Kaye England's SEWING ROOM Tour 2021

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[Music] what i'll let you in that's what happens when you leave your doors unlocked while you're here you might as well come on in let's take a look at where i spend 90 of my time in the sewing room [Music] let's talk tools a little bit and i'd like to address the iron i love my laura star iron those of you have watched the videos know how much i love it but i also like a smaller iron and one of my favorites on the market today is the little panasonic cordless and i use it a lot for just my initial pressing and smoothing things i pulled the big girl into play when i'm doing my final presses or got a lot of work i need to do on borders bindings or a finished quilt but if you have the luxury to own both of them that's a great thing i still think this little portable for the money is probably as good as anything on the market and it gets a lot of steam i do keep a pressing pad on my board when i work with this iron i do not need it when i'm working with the big one and it's got its own little house as you can see is the iron kind of stores back in there and then when i need it i just set the little portable one out of the way and move on the nice thing too about ironing is you can view yourself in the mirror when you iron i had a friend visit one time and she went well that's very stupid to be able to see yourself well i like looking at myself there's no problem with that i also love the ability to have my machine in a cabinet i am lucky enough to have two of those i have the back dropped on the smaller one and i do a lot of my journaling and scrapbooking and things like that i like that my machine sits in the cabinet and i know for many of you that's not possible with your space and i sewed on the kitchen table for many many years but this if if you have that luxury this is certainly one that will benefit your work folks i've traveled so much i've never had the luxury of needing of having indoor plants and now i have a friend who gave me african violets and now i am truly an old lady because i am obsessed with african violets aside from my machine and my iron my next most favorite item in my sewing room would be a design wall now what's on the wall i really must tell you i just sort of kind of staged it for you but i want you to look at how clean that wall is now i have friends who have been here who have complained about the fact that i am a pig because it's probably been well over 10 years since i've cleaned that now take a look at what i got off of that wall i used a trusty little foot brush for those of you who haven't probably brushed your feet in a long time and i just brushed my wall it took about an hour and this is what's on there this is probably 10 or 12 years of the lint from there are the threads from the back of quilts i don't know i may have to stuff a pin cushion with this because i think this is pretty funny i do love my cutting table because the height is good for me and i like to work with two mats because when i open that up which it will extend then i can pull out the second mat but i don't like to work on a mat with all those lines but i love seeing one two three four five when i need it so i just slide the one mat out and that is a big help and then above the cutting table is just some decorative stuff i have all of those are like little bulletin boards so when i'm working on a quilt i may have a block pinned up there it's pretty much been the way you see it for months i mean it's not like i cleaned that up but i did kind of cover all of my little foam core pieces and put antique frames and did a little milk paint on the frames because i love that and i love the fact that i can everything up there means something to me either it's been given to me by a friend or it's something that i personally like so i have a lot of stuff in the sewing room i'm a big collector of pin cushions now to collect nothing anymore folks i'm into getting rid of stage but because i am lucky enough to have it all i kind of like it out where i can see it and this is a room that i don't mind the clutter well that's just a few of my scissors i must say i am a scissor fanatic but i do loads and loads of scrapbooking journaling i love all my i have a lot of my friends who've given me those little purses and little pieces like that [Music] she needs a little visit to a lingerie store doesn't she [Music] i was with one of my friends when i bought that sign i just love it and i have quite a few books folks but i have probably pared down at least a thousand and i i'm down to maybe a few thousand and i need to get rid of some more so if you're hunting a particular book let me know i probably have it it's kind of nice to have a little spot if i need to pull a book out i can sit here this is kind of my scrap basket under there so every time i work on a quilt anything left over goes in there and then about once every couple of months i'll clean that out sort it and we sell those bags full of fabric by the pound so you might want to watch for that and i love my two antique quilts that are there and i just rotate magazines i'm a big collector of the flow magazines and so i move those around periodically because it gives me a chance to play in them and sort through them this isn't a quilt that was just a project quilt it was done with home deck fabrics and it's just nailed or tacked to the wall and then the rest of the pictures are actually hung on the wall through it it's a nail hole folks it won't be the end of the world and this all changes periodically too and then i even have my my little coin where i save my money one of these days i'm gonna run away from home and i'll have that money to go with now but what you're seeing on those curtains is really i use some of my fabrics and some home deck fabrics and just tore them into specific size width strips i did most of them by tearing because i wanted the raveling and then i cut a specific size length within an inch or two and then just did a knot right over a decorative rod and then with the blinds on it if i'm in here at night i can close the blinds but i still have a top treatment and i didn't want just a plain popper and because i have these shrimpy colored walls all the florals in there are kind of shabby chic and look really nice with my wall color which i love i paint the whole house this color but it probably scares my friends [Music] i also do a lot of journaling especially bible journaling and i keep all those supplies like this in the drawers for my different pens and and oh my gosh you talk about being collecting fabric folks get into ink pens inktense blocks gelatos acrylic paints and all that stuff and then rubber stamping to doing the bibles and blah blah and all that and it just goes on and on this is just a small amount of the thread i have i have it also in other drawers and i keep my like my ortho basic sewing threads and things like that i keep in their own little box so and i still keep a big batch of stencils who knows i may get a wild hair to hand quilt one of these days you know that's true [Music] i'm a buttons and bead collector uh when i was working on the african book i have a lot of those and the different bees are for a lot of times just we do a little jewelry making every now and then and i use those in my scrapbooks as well i love my colored pencils folks let me just tell you if you want to just make me happy get me a colored pencil and i have these cases are fabulous and i have another one just like it for watercolor pencils as well these are just the standard pencils for doing the work in scrapbooking and bible journaling that's like behind the green door folks that'll take another visit to go behind the green door because that's where i throw it when i'm done well thanks for visiting my sewing room today and hopefully you got a few tips that you might try in your own space have a great day bye bye i bring it out of my sewing room you
Channel: Kaye England
Views: 16,623
Rating: 4.9615793 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, patchwork, sewing
Id: q7FP3_f_nOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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