Great White attacks kayaker at Monterey Ca
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Channel: gene mace
Views: 1,605,059
Rating: 4.0092402 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Just to put the odds of this happening in perspective, this guy was kayaking in an area where great white sharks congregate. There's a seal colony just outside of Monterey Bay and a sea lion colony on the Farallon Islands 30 miles off the coast. Great whites are there in significant numbers to feed. You can even take shark-watching tours around the Farallons.
The fact that there are still so few attacks in this area shows how unlikely such an event is. The last fatal attack around Monterey Bay was in 1981.
I'm not gonna be worrying about great whites when I'm out on the ocean in my kayak. Hypothermia is a bigger problem.
Shaky video...the most visible action starts at around 50 Seconds, guy gets rescued by boat at around 3:45.
Doesn't look like fun, I wonder if the shark is what caused him to come out of his boat in the first place.
Edit: This was a related video...zoomed and stabilized a bit:
News Article from other reddit post, with pics of damaged kayak:
FTA: βIt all started with a bang,β recalls Correiar. βSuddenly the kayak was launched into the air and I fell halfway out of it. I began yelling. I remember thinking, βI have to do a deep-water entry from the kayak, and I havenβt practiced that since my last rescue class.ββ
[...] Correiar says he froze in shock, then quickly scrambled out of his kayak and began kicking to shore, staying on his back so he could watch the shark.
Wow, good thinking on the move away slowly aspect.
I fish in the La swamps among the gators, and this type of thing is always in the back of my head. I was standing and fishing once and saw a 6 or so footer swim under me in about 2 feet of water, nice and leisurely, but that was still the end of my day. promptly took my ass back to dry land!
WTF was that shark thinking? He wanted to try kayaking? Shell out for the rental. Freaky.