Signs of Finding True Love (Part 1) - Leo Carlo Panlilio

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God has a plan for you and maybe the only reason why the reason why our lives are so messed up is because we are not actually following God's plan and God's design for our lives right and probably if there's one plan that we cannot afford to make a blunder way how many of you want to know God's plan for your life specifically your love life I think that's why you're here this afternoon some of you heard that the series for the next couple of weeks has to do with know about relationships and love life and marriage where you come to the right place hey biggest thing over the last come over the next couple of weeks now since we have entered February and then if February is known as the love month being being the man whereby we celebrate you know Valentine's Day know I have decided to choose this topic that is I believe it's so crucial know because the way this is something that we have to deal with every single one of us last week we talked about know the idea of singleness that reality is single isn't bad after all time ever in fact something any Apostle Paul I wish that you were all single just like me I mean he was so excited about the fact of him being single so we realized that single no isn't really bad after all but then the reality is also that no the norm is most of us maybe 90 98 percent of us if anyone is going to get married no something on attend marriage is the norm singleness is exceptional yeah do you know wearing that oh he was an exceptional Caban savvy but norm norm norm ax so we have already talked about that and this is the second part of the series and we're going to take a look at you know how do we find that person in our lives hey next week hopefully or maybe we're gonna extend but we're gonna be talking about marriage so singleness and then today is about courtship finding out God's best and hopefully next week is about marriage okay so if you're ready I want us to pray right now let's pray father we just want to thank you God for this wonderful afternoon and I pray the Lord indeed we will see clearly from your word as to how we go about finding a spouse finding the right person for us Lord guide us Lord because this is one area that we cannot really afford to make a mistake we need your wisdom we need your word and we pray Lord God that you will just show us according to your word in Jesus name we pray amen amen come on let's give Lord our best clap so actually we have been using Jollibee commercials as a platform last last Sunday I showed you one of jalebis commercial stunts a hashtag quantum jalebi diovan hashtag quite own destiny a we showed that commercial regarding status now Mulan's our topic this this afternoon I would like for us to see the Jollibee commercial entitled signs if you haven't seen it watch this Paradiso lemon go science science a CGI Guernica and a favorite number of a star city hey you got Nolan a bad check Jana the one for you picking up ooh the reason we know the German see Mike you know the buffers meet miss me mr. glass [Music] see what moon Jennifer Talega when I needed some [Music] we need up an exciting [Music] okey universe up appointed engine and Johnny me Shannon a friendly with the Johnny [Music] hi Mike I bought spaghetti for the both of us Stacey see starting up a la classmate co-star this is Stacey girlfriend Oh your start nice to meet you [Music] though John parody my literatura gonna do so I don't know your name huh does he not spa get thee I wanna corny bar [Music] I've been waiting for so long so with you where were you very special me [Music] a public attention to try to be in an offering [Music] [Applause] [Music] now our multimedia attempted our own version of science so let us watch this so Jessie Parimal element in China from Paradiso Villa Monaco but no science science Sorrento I don't hear it number more 3ck Lola laughing data engine Shannon the one for you three we know a baby the pushing bugs ortigas life [Music] so it's hi mr. Ranas attitude Aloha you thanks Dan by the way see Jessie pile on enemy conscious ortigas like Jessie see Jen real psycho [Music] so this [Music] [Music] one more chance worship song for the 40 [Music] so cuz [Music] Hey [Music] okay don't panic over me don't worry and devotional service I'm 34 it's a bit deeper I sought the Lord [Music] [Music] emotionally [Music] they admitted I'm prescribed reading so you cannot treat that as a sign anyway no you know if there's probably one aspect that we cannot afford to make a mistake in it is really finding a spouse a ramela 'bageena Paganica Malika okay Lenny like for example even a failed exam no there's this possibility of you know you can retake it again even a failed subject you know though you might be delayed you can take it again the following same but then when you talk about marrying somebody you cannot say to the Lord Lord sorry I repent next time indianepal you know why because marriage is a covenant it's supposed to what it's meant to last forever hey that's why in a way know here in the Philippines no I I think we are the only two countries left now a long divorce law no there's a lot of complications to that then again - we prescribe to that to that idea that no God is not really a proof of divorce of people separating are you there so now Paula got Elega to actually look in this aspect and the question is are there really science you know what I'll be honest with you I will not I will not say that God doesn't give signs in fact if you look at the Bible there's this amazing story in Genesis chapter 24 whereby a tongue see a bomb was was was helping his son look for a wife and he'd asked one of his servants to do so and apparently this servant asks for signs Hey and so that is possible though again it is not something that no you can actually make a doctrine out of it yeah and like you're teaching about singleness which is only known in teaching Nepal about about the idea of the single life and also you're gonna find a lot of teachings about the married life as to for example how a husband treats his wife just see nambeesa officiants no husbands love your wives just like no christ loves his church and for the wives submit to your husband just like the church is submitted to Christ no there are clear teachings on marriage and there's also clear teachings on singleness but it seems that there's no specific Lear teaching on how to find the person that you're gonna marry what we can find though in the Bible is what you can call principles or guidelines okay there are guidelines that we can get insight from and we can apply in our lives in order for us to be able to know find the right person that that we we are we are to marry okay first of all I'd like to open this up with a verse in proverbs chapter 30 verse 18 to 19 proverbs chapter 30 verses 18 to 19 I'm not sure about this verse in the Bible it's in fact it's a kind of poetic and mystical at the same time now maybe the author who was probably King Solomon was a no would a one who write this was just so inspired by my creation by what God made and and here he wrote this proverb in a very poetic way nobody avenido there be three things which are too wonderful for me yay four of which I know not telling no telling pneumococcus sobby sobby tagalog da gama hata Miren Goomba guy knocking Kinnaman on her iPod and Hindi colobus Maha I know so and then he numerate s' this this war takes Sabina number one now one of the things that what what what he says is so amazing for me the way of an ego in the air now I don't know about you know well I've always been fascinated with Eagles especially when they're in flight probably if they're there's a bird that I can say my my favorite bird it's it's an eagle Hey in fact there's this one biologist who studied the Philippine eagle and he said the Philippine eagle is the most majestic flyer and if you see an eagle in flight you know it doesn't even flaps flap its wings its source and there's just a mystery a sense of awe like wow did I know now and if since we live in Metro Manila cell W anthalie see and either unless you'll go out somewhere in the province no there might still be a chance that you see an eagle in flight and it's just amazing another thing that no that Solomon describes here is Sabina the way of a snake has its litters on a rock I'm a big Sabine on there's something about you know now some of you when you think about snakes know you don't like the idea of snakes because you know they're venomous they're dangerous but snakes are also one of the most amazing creatures like if you see how you know it's knowing that it doesn't it doesn't have feet in legs and yet the way it crawls and slithers and getting it by the way just to inform you I actually have a pet snake I do know I guess the the vet part and me before I became a pastor no my first course in noopy was veterinary medicine so I love all kinds of animals that's why I love you that's a joke so I have a pet snake I didn't but I didn't I didn't bought it I didn't buy it no what happened was around July right after my dad when he passed away actually the day after we we we buried my dad no I was still in our home in some ballast and in San Marcelino some ballast in the following morning I was doing my devotion of and bhai we had a small outside dining area there underneath the middle of this huge mango tree in house oz by the night the dining table and all of a sudden something fell from the roof yes what it was a snake so I got scared hey I was thinking it might be a Philippine Cobra because we've killed a Philippine Cobra in that in that place before so Tina loco you know Tina some of our some of the guys there and incidentally we were able to pin down the snake and my objective was to kill it but then again I thought what if it's not a Cobra maybe it's not venomous so did it again come again no I I try to observe it whether it's gonna try to strike and apparently no it doesn't have the form of a Cobra so I thought I'll keep it so many tango Busha that prop namitha the spinny chongo went to Google Checkout no snakes in the Philippines and I saw one that was you know obviously the kind of snake that it was and then I also I also sent the picture to my friend who was a vet who was working with snakes and sure enough it was a non-venomous snake it is what you call a Philippine wolf snake it's it only goes to be about this size need national Aqaba and it's it it feeds primarily on lizards Manabu TK yes I've been keeping that snake for several months now and by the way coming boutique a please send it to me no Busan I want a boutique I serve I don't get up manually and one of the things I loved watching it like I love it when you put a live lizard boutique a that was big lemon you may leave English a venomous a leaving a senior at us know one time no marry somebody get a leg and get an capita in a so I beat him booty I'm not I can show it the I add on my phone like the lizard was no she anyway and then I know it's amazing how slowly it swallows the whole lizard sometimes much Milani / Sonya okay so yeah so these are amazing so anywhere I just had to say that no I say you need not amazing solo bunnies I mean yeah the way of a serpent upon the rock and it something in the way of a shape in the midst of the sea what does not mean now okay it's really amazing when you see a shape so massive especially during those days no ships were not prepared during those days by engines or coal or fuel it was powered by the wind and there's just a certain sense of majesty of all when you see no a ship on the water a and and so Solomon describes all this Paris I mean your three are amazing for me four of which I fully don't understand and the fourth one submitting it the way of a man with a made in the in the NIV version on sabadie don't know the way of a man with a made it in other words no have you ever encountered guys who all of a sudden you know or even ladies know even girls when you're when your crush is there your loss for words like but all of a sudden you you're awkward you know Palin you know what I'm talking about right the way of a man or even the way of a woman when when the guy is there right and so we're gonna we're gonna dive into this mystery and try to I know try to decipher hey how a man is with a woman or how a woman is with a man hey now I need you I need you to understand this no there are two important choices that we make in life hey two important choices that each one of us have to make number one the choice of whether you are going to marry or not hey check it out marriage is your choice Dhamma bah Hey in other words no you know you you make a choice Kumagai Celica you make a choice if you are to remain single hey God does not make that choice for you you make that choice Hey are you there you cannot just simply be okay no some some people believe not just wait don't date hey you know what's gonna happen hey you're gonna be single hookers life you know I because when I say dick it's not about it's not the context of dating in the u.s. it's more of the idea of getting to know others right now and we're gonna go go into some of that into greater detail later no Paula wha so it is your choice whether you marry or not but it is also your choice who will it be right proverbs chapter 12 verse 26 proverbs chapter 12 verse 26 a bonito the righteous choose their friends carefully but the way of the wicked leads them astray the righteous people who are righteous people no gusto gamma 1 and gamma people a goose tongue nor going to win no Sam Alito they choose their friends carefully Hey how many of you know that it is important Malaga nah PEP Li not in a kaiba Gannett in right now you might think that friendships just happened naturally Hey but the reality is this no your friends are your choice now why do you need to choose friends because a we all know that not not not everyone is a good influence in fact in first Corinthians no sinabi Nepal company corrupts good character no matter how good you are if you surround yourself with bad people eventually you're gonna you're gonna catch on to their bad behavior in their bad attitude in that is why not Paula gasps a bonito be careful in choosing your friends the righteous people choose their friends now if the Bible says you need to be careful in choosing your friend don't you think it is more in all the more you need to be careful in choosing your spouse right hey all the more it's not all the more you have to be careful in choosing a girlfriend or a boyfriend Hey not just for the sake of having a boyfriend or girlfriend no Thai we have this principle that the reason why you want to have a relationship is for the purpose of marriage not to simply flirting around and sleeping around Hey our purpose for know for finding a boyfriend or a girlfriend it's ultimately marriage not just simply to satisfy one's desires or one's lusts not simply to know Paramatma Sabina Marin Kong boyfriend or girlfriend clear clear so you know okay choosing friends is important but what what is more important is choosing your spouse now hey I'm gonna have to break two myths about relationships the first myth is this but sinabi nothing means it makes a mean it or no something that we assume is right but all together it's false in other words it is not true hey no is it possible that we have made certain myths about relationship we have believed certain things that hindi naman talaga biblical hindi total tatu ylönen ganito no the first myth that we are going to break is the myth that God choose who you will marry Hey no God doesn't make that choice for you hey na bong get guna Annina marriage is your choice who you are going to marry is your choice it is not God's choice are you there and you might be thinking right now pastor what about destiny hey how many who have heard me teach about the idea of destiny that destiny is not a matter of chance it is actually a matter of choice are you there you know what you need to be encouraged that know that God doesn't choose for you hey that it is not a matter of destiny na minha Don para Cebu hi mo panel interim panel béchamel as mo Prescott acaba mom Emil a Hindi car alarm ah Paco say some tau i amo tomada congi Nostromo pan pin Olivia right are you there hey there is nothing in the Bible that says that no God specifically chose a particular person for this person no hey what I what I believe to be true is you no no okay which leads me to my goodness to breaking the second myth okay and in a new second miss that there is only one person in the universe that was meant for you don't think they were that there's only one person in the entire world that is meant for you sounds good very Hollywood but it cannot be true you know I checked this out let me tell you why that cannot and should not even be considered to be true hey think about this so if let's say there is one person in the entire universe that is that is just for you and that person let's say marries another one you know what's gonna happen it creates a domino effect of messed up relationships okay I need four volunteers for single men for single women come up here right now come on guys force marry I know okay bowel is OD yay yay professionals young professionals come on come on I need volunteers single young women and single young men yay ladies don't be ashamed don't be afraid single ladies come on come on come on please I need you help me out yeah okay come up here one two three four okay go over here the ladies over here okay let's get their names Alex divine he's a Danica Danica okay and the guys why hi mark Chris chanting EJ Nico okay now for the purposes of a no for the purposes of illustration koonta to ito assume una not a not at or not there is only one person in the entire universe meant for you let's say simmer and see Danica are meant for each other Marc and Danica is me you know I know that you know knowing that that there know that they are meant for each other the problem is you know Danica doesn't like Marc and so what Danica does is know he/she likes know AJ better so when i whistle so a million ACCJC acid and Elena trattoria now understand this they were not meant for each other pero in else cotton cotton and comely share and comely satanica in mesta no even you couple irony AJ pero but I cannot even see Marc naga beaten say array no Alana Shannon no no Alana you don't one for her Hey so that will anneal the one for her what she does is what what what he does is no look for Xena laughs no Sofia Varma gentleman see see Alex no so eventually Nakata Luigi Alex RC mark Despres allow me to see Alex para I judge jag so she ran at all see I thought I know because I love a thought that marathon so we know that well I'm empowered no well I'm the one for him no the incident Samia puede no man see a cell so no tapas in Delaware that will under a bar you don't love you Nutella now you see what happened you cannot be you cannot know how idea is the no is the thought that there's only one person for you but check this out if one person fails it creates a domino effect of messed up relationships in the process hey I don't think know that this is right that God no that's why there is no one person for you what God does is I believe no there are several people that the Lord allows you to cross paths with in your life they become your friends office mates and you meet them and and then everyone like yeah this parent Omega pattern if you're talking to God Lord at all yeah she's okay it's the Lord way Dominion is okay hey and it is you who ultimately makes that choice are you there hey so there is no one person for you right how many of you you were encouraged my entire it's praise God my palapa Donatelli tomahto thank you guys thank you so as I've said no yes there might be signs but more than the signs I believe what we need to look into is guidelines or biblical principles into helping us decide whether this person is suited for us or not is suited to be a partner a spouse a husband or a wife the seven guidelines of finding God's best number one inner witness can you say with me inner witness or you can do better than that guys some more excitement inner witness now maybe for some of you married couples know you're thinking that this has nothing to do with you no no yeah this same guidelines are still effective in the married life it doesn't change okay let me explain so number one we have what we call inner witness only big Sabine an inner witness no the Holy Spirit no the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit this is beyond liking or physical attraction this is something on a deeper level on a spiritual level okay rather than just being physical or emotional I want you to turn your Bibles to Romans chapter 8 verse 16 Romans chapter 8 verse 16 was what does it say there no Sabini Paul dito the spirit can you read this with me why don't we go the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children okay Paul was saying something here that rather than you simply believing that you're a child of God there's another one that testifies Allah meeya for example in in the court no for an evidence to be made admissible not para Holika that there is somebody else that is no macaparana no confirming that particular evidence no like for example Santo Marron shang code and code alibi in Depot operating know who um poem Atticus in Andy topo salut garnet o pneuma horas NATO hey now that's his claim hey but for for his for his alibi to be accepted as evidence another person a third party comes along and testifies tomorrow young cinnamony named Jean Paul Norris Narita osha know that they testified not Papa taught or in other words keno confirm Pina Toto Hanyu you've seen asabi noon towel no and this is what you call no in our context here the Holy Spirit is the one that bears witness with a spirit within us no that tells us that yeah it is true I am a child of God it is beyond the shadow of a doubt this is this is not just something that you made up in your mind this is not some wishful thinking but God bears witness in your spirit hey Romans chapter 9 verse 1 check this out another another know another statement made by the Apostle Paul Simonon I'm telling the truth in Christ I'm not lying my conscience testifies with know with me in the Holy Spirit so again the Holy Spirit witnesses to him there is a peace maker pyah pyah me know in this earth now you know and you know that this is being confirmed by God okay now in a witness is not only applicable for finding or the right person no but in other aspects as well let me just read what pastor Jack Hayford a well-known pastor highly respected pastor also author what he says about inner witness Sabeena an inner witness is something that's about giving evidence attesting confirming confessing bearing records speaking well of giving a good report report testifying affirming what has seen or heard presenting the gospel with evidence she says it is it is an inner knowing a deep knowing knowing without any shadow of a doubt no a true inner witness from the Holy Spirit will come out of your spirit now this is this is tricky it will not come out of your head it's not gonna come out of your emotions in other words it is not based on feelings and neither is it about just your imagination or some wishful thinking hey now Madeleine McLean it all passed or the witness Sakhalin Shakalaka I'm telling it claim yet but how how do you verify whether it is a true witness of God or he's just simply being deceived by his own feelings no alibi Osibisa Bible and in Jeremiah our hearts amazingly do you know that our hearts are described by God's Abbess and Jeremiah the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked check this out how does grad describe our hearts deceitful sepegal log Maupin leland no alum know it's one thing normal over a bottle Perrineau málaga uni logo kind of surreal immobile but that's so how many of us have actually deceived ourselves we try to convince Cindy Tanaka singer in psychology we have a tendency 'no no bergamot alamou male keno invisible sevilla mom Tom Akashi my European meet you Molly or sometimes tile Gustav Gustav on a sandbar guy you try to convince yourself that it is the right thing are you there hey like for example some marketing sales know when you are a single need on a Billiken and producto like okay check this out why is it marijuana products like for example i encountered this product that's it's a water purifier it's two hundred thousand pesos in people buy it even people who are not really that rich end up buying it and when they buy it know something if I tell him put him down pour it into between a new coin I know like an enormous Malini Sangha know and why do they say that because it's not even because the product is effective because you need to convene yourself with gossip on ahead malama number two hundred thousand the cement Allah made a Billina Medina Manabu melon melon all do NASA they were some of our water station hey beanie deceive not in your Selena that means and Kenya needs a love life no witness pasaje I heard from the Lord okay here's a test how many times have you heard from God is it a normal thing in your life that you actually walk with God and you actually consult God with every aspect of your life that you're always in tune with the Holy Spirit don't be telling me now all this time in Hindi Kannada Baba sanam Bible Melinda Gennady Devo Indiana a keen egg no indie movie naw pants in your mama no inner inner witnesses or inner no inner voices that the Lord has been telling you in all of a sudden now you can clear you can clearly hear synonym Lord Rama what makes you think that now no you have an inner witness when you never had an inner witness with any other aspect of your life you never consulted God with your course or with your job or that promotion and now you're saying that you just hear no as if it's so easy to hear God are you there I'm not saying that this that's why it's my first point this happens but for you to be able to have an inner witness hey I believe you have to have a certain level of maturity know being deeply and according the Word of God no how do you develop inner witness you spend a lot of time with God in prayer hey you ask God about know about about your life about your decisions you consult the Holy Spirit Lord I don't go inko what should I take this job should I take this offer it's applicable not only for love life no no some believe it's applicable for a job it's applicable to solve a problem that you may have been having in school no like you know the course that you're gonna take about handling a problem or a roadblock no for example four husbands and wives sometimes you you experience a challenge in your relationship in your family a it's so important to seek God and have the Lord answered are you there okay so that is inner witness I remember for example see pastor guy I think a couple of couple of months ago when he was applying for this job no there were two jobs that apparently wanted to accept him already you know he already passed the interview and one job had a better offer in terms of salary one had one was offering him a much lower pay and so he was consulting with me and at the same time he was spraying about him apparently he chose the job that was offering him a much lower salary why because apparently when he sprayed here the witness he had a piece that this is the job for him hey that is the value of inner witness amen secondly what's the second point in finding out God's best second guideline the word lyrics a meaning the word I'm not talking about having a word sometimes that happens that God gives you a word no for a particular decision in your life no God does that he speaks to us through his word but more than just having a word no I say again this is tricky I say it's so easy to claim a word the cool geek out now won't be here hey when I talk about the word I'm not talking about receiving a word no but more importantly listen to this it's about being a man look for a man or a woman whose character and values are being determined by the Word of God in other words a man a woman of the world who loves the Word of God that they're the ally allowed their lives to be guided in sassily tandem doest know why because really that's the foundation for life right hey in this world a lot of things are going to change him but if there's one thing that will be unchanging it is God in his word his word is eternal so if you want know if not I the best the best anchor for one's life is the Word of God remember this parable about the two foundations no Sabbath on there were two people one was a fool one was wise the one built his house on the rock but all know the rains came the winds descended the floods swept through the house it's I mean it did not fall why because it was founded on solid rock what kind of person is disabilities these are people who hears the word and applies them I'm man of the world the other one they hear the word but they never apply Jesus compared him to a foolish man who built his house now San Joaquin and no the rain scale the floods came the winds blew swept on that house in great was the fall booming Saleem bhai why because the foundation was shallow the foundation was superficial it was founded on sinking changing sand hey where are you anchoring your life what is your life's anchor what is your foundation is it the Word of God or is it no things in this world that keep on changing you want to look for a husband or a wife look for someone whose life is based on his word are you there number three hey I love number three I love talking about number three number three talks about what we call the three M's three M's number three three M's honey 3 M 3 letter M stands for master mission mate can you say it with me master mission mate ok say louder with more enthusiasm and excitement master mission may go ahead master mission may go ahead one more time maybe Selena Master mission main hey I believe that one of the most important things to consider in looking for a spouse looking for a boyfriend or a girlfriend you need to consider who is that person's master do you have the same master is Jesus Christ no his master as well as know in your life Jesus is your master hey there's this article that I've read in desiring God calm by Marshall Siegel and this is what he said I love this no okay can you put it up is it there Marshall Seco said this Sabrina the first rule in dating is the first rule in all of life a well are you not excited about talk about first rule in dating something apparently the first rule in dating is actually the first rule in life and what is that submit Ito und code snow from mark chapter 12 verse 30 and this is the rule you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind with all your strength and you might think past or what what does that verse have to do with dating or finding or a spouse hey buddy buddy no that's the first rule love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your strength with all your might with all your strength let me tell you why this is important hey because to tell you honestly I believe that what's gonna preserve a relationship what's going to preserve let's say a marriage is not so much the love of a person for his wife or husband the primary reason why that the relationship is protected is because he loves God are you there only because of a unit or no pagani Santa Omaha gang news Kai Cunha a NAPA here Elijah oh no miss Meena pie well I let's say Cunha la la luna situation a teeny disability nurse no maraming Mahna Mahna Familia the goddamn Tata in Agra brooder Nana not indignant impatient assalam o right Muhammad Ali Omaha Family Services IRA no abominable seen an a- octa-pie no not assign an ID toe she taught a detour dude Mary Malika doorknob on and on la Bamba by owner la la la serie unfamiliar bar hey Cassie Toto no I a cylinder para solid I'll Malaysia is a pillow long temporary Nanak I well I do matting in Topsail die hindi neelam allah knows when bob and i pero con la santé Omaha Szilard vomiting in toxo nan Jana cine solution baba yaga la vie no thankful flirt Nevada train oka most enemies is small sometimes para innocent question learning Segundo masala to my new room Patna parent Matthias appoint the canary Latino to Sydney seduce na para la laaaa TECA Mahalo go see daddy sorry I cannot do that I love God and because I love God I love my wife I'm not gonna do that when you love God it probably solves half of your life's problems are you there that's why that is the first rule in dating find someone who loves God more than they would love you right but we have except you say your girls ladies men except saying I love you I don't mean more do you love God I don't I don't want to know if you love me I want to know first do you love God because if it's just about me what if your feelings change but if you love hot that's a totally different thing the love of God makes you faithful are you there hey Sabri Mustafa tell me more love God Hey look at what he has to say no Sabina no no Sheena Billy mark Sega Sabina you will not truly love anyone else if you do not love God first and foremost wow what a what a powerful statement Sabina he got out to nine motto motto Tomac mihalko hindi mo una Solano's bari consider to lean upon a big name gargling seduce gaba no CW Jesus I mean there is no love greater than this than for a man to lay down his life for his face he's not talking about some superficial of he's talking about the love that he's giving to the world no Sameer there is no greater love than the love and I gave as I lay down my life for everyone for God so loved the world you will never truly love until you find the love of God because you love them just unconditionally hey by Kemal and Jose Barajas Delma bodka ending I mean al-quran justice white none no maximum Oh golly born and Castle on and monopoly rebelled mo remember unconditionally no chitin goinna Tamara McAuliffe not indict me settle in love Nylund made you conditional Perini right what do I mean Marin buddy tonane loved us upon it from panic more we love you and then na I believe that no part of the love that we understand in the world is still because like yeah no madam pilot you say but now people say you know I'm saying come on imiren miren coming a little bit of condition a hindi bhama right that's why no it's so important that we first experienced the love of God in that we love God first and foremost same master right master Hey so you know ii M is mission second M is mission a lot of young people today a lot of singles today go about finding you know finding a spouse looking for signs you know what you need to do one of the first things that you need to determine first rather than looking for a husband or a wife is determine your mission in life hey proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 one of my our most quoted verses here at destiny proverbs 29 verse 18 without vision people perish hey I may be some empanada well I'm a deacon in will have been a Taliban you boring away long sighs I'm a pop Allahu Allah hey hey ladies know if you're gonna marry someone don't you want to marry somebody a man who has a dream for his life who has a vision who wants to make a difference right no you find that no you find dignity in that it's supporting a man that no not not only a lover but someone that you could support in fact check this out this is a revelation for me when Adam remember God created Adam first and then when Adam was doing the work taking care of the earth no Sabina Mallorca Adam no no subdued the earth take care of it and manage it well so Adam was know was basically doing what God has tasked them to do to manage the world he was naming the different animals at that time and hence I've been an alert it is not good for man to be alone I would make a what's the word a helper suitable for him now check this out listen what was not good that God saw us Adam was doing these things by himself it is not good Adam needed somebody to help him accomplish the task accomplish the mission that God has given him as Adam was working thereby he needed help he needed somebody to support him in what God was know what God has called him to do sikozu anon karapatan mo big antonin cat once a boy evil laugh and a monkey nagawa telenovela an attitude oh but Medina grata Mira with aluminum enough oh right Mira que la ooh la la you know I only met elope Kalamata on para tu la vamos on and that's why guys any men in the house hey what you the first need to do that I'm looking for a girl look at your life find out what is what is God's mission for me what is God's vision for me get a mission get a dream get a job don't be a bomb Hey couldn't and I got any more than a helper combine in violent way to know more I know my tire heat up to Mumbai to the Moho I don't know anything Facebook lat Busan orissan pew 10 to noon right ladies number boyfriend car you may be shown another but I got the Linea will about up yeah I could he couldn't go anymore no one came up fold once again tahno pocket anymore I don't be more simply learn simply boo hi I may be simply simply well Pappalardo it happens likely be Sabino seen place over here I know this mall I know plan was a boy simply learn but I hope in a salon more ballast a 3d camera upon Sahiban buncha Bogart on Kochi garden by simply llama pool Gina Gaston I simply well you're there hey mission let me tell you my story hey see chalene my wife know we met in you pillows - first circle it's palana ho 17 years old first year college studying I was studying in you pee you know my of course at that time was veterinary medicine she was taking up food technology and I happened to meet her I could still remember the very first day I saw her hey it was a fellowship gathering a Bible study that I was invited to and apparently she was also invited to that Bible study it happened at the right side of the UPP los baños main library no apparently there was this pretty petite girl wearing shorts cute or now how I wish I will I can tell you that it was love at first sight no it wasn't it wasn't like that in fact I can sit in the back of my mind she was pretty you could almost say like yeah I had a crush on her but it's not something like you know I was 17 it was not yet the time hey I was in college it was not the time to have a relationship yet Hey what I'm what I'm there to do was to study and to focus my life on serving God right right college students high school students another No so anyway in fact neguin Kamisha only after seven years and throughout that 7 years no well i'm malleus hey it came it even came to a point that I said oh yeah I know the what's this the our ministry eventually I became the head of this particular ministry I was in charge of all the all the people who were residing in the dorms a diagram adorn the dorm fellowship so I was handing that ministry and apparently to sisha sisha lean now she was reciting at women's dorm one of the things that I would do know like almost every day I would follow up on the different people that I was in charge of Safina follow up Kushan hey but well of malice you know we were really really good friends in fact though I had you could almost say I kind of have a crush on her hey Shanna no he never had a slightest crush on me oh why laughs hey so now after seven years of just being friends in fact no new graduate novel there were other other girls that were close to me in the church know that that that in fact they were much more closer to me than Schilling there were very very good friends and these were people that I actually considered the possibility that this it could be her it can be her now I was not trying to court everyone no no I was not courting I was just praying and looking at the possibilities and then eventually you could see that it was narrowing down and one day I came across a book by that time made you know bergamot Peniel illegality shine on bottom in my heart I felt no I felt that it was her you know I was you could almost say that I was already in love with her and I didn't know that she was already considering me at that time she started also falling for me already you know both of you know at that time she was handling the professionals ministry I was handling the campus both of us were graduates already so and I I read a book that's in type of half time by Bob buffered dudes a book my own the author kept on asking what is your vision what is your purpose what do you want to accomplish and and one day as that as I was reading that book I had to close that book and started writing down what I believe that God has called me to do in my diary in my journal Sinhala Co in fact I still have that diary till today you can still see the dreams the visions the desires that no I wrote there that's about what almost 20 years ago and in one of the things that I place there as a mission assuming I become Lord will happen destiny no well app' hey well no that's how you peel off bad news farming on septic Lord I'm on a pastor a church by the thousands I want to make an impact I want to make a difference in this nation I want to help change lives of people and and you know these are gotta like I was up to Pastor a church in Metro Manila and intentionally go to so Lord Lord gusto italic osetia but I'll try to find out what is her mission what is her vision and if there's anything that doesn't align with my mission then maybe maybe it's not her I'm willing to surrender I will be willing to surrender her to you lord so one day we ended up having this conversation in Wendy's and I got and in my mind it isn't time now I'll try to find out what is her mission in life what does she want to accomplish I see initially I thought that she wanted to be a missionary that she was to go out no outside Philippines and be a missionary somewhere so casually without her telling me now without me telling her that that was me that actually it was some kind of a test no indication having by the way to Nepal and of core mission statement kono say oh not at a vodka say on a bong UNITA Tata gonna bomb us to new arena hole the Salomon bamboo zoom isn't a lactam to say gusta moraine de Vivar and [Music] so without showing her that that was my plan casual in a parent shop and I mean and she ended up saying her dreams without me telling mine and you know when she was telling what God was placing in her heart it was amazing because it is as if she was the one who wrote the things I wrote down on my notebook no she told me I want a pastor a church in Manila and she didn't know that that was what I wrote and somehow that day independent income a in fact it was probably another year but I knew that day that it was it was her because we had if we already had the same gun we're we're good friends and now we have the same mission are you there Master Mason made an exhibition who made made no means what's this you're able to work together as a team no there's it's a perfect match no it doesn't even mean that you are the same in every aspect of your life in fact the reality the opposite is actually true sometimes no opposites really attract right like for example in appointing que no para am Quentin and cuento market well a magic unique hey I'm a Googler bucket me roman agora - LuAnn not anemic Lisa you said I'm an adult Dan because a perfect match should know anybody quaint or not going to price was an enigma got away on did I'm not a greedy it all did it wait wait Perry Perry Oh Ganesha no time he mixes river right no you Michigan are a major Mahalo tank want a nice animal instantly nice Mahalo God cushy animal innocent Allah they are was a marriage diamond FINA fulfill human ecology shy of the galini's - Tori I fulfilled Jeff will feel that aw no there has to be a perfect match no let me let me introduce no there were three M's but let me introduce today No something similar I call it the four C's in the four season four C's no four C stands for Christ calling character and then chemistry and compatibility Christ same Lord Jesus Christ no there is no question we love the Lord we love Jesus no Sabini in fact Sabini requiring when a person when two people are not united in terms of their core beliefs in terms of their spirit one beliefs they would never fully they would not fully understand the joy and the beauty of physical and sexual intimacy ba hey Kousaka windy aline Carosa no hindi you align eben you seduce then you might experience a certain kind of pleasure with sex whether or not the level of intimacy that's coming from within you being a spirit being are you there I believe the people who truly could truly experience know the beauty and the joy of both physical and sexual intimacy are those people who first of all are united in their spirits in serving God Christ calling unites the mission what God has called you to do no character malaga um character no Sabini there's this guy his name is Josh Squires no Sevilla character is the domain that lets me know that two people value the same thing you know they they have the same thing they have the same set of values no human Ibaka in apena b'hala gihan hey Annie peena-pod Agana and then chemistry incompatibility let me just read what he says about chemistry chemistry is the domain that two people are really attracted to one anime chemistry I mean what happen at any point in the movie store physically there has to be a level of physical attraction Hey and in fact no I think that's that's normal in that probably the first thing that you see is really the physical but also understanding chemistry is not only just physical attraction according to Josh choir submission it's also emotional attraction subbing are these people at East with one another a big Sabine Paulo game Baha and Loeb you say sorry sir are you comfortable with one another do you laugh together hey do they seem to look forward to seeing each other genuine chemistry is the platform upon which infatuation Springs and it should remain once infatuation has begun to subside and remix a minute oh but we're not genuine chemistry to tell myself you're infatuated can grow up with Bill King people agony the reality star meanwhile Miyazawa know in America pelagic nakulan of savasana there are names that know like like okay I remember John sin John John was with me last when was this fight Friday okay Saturday was it yesterday yesterday yeah mundo see giant pocket oppose Nagano Bogota was make a selca say yesterday afternoon no mag Leslie herself Thomas our bumaba not address and really when I saw my wife like wow and I was anytime we everywhere like Nathan each engine you know now you need one open are you gonna rape I'll give you singing I mean well we said I'm gonna get on it without for some key lay means and if I know and Sabrina Tito over you genuine chemistry pakalana infatuation hey oh my god it makes a pian you still find no that that that chemistry with one another as friends without chemistry people often find themselves sharing their life with a roommate not a spouse hey somebody topical Adele chemistry the other thing support on Abu Ammar know you're sharing your life with a roommate not a spouse is even though I say about you somehow you made no good India's our roommate lamb me so I don't know my new compatibility hey compatibility is the domain that lets you know that two people are able to work well as a team perfect mate like like me and my wife know we really work together as a team in pastoring the church I'm glad that he has gifts and talents that I don't have hey there are things also that I'm so good at that she is not good at and so we're able to work well there's no there's clearly compatibility in terms of our relationship with one another yay which leads to number four the number four guideline is friendship the Hagen friendship sobbing Annie líderes this cliche find a best friend and then married him me tell you no no uh-huh basement in de cocina dieting support ona more than just a romantic feeling hey the foundation for the real relationship is the friendship are you good friends hey Tammy Nisha the reason why afternoon agin kameena we didn't have to wait that long when a seven-month I think what eleven months from the time na minha eleven months we were married we don't have to wait that long you know why we were really good friends hey we know and real friends are gonna tell you know the things that you don't even want to hear but you have to hear hey are you there hey so why is this important now in mark chapter 8 verse fifteen savage' do not be misled bad company corrupts good character okay what's your name bro Ian come over here again just hear clearly see Ian is very much more smaller than me no in terms of weight no and probably physique was Marie Topanga Tania a singer in terms of just seeing that much Melania am i anymore okay he lying he Tampa - he lied more ba ba ba ba ba he like it up at last ok you see ok what happens no there is a greater possibility despite Nevada mass mass mass a monogamous Malaya tengo mala mala I intend in cinema Hulu gajja gajja NASA baba shy Billy mama I began more Yukino consider mobile okay Simula new noggin Caya para uma biome piccata oh ma hello boom above level of productivity Masato below dot a on time cap alligator gar guano project Luna in La Boca late kana bongsa kappa me who mila are you there are you getting this hey no cocoon totem friendship ian mckellen friendship Ian I'm a hairy monkey he'll agree thank you know Ian Maggie he Lanka yo pata ass Muslim alum so Lord must knocking fruitful Nakuru dong cell group do mommy and life group know promotes a trabajo Butthead Meganium friendship amen Hey number 5 the fifth guideline godly counsel what do you mean by godly counsel its counsel from family in godly people counsel from family and godly people our family and our friends especially our leaders our people are able to see what you call blind spots in other words no especially include sitting in air and heat up a name love gotta say literally we know this no love is blind to the point that sometimes you cannot think rightly Nichkhun Allah upon he say no sobbing an imposter who know when a person falls in love their IQ drop several levels liver neguin Tunisia who that's where you need people who can figure rightly for you know Popeye sipping car hey no guapa my sharp arrow kingdom on a man well a pariah I see means anyone a subpoena pelipper Moroccan tile non-op in alligator moosa li li mo na monitamon booty may god godly counsel you not know they can give you godly advice look at this verse check this out it's in the world proverbs chapter 12 verse 15 beside your proverbs 12 verse 15 what does it say there yeah read it aloud what does we go the way of the foolish the fool is right in his own eyes but a wise man is he who listens to human Polad the way of a full Sabrina homina homina Baloo hey tomasa but a wise man is he who listens to counsel they listen to advice Abu Musa gotta be more machining now bara Molino did hindi lad pen a pen gun well companion alibi began more a guy you the lab scutum tsongkhapa baba yaga number day Monday night a big a monopoly shipping hey Segura doin imagine a witness Kaaba no gossiping Oh Magoo learn more when we talk to Vanina a la minute amma a marami cylinder and a Somali no taking their advice taking their counsel Sabido a wise man listens to counsel hey let me tell you something your destiny here at destiny we're gonna tell you what you need to hear not always what you want to hear sometimes we want to hear the things that are nice but then no more often than not it's not what you need to hear real love is telling somebody what you need to but I'm getting too young hey you know real friendships people who give you godly counsel are this know for example Canario gotta be moody Tosa church kilala Mulan Silla Nemo talaga Silla I began I began in an acquaintance learn about illegal Anila when nobody talked I know intimately Allah said me more oh you really kill him oh if you were a diva if you must have a right not i'ma buy a new doll right very best friend more directly behaviorally wha higher under H Wayne Marie massive tonkatsu blonde oh man I shake a booty mood in Utah say about Malibu marrying myself a pair to toe at Union to Reno Maha to loose a little sadist Anissa Sabina may not have a limo or saving is Sabina mean a new young Tama a new Toto marrying in the MU gusto Pater unum tuning the maracas - no se ayudan - nay nay I began guideline godly counsel I'm almost done hey number six and seven or number six count the cost count the costs eight let me count the cost and if you submit encounter girl stay there is no perfect man there's no perfect woman in other words no when you come into marriage when you come into a relationship you have to count the cost what cost some people wish now eventually my Baba gwion in total a man God is able to change us but what if he doesn't change are you willing to count the cost are you willing to count that cost like for example no like me and my wife I had this habit sometimes you madam in the mid Co in eternal allegation Oh laundry basket hey we're set no 17 years married in 17 years in Avenal pollute your know your money no but go hey and but the thing is even when before we got married no she already counted that cost honey can you just share a little bit of your side let's welcome my wife [Music] [Applause] [Music] eleganza Bangla buy the property now Logano explanation of verse okay so I know I am white but then count the horse oh hey so before me versa India alibi'd 11 was the boy she's modeling explain your okay count the horse Kapoor yo I know at the pool so let me assume let know so let me account the cost okay from the book of Sheldon chapter 14 oh look for it me in twenty five to thirty three lives it'll look fifth look fourteen twenty five to thirty three did the poem Maharaja Jesus opinion so large crowds were traveling with Jesus and training to them he said if anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother wife and children brothers and sisters yes even their own life such a person cannot be my disciple so this is the context of following the Lord and discipleship and marriage and relationship is not different from that it's also the same covenant just like in being a disciple and a follower of the Lord so suppose one of you wants to build a tower won't you first sit down estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it for if you lay the foundation and you're not able to finish it everyone will see it and they will read the kill you saying this person began to build and was not able to finish or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king won't he first sit down no let man a man sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand it is not able he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for it terms of peace in the same way those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciple so this is in the context of discipleship I want you to understand that whenever God offers us to follow him it is not implied blind obedience he even challenges us in this verses you sit down sit down means to relax and like think things over because many times when you're just excited you stand up or like you're at the edge of your seat and like you're ready to go or you're always on the go but in this area of discipleship the Lord is telling us you sit down like take it easy see Jesus - I'm gonna take it easy if you're gonna say you wanna follow me wait wait wait take it easy you sit down you think about it think think about it because things will have to change in your life so you won't you have to think about it just like before you you you said to build the tower excited that was give up we build up on a tower you Paulo block around me my hobbies buy mo Ostin power moan again I could check with chat so it's actually in the context of discipleship so let this be a reminder to all of us if we have decided to follow the Lord don't even think that the Lord is rushing things know you sit down and think about it God wants us to think about it count the cost and voluntarily say yeah no matter what the cost is I'm gonna build a life of a disciple I'm gonna be the life of a follower no matter what the cost is because once you are decided from the very beginning whatever your face along the way it will not be an issue is that clear is that clear anybody here you want to be a disciple of Jesus count the cost you sit down and think about it am I willing am I willing and once you're willing and God would honor that decision so with regards to the application of marriage there are certain things that you will have to count the things that you the things that may not be comfortable for you the things that may not be so easy and so natural for you so when we were deciding if we're gonna be together and things are being tested our pastors every day no you know how was Appa how separately can a house option separately at in a enumerates a phenomena bug a Pathan Cossack and a negative not really on the scene side but negative in the sense now usually in the syllabus no boss it's a basement hands after it's already nothing companion Wendy poor muscle solapur that was a cadenza Kassabian de novo see Carlo short Anna by John Baker not parties organized it got very already orderly Amelie go car I'll Italy noise happy yoga didn't discourage car bunny League of are sadly its non quarter yeah my ego Papa you you mami bugga bugga so I could sit at all of those things and I looking back I really appreciate that our pastors were like that they you really laid down the things that I needed to count and I was thinking yeah I'd be honest I was thinking when we get married I'll be able to influence him to be organized so I would provide spaces for everything this basket is for this is boxes for this this is pretty nice miss Abbot and I know Susie Hapuku invito basura need more inertia hi we Mary we've been married since 1999 were 18 years married not 17 18 turning 19 this year yeah because I'm better in math so for almost 19 years I've been picking up my husband's laundry after shower he will just drop everything there I'll just go ahead Flyway I'll be doing that in the beginning years it would cost huge fight like crazy and then the Lord started dealing with my heart and the lorry the Holy Spirit started speaking to me for that piece of laundry it's gonna cost that huge fight and the Lord asked me is that really worth it is that really worth the fight and then I realized now for almost 19 years the Lord has been using that those things that I call us call cost cost and I'm counting the Lord has been using those details to form me and change me without the Ohio NOLA bad - ah but even in that simplest and smallest thing the Lord uses that to form in me the image and likeness of his son and I appreciate that I am I married somebody who is not perfect because I myself am not perfect every day the Lord humbles me and everything every time that I would pick up that laundry now it's with joy and gladness come on it's been 19 years you gotta enjoy it so every time I would figure it out and how I really appreciate him I love you I thank the Lord that he prepared us for each other and in so doing you would be able to say that marriage is not really for me more importantly it's for his glory [Music] amen learn an alligator Bible no there's one who sews there's one who reaps hadiyyah-lah soon as a java television Laurie for more character Nia finally the test of time any test of time oh so Ian italiani shortcuts last week l'm Nikita meuse-argonne arena la Nikita Maradona one-night stands [Music] in everything happening in an instant no no it has to be submitted to God a test of time you develop relationships through time right in fact there's this amazing verse in Genesis chapter 29 verse 28 don't see Jacob no he fell in love with Rachel but the thing is your father named me Rachel Sabina you I can only give Rachel to you on one condition you have to work for her for seven years seven years some of you know you cannot wait seven minutes right saliva not a memory Irina can lay one of do my own thing no sex I got seven years of simply working for this woman must have been a jacob de todas appetito so Jacob served seven years to get Rachel but look at the reverse you read it go so Jacob served seven years to get Rachel but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love Wow Polidori epic i began o india lindana auras you alert Apogee hentai nina Puccini Jacob not Aman Allah Allah Allahu Akbar donde empik mama - named Peggy big Chula weights Only Fools Rush In right yeah true love weights [Music]
Channel: Destiny Church PH
Views: 57,201
Rating: 4.8877058 out of 5
Id: 9ELSGkqgA1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 45sec (5745 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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