Keanu Reeves Had A Horrific Motorbike Accident | The Graham Norton Show

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you do ride motorbikes don't you yes yeah but like a lot he's not your main way of getting around yeah pretty much yeah little Norton commando yeah English twin I'm sorry did you just say a Norton commando between your legs at least one person sitting very close to you is imagining exactly about right [Music] I I saw that picture of you stabbing her so bad but the jokes write themselves they're not going there but if you do fall off motorbikes a lot yeah I've had some you know what it's a weird thing I've had some good luck and some bad luck you're alive that's the good luck the bad luck is I've got a fake tooth I've got a huge scar here I've got a I guess a plate in my neck about this but that's not all just the motorcycles but yeah I've come off the bike a few times yeah but wasn't there time you scored your leg yeah that was the one where a car pulled out in front of me and and I was kind of trying to decide this was just after I had the plate in the neck and I was deciding if I was kind of about to hit the car because I started to veer but then the car saw me and started to move and then he stopped and then I was just like oh man what am i good so then I was trying to decide whether to drop the bike or to jump off the bike and go over the car and then by the time I kind of figured that all out I took the bumper off of his car and I ended up sitting on the ground and then that bike was just lying over there and then like toothless cut it in half and I had blood in my mouth and then the guy came over and he was freaking out but I was in shock so I was like it's okay but the thing about it is that I was getting as I was sitting a long moment my skin was open on my shin oh and own white is very white it's like so I cut tossing it in my friend without like look how white that is and so then this woman who came up said it said everything okay and then she kind of was there and the paramedics and she was like it's a Keanu Reeves and he's like what can I have your autograph [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,021,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best chat show, Best chat show moments, British host, Captivating interviews, Celebrity talk show, Comedy, Entertaining guests, Famous guests, Funny moments, Funny talk show, Hilarious moments, Norton interview mishaps, Norton show segments, Norton show snippets, Norton talk show highlights, Star-studded guests, Talk show, Talk show bloopers, Television interviews, The GN Show, The Graham Norton Show
Id: QItsI9ynzxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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