Jacob Rees-Mogg's best moments

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So who's more punchable, Boris, Farage, or Rees-Mogg?

A tough decision, I know...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/snogglethorpe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
and this amendment says what we are skeptics have been saying all along that the European Union produces its laws in a form of goggle D Guk of stentorian sesquipedalian sentences that nobody can ever understand and therefore when it's brought into British law it should be brought into British law in a form that requires a plain English translation I like reading in the newspapers that I've suddenly become a soft touch frankly it's true in so many ways I do whatever my children tell me that is like and they're all staunch or a skeptics but but this session is hardly began it is in its infancy it's like Sixtus my newborn son it is still it is still in the mewling and puking stage it has not reached the stage of toddling and walking and taking bold steps and I'm afraid to say that this of course I'll give a final judgement does he not agree when you raise a child one must try and instruct that child on good behavior from the very beginning and not let it misbehave early on and so therefore our role is surely to make sure the government does not misbehave early on noble gentleman is a harsher authoritarian than I am I think the strict discipline of a child you had a fortnight old would be reasonable by any standards and I I think well I'm just glad I'm not in Virginia's household that's all I could say mr. speaker what would you and your fellow colleagues do if the Prime Minister went down this route of trying to do some sort of deal with the Labour leadership to get the deal through well first of all thank you for a question from LBC if you listen between six and seven will be very welcome those kippers I can assure the honourable lady were absolutely delicious they were eaten by my right honourable friend with gusto so Murray speaker could I really welcome the elite of the house to his position because certainly the Liberal Democrats we couldn't want for a better recruiting sergeant for us than him as we set up a contest between Victorian values and Liberal Democrat values Mr Speaker I may be a better recruiting sergeant for the Lib Dems and the Honourable gentleman is but I fear that may not be a very difficult task take a pre smog Thank You mr. Deputy Speaker when I was a child I had a mug on it which had the wonderful and famous lines let the wealthy and great role in splendor and state I envied them not I declare it I eat my own lamb I am chicken and ham I share my own fleece and I wear it I have lawns I have Bowers I have fruits I have flowers the Lark is my morning alarm er so jolly boys now let God speed the plow and long life and success to the farmer the issue with Erskine man he it is available online for free now I understand that opposition members view themselves as modern and cutting edge and thrusting and that therefore going online may not be too problematic for them even I can do it occasionally myself and if they don't want to do that well and the asking may proper addition is available for 400 pounds and may prove a good investment the issue I took it they took me some time I'm a bit slow really it took me some time to realize it's in the Communist Party because it was pretty sound on the European issue though my right honourable friend the Prime Minister has said he views prera Gatien as an archaic mechanism and does not wish to see archaic mechanisms used as I am [Music] as as I am now bound by collective responsibility that is now also my purview the requirement not to be rude about judges only applies to judges in this country it does not apply to judges in the European Union so let me mr. Deputy Speaker be rude about them let me indulge in the flocks in knocking near him a pillow fication of judges of the european union let me quote from the Book of Amos about judges of the European Union for we know their manifold transgressions and they're mighty sins they have flicked the just they take a bribe they turn aside the poor and the gates from their right these are the judges of the European Union Her Majesty's Government is right to stand up to them they do not deserve their money and it is iniquitous iniquitous that they have allowed themselves to be judges in their own cause it is a breach of justice it ought to be criminal what this debate was really all about wasn't the form of words that were used wasn't even the split infinitive that Her Majesty's opposition put in Samaria and they it was actually about seeking to reject the decision that was made by the British people on the 23rd of June that he has stated it but I think not established it this is a fundamental philosophical debate but that would be an argument fundamentally on the base in some ways I feel that Christmas has come early because here we are with three hours to debate parliamentary procedure one of my favorite activities indeed I look forward to estimating in Somerset and talking with my family about all the intricacies of and Standing Orders so I feel in many ways fortunate you
Channel: The Sun
Views: 1,100,718
Rating: 4.7749629 out of 5
Keywords: The Sun, news, breaking news, brexit, theresa may, uk, uk politics, politics, brexit deal, deal, no deal, eu, europe, european union, may, prime minister, britain, backstop, hard brexit, soft brexit, WTO, world trade organisation, EFTA, vote, Jacob rees-mogg, funny, jrm, jacob rees-mogg house of commons, house of commons, commons, moments, best jacob rees mogg, quotes, speech, interview
Id: Wc9b08J2KrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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