Kayak fisherman fights off aggresive hammerhead shark!!! (full video)
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Channel: Mr. Markus
Views: 2,748,732
Rating: 4.6773257 out of 5
Keywords: Hammerhead Shark (Organism Classification), Kayak, Shark (Animal), kayak fishing, hammerhead, shark attack, life on the line, jaws, shark bite, blood thirsty, crazy, madness, wtf, Fisherman (Profession), santa barbara, gaviota, pacific ocean, shark fight, beating up a shark, fight for your life, fishing
Id: JUld0tszSG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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I don't know how that guy stayed so calm. I'd be screaming "FUCK YOU SHARK BITCH- TAKE THAT!" with every hit.
Bump into a kayak?
That's a paddlin'
I can't believe that shark didn't fuck right off after the tenth or so smash to the head with a paddle.
I kayak fish on rivers and lakes and I can't imagine taking a boat of the same size into a large bay like that, let alone the open ocean like some guys do. Especially if you're fishing with chunks of bait, you have no idea what's going to bite, and if it's too big to land and/or too toothy to unhook, your only option is to cut the line, which is totally cruel. Additionally, this guy has no paddle leash to prevent losing it, no visible backup paddle, no safety flag or light, not even a life vest. Glad he brought the GoPro, though. I'm not usually the "safety police" type, but damn.
I can't believe how long the hammerhead chased him. Perhaps he was attacked by a giant banana and was seeking sweet revenge.
About as exciting as Mayweather / Pacquiao
Hammerhead Shark has to fight off an aggressive Kayaker
"Senpai, notice me!"
Time to invent the paddle/knife - the pife. Or knaddle.