Kay meets... Jacob Rees-Mogg

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Why is it that the first thing I see in this interview is the knife rack on the wall behind them and fixate on it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlcoholicSmurf 📅︎︎ May 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
Jacob Riis log thanks very much indeed for welcoming into your beautiful home and sort of reminds me of checkers I hope goodness well I've only been to checkers once and that was when Ted Heath was Prime Minister when we were picking up my father who had a meeting with him and as I was about three at the time I didn't have very good I will maybe you'll find out in a little bit more detail as the years progressed I read an a label in The Guardian actually about you the other day saying hard bricks it's socially a liberal Tory how do you feel about that well if you go into politics people will label you The Times will be putting a splendid label on you and the magazine's don't you think this is the flotsam and jetsam oh yeah public life and sometimes you think people have a point in sometimes you think they've missed something why did you go into politics why did I get politics I think that if you are you know Peter who is the most distinguished 24-hour news would take over the interview but we've better why did he go into polish why they go into politics I think if you've been fortunate in life there is an element of public service that is important and you don't to go into public service if they can't underneath they have the opening to go into it which I found that I did but also I find it extremely interesting the ESU is in front of the country are very important ones and if I can make a contribution I feel that I should know that many people wish I didn't make contribution but some people think that I can and I think it's worth making you describe yourself as a man of the people but you said it in Latin I said vox populi vox bearing the voice in people's voice with God and I've always been very suspicious upon Editions who pretend that they can be everyman we are all individuals and we all have our own concerns hopes fears view of the world and we can have empathy with other people's but we can't be other people's and you certainly can't be 2 3 4 10 million people's view of the world so what you have to do is set out your store as to what you believe in what you think you represent and see if that appeals to people and see if you can have an understanding of how what you believe in can help people improve their lives and achieve what they want to achieve in their life what's politics about and I think fundamentally conservative politics is about helping people to lead the lives they want to lead and taking obstacles out of their way and to do that you need to have empathy but you don't need to pretend in a bogus way that you are leading exactly the same life as everybody else because actually we all need different lives talk about empathy we looked at your 13 record where are we on hunting on fox hunting it's a question of how best you keep the Fox population under control which is as high as it's ever been as far as I'm aware and there are various measures of doing that you can track your trapping is very risky because you might trap on other animals by mistake and shooting is fine as long as you're a very good shot but a wounded fox is in very considerable pain so it's a question of do you believe that the Fox population should be kept down at all and if you don't then it makes sense to be against all these forms of control if you're not against that then why do the pesky little blighters but I wouldn't you know I wouldn't ride a horse and and have hands in front of them and I'm going route them to this it's a question of pest control you I'm afraid in the position of willing the end but not willing the means okay but I don't think this is a political issue of our time no no but I don't I don't think the law will not change okay do you want to be Prime Minister no I like being a member of parliament Northy sunset well plus what I don't like is the right word I think as trees are made us it is a matter of duty the Prime Minister does it out of serious-minded duty and I think that's the right approach to high government office but I am very happy being a member of parliament for North East homicide which is essentially always been the summit of my ambition and very pleased to support treason as Prime Minister but if you go into public service is what what you were talking about previously and if you're in a privileged background and and the best way to then pass sort and some of those skills is to go into public service surely the natural transition is to go as high up that ladder as you can go not necessarily there are other people who are doing their jobs extremely well you don't want change for changes sake well for concern cabinet the answer that is and I'm not going to be the trees mate asked this question and then it gave her the longest fit of the giggles I think she's had the whole time she's been Prime Minister so I don't any point in wanting things that's simply not going to happen she's not Prime Minister anymore when they should be Prime Minister phenomenon a new hallelujah all men I'm not sure that she can unless she's immortal or indeed mr. Cobb he might have a different view but if she wouldn't even when she isn't Prime Minister anymore would you like to move up into higher office I'm very happy doing what I'm doing I love being in the Parliament for North East Somerset terrific and and who would want to change will sacrifice up but if you don't have a shot at it do you not think you would have failed and you're in your role as a politician no I think being a member of parliament is a fulfilling of all political ambition love living in darkness straight I don't think that's the thing to consider do you think they would please me with big guns either under the road well we used to have thanks we were the American Embassy is very near where we live in London but now that's all gone so the good children have seen the police with the large guns and all of that particular excitement no I did a proper reason for wanting higher office what do you think of trees me I'm a great supporter person that I think she's a very remarkable person she has amazing qualities she is incredibly dutiful that she beautiful okay she's beautiful I don't think it would be suitable to comment in that direction she gets on with it and it can't have been easy time since the election and yet she puts her head down and gets on with her work and I think that's admirable she deals with difficulties coming in from all sides and copes with them her response to the poisoning in Salisbury by the Russians was an incredible act of statesmanship getting so many countries to agree to expel Russian diplomats so now I think she is a formidable leader with great abilities and that's why I'm supporting her and supporting her and what she has promised to do if the Prime Minister betrays the customs union in your opinion do you think there will be enough people right into the 1922 committee in order to potentially have her removed from office I trust the Prime Minister she herself question no I know it's not your question but she has said on so many occasions that she will takes after customs union it was in the Conservative Party manifesto that is the platform on which this country is being governed it's bizarre to think that she would retreat from that promise so what if she does well I don't think she's going to and I actually understand why you're asking me the question but as soon as I start saying about that it indicates that I think she may and I don't think she will I think the Prime Minister is going to stick to what she has promised the British people do my pathetic calls on that one hypothetical is always fascinating but I don't want to in a hypothetical sentence give a hypothetical view that I hypothetically were in supporting Prime Minister in fact I do support but if she did not hypothetically do would you be one of the people that would write to the 1922 committee to say she's our Maria my general view is that the Conservative Party when it does that sort of thing when it has periodic effects causes self more problems than solutions that the Margaret Thatcher instance is the best case in point and that left the party damaged for 30 years so I would not want people to be writing to Graham Brady so Graham Brady I didn't know wise because in channel 9 particularly I didn't know be a wise course of action who is the Labour Prime Minister that you would most compare yourself to the Labour Prime Minister's I most compare myself to that's a report repeated the question because you're getting time to think about it are you I knew time to time to think about it because it's not a question I've ever been asked well there we go and it's a sort of process of elimination I suppose I'm not very like Ramsay MacDonald I suppose the one I would most like to be like is Clement Attlee I like stylistically his very calm and considered approach I admire the political skill of Howard Wilson but you could view him as being a little bit slippery some people do Jim Callahan wasn't an enormous successes Prime Minister Tony Blair I think Tony Blair out of office is the reason why one wouldn't want to be compared to Tony Blair even more than Tony Blair in office Mike I think his post office excursions and trips around the world - not the most savory regimes on a profit-making basis has not enhanced his reputation he's lighting his pocket regimes that are in your words not mine but III think that some of his associations are unfortunate considering the high offices make sure one December ticket well some of the countries has been inviting but let's move on because we have left out golden blonde where I think they're coming to him the reverse is true of Gordon Brown I think Gordon Brown has behaved with enormous dignity out of office whereas in office I one doesn't know but he never gave the impression of really enjoying being in office so I think I come down to Clement Attlee by process of elimination which of your principals are you most prepared to compromise it's a really interesting question because it gets to the heart of politics that politics is about recognizing at the only point in being in it is because of principles because of what you want to do but that principles can run you into a brick wall in the end so I think it's important to have principles to set them out to be clear to the electorate as to what they are but to recognize that you cannot take your principles endlessly to their logical conclusion because you may end up doing harm at the end of the process when is abortion ever acceptable it is never listed what about when the mother's life is at risk then it's not question of abortion this is a lot of common misunderstandings in sooth Catholic Church the duty of the physician is to preserve life and if the preserving of the mother's life means that the child's life cannot be preserved that is something that may happen and that can obviously happen if the gestation period is is very low and the mother needs emergency treatment and has never been any issue with that it's one of those things that people miss conceived for teaching of the Catholic Church what about when a mother again I'm choosing my words carefully just took them and what about when a mother has found herself in a position where she didn't want to be pregnant I mean that is obviously ignoring the life of the new baby that there is a child then to be considered the mother's life it's not at risk under those circumstances what about the will of the mother and the fact that she has found herself in a position where she has not chosen to be pregnant she has found herself in a position where he/she is pregnant with someone who she might not even know you've got to think about the new life as well as the older life there are two lives that's the point did your wife agree with you on even starts my wife have you discussed it oh not you do tell have um congratulate ADRA's Davidson on my recent to happy news oh I meant to write where I haven't yet done it I think it's wonderful news it's absolute joyous news I love the statement that was reported that she said she couldn't keep it secret because she was sick so I just want to tell everybody which is exactly what I felt when all my children have been on their way and there's the Peregrine you're not allowed to say and district' orders and I've always found that very hard and when Ruth Davidson said that I thought I know exactly what you mean I think it's a wonderful happy news and the new life always is um potentially goes a little against your religious beliefs new life is always good news potentially goes a little so it doesn't no no yo yo yo you're confusing things the church is always in favor of new life there is a new baby this is wonderful news and you sold this is terrific there's no problem with that sit up you're going back to what happened to create that new life that doesn't matter there is now a new life and that is of overwhelming importance and a matter of great joy and I read recently as I was preparing for the interview that you would have been described as a member for the 18th century does that sting a little bit I can't say more so that's a no so is this all great fun I see no harm in that the 18th century isn't actually the best time of pond it's a rather closed and corrupt pond at that point with a lot of jobari and you know pointment friends and neighbors to enrich members of parliament that's the glorious time the palm and two best times the 17th through 19th century should Trump be allowed to address both houses of parliament oh look our relationship with the United States is our most important foreign relationship and whoever the person is United States is it is in our interest to truthfully of the greatest respect in courtesy and if that's what mr. Trump wants to do yes of course it would be sensible to lay out the reddest of red carpets for him that he is a major I we have so many interests in common so if so if he wants to address both houses of parliament he should be allowed to notice you should know we want to make the Welcome as warm as possible that our relationship with the United States is a fond enough importance to our national interest and if you offend the American president you don't just defend the president individually you actually offend a lot of Americans even if they don't like that president because it's seen as an offense to the country in the same way that if people offend the Queen that people of the United Kingdom take that as an offense and it's different where you're head of government and head of state is is the same strong women in your life well my wife very much Nally my mother my agent a lot you surround yourself by strong women with strong women I greatly admire strength in individuals whether men or women I think strong characters with backbone are interesting to be around that's why it's such a pleasure you're here if I may say so laughs you'll get you nowhere tell me about nany oh no he's wonderful nany has been with the family I think for 52 years 53 years in September she brought me up as well as my four siblings and is now looking after my six children they've joined weeks if she's not here at the weekends and she was the most wonderful kind generous person what would not anything about some of the things that Donald Trump has said about women um well she probably didn't wash his mouth out with carbonic sake but I didn't should actually do it because she's too gentle she never has been one for physical punishment but I think that might be her reaction some of these did you say it's got your childhood to me oh I long to childhood I was very lucky that I spent a lot of it in summer search look like my children I spent went to school in London day school in Long who never singsong said weekends and holidays and so I had a really joyful childhood I couldn't be luckier is it true that in 1981 you turned up at the annual general meeting of gec yes tell me what happened was long ago I think I thought the dividends would be higher and I asked a question saying that I faltered evidential Bihar and and the dividend wasn't made any harm have any effect did you see that as a body blow at the tongue no no I didn't think they would respond immediately but my father was on the board mother he was yes but I had some shares in GC and I thought I had the right to shareholding Lauren asked for a bigger dividend President's Club dinner um in your role outside Parliament you may have attended events like that how would you react you had witnessed the sort of behavior that had been listen it only frightful stuff sure I know who implements like that I know I just never have I've never thought that so you so people that went would have known what they were getting themselves into I don't know what people knew or not but I'm a terrible stuffed shirt I've never thought how would you know to stay away from that those sort of ends I never got invited to square I get invited to events with political speakers you travel all over the country don't you do associations somebody told me the other day you would go to the opening of an envelope I dress a lot of conservative say sessions because the backbone of Conservative Party is the local party with people doing the hard work stuffing the envelopes not just opening them delivering the leaflets knocking on the doors the other ones who do the hard work to help you like me elected and I think they deserve support and thanks for what they do that's an odd raffle and thanks for that fundraising whoever success what do you do if you won would you put it back and let someone else win the prize depends what the prize is I I won a box of The Milk Tray the other week which I did keeps I like milkshake my wife was a pool she thought this was not giving it back but the orange creams are the best ones I think your favorite okay and what about when you go to events like you did at the University where those guys in the masks were really rather unpleasant I believe in freedom of speech and if freedom of speech sometimes is against me that's part of freedom of speech you've got intimidated I was intimidated watching it no no they weren't going to hit me they just wanted to shock and they didn't want to engage in any discussion what scares you I never learned to jump through the window I suppose I might be lazy I've just come back from Africa more likely though I do that I'm not particularly highly strong did I just hear you're rude lady touch then well that was momentarily invisible that was asked what makes you laugh apart from yourself Oh lots of things the 18th century Drake book it always sought someone fellating century Jake burger and the dregs are so terrible that they're funny I asked her i heard that she said BBC hospitality yes but they don't have an ear anymore you didn't even get a cup of coffee when you get the news not anymore [Laughter] how do you relax with the family oh very easy I mean we you play ball games you play Monopoly Trivial Pursuit yeah we've been playing the Downton Abbey board game with one of my son's was given for his birthday I get bullied into playing cookies by to happen to know the songs my two-year-old wants to go in the car and get up and down the drive and would do that all day long given the opportunity and hook the horn so there are lots of things to do with my children I'm very lucky I've got six wonderful children and spending time then is life's great joy quickfire round to end here we go you ready I'm never ready for these no help from the wings okay Chateaubriand and depends who's made it if it's nannies cottage pie but if I March I'd rather have a chef in real sweatpants or slacks neither what instead proper trousers guacamole or mushy peas Oh neither both disgusting little or waitress because who's pay if I'm paying baby littles cheaper Beatles or the Rolling Stones well the rating stones but purely because of who breaks but PI upon a wheel my father's piece in defense of mechag with was helps the most important piece my father wrote Oh McGregor was imprisoned for a line of drugs offense but I don't over and my father wrote a piece about this and which I was duly released it was in late 1960s and because of that association I would choose the railing stone so this is not really comment on their music so I'm not fit to comment quarry or EastEnders Dallas if I have to but husband dates are loans Dallas did you guess who'd shot jr. before no I don't need to do it yeah it was obvious but then I'm a woman and I you know I would you know hell hath no fury like a woman scorned you know trust me on this it was Sue Ellen sister wasn't it yes it's car no no can't remember name all right it's exciting the Edit yeah sky news or arrival father any rivals to Sky News welcome again and what's your go-to karaoke song I don't do karaoke do you know I'm known you know I can't see I can't couldn't carry a tune in a bucket but I would still but what I've had got enough champagne inside me I'll sing that's life
Channel: Sky News
Views: 514,820
Rating: 4.7364798 out of 5
Keywords: Kay Burley, Kay Burley meets, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Rees-Mogg, interview, somerset, MP, conservative, brexit, skynews, news, report, exclusive, UK, England, politics, chat, EU, Europe, European Union, Sky News, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, David Davis, Theresa May, COMMONS, CABINET, BORIS JOHNSON, SKY, BREAKING
Id: Xb02qLbBKxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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