how do we build endurance recently so and what he's trying to do is build endurance apparently but what he's trying to do is know to build endurance and and now they ask how do you do it no he he gets us to exercise regularly and bring us to that discipline in james chapter one verse two it's this is not in my nose but now hear me out don't run from tests and hardships brothers and sisters as difficult as they are you will ultimately find joy in them embrace them no if you embrace them your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you patience as you endure and two patients brought about by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line mature complete and want nothing two more number four preach the gospel proclaim the good news matthew chapter 24 14 and the gospel of the kingdom will be preached into the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come in matthew in the new living translation the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so no so that all nations will hear it all nations will hear that is the heart of god and then the end will come no why does god want this gospel want this good news to be prisoner it is good news people need to hear and understand no what jesus has done for us that they could have a new life they can experience forgiveness no in the entire we know we're not talking about religion here we're talking about you know a jesus who who gave himself for us died for us so that we can be free so that we can experience this life in christ this relationship with god no one of the greatest things that we can experience as a person is to experience forgiveness no knowing i have nothing that we are sinners we have done wrong we have made mistakes but to know that no those things no are forgiven are being erased that is amazing people need to hear that people need to know about jesus and and that's the heart of god gospel no will not be preached no before he's coming he wants everyone to have this opportunity you know what's amazing we are tasked to do that you and i the church maybe we're forgetting you know in the midst of this pandemic we're not being able we're not able to see each other and come together as a church but that doesn't take away the fact that this the coming of jesus is what is no is going to be ushered not by an angel not by war no rumors of war it's not going to be ushered by pandemic no okay it's not going to be ushered by a one world order it's not going to be ushered by no uh the mark of the beast it's not going to be ushered by a zombie apocalypse no it is going to be ushered by the people of god that asks why another word jesus preaching the gospel hey jesus is real did you see this no we are the ones and we are the ones who's going to usher in the coming of the lord and when the gospel of the kingdom has been preached the end shall come and that's that should be our attitude we are to preach the gospel to proclaim the good news do you still believe that this is the good news do you still believe that faith in jesus is the good news no do you still have that love somebody paul the love of god compels me number five my last point keep watch be ready stay faithful keep watch be ready stay faithful matthew chapter 24 verse 30 to 39 all the way 40 to 51 and then at last the sign of the son of man is coming will appear in the heavens and there will be deep mourning upon upon all the peoples of the earth they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory he will send out his angels with a mighty blast of a trumpet and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the world remember last week we talked about that no that that in a twinkling of an eye you know jesus will no we will meet jesus in the heaven event that has come to be known as the rapture some people from the farthest ends of the earth in heaven now learn the lesson of a fig tree jesus talks about irreparable when its branches bud and its sleeves begin to sprout you know that summer is near in the same way when you see all these things when you get to see these things you know the end is near okay you can know his return is very near right at the door i tell you the truth this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place heaven and earth will disappear but my words will never disappear however now check this out no one knows that they already are when these things will happen nor not even the angels in heaven or the son himself no jesus said nobody knows the day of their only the father who is in heaven not even jesus christ when he was in this world but being in human form i mean he doesn't know i don't know right so we are not to know in fact when the son of man returns it will be like the noah's day in other words no more peaceful okay no people will be enjoying their banquets and parties and weddings right up until the flood came and swept all that away all them away that is the way it will be when the son of man comes you know it will come as a surprise okay in fact it will not come i think when everything is chaotic so with this pandemic happening and there's wars and things like this no an election coming up [Music] there will be peace people will be thinking like everything is okay they will be marrying and giving to marriage eating and drinking and then boom jesus comes no but lord verse 42 sabine jesus so you two must keep watch keep you do not know that they already are the lord is coming no understand this if a homeowner exactly when a burglar was coming he would keep watching not permit his house to be broken into you also must be ready all the time now keep watch be ready all the time no for the son of man will come when you least expect it in verse 45 a faithful and sensible servant is one to whom the master can give responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them if the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job there will be a reward no i tell you the truth the master will put the servant in charge of all he owns but if the servant is evil and thinks my master won't be back for a while and he begins beating other servants and partying and getting drunk the master will return unannounced unexpected and he will cut the servant to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of deed no somebody to know jesus now what what are we to do we are to become servants who are faithful no working what god has assigned to us keep watch be ready stay faithful preach the gospel proclaim the good news stand firm endure don't panic keep calm don't be deceived let's pray [Music] but we just want to thank you god for this word helping us understand lord god when will these things be and lord rather than being focused lord god on on the signs and the events on wars and rumors of ours lord i pray that we'll be more focused on our attitude than the things that you want us to do lord first you don't want your church being deceived yes lord it's true that a lot of people are twisting your twisting your word using it for their own agendas but i pray lord god that you will keep your people secure you will keep our faith secure lord god that we will not lord we will not turn to another gospel lord open our eyes lord god open our eyes lord and guide our hearts lord god [Music] that we will not fall and be deceived [Music] in the name of jesus lord i pray lord god lord that even in the midst of chaos and wise and rumors of wars and panic lord will do systems collapsing pandemics pestilence is happening i pray that we will keep calm lord i think maraming lord god take away our fears i speak to our i speak your peace upon everyone in the name of jesus and lord i pray lord god that we will stand for [Music] that we will indeed endure [Music] lord help us to endure to endure till the end so i encourage everyone right now stand firm don't give up don't give up meeting with each other don't give up on your faith jesus said the love of many will grow cold [Music] no don't you allow that don't you allow that stay close with the word of god stay close with the church pray pray every day watch and pray stand firm stand firm you want to give up you want to quit but there are probably doubts and fears but no don't you give up you stand firm but i pray that we will be able to stand firm as your promised lord that those who stand firm will be saved lord i pray that we will we'll preach our word [Music] and we will be faithful lord in carrying out this world or to people lord manning we find ourselves limited given our situation but i pray we will not stop and we will use every opportunity we have to proclaim the word that we will be watching ready and faithful in jesus name amen can we just can we just worship the lord right now [Music] on hallelujah day when my strength is fading the end goes near in that time has come still my soul will sing your praise and ending ten thousand years and then forever more [Music] [Music] worship his soul may sing like never before know my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Music] jose [Music] [Music] jose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] what is what is the gospel i i said that the the it is the gospel the proclamation of the good news that will usher in the coming of christ the gospel is basically this know that if you believe jesus with all your heart come to him humbly ask forgiveness for your sins repent no and surrender your life to him then jesus promises to give you a brand new life he promises forgiveness he promises that you will be born you know you will be born again born with a new life in christ and if you want to you want to experience that you want to experience jesus in your life not religion but simply a relationship with god i want you to pray with me right now so let's pray go ahead i want you to pray with me wherever you are as you're watching this say this prayer out out with me loud lord jesus god repeat after me lord jesus today lord asking forgiveness for all my sins salah and today i want to surrender my life to you [Music] and i declare that i will follow you all the days of my life i make you lord and savior over my life i believe you in jesus name amen lord to everyone who prayed that prayer touch them wherever they are right now if they need healing i speak supernatural healing upon their sickness lord if their hearts are down discouraged depressed i pray take away that spirit of depression lord give them courage lord for those feeling weak lord strengthen their hearts lord for those who feel dirty and sinful wash their sin away in jesus name amen amen praise god you're watching destiny church if you would like to check more resources or donate to this ministry you can download the destiny church ph official app or log on to www.destinychurch.org.ph [Music] give
Channel: Destiny Church PH
Views: 154
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kSxL02PEhg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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