A LIVE Visit from the Creative Quilting Quartet

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well hello all you quilting friends all you people who just got home from work you're bored to death and you just turned on tv and look what's there it's us the quilting quartet is real and alive and we can't wait to share a bunch of stuff with you brian give them a pan of the quartet so they see what's waiting in line for them oh my goodness now let me tell you a little bit and he the camera may roam you never know where we're gonna be here's what happened the four of us have gotten together for about nine years we think and as we don't know exactly how many years but we think it's been about nine don't you guys that we sew together for a week each year and we've done it sometime in secrecy um and we'll may explain that and we may not but what we found out is as we started getting together i mean we've talked about everything we talk about family we talk about business we all kind of met through uh bernina because we either in one way or another we worked for them with them i was a dealer not as an educator sarah was a district manager and gail was a vice president of course she was a little bit higher up than most of us but nonetheless this is really how it all came about but the good side of all of this is we realized how lucky we were like during covid we even managed to get together even though it was the um this same time frame after everything open or happened in february and we really were very good we were masked up we didn't even hug or anything then we were all vaccinated then this time we're just having a big old party got back together but we got serious the other night and we well which doesn't happen very often but we did get serious about how lucky we are that we get to come together in a situation like this and we started talking about the amount of experience in this room and we added up the 250 years now that's not how old we are folks that well i guess it is in the long run isn't it and well i'm not i'm one of the younger ones no that's not true but what it was was how many years of sewing experience we have had but we decided that instead of leaning on quilting or sewing which we all do that we would focus more on creativity don't you guys think that's sort of what we came up to the conclusion and of course that's where this came from because this is real creative isn't it folks we quilt we do some knit some machine quilt some run business some do ruler work some gable does a lot of lacy stuff and really find stuff which you're going to see but here's the bottom line we all did come together through the channel of bernina but what we found out is there's anyone out there watching this that goes oh i want to sew like that i want to get with my friends like that or i want those big sewing machines you can gather in the back of your car if you needed to you can gather in the church a meeting hall you can gather anywhere but we felt the key was to share our own experiences we've each learned i think from each other we've grown we've gotten real sassy over the years but what i've gotten out of it the most i look forward to it quite frankly like you would maybe your family vacation and what we thought we would do is spend a little time today now we're open for q a so you can ask anybody in here any question and as we go around the room each one of us going to tell you they'll tell you a little bit about themselves what their focus is or was and don't think if you see what we're doing that that's all we do because we do a lot of stuff and i could tell you a story about everybody in this room but we may not have that much time so i don't know if the camera battery is going to last that long but i'm going to introduce you to our first person who's going to talk to you and gail and i've known each other i would suppose we met of course through bernina and maybe i've known gail the longest and i've worked with sarah on a different level as a district manager and then nana just popped up went down and you know how that happened i'm just glad i did she just fell into our life and we love it but gail is i'm gonna let her talk and then whatever she doesn't say i'll come back in and interject so miss gail hillard is gonna take the reins down and tell you a little bit about her and what she does when we started thinking about this we talked about having a journey through life how did we get from point a to point b and we're at point b right now so i started out teaching as an english teacher then went and became a guidance counselor and then stayed home for a while and had my two children and then a friend offered me to go into business together and that sounded interesting so we started a needle workshop and from there we took on bernina's and that's when my life changed totally and the joy we know about that and the journey continues by going and being a sewing specialist which meant that i was an educator and i traveled all over the country and taught consumers and then i became director of training and then as kay so graciously put it a vp after that i worked in switzerland and that was really wonderful for two years full-time on projects and i was known as senior project manager i don't know if they knew when my hair was going to go gray or what but what was so wonderful about it is that it was a joyful job because i got to speak to consumers and experts in quilting to talk about how a quilt machine should be developed and then i worked with the brilliant engineers in switzerland and the machine was developed and produced and then i spent a few years there and actually used the r word retired but i call it refocused because then i went from producing and developing machines to actually working a lot on them that's what we're going to talk about now well can't which one sheen was that what machine eight series oh so we're although you love the eight series sure here's the mother there were a lot of people that helped with that but um before that it was working on some of the other bernina's as well because bernie started listening to the consumer and that was just a wonderful thing that we were able to get input into the development so i as uh kay said i like to do lacy things i do home deck i do machine french sewing i do quilt-like maneuvers i would not call myself a quilter but i do like to quilt and this is a quilt i wanted to show you because it was a quilt that my grandmother did and sarah's going to help me with it and i just love this one i love this just a bright quilt it was called a summer quilt and it had no batting and we found that quilt and another quilt when we were cleaning out my aunt's house and so i made one for my son and this is going to be for my daughter for her christmas present and you can see that it uses all kinds of fabrics there's cotton and linen and silk in here but it was monkey yeah yeah and and then i added some onto it but i wanted to share with you how i quilt it because i would probably never finish a quilt today if i didn't put it in the hoop on the embroidery machine and cool it that way so i make the quilt sandwich and for example these are two blocks that i would hoop put in a hoop and it took 13 minutes to do this and then i went all over the quilt and quilted everything and this stitch is just like a long arm kind of it's wonderful so you just move those and then you don't have to i mean you're just hooping and i actually move the fabric i keep the hoop on my machine i never take it off and i just move the fabric around and because you can position it it it works really well we're not doing hands-on but that's a great tip folks well your bernina dealer can probably show you perfect but uh so what i do is make a quilt sandwich but before i do that i think every quilt has a story and when you make a quilt label this big you can tell the story in this to die for so i do a quilt label that extends throughout the entire quilt and this one is very special because it's for my daughter so when i quilted it and it was pieced in 1930s to 40s by great-grandmother ella payne anderson and so she'll have that always and it tells the story this is also stunning well it's fun and this is a piece of the original quilt she put whatever she had on the back and that's why i love this quilt so much and it's because that's how quilting started you used up what you had so that's that one does erin know she's getting this no and she's probably going to listen to this it's not really you it's another area it's my marriage it's mine it's she isn't aaron okay so moving on from there and continuing with my life in virginia virginia is where i live right now uh and giving having all the opportunity that we have to work on the machines and be creative and then to travel to kay's house every year this was a a quilt actually we're going to turn it over um that kay was doing online for which class was our civil war legacy class for you patchwork staycationers and kay the overachiever that she has decided to make quilts to prepare for this class and she had three that she didn't know what to do with and she brought them out and she said would any of you like these quilt tops and we all looked at each other and i said i'll take this and gail got the black right yeah they brought over the black panthers and she made three yeah so i told the question we we uh i got the quilt and the nina said well i'll quilt it and nina's going to tell you about her special talents so we had this just this random quilt block just sitting here and i said well i'll make the label so this was during coven so i wanted to make sure that that was on the label somewhere so it says friendship 2020 because in 2020 you had to work for your friendship you didn't see someone at the store or in a meeting or whatever you had to call that person up and say how are you doing so friendship in 2020 was extremely important so then it says design and piecing by k england and then nina will tell you the story but it's quilting i love this part by the famous nina so nina put it all together and she put the quilting well let's show them the front and then nana can explain that now for those of you looking while gail told you this is a program that is living on youtube and if any of you go wow i wish i'd made that all you have to do is go on youtube look under patchworks vacation find the civil war legacy and you too can make one it lives there permanently and it was a wonderful gift and and then so you sort of bribed or begged or just sent it to her to nana how did you get mounted to quilt it nina just stood there and said well if you want me to quilt it i will and what was i thinking i don't know i don't know but i was glad you were thinking i think i said if if you're willing to wait a year and then what did you think when that came with that label on it see she didn't know about the label no i took this home and then when the label came and i opened it up and i thought oh my gosh no pressure at all with that label on the back so let me just tell you the the story about the famous nina mcveigh that that would make great story um one of my granddaughters at about the age of seven had a few little friends over and they were in her room and i of course had made a quilt for her bed and the little girls were all googling and ogling about it and um my granddaughter said well my grandma made that she's famous you know and the little girls just kind of looked at her and and anna said well i'm going to say her name and and surely you will have heard of her so she said nina mcveigh and they just all looked better and so she said well if you don't know her you will so that's the story out that okay i love it everybody needs a anna in their lives don't you they do um but this is this really means a lot to have been able to quote this for gail and to also have case name on the back gail and i go back much further probably than than any of the rest of us actually gail sold me my first bernina sewing machine um 35 years ago and i taught a little bit at the shop that she had and about four years after i bought my sewing machine she was such a good sales person that she sold me her shot gosh i always shot her i know so when gail went to work for bernina i um i started with the shop and i did that for 15 years and then i went to work for bernina and gail was my boss so we've our lives have been connected a lot as i said i did i did teach classes in her store my background is education preschool education so i remember one summer working for her and i had preschoolers in the morning i had kids sewing in the afternoon and i believe gail's daughter was even in some of those classes and then i had adult education at night and really it was kind of all the same just maybe different toys but but all the same so that's that's my journey up to bernina as an educator for bernina even though i never thought of myself as just a quilter because i also like to do heirloom sewing and garment sewing and all sorts of things i did become my focus did become quilting and really it led to such an incredible opportunity because i too uh was involved in the research and development of our long arm machine and so i got the opportunity to work with um people in switzerland the engineers and we did a lot of testing a lot of testing and a lot of testing i think for four years i would go over several times a year for four years until that product was released so um i'm i'm just again i have become a long armor because of that experience so i was able to long-arm this first but you know real quick i'm going to ask you you said something yesterday or today before you were talking about you never thought of yourself as being creative and yet look at what's fallen into your life and what you've done with that right and i think for a lot of people nobody ever tells you you're creative so you don't think of that and and i think we need to um look at ourselves and say look what we've done and and that we are whether it's with sewing or as i think gail said in the beginning you know just you can be creative in so many different ways whether you're a cook or a gardener i would really admire anybody of you anybody who wants to experiment and practice that creativity in the kitchen i'll come through my address i have a big freezer but again this was quilted on my long arm with on a lot of it is automated quilting again that's another hole and just look area but some of its ruler work and and i really like doing that and i think a good example of that now this was last year that gail gave me that two years ago i i always seem to be going home with something from here i wonder why i hope it's not a goat this year we're gonna hope that doesn't happen but kay gave me the um this vintage tablecloth i want a great idea i love it to be able to take a vintage tablecloth so many of us have drawers full of linens and if you just want to quilt them they take on a whole new dimension so you do have the quilting in the middle again that was automated and then the ruler work which rubber work is a free motion technique using rulers so that brings me to what i have been doing since well for the better part of this year and that is i have developed a ruler line um or i'm beginning to develop a ruler line so i have i i brought my first set of rulers down here uh so we could yay so um i've started a company called nina mcveigh designs and i am working on my website i am working on getting more rulers developed i have many ideas in my head so those things are coming my website should be up and running nina mcvay.com uh it'll be in the um description just say down below down below wherever whatever that is down there uh it should be there and it should be up and running in about 30 days so so give me an opportunity to get that done but i did bring them down because sarah wanted to play with them and so we've been doing that this week now before you do that i want to show i want you to tell them about what you were doing this week and how you got so much done with the quilts that you brought because you were going to share those my quilts uh-huh both of them well i want you to tell them though that how long it's been since you've been cut out and i want you to especially share okay and then we'll then sarah's going to go on with a tie-in to that but i think this is so valuable as a shop owner yes some of my customers customers may have done this about 20 years ago maybe they'll share it with us but i had this all cut out it was actually a mystery quilt and it was a mystery to me if it was ever going to get done but i did have that all prepared and ready to go so that was um that was a fun one that's one of the projects that she did this week but the project that really brought me a lot of happiness and joy my mom my stepmom did some applique blocks for me she took fabric from my store and she did some applique box more than 20 years ago amazing well she is going to and i never did anything with them she is going to be turning 100. can you believe this november so i decided i i needed to get those out and get them put together and we all decided that this is a very happy quilt so it just gave me a lot of joy to finish it i just love it and then you'll do your face i'll do my thing on this i have to do a border and all of that but the key is folks if you don't have all your work done don't panic look you can do it 20 years from now well and before we go to sarah that's been one of my things too i think that for a lot of us who do this kind of thing sometimes we get frustrated because we can't get it done we just cannot seem to get anything done but if you take 10 minutes a day 15 minutes a day just set that time aside and do a little bit even if it's not a whole block it's half a block well in two days you have a whole block and so just do a little bit at a time you know just keep chipping away and and pretty soon you have something to put together so with that i'm going to pass this off to say all righty all right all right miss sarah let it go well we got a bunch of questions now and we'll get back to those years and i'm tracking all of them so don't okay don't give up okay so i'm sarah i live in st paul minnesota um we call it the frozen tundra for many different reasons except for this summer when it's been around 100 and i have had an amazing opportunity with all of these creative women um i started i graduated from college and you know those jobs that you just had to kind of like take i was a tailor in a sweatshop in a wonderful independent clothing store and learned a lot from these amazing tailors that i did get to work with after that i went i was a manager in a specialty store and spent about 20 years in department store marketing buying anything from large size sportswear all the way to housewares cutlery was my favorite consequently my addiction i guess to scissors of all kinds dovo are my favorite just fyi um i've been with was with bernina for 30 years as a district manager my husband was also in department store buying we were able to move all over the country and so consequently with bernina i've been able to travel all over the world which one of these days when covet actually does go away i'm going to start traveling internationally that was the that's the main goal of retirement the other goal is to get all those projects done like nina i have the project boxes stacked in my closet and this spring because of coven because of being in the frozen tundra i have made eight quilts and another one that i will talk about in just a minute but since i've made all those quilts and i've also become enamored with multimedia um with the women that i have met the women and the men that i have met in through bernina and through all the travels that i've been able to do is i love train uh trying new things and mixing textures missing mixing fabrications learning about um felting about roving about llama roving which i have bags up in my house so those that llama from all the all the all the llamas from caves um are going to be felted at some point in time i had to get all the baby quilts done first because kids are now three to five so those had to go out first um i also love working on leather that's my latest passion type thing mixing it with all different kinds of things so i just started making little things out of leather and you know what you can actually quilt in the hoop on leather i'm amazed she did that she knows i know it's just it is just so fun and so to find different um gail and i are nina and i actually got lost in a leather store mm-hmm gail and i had to hunt them out right they helped us out they helped us because they left us alone and we got we didn't leave you alone on purpose y'all were hiding out it's amazing what you can do with the bernina let me just i'd like to have one of those with my initials i think the monogram would be nice okay so other things in the hoop and then i know look at this i love making just little stuff so when now that i get to sew 12 hours a day instead of working 12 hours a day i get to do these kind of things oh and she gave us all one of these look how cute these are is that the cutest so this is my latest thing because when you retire and you get to clean out your stash and your office and all of those boxes of trims and stabilizer and fabrics i have probably about 10 of these full of stuff and then of course then you need to haul it around so then you have to make more bags okay so anyway so that is a bag lady i know not not at all except i have one favorite person like refuse to give up how's that and i carry it all the time had it for you know several years so real quick sarah somebody wants to know did you use the roller foot to make your bag you know it depends on the thickness of the leather and how stiff it is i didn't for most of these because they're like a purse weight i do have a couple of pieces that are a little bit more stiff it's their school seven-year-old hey sarah how are you um and i with uh with the machines that i use with the dual feed it really i have not had any problem with um with that and no i have not used the roller foot sorry i was looking at her asking the question and we have to do that right now so um so nina has given me the beauty of being around these creative women and the dealers that i worked with the customers that i got to meet the places that i got to go is that you guys have all given me permission to play and that's what all this is i am playing i am making a quilt but it's a christmas present and so i'm not going to show it so that's you know another thing that's in another project box that's over on the we're on the bar but our family thinks we're working see that of course that's it that's at home and we're working properly right we are we're we're testing machines yeah we're you know doing demos and that kind of teach stuff yeah we're teaching yes as a matter of fact i'm so good at that we're teaching each other yeah and to tell you the truth that is i mean being able to play with nina's rulers as so that's the next hmm the next permission i've given myself is to learn how to do really work and um 10 minutes a day we were talking about it today is that if i would sit down with just any piece of fabric and use my ruler foot and the rulers um that i have collected well you know what sarah here's another question you're going to love because mary miller said jolly sarah i didn't know you were a bag lady [Laughter] i love them and you know what and the thing about that mary is how many bags did i carry out of your store when we work together all your amazing fabric and stuff so there you go right but everybody has given me permission to try different things to mix fibers to play with leather to play with craft text to play with will felting to play with wool it's amazing that did you know that you could put wool in the washing machine and then you throw it in the dryer and it shrinks but you have to take it off the animal first well you have to take it off the animal i will come and help with the shearing as long as i get the roving how's that all right and we can felt it that sounds good so the other thing that i had the opportunity to do this this spring um since i have retired retired um is kaye has done besides the civil war legacy she's done several other series this spring last year and this spring one of them was medallion mastery and i because i have hung out with her for quite a while it's catching folks it is definitely catching how long did we figure out 20 years that i've known at least maybe longer it's probably about 25. um i was nina's district manager so i've known nina for about 25 years also and through bernina i actually she came to my district and taught me some like some of our training 30. 16 30 i still have my 16 30 thanks to gail and her amazing teaching i love my 16 30 also um but kaye had a series of fabric or a collection of fabric called blackwood cottage okay guys it was black and white and it's amazing so i did do um blackwood cottage and the thing about coming to k's is that she always has the next line ready to show you so that now i have to make another big quilt because i really like this line and guess what there's another one after that so is this marketing is this the time we do the market you know what i think that i heard that i think david's really good i love marketing i love marketing and our vp of the fabric company mr david rothschild hello i love you he is going to be all over this but here before we've just got to and i'm manning the i'm doing the grips job now i'm manning notice you took my job well i didn't take your job you let your job go but i thought you guys would love this everybody say hi to becca morgan you all know her she says she wishes we were with us and her mother was a dear friend worked with the company and is no longer with us she said i wish my mom could be with you that is precious we've got oh ver not old but long time a shop owners in here judy curtis says howdy to everybody there's i'm a good customer from cedar rapids from um from a shop that's so inspired inspired to sew that i've taught at says hi come back honey i'm retired somebody has taken my car keys away from me i'm done but i you never know when i'll show up when i get lost or something um emily says yay nina kathy says oh i love her she says lovely ladies nancy says good for you nancy bednar said howdy uh it just goes on and on and one of the things we've had the most question well pat mcveigh ask a question he did he belongs to nina oral or nine it belongs to him i don't know which it is first of all he says what's with all the snacks with all the snacks and then secondly a little bit ago um i think it was karen who said y'all just and pat could do the cooking so why didn't you bring pat he could have done it he could have done he probably wouldn't let us watch we need to stay home with the dog we made him watch this because what's the score of the ball game now uh it was 16-3 his team's ahead by about 15 points so you should be watching every second of this thing uh because if you're ahead that far we're way more important she said 15 points oh and gabrielle you sweet precious thing i love what you just said these are so many contacts we've made over the years and this is somebody that we were at quilt markets together years and years ago and she said mama's watching you from heaven i know that she would love that what a great idea linda from um the yoder's department from yoders and this in shipshawana says howdy and now i'll give it back to you and you can figure out what else is going on there we did have a load of questions before we look at the fabric and sort of wrap um gail quite a few people said i want to know more about the quilting and the hoop sure you could all allude to that probably just go online and do a search ask your local dealer i mean i'm sure there's many of people teaching it i don't know about books the most wonderful way to complete a quilt and not have any pain involved and everybody thinks it's your talent and it's the machine so you're using the embroidery module on your sewing machine yeah there are a lot of quilters that like to piece but my joy in quilting is watching those stitches settle on the fabric and with your embroidery module that's what you get to do is watch those stitches form the texture and the whole uh design of what you're making the quilt come alive and i will tell you i mean get we didn't have we weren't set up to do real demos on this and we know that your dealers are all talented and can do this so we'd highly recommend that you lean on them and say hey show me how to do this if you can stitch out a t-shirt you can quilt in the hoop i also have to say carrie haye from australia just said hi carrie from down under we love that i'm telling you we just brown how long is your camera gonna keep its power so we can poor you know folks those of you with us on patchwork staycation brian the cameraman takes a lot of heat and we've given him ample amount for example he loves the fact that i dress up like this and when we walked in and i saw the girls i said ask for him just wait and see what he says when he sees it he said i wouldn't expect anything else so but to many of you who've worked with us on our programs on patchwork staycation also know that brian has another job and that's playing music and thank goodness that is at least coming back a little bit so for all of you whose jobs have gone out the window just hang tight and know that with some luck this will come back but he's not been as available so consequently for those of you who are signed up with our current program the spikes in peaks we've been just a little bit laid back about getting back with you and that's why when all the girls were here i thought why not use them they're here sleeping in my house eating my food messing up stuff why don't i just use them i thought and frankly so we are your spikes and that's your feet there it is so you can interpret that anyway so for those of you watching and are in the spikes and pictures you go when is she going to do another program here's your program hi guys but we do promise we'll be back pretty soon and and we will get caught up but we know everybody has been knee-deep and trying to do things somebody on one of those things said they love these pretzels they are so it must be somebody from your neck of the woods something else see how much fun we're having leola hilt bought my first bernina 11 30 from gail and more than one bernina from nina we were blessed to have them yeah thank you leola thank you you know what that's probably a little commercial too bernina y'all need to look at what's sitting in this room that y'all don't have anymore i bet you that you would write a big old check to have this now as the quilting quartet we are organizing we've got gail's done the minutes and she's working on the whole thing we're in harmony we're in harmony not great harmony but we are in harmony and she's working on a plan that if you wanted to hire us it is considerable oh well yes it is gail come on i've already no i can't say we should perform at the face of the trio the trio clinton now we should come to them too much to do at home how are you going to get rid of the wood wasp if you don't make some money well we were going to talk about business the business now i'm going to really give a little plug for miss kayla hiller because she certainly underplays her her involvement and her value in a lot of things but they you've lived in clifton forge virginia for 15 years i was fortunate enough to visit there with john when they were taking on a new task of renovating an old masonic hall in a theater correct i never say it right a museum i call it a museum it's a theater i never get it right i'm telling you all you have to do is go online and look at www.historicmasonictheater.com and i will tell you know that gail's dear husband john who we miss hi john and had years and years of involvement in this and it is one of the greatest joys to have had the luxury and pleasure and all of us have done events there and quote retreats and quilt retreats there but gail is also has been heavily involved in the community and running helping run and and make this be aware around the world and they just had a big movie film there yeah dope stick michael keaton will be in the background somewhere hulu any october next october 13th the trailer is coming so aside from that if um if paul ashworth's watching it's conceivable that you might want to put a phone call in three four 555-1234 seven there's an extra number in there i'm telling you you folks are you couldn't buy this if you tried yet maybe you had something and if you bought it it's not returnable i don't know it's not reservable we joke about this but i tell you these girls have hauled themselves to the barn we have kissed and loved on goats i got five little girl goats we're loving them right now but we we are serious about why we would love for we we're thrilled you tuned in we hope you've enjoyed it but we also want you to know that what we're doing is not unusual and that there are people all around the country doing this sort of thing and if it's something you want to do you just have to put the energy in grabbing a few people and saying by golly we're going to do that you can't be the quilting quartet because we are and i think we've already got it of course yeah are we creating well actually i screwed up it was supposed to be creative quartet and we said we weren't going to say quilting quartet and i got carried away and that's why well where were you where were you when i was there with the goats she was down tending the goats oh lord you should see them with goats folks i'm telling you well anyway we probably ought to get back to business were there other great questions someone had for us well there are quite a few questions but we have to give away our state secrets well and really and truly your your local dealer is your answer to most of these things all of these girls have websites or are available you can facebook or whatever and anything that you need to find is going to be in all those little things below and brian let's show them before when oh wait a question question are the rulers for home machines or along our machines are both thank you from jam they are quarter inch quilting rulers so they are available for both machines they would work on domestic and long arms fabulous they're way cool but you know the questions are great but i think this shows connections and that's what we try to do when i left for this trip i had people ask me what do you do well hard to explain isn't it it is hard to explain but we always say feeling like we solved creatively solved many problems in the world we've we've tried to fix everything that would be another reason to hire us and we'd probably come with a pocket full of peanuts exactly oh that's for the ghost and what we can't fix we just figure out how to get rid of because if we can't fix it we don't need it but i do have to brag because i told my buddy david rothschild who is again the big vp of um wilmington princes who does all my fabrics so i am sewing on that here not not exceptionally well because as you can see from the food and and other beverages that i'm not really getting as much done as i should but on the table brian's going to kind of pan my brand new one is called it's called purple majesty and it's if you can go onto wilmingtonprince.com and just type in the name purple majesty you'll be able to see it it's a killer collection i'm working on this block of the month now the way that wilmington does their patterns lots of times they'll have a it'll have a name for the collection and then there will be a different name for the block of the month now your local quilt chop makes the decision about whether they bring this line in or not so they may bring in purple majesty but they may not do the actual uh block of the month which is aubergine so i've got about maybe 20 of these blocks done and i think there's about 90. so the aubergine quilt brian's going to try to get a pretty good picture for you of that well you have someone saying [Music] well i tell you it's fun and i've for everyone i've sewn today i've ripped two but i'm gonna get this quilt done and it will travel a bit the fabric should be in your local quilt shop sometime early november is is where it's targeted but all you have to do is go on to wilmington to see all the collection and then you can ask your local quilt shop did you order that purple majesty because it's really great stuff and beautiful oh i have your new line of fabric well good well i think you like your cover all as i said what somebody likes your cup rolls do you like my coverage yeah very well you know i'm a farmer so we tried to dress it up decorate it take it home with you that's the way it works so should are you going to handle the bookings are you going to handle as those start coming well you're going to she's she's a stage manager did you see how quick gail's real sweet she's always like oh i don't want to do that pretty soon she's directing it now she's actually now she wants to do it so remember now i know all you bernina dealer's gonna want us because we love all of you and we know y'all are gonna want us we want switzerland to want us that's who we want the one so switzerland has to allow americans to travel well i don't mean today i mean later on i know again okay five five five one two three three seven four five or something like that somebody's gonna actually try to call that number please don't don't get spammed has anybody got any last-minute things before our cameraman gives it up just no thank you guys for giving us permission to be creative and we're giving you permission now also and all of you should plan a trip to kazan oh my gosh i live in um milwaukee rosemary they're coming to see you so we have august uh the third week in august y'all just come on and show up i mean you might want to bring your own camper or something because i'm not sure but the main thing we want you to do is plan time with your friends to be creative that's what we want you to do that's what this is all about and it's just so much fun and it keeps you learning every day there's something for learning plan you can plan and you should plan but get the date on the calendar we put it on it doesn't happen and even if we don't like each other we have to show up so we already put it on the calendar brian payne is showing our audience look at our audience this is a cameraman's life julie weren't we fabulous it was fantastic very entertaining do you want to learn to sew now instead of sending your buttons over here we just want to hire you all there's our first party what was that number again [Laughter] i don't even know how to tell you folks this is i mean i do love spikes and peaks and i love being with you but this has been a blast thank you so much for looking in and remember brian will get this all tweaked up or whatever he does and it'll be on youtube we can still answer questions when it pops up on youtube so don't think because we're getting out of here that we're we can't still take your questions all the girls will check in feel free to ask specific questions and brian thinks it'll be probably even later tonight or in the morning when it posts on youtube so our channel is youtube.com kenglin and you'll be able to spot this and still ask us questions so should we sing what's that song roy rogers station happy new year because we're dead [Applause] bye love ya
Channel: Kaye England
Views: 849
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: friendship, bernina, Quilting, fabric, quilts
Id: Gvz2gQLXhHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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