Pastors' Perspective 02/23/2021

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] i just wanted some clarification on titan being unable to forgive somebody who causes an offense doesn't really matter whether someone is protestant or catholic genealogies this is pastor's perspective we're here every monday through friday providing answers on a variety of topics including the bible end times other religions and the family call right now with your question at 1-08-564-6173 that's 888-564-6173 you can also post your question at pastor's perspective and now here again is your host brian perez and hello to everybody watching us on facebook and youtube and if you're listening on the radio thank you so much for doing that as well hello to the uh parents that i see over there at the uh calvary schools parking lot right now picking up their kids they're all lined up in their cars ready to get their kiddos and uh hopefully listening to our radio station right now hello to you guys and uh thank you everybody for listening today we've got an hour of your bible questions coming up so give us a call at one seven 888-564-6173 that's triple eight five six four six one seven three that reminds me uh tonight at calvary schools is their information night so if you've got a child in kindergarten through sixth grade you might wanna come on out get more details at that's coming up in just a couple hours on this tuesday in the studio with me is brian broderson the senior pastor of calvary chapel costa mesa in southern california on the bobby cam we've got author and apologist dr bobby conway from the one minute apologist channel on youtube and look who else is here the bearded bishop tony clark from calvary chapel newport news in virginia hello everybody how are you guys good good good good good to see everybody i was looking at the screen and i was thinking brian and i have the we've got the corner on the gray and you and bobby have got the corner on the facial hair and uh yeah bobby you gonna go grow that are you gonna grow that thing down like tony's down to your middle of your chest well we were just talking about that you know tony's sporting kind of a ski slope of sorts and it really looks great on him my wife um i fear that if i if i get much further than the bunny slope on my chin that she will refuse to shave her legs that's kind of what she starts doing like if you don't shave then i'm not going to shave and i just don't really i'm not really into the whole european uh thing so i like her to stay bic clean tony i i don't know it just seems like there's more gray in that today did you have a you you know it it's coming in my wife was asking me the same thing and i said i'm letting it come in i'm i'm coming into myself now and so uh and i looked in the mirror and i said oh my goodness it is really starting to come in yeah and so my family is like you need to color it i said no no way who i am you know what it's called it's called coveted gray there it is yes that's right and you know i was telling them right before um i was about an hour ago i was changing the light bulbs in my office to give me a little bit of brighter light and the light bulb slipped out of my hand and i tried to catch it and jam my finger on my desk and i think i broke my i think man my baby thing so i and so right after this they are forcing me to go to the med care to get it looked at yeah i said i am not going before i do this yeah this is first well hey you know my wife uh a few weeks back she was in her office barefoot she she you know she stubbed her toe on a a little kettlebell weight and sure enough she broke her toe so she's been um hobbling around here for the past three or four weeks um so yeah that's what happens man you know you get old and things just start breaking yeah they do so i did want to i did want to mention that um it's great to have tony with us today and tony's going to be on regularly on tuesdays rather than every other tuesday and so uh he's come back on five days a week on our flagship station here at kwave in southern california which is great to have you back on tony and um yeah i think it'll be you know we always have fun on tuesday now we're just gonna have fun every tuesday instead of every other tuesday bobby and i were just feeling a little lonely so we thought um let's just get yeah let me join in let me join in the party now what tony really wants he's wondering are you going to fly me out every month the way bobby comes out here [Laughter] craziness is over we will actually have a celebration by having a week with all four of us in this room together how's that sound oh did i tell you what that would be a great party a week of partying absolutely that sounds great all right let's do it all right triple eight five six four six one seven three is our telephone number today if you wanna talk to pastors brian broder center tony clark or bobby conway eight eight eight five six four six one seven three gonna begin with a question sent in using the messenger feature on pastor's perspective yes you can send your question in that way but we prefer to hear the sound of your voice dialogue with you guys so give us a call 888-564-6173 also no guarantee that if you send your question on facebook that we will ever get to it but here's antoinette's question antoinette in california a question about communion antoinette says the church i attend is writing into their bylaws that communion can only be administered by a church officer is this biblical is what antoinette wants to know tony we'll start with you what would you tell her you know that's been pretty much a church tradition um but is it a biblical mandate do we have a biblical precedence for uh such a a thing and i you know me personally i don't think that we do um you know when communion is mentioned in uh first corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 to 30 or down to verse 34 um it doesn't say that you know it must be administered by a certain officer or a certain office it just said that corinthians you guys were messing up but this is how communion is to be done but it didn't say paul didn't say and make sure that whoever is the head of the church is administering these these elements and i think a lot of that has come from a lot of catholicism and a lot of the um liturgy in the church over the years but i don't think there's a biblical mandate for that all right ryan i couldn't have said it better i think that's absolutely the case yeah okay very good uh antoinette thank you so much for sending in your question on pastor's perspective one more that was sent in online um i recently read a quote from william booth it says we must wake ourselves up or somebody else will take our place and bear our cross and thereby rob us of our crown what does that mean well i'm no william booth scholar but uh i think i can guess what he's talking about i mean it sounds like he's saying that uh you know in in a sense he's saying that look god's given you a calling he's given you an opportunity and if you miss it because you're sleeping or you're distracted then somebody else is going to step in god's going to send somebody else to step in to to do the work and in the end you know they will get the reward for it you will have missed it i think that's what he's saying and i think that there's you know some i think there's some biblical truth to that i think you can support that scripturally so yeah i think it's a you know it's a good reminder that it's a privilege to serve god it is something that man you know when god calls you to do something for him you want to jump at it you want to do it you don't want to be negligent you don't want to be like oh you know i don't know i'm kind of busy not sure you know i mean that is not what you want to do with the call of god you want to just say lord like isaiah did you know the lord said uh who who can go for us who can we send and isaiah said lord send me and uh amen that's that's the attitude to him yeah tony did you want to add something to that yeah i think the biblical mandate um is matthew chapter 13 and you know in the parables that was given it says while men slept an enemy came in and sold tares among the wheat and so there's been times throughout church history that the church has fallen asleep and this is why the great revivals were called the great awakening because it's implying that we have fallen asleep as a church i believe a lot of that occurred during the 1800s the church fell asleep and then we had in 1830 mormonism came in uh 1879 jehovah witnesses came in uh mary baker eddie and christian science came in in the latter part of 1800s 1844 william miller and and that whole group came about and it seemed to have fought the church had fallen asleep during the 1800s that the enemy came in and so tears among the wheat and so there is a biblical mandate that we have fallen asleep during church history and um and it's been to our detriment and and those um yeah all of those dates and all of those those people that you mentioned i mean obviously you mentioned the uh mormons and the jehovah's witnesses but then uh the millerites they became the um but the millerites would were they the uh original church of christ or is that who miller was or was he the uh seventh day of venice seven day afternoon that's uh yeah that was ellen g white ellen g white um yeah yeah during that particular time uh william miller was a more of us um at venice that was yeah um yeah he was he kind of proceeded uh ellen g white right yeah yes yes but he was he was the guy that miller he discipled ellen g white okay and he took everybody up uh they all dressed in in robes and went up on top of the hill and they were there jesus was coming right yeah okay so basically what you just laid out tony are the uh what we would call the pseudo-christian cults the pseudo-christian cults arose during that that time yeah yeah and both great both revivals were called the great awakening during that time earlier on and then in the 1850s or so with uh charles finney and that sort of thing so yeah there's a biblical mandate of the church falling asleep yeah and of course um you know paul says in writing to the ephesians awake sleeper rise from the dead and christ will give you life so yeah yeah sure is all right bobby you're awfully quiet today just you today you're just kind of contemplative you're just sort of thinking deeply about everything it's kind of a yes i'm just sitting here making sure that you guys are staying you know factually sound and just making sure that things are running good you know okay and you guys are doing an amazing job good good okay all right well feel free to correct us if we get anything wrong i mean right right yeah right all right pastor's perspective is what you're listening to i'm brian perez here with pastor brian broderson dr bobby conway and pastor tony clark and we're here till 4 p.m pacific time on this tuesday to talk about the bible the christian faith just about anything that's on your mind so give us a call at 888-564-6173 let's go to mary in california you are on pastor's perspective mary hello hi hello hi pastors hi hello hi all you guys anyways i just want to let you know past uh pastors i thank you guys for what you do and um i was reading the book of levitic leviticus and in every translation that i have including the 400th edition so king james 16 11 when it came out in 2011 that was hard to read but i smelled it that's hard to read all right in leviticus first i want to say this so the host the host brian perez could sing his 12 days of christmas i found the two turtle doves in leviticus 14 chapter 14 verse 22. that's the two turtledoves so now you can sing your song brian perez anyway yes we were talking about that remember because uh the king james version mentions two turtles for the sacrifice versions but i got every translation i even have bible dictionaries and but i found in a regular dictionary also i looked up turtledove and it says it says turtle turtle dove is uh too small any of several small pigeons noted for cooking i'm like what had to get pigeon and turtledog but anyways i was reading the book of leviticus and i saw chapter 14 verse 22 two turtle doves and two young pigeons and i'm like so it kind of confused me when i when i saw that and i looked in the dictionaries and it said started as a young pigeon i'm like what yeah anyway i wanna i thought of you about the song 12 days of christmas but then i went back and i started reading again and that's what i do and i said lord what is this and she said and the lord spoken to moses well he spoke to moses face to face but in leviticus chapter 14 was that audible face to face or was it did he always speak to him face to face all right what do you guys think bobby we'll start with you it's really hard to know i mean what we have is some evidence of the lord speaking to moses during his fast up on mount sinai we also know that the lord spoke to moses throughout his public ministry it certainly wasn't face to face nobody could see the face of the lord and live so even that kind of language is just face to face it's just language of intimacy uh language of connecting heart to heart uh you remember moses was hidden in the cleft of the rock and he got a chance to see the backside of the lord and then you know that imprinted him i mean he was just ablaze with the glory of god so much so that they had that that they requested he cover his head uh i mean imagine being a pastor in today's day so full of anointing on your life that you were blinding to people that you had to go into the nearest grocery store and get a get a bag and put it over your head just so it doesn't blind people i mean this was moses i mean he was beaming now uh keep in mind though even the idea of seeing the backside of the lord there is no backside of the lord the lord is spirit so this would have been a manifestation of an appearance of the lord god is invisible in essence he's spirit so when it says the lord spoke to moses that's an anthropomorphism that is to say that that is the use of human language to help us to understand god god doesn't have vocal cords because god is spirit so when the lord spoke even when we think about that there's some metaphorical usage there so god is just so great that if we respond to a voice or a touch god knows how to get our attention he knows how to communicate on our terms and that's a good thing but when we see language like the lord spoke or the lord passed by or face to face god doesn't have a face god doesn't have a back and god doesn't have vocal cords this is all anthropomorphic language to help us to understand the relationship of the god who we are in with tony did you want to add anything to that uh yeah i i i think that there was a voice that he heard um that moses heard um you know i don't think it was like he sensed in the spirit or whatever i think there was an actual voice god knows how to speak to us um and at that particular time i think he spoke with his voice i think he spoke to the children of israel with a voice and they heard the voice of god at the base of mount sinai and they said moses oh please tell god don't speak to us anymore we can't take it you speak to us so i believe that they god knows how to speak to his creation so he would use what we would call vocal cords in order to do it so seeing that moses was his servant i believe that he god spoke to him in a language that moses could hear just like he spoke to noah to build the ark and i think during those old testament times he used what we would call vocal chords to speak into our ears because he knows how to speak to us as as his people so i think when it says the lord spoke to moses i take it as that he spoke to moses and told moses what he wanted to know and so i just thought i just think that he spoke to him in a voice um um you know just like it says right here and just like y'all quoted exodus 33 11 god spoke to moses face to face as the man speaking with his friends yes it was intimacy but i think it was an actual voice that he spoke to i think the best example to use right there tony is samuel uh remember when samuel was a child and he was lying down at night and the voice said samuel samuel and yeah he thought it was eli and he ran in and he said what do you want eli said what do you mean what do i want i didn't call you you know third time eli says next time it call next time he calls say your your servant hears the lord speak your servant hears and yeah so yeah yeah i think you're right bobby go ahead just correct yourself well now that you've been no now that you've been shellacked by uh well no i would say that well no no no i i agree that that the lord spoke so i would want to be clear about that and i think that's good that tony clarified that if if it didn't come off that way i would you would oh boy you would frozen again but you froze up so yes whatever you would have done i think he's back i think he got raptured no he's back you got frozen and then you're back yeah well i the lord and i were speaking and then i came back to clarify um um so i i want i totally agree when it says the lord spoke or i think it's very normal for somebody to say the lord spoke to my heart uh or or whatever um you know but when we even say like the lord spoke to my heart the the lord didn't speak to our heart our heart's an organ yeah okay so so we know what we mean in that and so all i'm saying is i think it's great that tony clarified and i need to be able to go on record saying yes the lord spoke but i do think tony would agree and you would agree pastor ryan that the lord does not have vocal cords he communicates to us as in such a way that we would it would seem as if he does yeah because he knows how to speak our language but god doesn't it's not like god's got vocal chords throughout eternity yeah well right you know but since he incarnation he actually does so if you want to go there man yes you know [Laughter] touche we're just having some fun here yep two mary thank you for your phone call today on pastor's perspective 888-564-6173 is our number let's go to the high desert now here is pam welcome to pastor's perspective you're on with brian broderson bobby conway and tony clark hi everybody thank you so much for your show i love it i listen all the time great um i had a question on a book i was reading by a well-known author that you all know and in the book you quoting a well-known a heretic in a positive way so i immediately stopped reading and it was just a red flag to me like what is going on here why is he quoting this person right no i'm not i'm not mentioning names but i know you guys know who it is um on your screen but yeah yes we do we can we can see the names so um well you know i'm just gonna say it because of course uh it's in the book like you said so um this is the book flirting with darkness ben corson is the author and i haven't read that book of ben's i've read his previous book but um so he's quoting rob bell and what is he saying when he quotes robel do you remember well it was is referring to i know one of the quotes for sure was talking about our physical existence and kind of i i kind of space because there's talk about like quantum physics yeah are are our physical self i know at least one of them was about that yeah yeah yeah so um you know i i can't we can't speak for ben on that i mean you know i think that i mean on the one hand i totally get what you're saying because i'm not a big rob bell fan at all and i personally wouldn't quote him in a positive way because i think he's he's very misleading uh you know i think he wants people to think he's orthodox but you don't have to dig very far into the surface to find out he's he's completely unorthodox in very very important ways uh you know in the in the wrong direction so um but on the other hand uh there are people who i wouldn't entirely agree with their theology i might disagree with much of it but occasionally i would quote them because something they said was relevant or important i i think the difference is probably um you know most of them would be either dead or obscure and uh rob is neither dead nor obscure so i think that that would be um yeah i mean you know i don't i wouldn't have put a quote from rob bill in a book of mine bobby what do you think about that yeah well i love and admire uh ben so much we did and i'm just so thankful for his platform and uh not exactly sure uh what the context would be on that um i would have a hard time thinking that ben would get behind the book love wins yeah written by rob bell um and so i i i'm with you brian i would want to be careful without reading the exact context and so here on air i think we all would just want to give him uh the benefit of the doubt and i don't think that he would buy into the loved ones theology because we know him and we hear him talk there could be something that he likes about rob and so i think that there is an element where sometimes i think as christians like even if it comes to quoting a non-christian let's say i've shared before uh when it comes to like quoting certain people from the pulpit uh how after um i was done uh preaching one time i was challenged because i had quoted edgar allan poe and somebody called me up and said do you realize how egregious edgar allan poe is well my quoting of edgar allan poe wasn't to endorse the lifestyle of edgar allan poe but i do think he's a great poet yeah and so i think that there's elements where even i think as christians we almost feel bad saying anything nice about a benny hen or a rob bell yeah because we want to so distance ourself from them yeah but i think that these are still people who are creating the image of god and i think that if we're really being objected we could we could recognize that there's still i mean good things that come out of like a joel old steam for example people really struggle because it's so positive he doesn't really hit on sin hard but he's got a great gift of encouragement so if somebody says man he's a real encourager if i said that i could make some people nervous saying that because you're not supposed to say anything nice about somebody yeah if they've done christian doctrine wrong and i'm not quite sure how to put all that together yeah yeah let me just say too i mean let's let's all just affirm our support for ben we love ben ben would not in any way shape or form uh you know buy into rob's aberrant views on things so we can say that for sure i've read i think i've read four of rob's books i've actually i actually wrote a rebuttal to his love wins uh a little book i wrote some years ago and um you know rob will occasionally say a good thing i mean there's no question about it i mean you know there there's there were times when um you know he'd say something go yeah well you know he's right about that um but that's that in some ways that's a that's a bit of the danger because he kind of pulls you in with with this um you know yeah well that's right that's right that's right and then the the problem with rob bell is uh he goes wrong in some pretty major areas you know i mean he's he starts questioning the virgin birth i mean rob said years ago you know if we found out someday that the father of jesus was i don't know steve or alan i can't remember what name he used you know that really wouldn't make a difference for our faith you know we'd still believe in jesus and i think you know that's that's down right i mean that's like you're out with that you know because you're just essentially saying uh you know jesus could not be divine and still be the savior of the world well that's not what the bible says about him and so you know that's where um you know we we do have to be careful remember the pneuma videos that rob did in the early days of his thing i had tons of friends that loved the newman videos and these guys were as you know theologically rock solid as you could get i think rob over the years you know progressively became more progressive and so in his early days he you know i mean he started off as everybody just understood him as an evangelical pastor in um you know the midwest and and you know it was after years um and you know getting connected with different people and so forth that he drifted further and further to where today i think he's he's pretty far out to sea you know yeah so we're coming up to our break here but i do want to ask what you guys think of so let's say somebody reads ben's book sees this quote by rob bell and they think man this guy's great and then they start reading other rob bell books and they find out all this other stuff i mean you know that is the big thing it's a you know and and this is a thing where i think we have to be careful because you can go these slippery slope arguments and that's what everybody does everybody puts forth a slippery slope argument if you if you read this and then he referred to rob bell that people are going to read rob bell and they're all going to be led astray i think that i don't think those arguments are definitely or necessarily legitimate all right pam thanks for your phone call we'll be back in a little bit with more of your questions here on pastor's perspective pastors perspective continues in just a moment stay with us [Music] do [Music] welcome back pastor's perspective continues with your question to 1088-564-6173 and now here again is your host brian perez in the studio with me today pastor brian broderson of calvary chapel costa mesa in southern california in north carolina we've got author and apologist dr bobby conway from the one minute apologist channel on youtube and in newport news virginia it's tony clark from the calvary chapel there he's the pastor there and we're all joined together by the wonders of modern technology and our wonderful engineers who helped put all this together marcos and chad kudos to you guys now before we uh answer more bible questions pastor brian has a prayer request yeah you guys i don't know if you guys have heard about this situation up in canada where this pastor's been jailed um you know i think he was a guy who was basically holding church services and violating the covet restrictions up there um so they've actually put him in jail and they um they told him that they would release him only if he uh promised not to you know lead his church and he opted to remain in jail so he's in jail uh right now i had some canadian friends uh post on it today james coats is his name yeah and um i just thought we should pray for james um you know i mean things are are pretty crazy and canada has been toying with ideas for quite a while that would inevitably put pastors and probably ultimately believers in jail you know if you disagree with the uh the values the canadian values that um you know they're putting forth which are all centered around the lgbt and this sort of stuff so this is more specifically to do with covid um and you know i mean okay you know maybe maybe these are violations maybe he didn't maybe he should should not have uh pressed against this but you know jailing him i mean that's that's a pretty that's pretty serious stuff so i just thought we should pray for him you know pastor brian if i could mention one thing as it relates to what you're saying we talk a lot about our culture being one with moral relativism as a value i think that there's a shifting that's taking place where moral absolutism is on the rise now we can argue about how uh this culture best grounds their moral values but they are so absolute the emergent generation yeah uh these gen these gen z uh are the you know the millennials and uh the gen zers that if you don't agree you will be utterly canceled off so there's a new kind of guilt there's a new kind of morality and if you don't prescribe to it yeah you'll get canceled off and so it's interesting to see this change that the moral relativism it's okay under the as long as you prescribe to the moral absolutes yeah otherwise you're hosed man yeah yeah so it comes down to which moral absolutes are gonna win that's what it is it's no longer yes like you're saying bobby it's no longer relativism versus absolutism it's now just you know yeah and i mean it is you know it is a frightening element to it so father we pray for this this pastor lord you know this man and we just ask you to be with him we pray that you would strengthen his resolve we pray that you would give him your peace and your hope um we pray lord just that your will would be done i mean maybe he's the tip of the spirit to break something open in canada maybe he's you know paving the way for uh you know something else we don't know but we just ask for your grace and your mercy over him we pray for the authorities that have arrested and incarcerated him we pray that uh you would turn their hearts uh toward what is right and lord we pray if if there's areas where he's being unreasonable just completely then we pray that you would convict him about that too so we just want to lift the whole thing up to you lord we only know bits and pieces of it you know the whole thing so in jesus name we pray that your will would be done amen amen all right triple eight five six four six one seven three is our phone number and uh next we're gonna go to serge in hemet hello serge welcome to pastor's perspective you're on with brian broderson bobby conway and tony clark well thank you for spreading your ministry all over the east coast and everything since i travel a lot when i'm well great anyway i have a i have two quick question and a prayer request okay but i'm very i'm curious about something i want to ask brian perez if he's the voice of that commercial bob what are you doing oh allow me one more voicemail is that your voice doing no no no no okay that's our morning host bob okay and then uh and then uh brian brodeson depending on the year you're born you're only a week and a half younger than i am but that depends on the year you're born though okay well i might be a week and a half older than you you never know well i was born i was born december 26 30 minutes past midnight because i refused to be born on christmas day to compete with jesus okay well guys i don't know that it would really have been any competition but you know i was gonna say and i'm sure your mom appreciates having you in her belly for an extra day a half so what did you want to know for what did you want to know today serge oh okay i got a friend of mine i've known him since 1996 when i used to live in burbank and he came to visit and he was telling me that we should only concern herself with the book of paul that the all the other book you know peter john luke that all concerned to the israelis or jewish people and i agree with him that he was wrong and even my neighbor was pentecostal argued with him that he was wrong but he said in his ways and he figures we only should follow the book of paul so you mean the books that paul has written yeah okay well have you guys heard that argument before tony we'll start with you yeah you know uh the bible makes it clear in in second timothy 3 16 and 17 that all scripture is given by inspiration to god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for instruction and you know instructional righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly equipped onto every good work and so uh all scripture is for us to learn from glean from be convicted of and and and um and allowed to change our lives and so yes that was written by paul to timothy however um you can go to deuteronomy 4 2 uh you know that and or proverbs 30 verse 5 you know every word of god is pure um so it's throughout the bible that it's talking about how all of the word of god is for us and so i'd like to put it this way all scripture is not to us but it is for us um there's something that's specific for israel whatever but however we can still glean from some things that god has spoken to israel so it's not to us but it's definitely for us and so uh this is how i will answer that particular question uh that he's even putting paul above jesus he won't even study the words of jesus in the gospels he's just gonna stick to paul so that to me those are arguments that um that i'm just like come on now yeah bobby what would you add to that well i think that tony's spot on here's the problem with that argument paul wouldn't even agree with that argument because paul uh believed that there was such a thing as other disciples and he was being instructed from jesus and so paul was drawing on the old testament what paul uh what tony just talked about so if you could only learn from paul then paul shouldn't be telling us about jesus paul shouldn't be quoting the old testament paul shouldn't be talking about how there are other apostles paul should just be telling us about himself but paul did not believe in preaching himself but rather he believed in preaching christ crucified and he got this message from jesus and from the disciples and the apostles and from what was said in the old testament about the messiah to come bobby wasn't that um marcion wasn't he kind of the first uh person known in history to i mean that was pretty much his his position right he rejected all of the other uh teachers and he took paul and kind of you know just elevated the teachings of paul and um he you know rejected the god of the old testament said said the old testament god was a tribal god it was not the god and father of jesus and then rejected peter and james and john and wow the gospels and yeah so do you know your friends a couple thousand years late you know marcion was around a long time ago there's nothing new under the sun as they say yeah serge thank you for calling us today on pastor's perspective a reminder that today's program is going to be archived on youtube and spotify and uh what's the other one facebook so if you want to share the answer that we gave to you with your friend uh direct him to our facebook and youtube and spotify okay i was thinking about this the other day and we kind of talked about something like this a week ago do we have a pastor's perspective podcast yes do we we do every day it comes out every day yes well how did i not know that i don't know that's great okay good i love that i'm gonna check that out because i was thinking we should have a pastor's perspective podcast yes that we do have okay we do have we're we're maybe going to do a senior pastor moment right there yeah oh yeah plenty of those you know man cheryl and i together it's like boy we're getting to be an interesting children's livestream old [Laughter] yeah senior pastor moment right yeah so to get the uh the podcast just go to our website the website of our flagship radio station and over on the left hand side where it says programs you'll hover over that then it says podcasts you click on that and what it is is it's the 58-minute program that you hear during the day so it's not like its own standalone thing or it's it's a repeat yeah yeah but it is um it's from the daily broadcast it goes out every day yeah yeah good yeah great yeah glad to know that unless our podcast uploader guy is out sick or something i like podcasts i think they're really helpful really informative i listened to oh my gosh you know i listened to expositors collective which is a great podcast uh you know would put out by uh some close friends and they're part of our ministry um and today i've there's 153 i think uh episodes and today was the best episode of all because it was an an hour and 15 minute interview with my wife cheryl brotherson and i'll tell you it was such a fantastic interview talking up to her from the standpoint of her being a bible teacher and man it was just excellent there it is learning from spiritual mothers learning from spiritual mothers yeah that's it very cool all right you can go listen to that at expositors expositors is spelled i'm joking e-x-p-o-n-s-i-t-o-r-s collective dot com check it out all right back to the phones eight eight eight five six four six one seven three here is rosalind and samberdu you are on with brian broderson bobby conway and tony clark hello hello thank you you bet my question my question is about uh queen esther in the old testament how come how could mordecai her uncle who appears to have been a devout jew allow and persuade her to enter this beauty contest by this pagan king who probably it probably uh as as a part of the contest a sexual encounter with the king and if she was not chosen to be queen she would probably be held as one of his concubines i'm just having trouble with that whole idea okay bobby what would you say to roslyn about that i i understand the tension and it's a it's a good question i've taught through the book of esther chapter by chapter and as i'm thinking through the book right now first off we know that god raised esther up for such a time as this so there's a couple things number one we don't know uh we don't know that there was any sexual impropriety uh though your point is well taken uh that that that that could have been kind of the case but we do see her virtue uh and uh and so when you consider her virtue in the book uh it would make me think that they're you know obviously that that that's that that's not the case when he just goes in on that first glance or she first goes in on that first glance uh i would say the the jewish people were in deep trouble god was raising her up for such a time as this to be used as a deliverer and let's just say and guys come in on this for me here because i'm trying to recall if mordecai had a choice in sending esther um my memory is not calling uh recalling right off the bat if or if she was gonna have to just go anyway if it was mordecai who sent or mordecai who just gave the blessing because if it was him just given the blessing then to not let her go could have been problematic as well so i'll just need clarity because i just don't recall that detail off the top of my head but either way i would say let's say mordecai sends her and god and his goodness and god in his grace has a way of just working through things and even if it was inappropriate that she went into this beauty contest it doesn't mean that god uh didn't work through any impropriety that could have taken place that we might not be aware of that wasn't recorded that's just the way god is i mean you think about joseph's brothers and man they send joseph off yet he becomes the one to rescue uh you know his family uh in that situation moses he ends up murdering somebody but yet god raises him up to rescue uh you know his people out of egypt so we never should think that somebody has to have this pristine character to be used by god in a particular dire situation if it means god's people need to be delivered god will use what he needs to use but let's re will you guys refresh my memory on that detail off the top of my head i can't remember about um what what part about mordecai was mordecai did he did he have to send esther in or did he just willingly send her in that's what i was trying to remember because that would have changed the direction of the way i answered the question yeah i don't think the text says one way or the other um you know and again i think everything you said i think it's really good bobby and it's you know it's true and and like you said also you know i i mean and i think more recent um voices have talked about you know like maybe the the probability of a sexual encounter for esther with the king um but again that's that's ambiguous in the text you know there's you're going to assume certain things uh and maybe they're correct assumptions but the text doesn't say that that is what happened but remember i mean the jews are um they have been now in the land i mean this is in the persian kingdom so the babylonian kingdom 70 years has passed you know all kinds of uh jews made a decision to stay among the persians and not even go back to the land of israel so i don't think you would expect them to be like this stellar spiritual you know super strong committed group of people at the time necessarily you know they they had mingled with the other peoples and they probably had adopted a lot of the ways but it didn't stop god from working because he had a plan to work out i just i literally just read esther a couple days ago and the thing that struck me about esther was more mordecai himself how we often think of joseph and daniel as the standout you know people in a foreign court who god uses in these extraordinary ways and mordecai was right in that group you know the the position that he held in the persian empire was equivalent to the position daniel held in the babylonian empire and joseph held in the egyptian empire so um you know but but he doesn't you know obviously yeah i mean and obviously i mean everybody knows who studied the book of esther the the question is how come the how come god is never mentioned in the book and although god has never mentioned god is assumed i think in the book of esther absolutely all right uh rosalind thank you for your phone call today on pastor's perspective let's go to kim in virginia you are on with brian broderson bobby conway and tony clark hello hey guys um i have a question about um some training that my hospital is mandating for all staff they are mandating lgbtq and soji so sexual orientation general gender identity training for all staff um kind of to i guess improve how we communicate to patients etc if we were to it's or being you know sensitive to how they would like to be spoken to and i'm just i've i haven't taken it yet um and i know a few other christians that i work with there's just some strong spiritual uh hesitancy and so i was just wondering what you guys would say to that yeah bobby we'll start with you what do you tell kim this is this is a hard time we're living in right now as christians um this is this coercive training um that that we're being put into um you know we've talked about uh on the program before the critical race theory like you know and i like that we have tony on because he can come along as a compliment i think he would would agree as well i mean obviously the sentiment black lives matter is really huge but uh the critical race theory it there's some things that you can learn from it but where it has some marxism stuff we need to be discerning as christians and so there's stuff that when you start getting these these types of training that's mandated that assumes every person is a racist or every person you know is a homophobe and they need to go through this type of training this can be tough stuff um i think this is going to be on an individual basis right here you're going to have to pray i'm thinking what would i do if i was in a situation well because i'm a christian apologist i would be curious to go through the training not because i would be thinking i'm going to buy into the training but because i'm going to be aware of what's happening what kind of training is happening and then i'm going to be able to you know figure out how to help people to not you know fall into this but not everybody's wired that way some people could get sucked right into this and then so if you if you're strong as a christian and you know what the bible has to say and you're ready to defend the truth great you might decide you'll go through it and say hey i'll take what i can learn about sensitivity stuff and how i can be compassionate without changing my theological worldview the danger is that some people will change their entire theological worldview uh in order to appease their company and so this is gonna be some stuff that's gonna vary from person to person i think tony would say you yeah i agree with that um yeah you know um let every man be persuaded in his own mind the bible says and so some people like bobby they will go through this training there are others that it will bother their conscience if they went through the training and so you don't do it so some believers will who have a more apologetic bent to them and want to see how they can preach christ to that community and then some will say no that would really bother me if i go so you just gotta be convinced in your own mind i would say a lot more but we only got two minutes left but but i'm curious kim um is this i mean did you say it's mandatory so are you being forced to do this and if you you'll lose your job if you don't do it is that what they're saying um so i don't think i don't i'm not sure i think i have a friend who's written to our manager and said she's had some strong opposition to this um and they're in communication but i'm i wouldn't be surprised if it would come with some repercussions yeah right what's your what's your personal inclination here um so i mean i work with i mean i'm completely immersed at this hospital there's it's it's completely completely there so the things i'm exposed to at work i hear how they speak and what they're talking about and their their couples and their lives and so um i try to vision as my mission field and so there's a bunch of us christian people there and so i'm thinking maybe we just need to have like a watch party maybe more of us together instead of one one alone watching and maybe we can bounce it off biblically that sort of a thing um but yeah yeah is it like a like an online training that you've just gotta sit through and then yeah right yeah yeah i think a watch party watch party sounds like a good idea actually what's my pastor just get everybody together all the men and women let's see what they're trying to push yeah i mean you know in some ways you can pretty much guess you know they're you know they want this total acceptance and they want uh total acceptance in the sense that they don't want anybody to say that you know i don't agree with your lifestyle they want everybody to agree and to celebrate and you know that's that's just never going to happen um i mean that is um but at the same time you know that's the world you're in those are the people you work with you already navigate it it sounds like and it sounds like you navigated just fine this isn't going to tell you this isn't going to i don't think it's going to do anything except like bobby said it's just going to kind of give you their sort of apologetic for you know why you should do this but yeah but it is a tough one and like we we've said i mean this is where it comes down to individual conscience and i think it you know each one needs to be fully persuaded uh for themselves what they should do yeah kim thanks for your question today on the pastor's perspective program and that's all the time we have we'll be back tomorrow at 3 p.m pacific time join us then call us then if you're on hold sorry that we couldn't get to your call today call us about uh seven minutes before the phone lines uh before the program begins that's when the phone lines open 888-564-6173 thanks to tony clark pastor of calvary chapel newport news in virginia dr bobby conway the author and apologist from the one minute apologist channel on youtube and also brian broderson who today became our latest subscriber to the pastor's perspective podcast be like brian you subscribe too we trust you've been blessed and had your question answered join us monday through friday and follow us on facebook at pastor's perspective the preceding was sponsored by calvary chapel costa mesa california you
Channel: K-Wave Radio
Views: 2,708
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: kwve, kwve 107.9, kwve pastors, calvary chapel, calvary chapel chino hills, calvary chapel ontario, calvary chapel golden springs, calvary chapel costa mesa, calvary global network, calvary chapel association, brian brodersen, cheryl brodersen, chuck smith, pastor chuck smith, jesus people, god, christian, christianity, protestant, catholic, religion, kwve-fm, kwve 107.9 fm, bobby conway, one minute apologist, jesus
Id: 5vY_aYbyrjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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